(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


It really doesn't sound like baby is fussing bcos he misses latching on so don't just stop latching on yet. If you stop latching on and he also cry, then you're back to square one also. Anyway, if baby consistently cries at night, it's prolly colic. We just have to try to sooth them and get used to it.

Aiyoh, my boy also fuss like siao. Daytime also, night time also at certain fixed hours (even as I type now, I think he's launching yet another of his crying spells). I'm used to it liao. It's only frustrating when I have things to do (eg. studying for exams) and he's wailing.

Ok, there he goes again!

ai yo, just realized bb's pd dont do 6-in-1 jabs so have to take 6 jabs instead of 3... think it'll cost more too since more jabs... sigh...
i still lie jayden on his back when i show him the board books..ya the books r filled with big words and colourful pics..so i guess he likes it...jay is also now like megan..haha...cant leave him alone in the room one...he will make noises like he is bored and want people to play with him...I also like u, read to him, play wif him till i also dun noe what else to do..haha :p Oh u took unpaid leave or u still have ML left?

i took if it is 4oz/120ml, it means 4 scoops of FM? that is what the tin for enfalac says so...erin, how come u only use 2 scoops?

Hi jokojoko,
where do u buy yr board books? Is it the same as mine? Mine come in a set of 4 and has topics like farm, home etc...Coz i am thinking of getting more for jayden but not sure where to look for..
Anyway, cant join u all this sat..Thou i have delay jayden 5 in 1 jab till a wk later coz he is sick and as advised by PD..However think he is not fully recovered yet. Stil got slight cough and flu so i better dun go in case spread to all yr babies..
anyway someone pls bring the camera ya and take lotsa pics so i can recognise mummies n their babies...:p
just to share , my baby used to cry a lot. have to carry till fall asleep. i read somewhere that baby may hv discomfort in tummy after drinking, even if burped. i started to sit him face fwd, his back resting on my chest, slowly bend him fwd and bend his knees towards his tummy. this is meant to apply pressure on his tummy to help relieve any discomfort. seems to work as my baby will stop crying when i do that. but be ready that sometimes when baby drank too much he may spit out quite a bit of milk. can try it out. not sure if my description is clear :p

augbaby, thanks for tip on pillow. baby's been using a pillow that's meant to prevent flat head but still it happens. my doctor friend thinks it'll round out when baby's head grows. in the meantime, i'm trying to get baby to sleep sideways...sigh , but diaper keeps leaking.
hi luckstarmum,
i agree, seems like only a baby suckle can release blocked ducts, it happens to me too...juz too bad for me when my gal refused to latch on anymore, couldn't possibly force her rite? so now whenever got blocked ducts, massage my boobs until bruised leh...
hi mommies,
pls do share where do you buy your board books. really need something to keep my gal entertained bcos she's starting to divert her attention to the tv nowadays, dun want that to become a habit..thanks in advance!

The Bulk Purchase thread have BP for board books.

As for latching on, you tried many times and BB simply refused to latch on?


My bb likes to sleep on his sides. And now, the sides of his head seems flatter. Duh!


My PD at MAH charges $100 x 2 doses for rotavirus.

U can purchase board books on the following link (BP for Brainy BB Bath, Left & Right book )


me too looking for board book for my bb.... previously bought some small bath book that come with rattles, miror,squeaker & one ABC/123 cloth book(from kidstool) for bb... BB like that ABC/123 book alot as it catch her attention as the book is in red/black& whilte color)... everytime i read to her, she will smile ....
Thks Leia & Jesline,
i'll go check on the BP.

erm...a few times the moment i put my nipple into her mouth, she cried so hard like i'm feeding her poison. but on one occasion i did manage to latch her on, which is by carrying n walking around while latching her. but i dun like the idea of walking around while feeding, kinda feels like it'll turn into a bad habit...
hi, looking forward to meeting mummies tomorrow. i haven't been able to login for a while....
Louisa still rejects bottle, each time i put 4oz milk, she only will take abt 2 oz and refuse the rest. so now when i go out to work, my MIL will only give her 2 oz, after an hr if she still cries then she'll give another 1 oz or 2 oz. there were a few times she went without milk for abt 5 hrs, waited for me to come back to nurse her!! i usually give her a last feed from breast at 1plus pm or 2pm, then i go out, and get home by 6pm or 6.30pm, depending on my schedule. tried avent bottle and the pigeon soft nipple bottle, but she still refuses. any babies still rejecting bottle?? i was thinking, if i work full day what happens then???
i'm still deciding whether to take her to polyclinic for the 5-in-1 jab or to go to PD. $$$$$$$$ sigh..... she cant take the 6-in-1 jab coz she already had her 2nd dose of heb B. i took her to the polyclinic for that, coz wanna save money, but i didn't like the way the nurse handled her. with my PD, he administer the jab himself and my older boy never once cried for all his jabs last time (i was working full time then, so got $$$!!)
hi mummies,

i bot my board books in Times bookshop @ Centrepoint... but believe it'll be slightly more ex... dun rem if they carry in sets... but got wide selection... board books = picture books with one word in hard cardboard cover/pages right?

