(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

cocomo, oic.. hehe pai seh.. tks...
Cheers, ya.. dun worry so much.. my godson going to turn 1 this may also hav his teeth when he was 11 mths.. her mum like u too..abit worry..

Fion, tks...

hi cheers,
dun worry. heard that girls develop faster in language and boys in psychomotor skills. kayden can't do what your girl is doing such as patting his chest when u ask where is kayden.
he can stand for a while unassisted, 'crawl' (he crawls with one leg bended and the other a little straightened for a few steps, sit up and then repeat until he gets the thing he wants. he's very lazy to crawl. usually will shuffle his bottom.

hi cocomo,
thanks for doing the collage. nice to see all the babies' pics.

hi jesline,
my daddy also bought that chair for kayden to sit.
The collage very very nice! maybe can do something like that for our birthday bash ah? hahaha I am keeping this copy for now!

Hi Doris,
How is your bb's skin prob? ok liao after applying that cream?

Hi Fio,
was about to ask you where you get the hat from.. can I also ask how much and is it effective in preventing bumps? once tie properly liao will come off easily? Megan bumped her forehead in class recently so tot of getting 1 for her... Fio looks very sweet leh!!! kiss her for me k "muacks"

Hi Cheers and whitelady,
your bb developing very fast leh mine still look at me blur blur, dunno how to call mama n papa apart from having 2 lower incisors... so dun worry!
hi cocomo,
thx for yr great effort, all bb so cute..haha

can't imagine if all gather at once..guess will be real fun..haha

ya..he like e commando crawl..althou sometime can lift his legs up..guess is more eaasier wif this ba.

cheers, not too worry abt e bb teeth, guess all bb develop at diff progress..
so long as they are healthy and happi..tat's more important.
hi erin, amy and cheers,
how you help your bbies walk unassisted? Erin, Kayden's legs very strong, I saw him walking with you holding his hands during the KM trial... I can't do that to megan cos if I hold her that way, she will be very wobbly... I scare she will be bow-legged if we try to make them walk when they are not ready

Hi Smur@zoh,
I love this pic so nice! can I ask where you buy this float? and how much? I am looking ard for a float for Megan but can't find nice one! I love yours!

Hi Cocomo,
your jayden more n more handsome liao! I saw beckham's hairstyle I laffed! plus the way he posed!!!

Hi Cyn,
Hope you get well soon! We are just gathering the numbers b4 making further plans... so still got quite some time... where you going? I love natalie in the 2nd pic looks so demure!

Hi Amy,
Thanks for your compliments! actually all her pics very haphazard cos all at home, with messy hair and ugly clothes haha! maybe should load more pics later if i find nice ones :p
can share with em the link for the flashcards? I also wan!
Hi piyo,
he can't walk unassisted yet. he can only stand unassisted for a while. must hold on to something such as a chair or sofa to move a few steps.

din really do anything leh. just that he always enjoyed walking. once i let him stand, he will want to move forward and must go to the direction he wants. if not, he'll start screaming. perhaps, it could be the reason why he couldn't really crawl yet cos din let him have enuf practice crawling.

dunno whether it'll cause bowed legs.
your DD tooth is on the way growing don't worry. is just early or later. can be until 1 yrs old then have tooth this is very normal.unless ur DD 2 yrs old still don't have tooth then u can start to worry.
Hi Jas, Amy and Cat,
Megan loves tags too! I bot a baby piglet bolster for her, she only loves the tag! I turned it the other way, she turned it back and the tag goes into her mouth!

megan flips here n there when we wanna dress her up too.. very dif to wear clothes and diapers for her... she will show us her backside and I ended up saying same thing to her " you wanna go naked is it"

Hi cecilia,
Megan wetn for her 1st pneu jab early apr... she will be going for the 2nd jab in june...

Hi Augmum,
How haf you been? Zac looks very studious! are you coming to join us this 1May and the Augbb bash?

