(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Edward: cheh... I only use 70% of my gong li, you buai tahan already!

U r so cute...provide narration somemore..haha...Megan does look like she is giving ed a box ah...

thanks...will go check it out...anyway ed look so cute in the pics..like he is abt to cry...hee hee....
hi cocomo,
ur narrations really very funny. my colleague thought i was weird when i suddenly burst out laughing. keke... anymore? ya, agree that edward seems like he's going to cry. seems like quite a no. of them like to eat drumsticks. kayden has started a couple of weeks ago. my mil says it's becos he din suck on pacifier. is it true?

i like ur playmat but very ex leh. the cheapest is $199 rite? if i buy, i need to buy 2 (1 for mum's place and teh other for my own home). any alternatives?

is jayden wearing a 1-piece or 1 top and 1 bottom? where did u buy it?
hi mummies,
i had SO MUCH fun over e wkend, e gathering at cocomo's plc & e gymboree trial. i'll post pics when i get home 2nite.

since augustmum offered her plc for e next gathering, shall i propose a mthly gathering?

early dec - augustmum (sembawang)
early jan - sm low (queenstown)
early feb - kelly (pasir ris)
early mar - piyo (telok blangah or queenstown)

augustmum, will u like 2 suggest a date for e early dec gathering?
Same same here...jayden has started a few wks back liao..he loves his fists now...love to suck them and can even make loud sucking noises man..faint..like his hands r so tasty...i also din give jay pacifier too..dun noe if shld start or not..coz sucking his hands like so dirty...

Din manage to take pics at gymboree...sob sob...forgot to bring our camera..plus jayden seems super interested in looking at megan..haha...was more interested in megan than the class..kept on turning his head n looking at megan..rite piyo :p The other mummies did brought their camera but unfortunately we din take any pics of the bb together
i also like to volunteer my place for gathering any time...but hor, my place is in tamp..
Hope it is not too far for the mummies.. :p
hi augbaby,
wah, ur jayden so young look at girls liao ah. wanna book megan now?
how did u find the class? was it good?

kayden also the same. suck at his fist and make a lot of noises. i even caught him putting his fist into his mouth once. din even realise his mouth is so big! ha ha...
Forget to bring camera to gymboree le. Maybe Kelly, augbaby? Aiyo, Jayden din play much there, milk milk then zzz liao. *pengz*

Jay prefer his drumstick more than pacifier nowadays, he will push away the pacifier and suck his drumstick.

playmat- I bought $119 le. Just buy one and fold it whenever you go lo (got a bag for you one). When it fold up just like 2 A3 size.
hi cocomo,
so it's not becos i din give him pacifier la. then ok la. will tell her that then cos she still think babies need pacifiers.

did u buy the playmat from the bulk purchase? thought the pries were like from $199onwards. is it light?
since augustmum offered her plc for e next gathering, shall i propose a mthly gathering?

early dec - augustmum (sembawang)
early jan - sm low (queenstown)
early feb - kelly (pasir ris)
early mar - piyo (telok blangah or queenstown)
early apr - augbb (tamp)
hi mommies

i had a great time too!! in due time, i'm sure the babies will find it fun to meet up too, once they begin to realise the social aspect of their lives

great idea to meet up often
would offer my place, but really v small with limited seating place ... wanted to talk (or rather b***h) to u abt MILs hehe but since our hubbies around haha not so appropriate. but im really VVV tired of her sigh. now i'm back at work half day i only leave leon with my mom and not MIL.. yet, sigh i dunno im jus v against the idea but i guess it isnt fair to leave her out .. SIGH dunno how.
me too, love 2 'chat' wif u abt our MILs but husbands around so not convenient. i tik we can simply go on & on abt our MILs. hahahahaha!
hahaha..ya lor...megan is the only girl in the class..somemore jay is lying beside megan..hee hee...no choice leh..who ask piyo megan is so cute...;P the class is ok only lah..think they r too young to reali pay attention now lor..maybe when they r older ba..but it is interesting bec of all the babies around together
Hi Erin,
My megan also started on her drumsticks 2 weeks ago... can make sucking sounds some more... can I ask if sucking their hands is an indication that they are hungry?

