(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Catherine, piyo & Whitelady..

tonight i let my alarm clock rings and zorian crawl towards it.. very fast.. also when he saw my spec, he also crawl towards it.. so see if you want to give it a try.. but my alarm clock pretty soft.. not those loud type.. kekee..

Hi Doris..

Zorian will have this cereal in the morning follow by porridge for lunch and dinner.. sometimes he will make lots of noise when we feed him.. so i just make some milk for him.. once he had his milk, he will happily take his cereal or porridge.. my mil says it is 'ni gian' (in hokkien)

hi White_lady & augustmum,

thanks for the offer.. i go consolidate and pm you again okie.. thanks soooo muchie.. me very bad in that..

RE : Swimming float

I saw something similar to smurf@zoh at Kiddy palace, JP.. it also has a tree acting like a shade.. but not too sure if it is wat mommies are looking for..

Your Elysia's in now! Hee. . .


Thanks for your compliment!!
I did not use any special software to do this collate, used powerpoint only la. If you dun xian qi can use for birthday cake oso. Thanks for compliment on Jay oso, told him just now and he seems like understand lo, keep laughing!!! ha. . . except for Augbaby, mummies who wants this collate please PM me your email. Thanks.
wa lao mummies...today i've been out whole day so tired. now free quickly log in, so many postings read till "hei hei chuan"

piyo & doris,
the no bump hat costs 41.50, it won't come off even when baby tug at it bcos there's a tie to keep it in place. i find it pretty good, at least now when i put her on playmat(which i find too thin) dun have to worry abt her bumping her head.

kris & piyo,
then we can shop for both our own & aug bb bday bash deco...maybe wanna wait till all of us had contributed for the party 1st? piyo, what do u think?

re: bow leg
my friend also mentioned, saying i should try to discourage denise from standing and walking too early to prevent becoming bow legged. but how to stop an enthusiastic baby from doing what she wants? it's her legs we are talking about leh...so i just left it be lor...anyway if they are ready then so be it. life is too short to worry so much rite
Can I know what's your baby's meal schedule? How much cereal and porridge you give (eg, half of our rice bowl or what)? Not sure if I am giving Jay too little as he's only taking 3 milk and 2 solid feed now? Jay's schedule as follows:-
8-9am - BM 6OZ
11-12pm - porridge 5-6OZ (I use the milk bottle to pour water into the baby bowl for first time measurement)
2-3pm - BM 6OZ
5-6pm - cereal 6OZ
7:30-8:30 - fruits/yoghurt
9-10pm - FM 6OZ

cocomo, tks.... can send to me at [email protected]

My Elysia's schedule as follows:-
8am - Milk 6oz
11-12pm - porridge (1 adult bowl)
3-4pm - Milk 4-5oz
6-7pm - porridge
9pm - Milk 4oz (1 adult bowl)
12am - Milk 6oz
Interval in the afternoon will give biscuits/fruits.
recently she's not really interested eating cereal in the morning..so will change to 2x porridge..
Thanks. . .wah your girl can eat a lot le, adult bowl very big le!! Your girl stay up till 12am or your feed her while she's sleeping?
my trip to BKK is quite smooth.. on our flight there ashley was taking her milk while taking off & slept thru till landing.. back flight she oso slept thru.. i guess cos nothing to do on the flight ba.. haha.. but food is a problem cos she refused to eat the bottled food i brought over.. so is milk all the way plus some rice & fruits from the hotel buffet lor.. lucky her stomach ok ley.. haha.. my parents went with me so still not so tedious la.. still can shop & massage

ur feeding schedule is perfect.. my gal can never finished her 6oz milk.. oso 3 milk feed.. my schedule is similar as urs.. jux dat she don have a fix waking time.. 11-1pm will be porridge & she never finish oso.. after dat will be milk.. then yoghurt.. then snack here & ther.. her snack will be fruits.. or rice when i having my meal.. then milk again..