Hi rachel,
Is it dif to handle bb when you went BKK? which hotel you staying? Ok, will gif more yoghurt to bb...you can rent toys at http://rent-a-toy.com/ or http://rent-that-toy.com/

Hi Augbb,
I like jay's standing hair! ya me busy with work same time recently megan down with UTI and bronchitis so was quite down to update blog although I really haf alot ot update! going to do soon
Ya we try to feed her b4 we go but most of the time, it's my maid we just c and play with her... megan is an early bird, she sleeps at 8.30pm and wakes up at 5.30 or 6am and dun sleep liao.. so she has her bath and breakfast all by 7.30am! we leave house about 7.45am and I am usually at office by 8am although my works starts at 9am!
don't worry about crawling or walking don't stress urself and baby, We shall continue to see more surprise with our baby every month there is changes. my girl also not crawling or walking sit also lazy. she can sit awhile then become lazy and go side ways.
Hi erin,
do you gif kayden tummy time? megan is always on the playmat, sitting, playing, crawling, bouncing and wanting to stand... but she can only pull to stand with us holding her hands... can't walk.. she tries to but her legs will gif way.. I worry like that will cos bow-legged legs so i let be on her fours most of the time...
I think I am a worried mum... last night I was viewing Kelly's Ed youtube video and my hubby actually heard Ed calling "papa" he also commented wa so fast! my megan can't walk, stand buey zai, crawl only if got very good incentive and only mouth "mmmm" or "woo" I fainted...only thing is she knows how to clap hands? haha
Piyo, i got to put charlotte on my lap to wear clothes and diaper for her if not she sure move here and there, make me sweat alot when trying to dress her up.

seems like our baby growth and hobbies are mostly the same.
kelly's ED is july baby thats why he is faster then our baby. soon u will see our baby doing the same thing.better don't compare with other babies u will start to get worried more..
Hi Jas, kelly, Erin, Leia and all mummies,

I was about to post my tots on the birthday bash while was working ytd... tot it would be better to haf it in someone's condo like Leia, cos cocomo did mention to me that she loves the swimming pool there! I haf not been there so would love to go! and best of all, they are FOC? then catering we can look at $10/pax and still get lots of food? then haf more $$$ for gift exchange or deco or something? Alternatively, I can book the function room at my parents' condo but can only book 1 mth b4..maybe use mine as back up? ask Leia to book if she can do it earlier?what do you mummies think?

nothing against what you suggested... we are just more cost conscious...
Hi, Catheine

the seat of the walker is very good cos got lot cushion so give good support... baby can rest on it too..... ya... when jia hui first started on walker, she also in reverse gear but now is on moving forward... sometime walk like a crab.... also can reverse in a fast gear... likes to move fast fast & knock on tables & pple....

Hi, erin

the chair bought by my sis for Jia Hui so can feed her when she sitting there... she loves to eat the chair... especially the 2 whole at the side of the chair behind her
Hi piyo,
ya, i do give him tummy time on the playmat. problem is he doesn't like to be on his tummy. will always sit up when i put him on his tummy and attempt to move to the sofa or coffee table and pull to stand. haiz...

hi jesline,
my dad bought it for the same purpose. i din get one cos i bought a high chair for him liao. think he loves to be in the chair more often than the highchair cos more freedom to move about.

oh ya, kayden likes to 'eat' the chair too. will always turn around to the back or to the sides to eat the chair. he always props up one leg when he's in the chair and use the other to stand. weird rite? does jia hui do the same?
Hi white lady,
so our babies should be nicknamed "zuo bo" babies hahha

Hi Erin,
Megan dun like to be on tummy also.. will makes lots of "mmm and ngggg" noises

Hi mummies,
any mummies still on TBF?
Dear mummies,
Let me know oso if u all prefer east side condo's function room with swimming pool that hv bathing facilities. It is at the Bedok Reservoir's area. FOC.. If u wan, i will chk out.

Please count us in for the bday bash....

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - 28
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - 28/29 both ok.
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - prefer 29 but 28 also can. Cos' our car is weekend car, if 29, no need to pay $20. Hee...
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - 28/29
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - 28/29 ok
Dear mummies

not confirm yet cos may be celebrating Jia Hui on next week too cos she is a 1st Aug baby... same as Keiran

Please count us in for the bday bash....

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - 28
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - 28/29 both ok.
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - prefer 29 but 28 also can. Cos' our car is weekend car, if 29, no need to pay $20. Hee...
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - 28/29
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - 28/29 ok
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui 28/29 tentative
mornings mummies...

Hi piyo,
Elysia's face improved alot... but her arms and legs r still the same (not ringworms-confirmed by my doc).. so the doc give me another cream for leg and arms... in fact, it's really works.. so far her skin improves alot.. tks...
ur megan really enjoyin playin in her rented exersaucer, tot of rentin this for my Elysia.. haha.. let her try at taka.. she loves it too..