...seems like my pd @ TMC charges the most for rotavirus vaccines...
hi kelly,

your pd charges are very affordable i wud say... mine is excluding consultation & gst!! lucky i can claim half from my company so pocket never bleed that much...
for mommies looking for board books, not sure if can find good deal here, can check it out

Popular Mega Books Sale
Public - Free admission
Hall 4B
24-Nov-06 to 26-Nov-06
Start Time: 10:00; End Time : 22:00

Leia, looks like hv to try to position baby differently each time to 'balance' out. your baby's diaper doesnt leak when sleeping sideways? which brand do u use? my baby using nepia M. also leaked when using Pampers premium S.

He sleeps funny. He lies on his back but his head will be sideways, ie. he does not face the ceiling, but faces the walls. So it's not so much the back of the head that's flat but the sides. In any case, even when I position him to lie on his side, diaper does not leak. He's using Drypers and NTUC size M at night. When he was on Drypers size S, leaks big time cos too small for him. So I don't think it's the positioning that cause the leakage for your BB, but the sizing?


That's v strange. Cos BBs have this need to suckle - thumb, the whole hand, pacifier, clothes, or anything that is placed near their mouth. Could it be the way you're holding her at that point in time? When you bottle feed her, do you hold her in a similar way as when you're bfg her?

Wanted to send you a PM but you did not turn it on. Go to "Edit Profile" and check/uncheck PM (private message".
Anyone attempted bfg in public places yet? Some of those nursing rooms in shopping centres can be quite pathetic.

So far I've visited the nursing rooms in:
Junction 8
Jurong Point
Raffles City
OG People's Park

The nursing rooms at Jurong Point and Centrepoint is decently spacious and has more than 1 room. The one at OG is not quite a nursing room as there are no doors to the room but there are armchairs for you to sit on. Junction 8's suck - aircon don't seem to be working. Raffles City's too cramp.
Hi Augbaby,
So you position the book at him when you read to Jayden? me on compassionate leave.. tell me more next time
but next Monday FOR SURE am going bk to work

Hi mummies,
how often do you repeat reading the same board and cloth books to your babies? Sometimes I scare I repaet until megan becomes bored.. then again to buy some more like quite waste of $$ cos baby grows up very fast???

Hi Jillian,
Is the book fair at Suntec or Singapore Expo?

Hi Fiona,
I also participated in the BP for the board books Leia & Jesline mentioned
Hi Luckstarmum and Fiona,
When comes to fussing at the breasts, megan is no.1! she will kick both her legs, wails at the op of her voice and use her 2 tiny fists to bang on my nehs... very pain and my hands must hold her tightly else wait she falls down... I resorted to walking and carrying her while I bf... sometimes it works, sometimes it dun. Then at times, she will latch on awhile then will just pull off from the nipple... ouch! I think my nehs have become seasoned from all the banging, kicking and latching off...

Hi Leia,
I tried Drypers one time... It leaks!!! I gave up on drypers... now I am testing HUggies at night... did you use bumwear? I am still experimenting on bumwear but my ger poos everytime she is on bumwear... makes it so difficult for me to test if it leaks cos whenever she poos, the poo may come out from the leg hole..

me me me! I attempted bfg in public cos when megan wants milk, she wants it NOW! so bo bian... I bot some bursing wear from MIM so that I can nurse her outside...sometimes even in restuarants..

So far I have been to nursing rooms in the following Shopping ctrs:

Plaza Sing
Parkway Parade
Marina Sq

I always confirmed where is the nursing room in the shopping ctr b4 I start my shopping else very jia lat when megan wails... so far I find Parkway, Suntec and Plaza Sing very good... spacious with armchairs etc... the worst is vivo... the shopping ctr not baby friendly not to mention the nursing rooms... I think those shopping ctrs under CapLand are good!
hi cocomo,
do you really dun nd us to bring anything when we go your hse tomolo? paiseh lei...

btw, I wanna c how you install your webcams... so another reason y I not bringing my "mei nu" aka maid along
Hi Leia,
I've been breastfeeding baby in public, eg restaurants, resting area coz sometimes too troublesome to find the nursing rooms.

Anyway, i always bring a big towel out shopping and use the towel to cover, so nobody can see.