quite headache cos she don seem to like the porridge i prepare but loves to eat wat i m eatng..
ya lor... surprise rite? me too.. if dun give fast, she will look at me and scream.. haha.. sometimes i tease her like pretending eating her porridge, she so gan cheong.. haha.. for cereal, she not interested liao.. haha.. maybe my porridge r nice.. haha.. in fact quite proud of myself can cook nice porridge for my bb.. v v happy seeing her finish my porridge..btw my mum also wan me to drag her milk time after porridge..
forgot to ask u how to make 6oz cereal? i tried to make 4oz.. turns out so big bowl & got to add a lot of cereal ley.. how to make the porridge delicious ah?
rachel, cocomo,
ya lor.. its true... a big bowl cereal ley...can finish?
i only use 2oz milk mixed with cereal.. become half cup.. she can finish...
my ger bedtime is standard liao.. 9-9.30pm sleep... as she's sleepin in yaolan.. so ard 12am+ will carry her to her bed, then also feed her milk lor.. ;-)
tks cocomo...
the collage looks v v v nice! wow.. so many Aug babies...
My Bb Elysia is 19 Aug.. any baby same day? manage to noe Bb Denise is 18 Aug..v near my ger's birthdate. haha...
Hi cocomo,

Mr girl's feeding schedule is
730am- 8am : 7oz milk
830am - 9am : 3 oz cereals
12pm : 2 cube (60ml) fruit puree
12:30 - 1pm : 1 adult rice bowl porriage
4 - 4:30pm : 7 oz milk
7pm : 2 cube (60ml) fruit puree
7:30pm - 1 adult rice bowl porriage
9:30pm - 7 oz milk
Hi cocomo,
I Pm you liao!

My girl's feeding schedule is
5.30-6am: direct latch BM

7am- 7.15am : 6 tblespoon Healthy Times cereals mixed with 1-2OZ EBM (half bowl) and/or fruit puree

8am - 8.30am : 5 oz EBM

11 - 11.30am : 4 oz EBM

12:30 - 1pm : 8 tblespoon white rice/grinded brown rice with sweet potato/carrots/spinach and ngor hee/cod fish(v little) and millet/lecithin grandules (about 3/4bowl)

3.30 - 4pm : 5oz EBM

5-6pm - 6-8 tblespoon white rice/grinded brown rice with sweet potato/carrots/spinach and ngor hee/cod fish(v little) and millet/lecithin grandules (about 3/4bowl)

8 - 8.30pm: 5OZ EBM

Megan wakes up very early like 5.30am and drink milk from me won't sleep liao...and her bed time is about 8.30-8.45pm.. almost fixed liao..Feeding her is like a battlefield.. can take so long like 45mins (heard from my maid) and must use toys and things to "pian4" her, divert attention away then food and milk will go in... milk bottle worse, once the teat comes out of her mouth must pian very hard to get it back in...
In the afternoon in-bet feeds/meals, will sometimes gif her snacks like biscuits/yoghurt/fruit puree.
Hi mummies,
Do you let your babies crawl on the floor? so far, I have restricted her to crawling on the playmat cos I worry she will knock her head and face flat on the floor tiles..

last night for the 1st time, I let her crawl out of the playmat towards me.. along the way, her face occasionally will touch the floor tiles...now thinking wanna continue let her do that

Hi Fio,
I think I am asking a stupid qn but if the bump hat reduces bumps on the head, do u think in a way it helps reduces the face touching the floor cos the hat should touch the floor 1st? you know what I saying... hope I not making you blur...

Hi Smurf,
guess can't get this liao since you got it from BKK but it's really nice! I like the shade!

Hi Kris,
really? you saw something like Smurf's flat in Kiddy? me go and c this weekend...Thanks!
Hi august mum,
Thanks! Let me go select some nice pics of megan then I email you? Can gif me your email addy?? many many thanks!!! buy you lollipop next time :p

Hi rachel,
we thinking of bringing Megan out to Bkk or Hong Kong etc but worry about the flight to and fro..

Hi Jesline,
Which software did you download from?

Hi Fio & Kris,
Ya, how about once we settle this bash then we go source out the deco together? should be quite soon! what themes are you looking for?
hi mummies,
re: feeding schedule
8.30am: 5 to 6oz of milk
11.30/12pm: 1 bowl of porridge
3pm: 5 to 6oz of milk
6.30pm: 2-2.5 milk scoops of cereal + 120ml of milk
8.30pm: 4oz of milk
12midnight/1am: 6 to 7oz of milk
Hi ladies
It has been a long time since I log in. Busy and no mood to log in. My Kayden is sick from last Sat until now. He is down will cough and running nose. Went to see doctor twice. Now he is much better. Still will cough once in a while and a bit of running nose. At the same time his right front and side teeth is growing makes him very cranky these few days. He refused to drink his milk..only half.. Now at least can finish three quarter. Luckily he still wants his porridge. He doesn't want to drink water from his bottle. He only want to drinks from his cup.. and he rejected his pacifier. Futhermore, letting him drink his med is a battle. Every day use all sorts of ways to let him drink his med. Like I use his apple to lure him open his mouth. Then let him eat a bit of apple first, then quickly squeeze in the med.. subsquently let him eat the apple again...and he rather dun eat his apple... It has been a long week for me.. Kayden's tummy look smaller and face also less bah now after this 1 wk. So heartpain to see him lose weight. Now he taking this med for the 5th day (by second doctor)... His condition has improved a lot but how come still now totally cured?? Should I bring him to see the same doc again?? or just let him continue with the med?? Any opinion. Update his weight 9.75kg.. For gathering I can't confirm yet.. Will let u all know.

