(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi guys

me not having a CL, save $ and also cos my chinese sux & im not particularly traditional, canned the idea.

my parents will come over weneva they can with e maid, but the maid is really to look after my dad who is recovering from stroke. i feel bad to over impose on my mom also, cos since my dad had a stroke about 1 year ago, she already has so much on her plate, so i told her, she can come over as she wants.

My MIL totally gets on my nerves. before pregnant was kinda get on my nerve, after it is so bad i couldn't stay in e same house as her even tho their house is much bigger and emptier. she is v grumpy & negative & controlling, so its impossible to live with her. also told hubby, would prefer she come over only when he is home too, cos i really dunno how to handle her.

So actually, i might v possibly be often alone aftr i give birth. i can move back to my parents place, but with dad and 2 dogs, there is no space for bb's stuff..

i am thinking i can b a superwoman, altho i m not sure. hubby works late rather often. praying i can do it. luckily have internet access so can 'let it all out' here

CONGRADS new mommies

Can anyone advise whether I can start to massage my breasts now - ending of week 36 ?.. mine is a male gynae. that's why he never advise on this topic..
Hi Jas,
I understand what you mean.
It's like a roller coaster ride of emotions for me during the 1st & 3rd trimester.
I was more weepy in the 1st and more easily agitated in the 3rd. Haiz ...
We are reaching the end of the race soon (and the start to another), so let's hang in there together!

Went for check up..
Hmm bb prefer to be inside so will gotta wait ard this 2weeks. She is gg to 3.2kg @ 37weeks.
Actually gynae advise e weight just estd lo.. gotta + - 10%-15%. At e moment Im happy wit bb weight N my weight dropped too..

Now jus gotta stand by incase of anymore pain, cramps, contractions coming as Tues i had all these nonsense! Haiz... THIS IS E GREATEST OF MUMMIE!

White lady,
Cam & video cam will be able to bring in cos i have frds recorded their birth! COOL!

Today is ur EDD? so fast! Don worry who knows while u typing n bb wanna come out. Normally bb can stay inside till max 42weeks.. advise any prob wit ur gynae too.. keep us updated!
Hi Pups,
One my girlfriends just gave birth a month ago to her #2 & she did her confinement herself for both her boys.
This second time round, her dh quitted his job so he was able to be her cook throughout the month.
It wasn't easy of course but they weathered through it nonetheless.

Will dh be able to take leave the first few days?
I think that will be helpful to ease the transition.
I remember although dh didn't really know how he could help out effectively, knowing that he's around did provide me with support (urm ... actually he sort of became my sounding board)

U can get ur hb to check wit his HR regarding taking leave. As wat i know some give 2-5days of paternity leave depending on individual co practice.

As for my hb, he only entitled to 2days paternity leave n he will take additional 3days leave bah.. see when i due. Cos I have CL so wont realli need him ard unless CL held up etc..
after birth i am also taking care of baby alone my mum will cook and after that she goes back to work.....
Cecelia, Pup and Catherine,

I'm doing my own confinement too...daring cos I'm a second time mother and had bad experience with confinement lady for my first born.

I ordered confinement food this time. Very yummy and big portion. Hubby took leave for three days to help out after my discharge. He does all the washing too...

Felt kinda relax without a confinement lady...no stranger in the house...no nonsense from some old ladies...but easy for me cos mine is a natural birth and I'm breastfeeding...
u are not alone. I will be doing my own confi oso eventhou my mil free but nt comfi with her. You just need time to adjust to yr new life with bb. Cia yo...
Hi pups,
See if you can get you DH to be on leave for at least the 1st week of your confinement? As That is the most vulnerable period after we come back home... with DH around, it does a lot of help in terms of moral and physical support for us...

Hi Cyn,
can bring videocam? I tot we cannot record video of the birthing process? can only take pics with baby when baby is out?

Hi Wanli,
Be strong and I am happy to hear that you are handling it quite well... I think I may be worse off than you when baby really comes!
Cecelia, Pup and Catherine,

I have a CL and she called me recently to ask if I am birthing early as she just finished the confinement lady for a mummy who birthed in July... I told my DH that best dun get too many visitors like his mum down our house cos I dun think I have energy to entertain her amidst my adjusting to the new life and baby... plus with a confinement lady, my maid and me there is already 3 women in the house... imagine my mum plus his mum coming in as well... I will faint... confirm post natal blues...
hi Noe

my husband started at this company not too long ago, so jus finished probation and can't take much leave. am praying i give birth on a thursday night, then he has 1 day paternity leave for friday, and jus take monday off, and i have 4 days with him.

where u ordered your confinement food and how much is it?
Hi Cyn,
My DH is working for a Swedish company, so no paternity leave offered.
He took about 3 - 4 days of leave the last 2 rounds each.

