(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

About thawing BM, I think that it should be thawed the way we thaw meat from freezer. We don't put in hot water right? It'll cook the meat! Similarly, I don't think it's our intention to "cook"/"boil" the BM. So no hot water. Make sense?

All Mummies who have given birth:

Read your birth stories and I was like wondering, how do you all like remember what time what happened one har?


Kekekeke, I live life dangerously! :p

Yep, I've got the list of items to pack. Okie, will finish packing by end of today. :p


For me, the contractions were so painful that I kept asking for the time...wanna know how much time had passed...made me feel better
Hey erin, Noe,
Both of yr bb r so cute...Hee hee...

good to hear that yr girl is alr engage..b4 long u be able to hold her in yr arms and then it be the long sleepless nights to go..hee hee... :p

Regarding the papaya soup, how long must we continue drinking it ah...my BM is still not alot..so i usually latch BB on and he drinks like every 1hr..n when i pump after that not much left...sigh..wonder when i go bk to work, how is it going to be as i wont have a lot when i pump...any mummies can advise...shld i start freezing my EBM in my 2nd mth of ML so that after that i can pass to my mum so bb will have when i go work..how long can EBM last in the freezer?
hi erin00, Leia,

thanks for your input... my baby wails like no tomorrow when hungry... usually it takes how long to soak in tap water? my baby seems impatient to wait for the milk... thanks again!
hi piyo

can update me in your list too, sorry havent had chance to share birth story

edd - 28 aug
delivery - 14 aug
weight - 2.68kg
dr wee
baby boy - Leon Fine Foo

birth story

7am - water bag burst
8am - arrived at KKH, straight to delivery room, doc told us to relax for now as long way to go. was given medication to speed up contracttions. hubby and i ate hotcakes from macs, and listened to music
1pm - contractions start, use laughing gas and seems to help, only 1cm dilated
3pm - given jab on thigh, contractions a bit more pain but still can, only 2cm dilated
7pm - cannot take it! chuck all holistic ideas abt no epi and scream and claw for epi
730pm - epi administered, oh heaven, even napped for 2 hours, still only 2-3cm dilated at this point
11pm - fully dilated!
1215am - pushing was q easy and leon arrives
hi all , just wanna check , my baby is 2 weeks+ old , n there is always sound coming from his stomach , just like the sound when we r hungry , our stomach will make ! and his is very loud , is that normal ??
from this angle, ur bb nose look like my bb nose. Ur HB oso hainanese?

white lady,
my bb stomach dun hav noises, but these 2 days he keep puking his milk
cos he has lots of phlegm. so worrying.

i din know too. been using hot water to soak. so how long to soak if use tap water?
hi CJ

ya how you know hainanese??
he has q a strong bridge actually my baby. every says he looks like an exact replica of his hainanese daddy ..
haha... surname Foo likely to be hainanese. Yup, their guys in the family all look alike. so i know how my hb gonna look like wen he's his father's age. my impression is dat they got big noses too.. my bb got big nose. U tik if i try to squeeze everyday will get sharper herr?
hi mommies,
my BB's on total EBM, the only problem is she's too impatient when it comes to latching on, so I was just wondering how do I bring out her supply of EBM when I go out with her next time...any suggestions?
u can bring EBM out but make sure ur EBM stays chilled. if i not wrong, e cooler bag can only keep EBM chilled for max 5-6hrs. even so i dunno if ur breasts will b engorged so u MAY want to bring ur breastpump out 2 express ur BM. I know a GF who always brings her Avent breastpump out so she pumps & feed her girl (her girl dun latch on well so no choice, gotta feed EBM).

e hassle wif EBM is u dun exactly know when denise is going 2 drink n u having 2 pump when ur breasts get engorged. u'll need 2 get hot water 2 warm it up n at e same time, handle a probably fussing and/or screaming away bb. wat my GF did was she brought hot water & a thermo cup (a cup tat can fit the milk bottle wif ur EBM) out.
It's 03:30hrs now and I have problems sleeping for the past 0.5hrs or so cos I seem to be experiencing bad menstrual cramps. Woke up, went to the loo, and I think I have the show.

