(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

nope, me switched gynae after i popped...i only went back 2 dr esther 4 e compulsory checkup then didnt go back 2 her anymore. she too upmarket 4 me (expensive charges)...me SAHM, need 2 find budget priced gynaes.

i switched 2 dr lawrence ang, went 2 him 4 e pap smear.

how much have u spent on her so far, for ur antenatal checkups?

i know dr esther's practise...she'll get u 2 buy iron, calcium, multi-vit, folic acid tablets. i dun buy any fr her cos i buy fr my own source. much much cheaper. did she ask u 2 buy Neurogain or any fish oil tablets? when i asked her back then, she said she dun practise getting her patients 2 buy such tablets.
ling2, yes its the same doctor.

yes I paid her in cash, anyway her clinic only accepts cash, must always make sure pocket got money before go and see her. she told me about this article on the benefits on Neurogain and encouraged me to eat so I've been getting it from her. Have since stopped cos my baby is already coming to 38th end of this week, anxiously waiting for her to pop, don't really want to waste more $$ on pills. Was telling hubby that I may change gy for my next try.
HI Honeyb,
I heard that we should continue to take neurogain or fish oils if we intend to continue breastfeeding our baby after she is out...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Noe, yah actually i am with kkh as private patient..their service are very bad.....wonder while staying there will it be that bad???<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Oh Cat,
You are with TPS? Hmm ... Shouldn't their services be better?

I would say the senior nurses are nicer &amp; friendlier.
I did encounter some not-so-nice &amp; oh-so-ignorant on breastfeeding young nurses.

While you are there after delivery &amp; need help with nursing, you can request for LC Nurse Yen Ping or Cynthia Pang to visit your ward yah.
like honeyb, i also lost track of the expenses liao..

when is ur EDD? mine is 19 Aug. But request to be induce on 7th. reali drag pregnancy..
honey b,
i still thought of buying somemore of the neurogain and obimin leh mine finishing but gynea told me after this bottle can stop already cos baby coming out.
me still taking neurogain.

u can pay her wif a cheque too. she's e only gynae i know who dun accept even nets. i'll share more details abt her if n when we meet up. dun 1 2 say anything further here.

how much do u pay her 4 e neurogain? my gynae, dr ang sells it for $30.
Oh dear Erin,
Then you must be feeling kinda lethargic from the flu?
Have you check with your GY if he's k with C-sect?
As long as the Op table is available, I think it still can be arranged right?
I know its good for baby but I couldn't stand the after taste esp when you burp..yikes..I tend to eat more fish to substitutue for the pills.

My friend is seeing WK Tan at TMC. WK Tan never ask her to get any of these supplements cos she believe that natural ingredients from food is better, like eat more fish and drink more milk rather than pop pills and I tend to agree with her.
Thanks much Kelly!
Really appreciate the info.
Yes yes ... I am looking forward to my hospital stay.

#2 was hospitalised there when he was 6 months old and I do have good impression of the nurses there already.
My edd is 20th Aug, why want to induce, according to the girls, its more painful leh

You can eat more fish, unless you don't mind popping pills

Yes, I think I paid about $30 too.
Hi Cat,
I just took out my invoice (dated Sep 04).
It didn't state specifically if charges are incurred for LC to visit the ward leh.
Will it be possible to check with the nurses there your next visit?
Agree with u, mine cant tahan the iron smell <yuck...>

Dun worry, for my prev case is the cervic cant dilated eventhou i op for natural. In the end, Dr Loke book a op theater n i go for c sect wit full ga.
i pay about $800 cash for the 3days 2nite TMC stay.
Stay in 2bedded, and is with epi.
This is inclusive of all misc , medicine and bb's bill.
i tink i reali dun mind the pain, (say only, i hope i can take it =P) cos my whole pragnancy has not been a breeze for me. till today i still vomit on and off, no appetite n lose of interest in many tings. so just hope to get it over n done with..
Can understand, its quite stressful if you don't get to enjoy the whole preggie term. Good luck to you, let us know when you pop.
I din use Madam Inah finally.. as my sis in law intro me a massage lady who charges merely $30 per session of 1 hour, min 5 sessions. Her fren tried and commented very good. I wish to give it a try as it really saves me alot.. 5 sessions only $150 including bandages, herbs, everthing. I intended to do 7 days, but she can only do for me 5 days as her schedule is too full, and i called her last minute.

I think wanli will wan to wait until after confinement then do the massage.
i recall very correctly tat her bill is $10+ for herself and $65 for e bb. hers is a natural delivery wif other types of painkiller, not assisted &amp; no epi.
thanks alot. i will.

can i have ur massage lady no.? reali gd price. cos now everything must budget..
i thought of trying mdn inah also.
but yr massage lady is so much cheaper, can share with me the contact?
have u try her?
I will let u all know after i try her, how? My first session is this Sat. In fact i also dunno how good is considered good? Any criteria too look for? Can i put her contact no. here?
hers really cheap leh.
my bb listening test alone $60 already.
I just realised, TMC charge me $2.60 for the identification band.
This type of thing also chargable ah? *faint*
i found my MAH bill...i very "eng" so typed everything out.