Hi cocomo,
Thanks for sharing the pics! can you email me the pics too? YOu very good story teller! I read liao keep laffing! actually Megan is cot red-handed pushing Louisa and pulling edward's hair! haha!

hi jojokoko,
din expect the world to be so smal that we actually attended the same anenatal class at TMC

Hi Kelly,
Megan is so intimadted by Big Edward so must show her "power" 1st mah! hahaha
I am gamed for the gatherings if the mummies are ok with the venue and dates?

Hi Leia,
Ya like set up tent and lelong! we should have done that at gymboree huh? really forgot about it!
Hi mummies,
I did take some pics at gymboree... wil try to upload tonight

Hi Augbaby,
megan keeps turning her head and looking at jayden too! so funny!!! maybe can matchmake liao hahaha!

Not sure the reason y no good for babies wear shoes b4 they learn how to walk But I also tempted to buy proper shoes for megan to wear!
hi kelly, augbaby,

ai yo, the top was bot by my sister in the states lah... buy branded clothes for them not worth it leh... very fast will outgrow one... unless got cheap cheap ones here! hehe...

hi piyo,

ya man, its a small small world...
Hey mommies,

Dec should be ok. However, my house has no sofa ok. Noah damaged it and we are not buying new one at the moment as we are in the midst of selling our flat and looking for new one.

Is 3 Dec (Sun), 1.30pm ok?

The pics are v nice and your captions are sooooo funny! :D

I heard another version of the "bridge crossing" rubbish from my godma. It's that we cannot tickle bb's feet else they won't dare to cross bridge when they grow up. I ask her what bridge? Overhead bridge? Duh!!!


BBs look pretty much the same when they are young, huh? :D


About "eating drumstick", my boy is developing this habit too and I've intro the pacifier to him, hoping to divert his attention from his fist to the pacifier. Unfortunately, he seems to prefer his fist over the pacifier most of the time. I was initally reluctant to intro the pacifier, but my aunt convinced me that it's easier to wean a child off the pacifer compared to thumb sucking cos your thumb is always with you. She shared with me how she had successfully weaned my cousins off their pacifier when they were about 2 yrs old. She smeared some black sauce on the pacifier and left it in the steriliser. When my cousin asked for it, she took it out from the steriliser and my cousin was so disgusted when she saw the "dirty" pacifier. So my aunt was like telling her, it's lizard shit and asked her if she wants to throw it away. Since my cousin was so disgusted by it, she agreed to have it thrown away, and my aunt gave it to her to ask her to throw away. That way she remembered her decision and never asked for the pacifier again. Anyway, she only have one pacifier.

My niece, on the other hand, never liked the pacifier. She's 4 now and still sucking her thumb. :D

Any of you ladies suck your thumb when you're little? :D

So did you try the 2 inserts overnite? Successful?

I never use all the 25 inserts I bought... only use 12 with my 10 diapers. So far, I'm using about 4-6 diapers per day (daytime only, change every 3 hourly or so). My boy poo about 1-3 times a day, depending. With 10 diapers to rotate, I only need to machine wash his diapers mostly every alternate day at night. The diapers will normally dry by the next morning, but the inserts take a longer time to dry. By having 2 extra inserts, it helps to tie over till the afternoon when the rest of the inserts are sufficiently dry.

With the above in mind, how many diapers to buy is really dependant on how you're going to use them (day and night? or day only?), and how you're going to launder them. Some people hand wash immediately and air dry. This type of usage would prolly require lesser number of diapers.
Hi augustmum,
3dec is fine wif me....Unless something unexpected crop up...i shall start the ball rolling...

3 Dec Gathering at Augustmum house-Attendance
1. augbb, jayden, hubby and maid

i am also now comtemplating if i shld give the pacifier to jayden..sigh..he has been sucking his fists so often and the worst thing is that now he cant seems to wait for his milk nowadays..sigh...he will start wailing so terrible and cry and cry and tears will roll down his eyes and when his milk is finally ready, and i tried feeding him, he will refused it...totally lost when it first happen, i thought he wan to sleep so i tried patting him to sleep...cant. feed also dun wan till i tried feeding him standing up and he finally drink after crying for so long...sigh...so heartpain...the next time it happen again, it is bec he cried too much and too much wind in his tummy and after burping him, it is ok..So now wondering if i shld start him on pacifier. But i dun quite like the idea and hear bad things abt it...so mummies, can i do a survey, how many of u actually use pacifier on yr bb and is it reali true that it is not good for their teeth n they will drool much more than babies not using pacifier...N if any mummies ever experience the above incident i mentioned...sigh...lost...
ur son seems to be the same as my girl already.
actually its normal for baby to start refusing milk. i asked around and my colleague as well said her son also refusing drinking his milk.