Wah ... You Mummies are amazing!
I can't imagine doing confinement on my own.
My mother will be helping me with confinement.
She's my pillar my strength throughout as she has a positive outlook towards things which I really appreciate & need during confinement. (Of course we have our rubbing shoulders moments too during the confinement period)

Let's see how this time round goes as more arrangements are needed for the 3 boys.
no need 2 say thanks lah...we are all helping one another out. i can help u fr a 2nd-time mummy's perspective as i know how helpless a 1st time mummy can b. of course my advice is fr my personal experience. areas i cant help, i sure get u 2 seek professionals' advice.

both my confinements r done wif part-time MIL. she comes over in e morn, prepares my meals, bathes the boys, then she leaves anytime fr 3pm. e latest she stayed was 6pm. on wkends, husband does everything n my parents help 2 prepare e meals which my husband will drive over 2 pick it up or parents send over cos they wanna c their grandchildren.

i very happy wif tis arrangement cos not comfortable wif MIL staying 24-7 in my plc, wif a CL or a maid. i very private person. MIL dun help me much wif my 2nd son cos i do all e diapering & feeding by myself. MIL helps by keeping my bigger boy occupied.
Anyone breastfeeding here? How's your milk supply? Do you mix with formula milk n bottle feed? Can share your experience? Thanks.
how abt seeking ur gynae's advice since ur EDD is 2day? did he mention abt inducing u?

wanli, chrys,
remember i mentioned tat my 2nd son is now on PBFg (partial breastfeeding), i.e. he's taking EBM/FM and i'm latching him. so far, in e past 24hrs, he's on TBFg (all latching except 1 EBM feed).

i've decided 2 go TBFg cos i see tat his jaundice seems all cleared, he looks as if he has gained weight & grew taller. it's VERY tiring cos he can waking up 4 milk every 1.5-2hrs if he ONLY nursed fr 1 breast. if he nursed fr 2breasts, he can sleep for 3-4hrs.

so if u r doing PBFg, give urself time 2 slowly move into TBFg. it can b done wif ease & no need 2 stress urself abt it.
Hi mummies,
anyone doing HR here..is all fathers entitled to paternal leave or is it up to individual companies??
Hey Kelly,
Glad to know that edward's jaundice is cleared
Thanks for advice! May I know how frequent you pump out yr milk? If we let baby latching most of the time then do we still need to pump out the milk?
Hey, despite me being a 2nd time mum, I still dun have confidence in doing confinement on my own. Initially planning to jus have maid to help me, but now dat my ex CL is available, i've sought her help for 2 wks to train my maid. Me such a failure hor... :p

Wow, u're popping earlier than me now. N congrats, u can skip ur observation. Hehehe...Wish u a smooth delivery.

I know wat u mean when u say dunno y but jus feel like crying.

pupsandcups & wanli,
During my confinemt after i had my 1st son, I cried a few times for no rhyme or reason. Jus felt so depressed. I had CL then oso. I tink it's pretty normal cos gotta cope wif so many changes all of a sudden.

I started massaging my breasts from wk 36 i tink. Mine oso male gynae who didn't advise me on tis matter. But my colleague told me can start massaging to stimulate milk flow.
According to MOM regulation, Paternity leave is 2 days but it will depend on the company's regulation. Like my dh, his co only entitled 1 day.
oh icic...but shld have at least 1 day?? coz like my hubby co say dun have at all..so i am confuse..maybe i shld go into the MOM website to check it out...
Ya depends on the company. My hubby only 1 day, can't believe it, I mean don we need our hubbies most at this time of our life?

I want to try my best and not disturb hubby. Cos he is the type not enough sleep, he will not function properly at work, and since he'll be soul breadwinner, its important that he continues to excel at work.

stresszing me-self out

U can double check wit gynae.. some are ok wit filming down bt i don think will be able to do e entire process as ur hb will b busy helping u pulling ur leg n encourage u breathing etc!

I feel take pic will be alright for mi.. maybe when bb is out haven wash etc.. my frd took tat n show it too me! Seems bit yucky bt.. well... if u able to take it why not? hehehe
tomorrow check up with gynae... hopefully bb will come out these few days.... i dont wanna be induced leh. heard it's painful, dont know true or not? last sat during the checkup, he said bb is only half engaged and i'm not even dilated yet. dont know why this 2nd pregnancy so slow. i thot i had more exercise this time around....

Induce is not pain.. heard from my frd.. Think we do have some misconcept in induce lo.
She told mi not pain n e contraction will come faster..

Don worry, see ur gynae n see wat gotta say.. will soon c ur bb! maybe still wanna b inside swimming playing ah
hi cynthia,
haha... not much room for her to move around/swimming liao coz her movements v little since last week.
yeah hope she'll pop soon.....

Hehehe.. now is like 3room inside.. mine also cant move liao.. keep pushing pushing.. make mi so tight!

lets pray hard too! yeah
last sat my bb already 3.2kg. and usually the weight is just an estimate. now worried bb will be quite big, then how to give birth ah?? aiyoh....
Hi Mummies!

I am back today with my bb. bb jaundice went down from 10.5 - 9.6 so can discharge together with her this morning..

Let me share my birth story briefly...

On Monday night, slight contraction starts .. Call Dr and ask to admit to hospital at 2359hr as bb also not moving much during the day...