Now, I'm putting the last of the items into my hospital bag (heehee!)... and try to go back to sleep. I have gynae appt later at 10am.
hi cj,

i've been using hot water too... but i dun soak for too long lor... just enough for the milk to get lukewarm... hopefully not all nutrients lost... so far my BM turnover is within 12 hours (not much supply) so never get to store in freezer but in the lower fridge instead...

hi mummies,

my baby is now 11 days old and he drinks about 50ml every 2-3 hours.. is this too little?
Morning lala!

Thanks for the wishes!

Cramps subsided somewhat, enough for me to get back to sleep at 4+am. Anyway, I'm still here. Later go gynae see what he says. Who knows maybe can tahan another few days?

But now, the cramps are like coming back again. Never have this kinda feeling for 9mths already. Urgh.
hi jokojoko,
just read up my antenatal book. after thawing the frozen milk, leave it in warm water or tap water (not hot water) for about 10 mins. I din bf after 6 days so no experience. everything is based on what i learnt from antenatal class. hope it helps.
I am still waiting for my 'show'. Each time I wake up in the middle of the nite to wee wee, I will always try to look out for any bleeding, or water bag burst, or cramps. So far no signs at all yet. My next checkup is on Wed. Hopefully I can be admitted by then
Hi all,

Just had my baby's full month celebration yesterday. Like a mad house yesterday. Thank God it is over. Don't wanna go thru another one again...
Thanks Kelly! But so far lucky me, I dun get engorgement even though my flow is high that I purposely pump only every 6hrly so that I can feed her fresh refrigerated milk rather than freeze them...so I'll bring my ebm in the fridge 2 go bag wif thermo flask, on top of other stuffs...haiz

Wish you have a smooth delivery!

So fast your baby's full mth liao, means confinement's over lor...so good! My baby's full mth celebration is set on 16th Sep, alrdy dread how tired we'll all be that day le...
Augustmum , wow , ur baby full month over liao , good lor ... going to be my turn in 1 - 2 weeks time , i also keep thinking , cos got lots of people , wait evryone touch my BB face, wait will have rashes ! haa haa ... so sian ... haa haa
Hi cj ,

my baby also have been puking milk this 2 days , think maybe becos he have too much phlegm also ... see him puke milk , i so heart pain =(
haha lala & leia,

we all counting n waiting.. n hoping for the sleepless nites ahead??

me too, still waiting.. gynae ask me to see him on wednesday morning..if by then, nothing, i probably will be asked to be admitted and induced..

keke.. wondering if i can delay to thursday afternoon boh.... so baby is born on friday 1st sept..

me still in office leh!!
white lady,
U scare bb kena rashes during full mth celebrations, i scare pple bring virus. Somemore now got strong flu virus making its rounds. My elder boy kena, then now my maid kena oso. Doc told me all wif virus MUST stay away from bb!!!
Hi everyone,

Been sometime log in.
Im ultimately stress noW!
My confinement nanny play mi out!
When i discharge, she get mi a temp for 5 days as she is engaged to a lady who is due late n crashed wit mi( make mi feel she so not professional to judge e timing).

Den the story begin. E temp nanny come, 60yr old. I tot she v ok BT im wrong. she v slow & look tired n keep coughing. She even wanna use detergent to bath my gal which my hb caught her n tell her which n wat is e right one & told her dono anything jus ask. More worse to come. she don even realli take care of my gal well!

I tell her to go on 2nd day. I was on my own till my actual nanny shld come today BUT!!! last nite she call mi say she cant pass e immigration n wan her to go back n return in 2weeks later! i was like wat e hell! Doesnt she know how to judge timing? I was already so depressed n upsetting wit my mil also n now e nanny matter.

Now is hell for mi n im trying to handle... may not have much time to come here..
BB is doing well in latchin e day she born which im glad. SHE is TBF as milk flow come i don give her FM at nite...