Hi cocomo,
Nice collage.. A lot of work rite..
oh dear..how kayden will be feeling better soon..wat i feel is that since the med from the 2nd doc seems to be working, then continue it lor..coz no point switching so many docs coz u need time for the med to work...take gd care of yrself at this time okie...dun worry abt his weight now..when he is better, he can gain bk the weight..

Jay feeding schedule is this:
9am 5oz FM
12pm 3oz FM
1.30pm 3 tablespoon of rice cereal with 1 cube of fruits and then follow by 2oz of FM
5pm 1 bowl of nor hee porridge follow by 1 cube of fruits
6pm 3oz of FM
10pm 5oz of FM
11.15pm 3oz of FM
hi mummies,
am thinking of getting a kids bag from babejoy. thye are having 15% this month. was thinking if we get a few, then can use the $20 voucher so will be cheaper. anyone wants to get?
hi honeyhaven,
hm... so ur Kayden these few days not sleepin in air-con room rite? cos not advisable to sleep in air-con. I think u hav to monitor for few more days and see how first.. as his condition is better liao.. think the teethin period also does a part ..
haha..i m like u too... kiasee mum.. seldom put her crawl on the floor cos my Elysia not firm in crawlin ley.. but once a while i try to put her crawl..of cos will capsized..haha.. she lost her balance and gentle knocked on her head.. think she's abt shocked that this will happen, so cried a while.. but i laugh.. cos her expression so cute..(bad mum rite?)haha.. jus kept tellin her becareful.. mummy beat beat the floor, notti floor.. haha.. then she also beat the floor.., laughin while beatin..guess hav to let them learn by having some pain...haha...
Hmmmm...really depends on our baby, charlotte have 1 tooth also but is not cranky at all, but cheeky.. keep on want to play. she will use her tooth to to bite the biscuits so funny.

btw my advise to all mummies, If you are sick pls pls make sure u wash your hands b4 touching ur baby after washing ur hands do not touch urself.
i suggest if u all have no choice then wear a mask. to prevent passing flu and cough to baby.

last week i have cough and flu i told my mum i not bringing my girl back don't have to make her sick as well.
Hi Catherine
It also depends.. This is Kayden's 5th and 6th teeth already. He got his first tooth in his 5th month. He was also very playful and everything went in a breeze at that time.
hi honeyhaven,
so sorry to hear that ur Kayden is sick. u might want to continue giving him the med and monitor for a couple more days before u might wanna see doc again. sometimes, it takes a couple of days for the med to take effect.

hi piyo and doris,
i also kiasee mother. usually only restrict him to the playmat. Kayden is the opposite of me. buay kia see. like to hold onto the edge of the sofa, stand, walk a few steps and then let go of his hands. i'm so worried, like a mother hen. always sitting beside him and getting ready to catch him when he falls.
hi erin00,
haha... ya lor.. see buay tahan rite? pian pian the babies r v v daring..kept trying the mission impossible... got one time my ger in the walker using her both hands to hold on the yaolan's stand(pole), then trying to pull herself up, her both legs,in the walker, not touchin on the floor liao.. then u noe wat, she look at me, give me the cheeky face(like v clever) then giggles loud... wow lau... buay tahan.. i areadi butterflies in my stomach liao... haha...
hi honeyhaven, sayang! tough week for u! hang in there! he will be better soon!

jadelle's feeding schedule:

7.30am: latch
9:30am: 6 milk scoops of cereal plus 2oz milk
11am: 4 oz
1pm : one adult bowl of porridge with fish/spinach/ ikan bilis/carrot/ zucchini/sweet potato
3pm: 4 oz milk
6pm: one adult bowl of porridge with fish/spinach/ ikan bilis/carrot/ zucchini/sweet potato
9pm: latch plus 3-4 oz from bottle
inbetween, she latch also. I guage she drinking like 8 oz from me from 9pm to 6pm..
piyo, erin.,

jadelle crawl on floor.. my mil mop the floor everyday.. so safe for her. she know diff. between bed n playmat n floor. very careful when on the floor.

she can pull to stand, will crawl to me when she see me, can climb onto the sofa and stand up n it and hug the back cushion..