12am: put on CTG
1am: CTG shows mild contraction but not dilated yet. Tablet inserted to soften cervix
4am: Put on CTG again and shows contraction becoming more frequent.
9am: 3cm dilated
12pm: Still 3cm dilated. Put on drip to speed up dilation
12.30pm: severe pain starts with more contraction and ask for Epidural
2pm: Epidural was on after suffering for 2hrs.
2.30pm: Take five. Hungry and ask for snack
3.30pm: 6cm dilated
4pm: Felt something bulging out. Nurse checked, it was the water bag and 10 cm dilated
4.05pm: Gynea arrive and after 4pushes, my darling is out....

will post the bb photo next time :)
Hi Cythnia,

Here is my hosp bill for the 3 days...

Mummy's bill

Hospital Charges
normal delivery with epidural(3day): 725
Bed charges@190 for 3 days: $570
Clinical consumable & supply: 49.90
Equipment usage: 26.66
Pharamcy: 110.50
Total hosp charges w GST: 1556.16

Doc charges
Dr attendance Fee: 105
Dr Operation fee: 367.50
Total Chargale by Dr Ong Douglas: 472.50
Dr Operations Fee:300
Total Charagable by De Tay Hock Seng: 300
Total Dr charges: 772.50

Total Dr charges: 772.50
Less Payment (deposit): -450

Medisave claim 4 hosp: 1545.01
Medisave claim 4 douglas ong: 472.50
medisave claim 4 Dr tay hock seng: 82.50

Total Medisave claim: 2100.01
Balance payable: -221.35

BB Charges

Hosp Charges
BB package: 160
Nursery Bed aharges: 135
Clinical Comsumable & supply: 38.35
Diagnostic Imaging Svcs: 60
Lab services: 44
PhotoTherapy: 63
Total Hospital Charges: 525.35

Dr Charges
Dr Attendance Fee: 262.50

Total Dr Charges: 262.50

Total Charges: 787.87

Medisave claim to Hospital: 525.37
Medisave claim for Dr Phuah Huan Kee: 150

Total Medisave Claim: 675.37
Bal payable: 112.50
how did ur gyane appt go? wat's ur status of dilation? me q disappointed dat y'day still only 1 cm dilated as per previous. and the check was v painful y'day. bleeding till today not cleared. seems like bb dun wanna come out yet...

induce really not painful meh? cos i worrying if bb dun come out these few days, m scheduled to induce on 8th by gynae.
Hi mummies,
Went for my 38wks+ check up.I've gain 900gm and baby gain 250gm. Already cut down food intake but dun know y still gain wt.

He's now 3.7kg, still not engaged and i'm not showing any signs of dilation also. Physically i'm feeling very well, only mentally stressed over when my boy is coming out & the wt gain issues.

My colleagues were telling me usually 1st time mummies will take longer for dilation.

But i think i'll go try induce next wk liao.Coz the more i wait, the more scared i'll be.

Cross my fingers that my induction wont end up as c-sect.
congrats! rest well during ur confinement. do post pics of ur lil princess when u can.

ur bill at MAH also very cheap hor...looks like u didnt pay much cash too.

wow, ur boy's big! did ur gynae say anything abt u being able 2 deliver naturally?
i dun pump out my milk now since i've latched more often. me very lazy mummy. i latch edward as per his demand. i hate 2 pump out BM. still need 2 store it, wash & sterilise e breastpump. aiya, very leh chey & waste of my time & effort.
Hi kelly,
He says 50-50 chance lor. He also quote a recent example of his patient who is smaller built than me who manage to deliver naturally 4.2kg baby.

Anyway, juz recall, wonder if its the coconut drink making me gain so much wt. I started drinking abt 2wks ago. Drank 2 times in a wk but i never eat the coconut flesh.
Dear all:

Thanks for sharing on pre-natal blues. At least now I know I'm not alone. It's a lot of everything... and the amount of work I have to clear in the office is not helping. Wish I can ask them all to go fly kite! I think I just need to be alone. Even having my dog around is too much for me!


How many bedder ward you stay at MAH?
On paternity leave, it is not stipulated in sg's employment law. So it depends on whether it's a T&C in the individual's employment contract.

However, there's this other thing called Childcare Leave (for those covered by The Employment Act, ie. non-executive/managerial/confidential staff). See <u>here</u> for more details.
Hi Leia,

I stay in a 2 bedded. Also stay an extra day as my bb has jaundice and i wanted to discharge together with her. :)
Welcome back Rain!
Have a good confinement &amp; speedy recovery ya.

Hi CJ,
Induction is not painful.
It is the oxytocin drip that we are on that will increase the pain level. Not natural mah.

That's why Rain experienced severe pain after she's on oxytocin drip.

dun stress dun stress. Nepia diaper delivery hotline is 6226 2650. can call up wen u need.
dun lose track, remind urself how badly u wanted this bb. now u almost there oredi.

u can survey this confinement food caterer oso. got their no during the fair -- Newbaby tel : 6345 2229, website : www.newbaby.com.sg