Hi augbaby,
Ur Jay is so handsome..btw is Jay at his cot rite?wow...already reached his tummy side liao, will he try to climb over? As my ger in walker now trying to come out of the walker by herself with the side table to support.. dangerous rite..

Hi SuperDad,
ur Dickson still got his favourite toys..so guai playin by himself.. as for my Elysia, think her favourite toy is my hp..straight into her mouth once she got it.. haha

Hi Catherine,
so cute.. Charlotte noe how to pose ...haha.. ask u har.. will ur Charlotte get tired sittin in the walker? cos mine recently kept askin us to carry her out frm the walker..haha

Hi Rachel, ur baby smiles so cute.. must be happy can go shoppin liao..

Hi Fion,
Denise really look so darling with the hat on.. haha..

Hi Kelly, ur boi so jovious.. grinning and laughing with his spoon in his mouth.. so contented.. haha

Hi Jesline,
ur jiahui so guai ley.. can sit in the 'lao ma yi'...mine. cant sit still..haha...
Hi cocomo,
ur Jay so handsome with his Beckham hairstyle...wat's his reaction when u bring him see the mirror? must be giggle rite?

hi smurf@zoh
where u buy the float? wow.. ur baby Zoh so steady ley.. how long u let ur bb swim on tt day? mine only 10mins.. as to me is like half an hour.. haha...holding her swim is so much tiring.. haha
yups jay is in his co..we already lower the cot to the 3rd last level already...hmm think for the moment shld be ok coz i dun think his legs can reach up to the bars for him to crawl over yet..haha..but must certainly monitor still..

wow..ur gd...the pics of all the august bb r so nice..can email me the actual pic so i can develop...hee hee...
yr jay is so cute wif beckham hairstyle..nice nice..handsome boy liao...my jay hair still so little...n all his hair stand up one and in various angles..haha :p

megan is soo cute as usual...
sigh..nice hor a bb girl..**wink wink**...

i also think that its a great idea to hold the birthday bash at a condo function room coz it be easier too..i am fine wif either leia ones coz i also never been to the pool n i heard so much reviews abt that nice pool..:p Leia, we r calling for u...hee hee...one mummy suggest east side wich is also fine wif me...lets maybe decide on a venue and then we can proceed from there lor...
me on mc today so wont come in much today...will read the posts tom...tata
oh u better take care of urself.. not feeling well is not a joke.. especially hav to entertain baby.. ya.. i think u hav to monitor cos u neer noe.. babies always gives us surprises...
will jus have to wait for my ger's teeth to come out soon, since her gums feel hard, and can "bite" cracker and honeydew.

she'll walk unassisted while on the carpet/bed, holding on to the pillow/bolster/table/anybody..and let go of her hands and walk the few steps.
if you wanna try, do it on the bed 1st.
was worried abt her being bow-legged since she started standing since 6mths...sometimes jus refused to sit down. nowadays can stand at the playpen for abt 20mins straight...watching us have dinner.
hey, cocomo,

good job. used to do collage for noah too. However, with zac, hands are tied

Did you use photoshop?

August babies' birthday invite, I can help to do...

see my invite for zac's baby shower...

Hi Augustmum,
Do you mean for the Augbaby bash invite or our individual babies' party? Dun thk we need to for the Augbb bash? but but but can you teach me or help me do 1 for Megan's birthday pary? I like such a layout and font but dunno how to do....if you busy can teach me? I go play ard myself! Can pm me? I am so excited!Thanks thank thanks hor!

Hi Cheers,
I cant let go of her hands yet, not even on the bed, she will sure fall IMMEDIATELY.. she only knows how to pull and stand or stand with me holding her lei

Hi Augbb,
ya pls rest well... very very very impt! you are not stopping at 1 so let's all pray your no.2 will be a ger ger k *wink wink*

Hi smurf@zor,
ya ya pls tell me whr you get the float! My megan loves yellow I think she will love this float!

Hi Doris,
glad to know she is much better! hope to see her soon!
Nice collage of all the Aug babies. Thanks for the effort. Somemore you doing it when most of us are sleeping already.