I see her progress, very amazed but sad too... she no longer my baby girl, upgrade to little princess liaoz.. y babies grow so fast?
remember that time i mentioned putting 3 mattresses in denise playpen and she has been standing so much? the other day she did the "suicide window" stunt, which is flipping herself right over the side of the playpen and landed on my bed. i was so shocked that it took me a few sec to realise my baby actually fell over out of her bed and onto mine, lucky not on the other side which is straight to the floor...phew! didn't even realise my little gal has grown so much in height that i have to remove 1 of the mattress.

i tried to pull the no bump hat lower on her forehead so when she crawl, it can help to block the impact of face down. actually i was oso concern abt the same thing so i bought the hat. and oso bcos when my gal lose her temper she'll swing her head back...scary rite? dunno how come this chilli padi knows how to do that, i really dun like it but any mummies know how to stop her from swinging her head back?
Hi honeyhaven,
I feel for you cos I have also been through that for several weeks in bet late Mar and 1st 2 weeks of April... very depressing and no mood to do anything and wishing that it's on you not the baby. I suggest you continue the med from the 2nd doc since it's working... Megan started with phlegm, cough, runny nose and fever but degenerate to bronchitis... PD says she is on the road to recovery but that road would be about 2 weeks even though she was on medication...such coughs and runny nose are caused vy viral infection so will take some time... and it's true... megan took about 2 weeks to get better but with the med... so hang in there.. make sure Kayden takes his medication very regularly and dun let him sleep in air-con room... if can during the daytime, bring him out to parks etc for a little sun, cos it will help in his runny nose and kills some germs...
hope he gets well soon
Hi Fiona,

Where can you get the no bump hat? My boy just fell last night, he was crawling so fast chasing the toy car and in a split second, he just fell and his forehead hit the marble skirting. When i hold him up, there was immediately a big 50 ct coin bump on his forehead. He cried his heart out. I panicked. Hubby blamed me. He refused to let me rub his forehead cos it must hv hurt very badly. Only after i put him to the breast did he calm down and let me rub his bump.

I would like to get the bump hat to minmise such accidents in future. My heart really broke when he fell
Denise feeding schedule,
6-7am: 5.5oz FM
10am: 5.5oz FM
1pm: 6-7 scoops of nestle cereal(with flavour one)
5pm: 5.5oz FM
8.30pm: 5.5oz FM
12am: 5.5oz FM (sometimes will skip this feed)

sometimes i will switch the timing btw the cereal & milk for the 10am & 1pm feed.
all of u so on, see until now i still give 1 meal of cereal and no porridge. basically is bcos i gave up since my mil keeps saying she eats so little how to cook porridge. but i told her it's bcos her porridge sucks, no taste that's why she doesn't want to eat and prefers cereal...
all yr babies got teeth liao..haha..jay still no teeth at all..but then i am ok lah..let him grow at his own pace..as for standing, he will walk from 1 corner of his cot to the other corner using his hands to hold the bars lor..so i juz let him be..or if not he will move from 1 side to the other side if we r sitting on our bed lor...so he can see us...so he will sit himself down on his cot mattress and then crawl to the other side and then pull himself up again at the opp bars lor...
haha...but he dun like to crawl much leh on the floor..maybe he scare liao..but he bump his head once on the floor alr and yest nite he knock his head on his cot bars again and got a red big bump liao...wat to do...hubby sitting on the floor and din notice and manage to catch jay in time...guess it is normal now since they r learning to walk n crawl lor..:p so mummies must reali watch yr bb coz u never know wait they flip themselves over the cot or playpen..better lower the height liao..better safe than sorry...
wow...amazing ley...so u must be terrified liao...lol.. luckily is a false alarm... no hurt... must be extreme careful..
i got it from cutiesjuniors.com.sg
tell your husband dun blame u lah...we as mummies more heartache when our babies hurt themselves leh, no matter what they came from our body mah...

take care of yourself too...hope your bb get well soon!

babies buay kiasee de...right after a while denise fell off from bed, immediately she tries to reach for something on the floor again...haiz
Hi augbby, fio and racoon,
now you all really makes me fell that with the bump hat, it is safer! So Fio, if we use the bump hat, it will cushion some impact on the face? but so ex leh that hat! how to order? maybe a few mummies here may be interested?