my girl also the same thing happen and its has been almost 1 mth she did that, although she refusing milk but end up she still will drink. got to get use to it. maybe you try dragging the time slightly longer .

i use pacifier since she was born. Augbaby its actually not very true that pacifier is not good for teeth. my mum told me she gave me pacifier until 2yr old and nothing happen to my teeth leh..
baby now need pacifier and lots of sucking actually. esp for those who bottle feed. IF breastfeed then dun need pacifier at all. cos baby can suckle from mum' breast to sleep.
esp some mum thought that baby is crying for milk but actually baby sometimes just need to suck.
Hi Augbaby,
Megan does the same as jayden. If we are warming up the EBM for her, by the time we give it to her, she won't wanna take it... show us temper lei! so what we did is we let her sleep then half hour later, try feeding her again.. normally it works!

Hi mummies,
Megan also now sucking her fist... ytd we just told our maid to give the pacifier if she sees her doing that and we gave her 2weeks to wean megan off her fist since our maid is with her most of the time... I dun think pacifier will spoil the teeth is it's weaned off earlier? I also use pacifier and even till 5 yrs old my teeth ok leh... like what cat says
Hi Cat, Piyo,
actually the worst is that jay is hungry but maybe he wait too long for his milk liao..He wont even wan to sleep..nothing we do can stop his crying..pat, sing songs, feed him, all he dun wan...so i have to feed him standing up and he will drink but once i sit down, he will cry again n stop drinking...if i stand n feed and he still dun wan, then it means he needs to be burp and after burping, he will drink..not sure y it is like that...so it is different from yrs leh..so now i am wondering if he start crying maybe i shld use pacifier to soothe him till he gets his feed...i am still bfing him but only once at nite after i am hm from work..the rest of the time is bottle feeding ebm or FM at nite...
Hi August mum,
no sofa better, more space for the babies
where are you shifting to? found your new house liao?

hi cocomo,
Thanks! I will go c tonight

Hi Leia,
I tried putting 2 inserts in for the night on Sat. It works for the 1st night cos megan no poo poo throughout but it's rather thick though... but 2nd night when I tried again... I am not sure if she is uncomfy cos she woke up 2 times that night... will try again... but so far no leak for urine... poo...I find not so stable...

I thinking of getting another 2-3 more diapers but worry if she poos, I may not have enuf washed ones for the next day..then I thinking of getting the package A else if i wait for the BP or collection may take quite long? unless there are mums here who wanna try out then can buy together?
any mumies interested?

Hi mummies,
I am fine with 3 dec

3 Dec Gathering at Augustmum house-Attendance
1. augbb, jayden, hubby and maid
2. piyo, megan, hubby and maid

ytd was my 1st day at work and pumping milk... not used to pumping in office so dunno is it this reason that affects my milk ss
when we went home ytd, megan just finished crying... haiz she is such a crybaby as what you all saw on sat and sun's gatherings
understand from my maid that she keeps scouting for her breasts whole day... heng she still drinks from the bottle but was cranky ytd cos no nehs to suckle... so when I went back till this morning I let her suckle for milk...she seems satisfied last night and slept from 7 till 2am in the morning...poor ger..
Hi Augbaby,
I rem 1 or 2 times when megan cried her lungs out kicked and banged her fists no matter we carry her what position when we gave her milk... that was also when she was very very very hungry..so now what my mum does is hold her in cradle position while we warming milk, put the pacifier into her mouth just next to the breast and "pian" her that it's the breasts she is suckling... it works lei... you can try that

Ytd, I bf her striaght away even tho she had her milk from bottle just after I stepped into the house... then at night i also bf her at 2.30am and 6am...
same lor my girl also got to carry her around then she drink her milk. sometimes even worse she know my tactic liao she want a change so she cry n cry. then i let her drink some plain water then immediately change to her milk. sometimes i also let her suck her pacifier until she enjoy sucking then i take it out and quickly put milk into her mouth.
Hi, augbaby

i also faced the problem some time back... bb refuse to drink milk & will cry & cry but the moment, i stand up & feed her, she is fine...now she seldom cry when i feed her except when there is wind in her tummy... sometime will cry if she dont want the person to feed her... change to another person & she is ok...