Looks comical to passerbys, but who cares, as long as baby dun cry can liao.
Think it is not colic. My boy will cry for about 10 to 20 minutes and looting for breast in my husband arms, and then fall asleep suddenly. I agree that the problem might not be due to direct latching on at all. It is just that he may have associated sucking with falling asleep. The root of the problem is still that his sleeping habit has not been established. Hope as time goes by, he will learn how to sleep on his own, peacefully. PM has been turned on. thanks

thanks for the tip, ur description is quite clear
Sometimes I like to let him sit on me this way. I will try to see whether that helps.
ningyo, piyo, leia
i tik i've shared b4 abt breastfeeding in public. i guess all of u understand wat i meant now. when ur bb cries 4 milk, u juz cant b bothered 2 find nursing room. u juz 1 2 shut ur bb up by quickly sticking ur nipple into their mouths. hahahaha!
Hi Aug mummies,
I just received a pamplet from Gymboree at Vivo. They are having a free trial classes from now till the end of their open house on 17 nov. We can organise a max of 10 babies to go for their trial Level 1 (birth to 6 months) Baby class. For Level 1 baby class, their slots for the weekends are Sat 4-4.45pm and Sun 12-12.45pm. The class involves both mummy and baby, includes play such as tummy time exercises, baby massage, parents sharing etc... was wondering if you are interested. If yes, we can quickly organise one b4 17 nov since it's free? what do you think?
Hi Kelly,
totally agreed! I just quickly popped her to my neh to shut her up....no matter where I am but sometimes I so scared she unlatches herself then I kena exposed! Got 1 time I was in a restaurant and a man keeps looking... I just stared back!
i also participate in the BP for board books..:p

Hi fiona,
I bought mine from century sq. I think a book distributor juz set up a row of tables there to sell

Hi Jill, Leia
Now jayden also like sleeping on his side leh...so every time i put him down to sleep, i will lie him on his side..not sure if his side is flat leh..but his back of his head is ok..guess the special pillow helps..
Ya think bb like to suckle leh..coz my boy, he will suck his hands, finger like it is v tasy one and he will also use his hands to push his blanket and suck it too..he likes to suck everything..i also dun noe y..is it normal?? Last time he dun reali do that leh..

Hi piyo,
Oh icic..okie..tell me more next time..ya i will lie on the bed together wif jay and position the book infront of his face and point n read to him..Think his neck is not totally firm yet n spine is not fully developed so i din sit him upright to read to him...

Anyway does any mummies noe if it is actually ok to sit bb upright now like say on a sofa or pillow behind them? Coz i am concern as their spine is not fully developed n firm yet leh..

Have you tried the pacifier? Helps my boy to sleep sometimes. There are times when he rejects the pacifier and promptly falls asleep when I pick him up and put him on my lap.


Yep, am using Bumwear in the day. Have yet to try using Bumwear with 2 inserts overnight though. Maybe I should try tonight, if it's not too cold cos I doubt I can squeeze him into his long pants with Bumwear inside. :p

So far, the experience has been very good.
No leaks from poo so far. As for leaks from pee, I notice if I don't wear it properly for him, it will leak. The leg hole is still a little too big so what I do is that I pull the front panel all the way up such that the corners stick out quite a bit above the fasteners. You know what I mean? That way, the leg hole is smaller. Btw, do you use nappy liners with Bumwear?
me this blur head! Just realised we only have this sat and sun left b4 nov 17...a bit rushed huh? plus tomolo we have gathering... go after gathering waaahh then become super exciting huh??? or make it this sunday huh?
Hi Leia,
I am also thinking of trying out bumwear at night with 2 inserts cos she normally dun poo at night... wahh if I succeed with the night in bumwear (megan not me of cos) then I can really save on disposable diapers lei!!!

So far I only got leaks from poo none from pee yet.. and the poo is always from the leghole... y huh? is it cos the lobang at theleg still big? then y pee no leak lei? I just tried your mtd 2 days ago... it works but after my caterpillar wriggle here and there, the corners some down again, know what I mean?

Do you make use of the fasterners at the side of the front panel? Is that only for usage if we bring the flap down? otherwise it's useless? I find the mono colour bumwear fits better than those with prints. What about yours? How many are you using now in the day? inserts and diapers I mean?

I use 2 nappy liners with Bumwear. If no stained with poo, I will wash and reuse. How about you? And do you use the nappy cream with Bumwear?
hi mummies,
i've also just placed my orders for the board books. my boy likes to sleep on his side too.

hi augbaby,
similac is different from enfalac. similac requires me to put one scoop in 60ml of water. btw, i have a babycare book and it states that we can actually prop babies against pillows or cushions to help them sit upright. can start from 6 wks. i've been doing that for some time liao but he doesn't sit for too long. the most about 5mins.

hi piyo and augbaby,
i also run out of ideas. have tried playgym but his attention span is very short. he can only be occupied for 15 to 20 mins.

hi kelly,
are u picking up the boardbooks from any of the collection point? can tonpang u? i can travel to ur place to collect them.

hi smlow,
my bb also the same. i've tried quite a no. of teats but seems like he only favours nuk silicon teats. waste my money.
No need to bring anything here la. Will buy some snacks from OCK and bangawan solo tomolo. Excited to meet you guys!!
Yo mummies,
Don't forget our gathering hor.

