(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

all yr girl girl pics are so nice..girls can reali dress up hor...

hurry up post megan latest pic...sure v cute one..long time never see her pics liao and yr blog not updated too...haha ;P

hey KELLY, during the SwimFest at Leia's place...saw Gabe wearing something like a 'I love mummy' tee....where did you get that from?

1st May gathering - Cocomo, may not be at redhill this coming weekend, hiding at my mum's place till tuesday...wont be attending unless i go back to redhill earlier.......

btw, SUPERDAD, saw yr dickson this morning!!~ : )

BIRTHDAY BASH - Keiran's bday is 1st Aug & probably celebrate on either 28 or 29 also. Will put my name down as tentative first.....

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
harlow all,

long time no see...mia for a loonnng time... so what did I miss for the past few weeks?

So many handsome and pretty babies, must contribute one too


zac can also call 'papa', 'mama' and 'mum mum'
Think in order to fight for attention with his gor gor, he must verbalise early
hi babyboy..
e gathering is on tuesday mah..just come back a bit earlier lor..more bb more fun mah.

u saw him tis morning? em..guess u will think he very decent hor..kena bluff by him liao...at home no chance can sit properly lor, onli going out den behave like tis..
yalorz.. i tink i muz oso slowly brainwash him ah.. my hubby weekends sure work de.. cos he do sales de.. cant afford to let go weekends ley.. my gal dress bought from old navy de.. kept joining spree last time.. burnt big hole in my hubby pocket.. then he nag nag.. ask me don buy so much.. very fast outgrown.. true la but so nice how to resist.. haha.. but have control very long no join spree le la..


megan dreaming away during meal times...

will reply other posts later :p
wow.. see all the gers hair so nice.. can put nice clips.. my ger hair very funny.. all stand stand de.. tried clip infront then behind still stand.. buay tahan.. so cant clip.. in the end always let her wear dress.. if not bring her out.. ppl all go.. boi boi.. aiyo.. so handsome boi.. my god.. really feel like let her wear a tag dat goes.. I AM A GAL!!! haha..
hi mummies and daddy,
so many pics ah today? i haven't downloaded any of Kayden's recent photo so can't upload. see so many pretty girls' photos made me so 'gian'. My niece's going to have a girl girl so I'm going crazy trying to buy girl stuff for her. kenna scolded by my family liao.

hi jasmine,
no la. last time i bought the desitin cream from u mah and remembered u mentioned u conducted spree again. just dunno whether it's still on.

Can i order 1 tube? not in any hurry cos still have but i kiasu. scared wait finish then nothing to use.

hi piyo,
most prob would be attending the birthday bash. just need to confirm with hb in case something crops up. would love to help. anything i can fo earlier perhaps during the june hols. just tell me which area i have to help.

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - 28
megan pics r all so cute..hee hee...seeing her makes my day!
u manage to feed her cereal b4 u leave for work ah...so nice..wat time do u usually feed her breakfast?
it's so fun reading the thread today because of all the babies' photos. They are all so cute!

Sorry mummies, I be a little bit bias here but Kelly and Piyo, Edward and Megan are super duper adorable!!
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - 28
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - 28/29 both ok.

just check wif wife..shd be able to attend..will bring the playmat along, not sure wat i can help..as i'm poor in art..haha
anyway..just let me know if you nd my assist.
Hi White Lady,
Remembered that I've requested enfapro on your behalf. They send to me already. Surprise that it's a tin, not 35g sachets.

And there is an offer for mums who receive the complimentary can: 2 cans of Enfapro A+ 900g and 1 free fisher-price toy at S$61.00. Is it cheap? You want me to get it for you? It would deliver to me FOC.

Please let me know how I pass the milk powder to you...

Hi Cocomo,
We have something on 1 May so can't join your gathering. So sad.

Hi Piyo,
Count us in for the birthday bash.

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - 28
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - 28/29 both ok.
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - prefer 29 but 28 also can. Cos' our car is weekend car, if 29, no need to pay $20. Hee...