Nw my gal is e strength for mi
Skyblue ,

u remind me ! Oh no , now i have 1 more thing to worry ! virus ... how ? haa haa , think when my BB is sleeping , i wont allow people to carry him lor , will bring him back into the room to sleep on that day , what do u all think ? will it be rude ??
lala, Jasmine:

I'm still here!

Just got back from gynae appt. Baby not engaged leh. Head down but his body turn around to face the front!

Gynae ask me to book appt with him for this fri/sat to be induced if nothing happens within the next few days. His opinion is not to keep beyond 41st week cos placenta may decide to age and then it'd be no good for the baby. So most likely I'll book Saturday but I'd rather it happen naturally. Come to think of it, when my mom had me, I was also induced. And still, nothing happened so my mom eventually had a c-section. Good grief!

Cramps quite uncomfortable. And the bloody show like quite a bit leh.


Thanks in advance.
hi cynthia,
dun stress! just take it easy. i know it's easier said than done but i sort of also hv to be on my own during confinement, (i'm 3rd week into confinement), on sat just cleaned my whole flat, mopping vacuuming etc etc. somemore hv a 3 year old to take care of.
u take care, as long as bb and you are happy, it's all that matters. just keep cheerful ok
When is your due date huh? My checkup is also this Wed afternoon.

Maybe your bb wants to be born on 1Sep, Teachers' Day!
try not to get affected by the CL since it can't be helped. hav to try ur best to cope, i guess. it's good dat bb is latching well. solved 50% of ur problem oredi.
Hi cynthia,
Dun stress up, me too on my own... 2 week oredy. At least u dun hv latching problem.

Jasmine n Leia,
Cia yo n take care.
I'm experiencing what seems like v bad menstrual cramps since the time I had a show on Sunday. Is it normal? The feeling sucks man. It's like I'm perpetually in Day 2 of my menses cycle (I have history of bad menstrual cramps). Sit also pain, stand also pain, lie down also pain, sleep also pain, walk also pain. I'd normally take painkillers but now I can't... obviously. To think that I was contemplating on doing without epidural. Who am I kidding?
Is there anyone interested in getting some mother's milk tea to boost milk supply? A friend swore by it, and i bought a pack from brown rice paradise, that cost $15 for 16 bags. If i get it shipped from US, it may be cheaper even adding in the shipping cost, got to check the price tho...here's the website - http://www.worldpantry.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prmenbr=201614&prrfnbr=211945&pcgrfnbr=204131

If anyone is interested, pls email me, cos i don't check in on the forum regularly.
Yah lor Leia...How you tahan the pain ar? Really pei fu you...

Try to take it easy, me also taking care of baby by myself but lucky got mil to cook for me lah, so not too bad. Sometimes got CL also give you headache de, you may be coping better without one that gives you problem...Jia you gal!!
White lady and skyblue,

During the whole full month celebration, my baby stayed in my bedroom, happily sleeping. Guests saw him sleeping, hence did not carry him or touch him.

However, the number of people turning up was more than expected. Ended up, food not enuff
Forgotten that the celebration is on a Sunday and thus, most guests would come as a family. Also, forgot that many of our frens have children now, unlike two years ago when we celebrated our first born's full month...


Anyone's babies have rashes on the face already. Still thinking whether to see pd or not cos when my first born kena rashes last time, pd only said wiped with cooled boiled water and it worked.


Heard of confinement lady not able to clear immigration before. My first confinement played me out too so for my second birth, dare not have confinement lady again.

Can ask hubby to take leave to help? Could also order confinement food...remember to sleep whenever baby is sleeping...take care
Btw, contractions pain is supposed to be below the tummy or where?

I'm still at work but gonna leave in a while and start my ML.