The link is http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/768643.html?1177047444 . It is because Kelly is looking for this. But, by now, maybe it is already sold. Didnt really help Rae to stand, just let her have as much time as possible on the ground and stand supported against furniture.

Edwards smile is so irresitable, so cute. So his list of forbidden stuff includes medicated oil, spoon....

Girls biting tags
Look like all the baby girls share similar habits. So, boysmummies who want our girls to chase after your son, let them wear clothes with a visible tag. Our girls will stick to them.
hahahaha amy you do farni! wait the gers bite their necks also! oh I used to haf the 1000 pic flashcards too but I sold off cos I find the prints very pixelated, not very good to flash to babies.. I am waiting for another lobang... if materialised will inform you and Kelly... I hope Kelly did not get that set...
Just now got 1 mum asking abt the 'i luv mum' tee, I saw it at Raffles exchange. Dun noe whether it is the same or not. Tee tat i saw is kind of plain with just wording alone.

Like ur jay's hairstyle... BTW, thanks for ur effort in collating the photo.
Hi, augustmum

u using photoshop? think the software quite complicated to use & also very expensive .....

here is one i done for Jia Hui using those free download from website

been busy at work so long time no logged in.. so many conversations and trying hard to catch up..

Hi Cocomo.

Love the collage.. can teach me? thanks! Jay is definitely getting more & more handsome by the week.. : )

Catherine, piyo & Whitelady,

haahaa.. zorian is the same.. he just love to be on his tummy and not moving till he find a good incentive.. he dun like to sit as well.. he just love to flip and always flipping.. hard time to dress him up..

hi augbaby..

take care and rest well..

hi Julie..

had casted my vote.. best of luck..

hi augustmum..

me keen also.. plse teach me how to do it.. thanks a million..

RE : Aug babies bash

No prob.. me just give suggestion.. i m fine where we hold it as long as both parents and babies have fun.. : )

just let me know when help is needed..

hi piyo and fiona..

we still have a date to go shopping for deco yeah?
Hi, Kelly,

saw that u bought the DIY flashcard CD rom from the overseas spree.... can it be view as a powerpoint slides?

Hi Cocomo,
The collage is very nice. Really put a smile on my face after a stressful day at work. It must be hard work to stay up to collate all the photos.....and so thoughtful of u to add zoh's photo last min : )

Piyo, Doris
I luv that float too...hi hi. It even has a coconut tree to provide shade for bb. My hubby bought it in Thailand as a present for bb. Dont think we can get it here lei. But if I see it in Singapore, I'll let you all know.

Doris, I think Zoh stay in the water for at least half an hour. We took him around the pool, and as we had many family members in the pool that day, we took turns to take care of him. He wasnt really v excited abt swimming, he just look blur blur throughout. I think the adults had more fun bring him around the pool.
Hi Jesline and Kelly,
Talking about flash cards, I heard some of my friends say that someone did their own flashcard using powerpoint slides. Wondering if any aug mums have done it before? Is it as effective?
hi smurf@zoh,
oic.. no wonder cant see any float similar with urs.. haha.. wow.. half an hour.. so long.. Elysia is too active liao.. make me exhuasted holding her.. haha.. maybe next time i will let her play half an hour..
Hi all mummies,
can i noe how many times ur babies eating porridge per day? my Elysia is morning cereal, then evening porridge.. but now thinking of eating 2 x porridge per day.. as she seems not interested to eat her cereal.. do u all have this problem?
any mummies interested to do some design for ur baby , i can help ! hehehe .... poster or cards design ! if i free , i can help =)
Hi Doris,
Ha ha. It floated all the way here from Thailand. Actually, I have quite an easy time, as the float was doing all the work for me.

BB is eating porridge x2 a day since 7th month.
It is mixed with vegetable. However meat is added in for flavour, but bb dont eat the meat.

COCOMO GREAT JOB & effort! so lovely to have all our babies together... when its more complete shall print it out and put at my workstation! hehehe make me feel happier everyday with all the bbs!

Piyo, tentatively either to Japan or Taiwan... gg to visit distributor and follow with procedures and process etc... Biz trip not good as what I heard from my fellow colleagues.. nv get to rest n tiring n MOST IMPT MISS OUR BB! Hope wont got to go.. den arrange my other colleagues instead yesh!

Feeling better now... cough is still there but no more blocked nose n flu... Hai hope no more virus spreading around...