Gathering on 11th Nov (Sat) at cocomo's place (Redhill).. starting 13:30
1) cocomo & family
2)Piyo, Megan and hubby
3)kelly & edward (husband'll bbsit gabriel)
4) jokojoko, hubby & aidan (maid TBC)
5) smlow & Louisa (will update if my husband and older boy will be tagging along or not)
6) Adeline, Leon and hubby Melvin
7) Augustmum and two children, Noah and Zac
8) CJ, Kaefer and Hb ( we r attending if Kaefer recovers fr cough )
9) Fiona & Denise
10) bbnmum , hb , Vyeoz & Vytoz
hi mummies,

for those who are very concerned about nursing rooms in shopping malls. u can purchase the sep-nov issue of young parent BABY magazine. hopefully its still on sale. There is a survey of nursing rooms in alot of shopping malls. They have comments on location, facilities in the room, space area etc. You will know whether there is hot water in the room etc.
There are pictures in the magazine too. I am very surprise to know that actually TANGS nursing room got steriliser....
Hi Mummies,
I have just called Gymboree. They cannot extend the promo period for us, so if we wanna go for the free trial, it's only this weekend, either sat or sunday. Sat slot at 4pm is empty so if we wanna do it tomorrow, we can take the whole slot to ourselves. If It's on sunday, currently there is one baby registered...

If not, guess we got to do it next time but must pay $35 for trial liao...

I have an idea... we go there from cocomo's place if al can make it? since from redhil to vivo like very near?just a wild tot...

Oh ya, 17 nov is friday... :p If it's on Sunday, what time will it be? I'm keen on the Sunday one. Never mind the one baby lah... :p

Anyway, if you guys do it on Sat, a bit too rush with the gathering which starts at 1.30pm, right?
I think no prob... who wanna join??? They say max is 10 pax so since got 1 bb liao, we left with 9 slots. pls list your name here b4 I give gymboree a call

Sun 12 Nov 12-12.45pm
hi mommies,
talkg abt what can/cannot be done, sometimes feel very bad. my baby flew to HK with me at 5 wks old. we take him out almost everyday, either to eat or shopping. even went to macau. many strangers on the streets stop to ask how young & look at us disapprovingly. sometimes even nag at me for a few mins sigh. my doc friend thinks it's ok to expose baby, only that Asians are more protective, must wrap tight keep in doors. Ang mohs take their babies out when little.

anyway, u are lucky S'pore is breastfeedg friendly. i hv yet to find a nursing room anywhere in HK. no choice, i just bohchup , find a restaurant, order drinks and BF there. think i dont care ard ppl i dont know. to me, it only feels weird in front of friends.

2-3 well-meaning strangers hv advised cannot sit young baby up coz spine not developed. dunno true or not but i've been sitting baby up in his stroller and carrying him upright since abt 1 mth old !

also startg my baby at gymboree here in HK. it's fun for parents too, and can be very exhausting hahaha. enjoy yrselves.

checked the SG expo website, popular bookfair will be held there.
i tik our orders for the brainy bb board books not taken in. i've asked the FirstMum 2 include me 4 the 2nd BP if there's any. i wont mind collecting 4 u.
can you pm me your mobile no just in case I wanna contact you? Thanks!

list to include Augbaby:

Sun 12 Nov 12-12.45pm Gymboree@Vivo City
Hi mummies,

I have just called Gymboree and made reservations. Pls wear/bring a pair of socks for ourselves/daddies and a blacket for our baby. Daddies can come in if the class is not too crowded. Otherwise, there are seats outside the class the daddies/mommies can sit when 1 parent goes in with the baby.

Gymboree at vivo is at #03-60/61/60 (south linkbridge to Harbourfront Ctr & Vivo city). If you are driving, can try park at Lobby D and take lift to 3rd floor.

Any more queries, pls let me know so that I can call and ask again.

The max class is 10 babies, we have 5 here and 1 other baby that directly registered with gymboree. We have another 4 vacancies is other mummies are interested
Sorry ah this is so adhoc:p Let me know ya?

thks 4 ur sms again

for such sessions, usually daddy AND mummy r able 2 go into the playarea. if too crowded, either parent just stand aside.

mummies who r going,
dun wear skirts cos u'll b sitting down on e flr.