I think u might be having contraction pain.
Mine also come right after i bleed and something like mense cramp just that there will be a part when it is very pain ( maybe interval like every 5 mins)

better go see gynae. might be delivery day

thanx for your reply!!!

yes, like every 5-6min. finishing up my work already. leaving soon...

paaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiin ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
when u wait up to 6 hours b4 express, does your breast get pain?

i am now either feeding direct or pumping every 3 hours. very tiring and breasts a bit sore. even at nite, if i get someone else to help with feed, i still have to get up 2 times a nite to express out.
i think i am going crazy feeling like a cow. no mood to do anything...

other mummies,
i think i have some case of post natal blues... i keep tearing each day... how ah?
if my milk not enough for baby i worry, then his jaundice is going down very slowing, so i oso think giving him some formula is good. then i feel bad for not letting him latch on...

when hubby works late or leaves me at home, i oso get upset...
how to deal with this... make me so lousy, i should be making the most of this time to bond with baby, catch up on rest or do some other simple things rite...sigh sigh sigh...

i have been offline for quite a while, cuz i dun rest enuf... in the day i just potter around..cant sit still.

also, does having CL, initially i dun like my CL, so that upset me too. she is not very clean and always eats everything in my pantry. then she sleep like a pig and i have to wake up and check on bb.

so xian, my mom say if really dun wan, can ask her go, tomorrow is her 14 day. but w/o her, i may not be able to handle... i feel like inadequate, cannot look after baby.. like burp him properly or change his diaper etc... this also on thing upset me, having another stranger in house...

anyone know when can bring baby out? and when mummy can go out? i think after 2 weeks its ok rite? i dun mind go out with my baby, actually looking forward to that. but then, i oso dun trust to leave confinement lady at home alone. argggh!!!

so sorry i soooo long winded... finally come online, and think u gals can help me stay sane...
one other question, as for the lochia, see some of you mention it will last up to 3 weeks, so i have about 1 more week to go? now 2 weeks past.
wondering, have u al switched to normal day pads? no need to use the night pads rite or the maternity pads anymore ya?
Hi Butter8, do try and relax, guess no one's perfect, my CL told me we only need the confinement food for the first 20 days only, after that our body will be strong enough to handle everything else. So maybe you want to keep her till your 20th day, after that can ask her to go home. Do take care, eat well and sleep well to prep your body, at least you've got enough milk for your baby, mine is pathetic...pump whole day only managed to supplement one feed for the entire day, the rest have to be substituted by FM, so different from what I used to think...very sad

Hi Noe,

I just started my massage with Mona yesterday morning. She told me she came from your house and that you are very capable, can take care of 3 boys at the same time. Mona is good huh, I can see some results just after one massage.

I delivered my baby on 21st Aug too at Mt A, we could have met each other, my girl came out in the evening thou, was at delivery suite 1. What a coincidence.

Hi Piyo, kindly help to update my details in your chart, thanks!

EDD: 20th Aug
Deliver Date: 21st Aug (Baby was full-term, had to induce out)
Weight: 3.48KG (tore 4cm when she came out...ouch!!)
Hospital: Mt A
Gynae: Dr Ester Ng
Gender: Baby Girl

I had an all natural delivery w/o epi, entire labor lasted about 10 hours, thought the pain was bearable infact I couldn't even remember what the pain level was everytime I look at my girl
Heo everyone. Long time no log in. My edd 30 Aug but due to pre-elampsia, i delivered baby on 10 Aug after induce. but no matter how i push, also pain, the epidural doesn't work for me... thus had an emergency caeseaan...

My baby boy was born 3145gm.

Hi Everyone,

Tks for e love & concern.
Currently coping n hoping things wil get on smooth. next time realli scare of getting a CL! might jus do myself hahaha.

Now bb bit scare to latch mi. I think milk flow is too fast & when she suckling she nearly got choke! (my gal suction v fast n anxious) NOw i try to lay down latch her or pump out some first before latching her.. Im realli fortunate she latch well n obedient at e moment.. Know her style like she cry becos of wat etc...

Now coping wit stress n overcoming depression. Think is all e hormones adjusting n also so many things happen wit the replacement nanny & actual one. Lucky i been doing massage n give mi more strength.. shall contd till end of confinement which i feel is encourage for us esp so worn out taking care of bb n all e hsechores!

Lets Jia You!!!

Hmm anyone is still waiting to be in labor?