for my case as my bb is with my mil most of the time & when she is over at my mil house, they tend to carry her alot by walking around the house.. so she is used to that...before sleep, she must be carried around the house one round before she happy to go to sleep or not she will cry & cry....
Hi piyo, cat n jesline,
sigh...seems like u all experience the same thing..piyo, okie i try that method the next time jay cries...Now after his feed, he will still cry but usually it is bec he wants to sleep and hence i have to carry him in my arms around the house and pat pat him then he will go sleep..the funny thing is that he knows the difference bet when i am walking n when i am sitting down..when i walk he is ok, once i sit down on the bed, he will start crying..so i gotta walk walk n pet pet till he fall asleep...haha..:p dun noe how babies can tell if we are walking or sitting since it is the same..i sometimes tried to bluff him by swaying my arms still as if i am walking but he noe...faint faint...

so do u give yr bb pacifier?
hi mommies,

long time din log in liao.. how's everyone here?

wow, i saw the pics of the little ones attended the gathering, looks so muhc fun to me! =) i was travelling for work and wasnt in town whole of last week, sure hv alot to catch up.. =)

augustmum, thanks for offering your place for gathering. hope i can make it for 3 dec! =)

anyway, my colleague has rejected drinking milk for 3 mths plus now..so no weight gain since. but doc cant find out wat's wrong with her, and said it's normal for bb to reject milk at certain age...

augbaby, i guess babies will noe whether we are walking or sitting down, since they can identify the momentum when they were inside us, sometimes they will kick when we sit down, rite? i guess it's the same when they are out in this world liao.. hehe... =P

Some moms in the BP thread were trying to initiate a BP for Bumwear earlier but gave up due to poor response. Maybe can approach them? There were at least 2 threads for Bumwear BP that was not successful.


Some brands of pacifier claims to be orthodontic (like Avent). Maybe those are better if you're worried about teeth issues? My boy using Avent.
About rejecting milk, is it the milk, or the manner it's given? Maybe if it comes direct from the breast, they'd be more enticed to drink?

If it's FM, then can't be help, die die must drink from bottle.
thanks for the info..din noe that avent pacifier got such function...haha..anyway think it is not the milk or manner leh..coz i have been feeding my boy ebm from bottle more often than latching direct and so far fine till recently abt 1wk plus ago..sigh

anyway mummies,
wat brand of pacifier r u all giving to yr babies?? pls share
Hi, augbaby

i did give my bb pacifier (avent)when she is about 1 mth old.... she will need the pacifier when she wants to sleep lor...avent pacificer is bettter in the design lor as previously used NUK & when take out the pacificer, there is marks of the pacificer on my bb face . now also need to play musical bear song 'liang zhi lao hu' for her before she wants to sleep

Hi, erin00
I just called Thomson Hotline & asked the consultant over there on if bb is having constipation, can we dilute the milk.. but the consultant said NO NO... PLEASE DO NOT DILUTE THE MILK..... problem is with the formula.. so asked to change the formula instead of diluting the milk as think this will deprive BB of nutrition....
Gathering at Augustmum house on 3 Dec (Sun)
1. augbb, jayden, hubby and maid
2. piyo, megan, hubby and maid
3. kelly, hubby, gabriel & edward
i suggest u put ur baby down after feed. let her rest n play awhile b4 putting her to sleep. or let her sit on ur lap.
i let my girl sit on my lap until she yawn and feels tired then i let her suck her pacifier to sleep. sometimes baby won't sleep immediately after feed they want to play and look at things around. cos carry baby too much he will get use to it and always want to carry to sleep. once u put him down he will cry.

hi cocomo, thot of writing scripts for tcs part-time? hahaha

gathering in jan at my place is fine with me.
will decide on a date later, but it'll be saturday, as sundays we're busy at church. i'll prob be there for the gathering at sembawang, but will be late.

Gathering at Augustmum house on 3 Dec (Sun)
1. augbb, jayden, hubby and maid
2. piyo, megan, hubby and maid
3. kelly, hubby, gabriel & edward
4. smlow & Louisa (think will leave my older boy at home for his nap!)