Hi Jas and erin,
My house got dog and big dog somemore, so I also worry that if she crawls everywhere she will eat the fur also even though we mop the floor 2x a day

Hi Augbb,
sometimes no teeth is good... esp when I am still bfg!
Hi Fio,
I think your denise got your character that's y so active! hahaha but I like! you got the bump hat from BP or you purchase directly from the webby?
re : crawl
i dun restrict my boi fr crawling on floor, but nd to mop everyday la, cos by tis they grow and develop better/faster, as they got the chance to practice more ma..sometime my boi like to lick on floor, dunno y he like tat..but my mom said i was e same oso, when i was kid tat time..

re: float,
I saw e similar float at Big C,Harbourfront, but e design is a whale, which e tail is flick to top as shade.
Hi honeyhaven, i understand your stress whenever our bbies are sick..but then hor...flu and cough usu takes abt 7-10days to recover. so just continue to give the med regularly. as for phlegm, it is an antagonising slow process..as our bbies do not know how to purge out the phlegm, we just hve to be patient and wait for it to dissolve..the best thing we can do is to feed them alot of water..and phlegm is usu caused by the mucus backflow into the throat...so when sleeping..can tilt him alil..

as for crawling on the floor...my gal crawls everywhere...playmat to floor to under the table...once she toppled over..but i think it is alrite..cos now oledi 8mths and the head v hard...so alil bump is good for them..then they know tat they hve to be careful...

last time my son was v protected...so he was v daring...to the extent he will purposely leaned backwards..thinking tat there will be someone there to catch him all the time...so once he leaned and bumped lor...from then on..he no do it anymore...
so i think some things they must learn lor...
i'm not saying let them climb high and then fall lah...as long as it is calculated risk...can lor..just my opinion lah..
i got it from the webby..
hmmm...like me huh? i oso agree lah...hahaha. now i can imagine how tiring it is for my mum when i was little

what breed is your dog? me oso like big dog but family doesn't allow so i got a mini schnauzer which is still bigger than those toy breed...
hi cocomo..

please email at [email protected]

Zorian's meal schedule :-
6.15am : 120ml of milk
9.30am - 10am : 120ml of milk or 1 bowl of cereal (Similac scrope X 2)
12.15 - 1pm : one bowl of porridge
3 - 4pm : 120ml of milk
7 - 7.30pm : one bowl of porridge
9 - 9.30pm : 120ml of milk
then it is bed time..

his porridge is about 5 scope of the table soup..

Hi Doris.

Zorian is born on 17-Aug.. keekee..

Hi piyo..

usually zorian will crawl from the playmat to the floor.. we just let him be.. sometimes he flipped over and hit his head.. we just keep quiet and he dun cry.. sometimes he even laugh after flipping over.. sigh..

re the float, yap.. saw something similar cos the sale girl pointed to them the range of floats they have.. i remember the one with the tree as shade as one of my colleagues comment it is very cute.. baby wont get sun burned.. keekee..

hi honeyhaven..

hang in there.. sure bb will get well soon.. since he is getting better with the med, suggest to continue and see how it goes..
nod nod.. dun give pear pureed... will cause phlegm.. ;-) ... sigh.. once baby sick, mummy is the one most jialat.. cos dunno wat to do especially baby cant tell u where he/she's not feelin well, rite? i also v scared my ger got flu or cough..
will ur babies pull their hair? aiyo, recently dunno y my this cheeky ger start pulling hair.. somemore after pulling, can see her tiny fingers whether got hair come out a not.. 'faint'
...tell her nicely once and twice... if 3rd time she does tt, i will beat beat her hand.. then she start mouth 'tutu' liao.. if gonggong there, sure wan him to carry.. haha...
You gals confirm coming?

Gathering on 1 May at 1pm at cocomo's place Redhill:-
1) cocomo, hubby and Jayden
2) Piyo, hubby, megan and maid
3) augbaby, hubby, jay and maid
4) Kelly, hubby, Gabe and Edward
5) Superdad,Sophia and Dickson
6) Kris, hubby and Zorian (TBC)
7) Erin, hubby and Kayden (TBC)
8) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