Here's some Aden's photos...
so many photos here today, i hv to post my ger's too! really envy all the hair on yur babies, mine hv minimal hair, n face looks like boy, so pple kept saying "di di"! hee...

just wanna share this...received the NO BUMP hat today and took the pics. but my camera flash light is too glaring always makes her eyes squint...
my hubby also working in sales line everytime nag at him tat if he don't work he will earn less $$ then cannot afford to buy milk powder already.
so i let him work lor
hi everyone,
thks 4 ur compliments.

tis is 4 u


thks 4 offering me e link abt e flashcards n showing us e pic of rae standing against e wall. i totally 4got abt doing tat wif edward. used 2 do it wif gabe when he was ready. i let edward stand against e wall n he was able 2 stand 4 a while.
kris, piyo
IMO lah...i wont pay $20 for a venue at tat plc. i find tat plc very biz-like, $20 is rather pricey when some1 can book a function room in a condo, club, etc for free n only pay abt $10 for buffet, leaving me e remaining $10 to pay for e cake n party decor or misc. 2 me, paying $20 is like paying $10 for e food & $10 for e rental, even though they tell u rental is free cos they pass e cost onto e food mah...

i also dunno who e caterer is at tat one-north location. i prefer 2 pick popular caterers or caterers who can give us discount.

actually i quite like leia's condo's function room. big & comfy (there's even a sofa, lotsa tables & chairs n a big space for us 2 bring e playmats & toys). e kiddy pools r also very fun.
u agree wif me anot? leia's function room is ideal n e kiddy pools r cool rt?

she even brought her deep fryer down 2 prepare e food 4 us right on e spot...food served hot & shiok!
dickson does commando crawling? gabe did tat too...he didnt crawl on all fours until he was abt 1yrs old. edward's different, he crawls all over e hse. nothing wrong wif commando crawling. also cute 2 c...

did u mention abt keeping e playmat? i cant keep it cos edward pulls 2 stand at our sofa a lot so need 2 keep it 2 protect him when he falls. which he still does very often.
Wow... only till now I m able to log in... felt I have missed out so much fun get so neglected

Here a little pic of Natalie...

I wont be able to go cocomo hse on 1st May as Im down with bad flu & cough.. so better don turn up in case sprea to the bbs & daddies mummies..

When to finalise for the AUG BB BASH? I need to wait for my biz trip schedule before can make any confirmation....
oh ur girl got the same walker too? i just got it 2nd hand so tat weekend charlotte come can sit in the walker. but she walking backwards so funny. this walker not bad got side protection prevent knocking on furniture causing skretches
crispyapple ,

so fast recieve ? sorry , i was so busy , still have not requested for u yet =P ... opps .... will do tomorrow when i go office , can i have the link again , what brand ur baby taking ?

wow.. the babies in this thread r all soooo adorable
really put a smile on my face looking at the pics.. perks me up so much.. me so tired recently cos ashley been sick.. jux recovered from a 2nd bout of fever.. but developed rashes all over.. wondering is it so called false measles or allergy from the hou ning i bought from eu yan sheng.. haiz.. somemore cough & flu not well yet.. sorry for so grumpy.. jux need to vent out my frustration la.. keke..
Hi Piyo,
happen to come in today...been very busy for the past mth.

pls count us in for the AUG06 babies' birthday bash.

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - 28
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - 28/29 both ok.
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - prefer 29 but 28 also can. Cos' our car is weekend car, if 29, no need to pay $20. Hee...
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - 28/29

i can recommend my buffet caterer @ $10/pax...gd food, presentation, and flexible in switching dishes.


may i suggest we use this collage for the imprint on the birthday cake too!
i can help out for the cake ordering.

pls PM me jus in case you dun see me in the thread.
ok will PM you gals a complete one.

aiyo I did copy this one. But too many photos liao think overlap by one of the photo. I add in tomolo, now go zzz liao else tomolo gonna be panda!!! hee. . .
hi all,

my girl will be coming 9mths next week. and she has yet to have any tooth. any aug06 babies in the same situation?
that's my only concern as she is developing well in other areas.
been cruising ard at home since 7mths, and can stand (3-4secs) and walk 2-3 steps w/o support.
she understands simple commands such as: "clap ur hands", "pai pai shou", "upstairs", "where is gwen - she'll pat her own chest", etc.

don worry bout the teeth.. i got a friend her dd is going 10mths.. jux teething
from her development u described she is progressing very well le..

good nite all mummies.. gonna take my rest le.. ZZzzzz..

the collage looks so nice! thanks for putting all our babies pic together! me oso keeping a copy...hee

glad that charlotte is showing improvement. denise hasn't got any rashes since i started using the cream.

i got the hat from cutiesjuniors.com.sg.