Assisted wif Epi 2 days - Mother = $760
OL/322/B Bed Charges@$190 for 2 day = $380
Clinical Consumable &amp; Supply = $47.10
F&amp;B Services (Non-claim) = $7.90
Oxygen = $9.50
Pharmacy = $28.50

Total Hospital Charges = $1233
GST 5% = $61.65
TOTAL = $1294.65 (1)

Dr's Attendance Fees = $200
Dr's Operation Fees = $1000
Dr's Other Fees = $50
Total Chargeable by Dr Lawrence Ang = $1250

Dr's Operation Fees = $300
Total Chargeable by Dr Wong KaHoe = $300

TOTAL DR's Charges = $1550 (2)

GRAND TOTAL [Add up (1) &amp; (2)]= $2844.65

Deposit = $300
Payment Made = $294.65
TOTAL = $594.65 (Mother's Portion)

Medisave Deduction to Hospital = $1294.65
Medisave Deduction to Dr Ang = $955.35
TOTAL Medisave Payment = $2250


Baby Package - Maternity = $160
Nursery Bed Charges@$45 for 2 day = $90
Clinical Consumable &amp; Supply = $8.40
Diagnostic Imaging Services = $60 (the hearing test)

Total Hospital Charges = $318.40
GST 5% = $15.92
TOTAL = $334.32

Dr's Attendance Fees = $165
Total Chargeable by Dr Terence Tan = $165

TOTAL DR's Charges = $165 (2)

GRAND TOTAL [Add up (1) &amp; (2)]= $499.32

Payment Made = $65 (Baby's Portion)

Medisave Deduction to Hospital = $334.32
Medisave Deduction to Dr Terence Tan = $100
TOTAL Medisave Payment = $434.32


TOTAL CASH PAID = $65 + $594.65 = $659.65
hi noe

i'll sms you on saturday,i'll be at carlton hotel for dim sum till 2 or so, so i'll be in the area.

yep do share with us your massage ladies' contact, me also on budget ... thanks
Hi Kelly,

The breakdown nvm its ok.. Hmm u pay $650 does it include e deposit inside or ON TOP of e deposit ah?
identification band also charged? wah piang...*FAINT*

mayb MAH charged me too...under "clinical consumable &amp; supply"? i also wont know. I also paid $60 for e hearing test.

thks 4 sharing wif me e massage lady. i just called her. she'll call me on sat 2 confirm which day 2 come. she said most likely tues or wed, she added tat she got a client in pasir ris next wk so can do both clients tgt, she just need 2 reschedule her appts so will call me on sat.
it includes e deposit...$300 + $350
u look at my bill, under "Less Payment"
I already paid e $300 deposit mah, so topped up wif $294
hi mommies,

i just came back from hospital...got "show" this morning, so called W K Tan, and she asked me to go down with my hospital n the hospital letter! so i went down with my MIL, coz hubby gotta go office to settle his work.

Gynae did a V check for me and asked me to go up to the labour ward for 1-hr CTG monitor... got abt 5 contractios, nurse kept asking me if i feel anything, but nothing leh...

so after long 1-hr monitoring done, gynae came and did a V check again (so painful!!!) then she told me tat bb is not ready to come out yet... i can go home! >.<

false alarm lah!! aiyah...made my MIL so happi!! tot i can deliver by afternoon! kekeke......she's been waiting for this promotion! =P

just lie on the bed, and my pocket burnt a hole...$67. sigh...

there were some real cases in the room with me juz now, aiyo...made me so scared!! coz i can hear them moan and groan!! so i just kept praying and got my cell group to back me up in prayers too!! then i felt the Peace...hmmm...nice feeling! =P

fyi - i saw one pack of 20-pc kotex loop pads on my bed, think tats the brand of maternity pads we will get when we stay there...
hi noe and cecilia,
thanks. i just paged for the doc. was told that it's alright to induce even if i've runny nose as long as it's not too serious. yah lor, a bit lethargic and drowsy esp after taking the runny nose med. just woke up after a nap though. keke...
Hi ling2, pupsandcups,
If u wanna get the massage lady's contact, can PM me? as i dunno is it ok to post it here.. I try to reply u all by today.

Now is milk pumping time.. moo..
hi chrys,
can pm me ur massage lady contact too. really cheap leh.

hi kelly,
u mean u only fork out approx. $700 cash. that's good. i thought kkh would be cheap but not true though. I paid $1.8K+ cash for 1 bedder ward. i was like "wah, so exp" ah when the nurse told me about it.
hi linda,
were u the one in pink yest? saw a lady in pink sitting out dr. wong's area with a nurse, signing some forms. so was wondering whether it's u signing the blood cord donation form. how's ur checkup?
Hi Kelly,

Hmm MAH 2bed deposit only $300? TOT is $450...

WOW u go key every single out.. panting leh.. BT realli tks for e info!
my gynae instructed me 2 check into a 4bedded ward 1st then he'll give me FOC upgrade to 2bedded. who knows, 13jul is a very popular day in MAH. even 1bedded are all full, they also dun have many 2bedded rooms left so e hospital dun allow FOC upgrade (they rather give e 2bedded rooms 2 patients who r paying 2bedded prices). if i get FOC upgrade, i'm paying 4bedded prices for everything i do in MAH.
bo pian, husband switched me to a 2bedded ward lor...

my gynae, dr ang gets FOC upgrade fr 4bedded to 2bedded at TMC but not all e time at MAH.

AUGBABY resting at home.. she v tired lo from work.. so wont be online today.. hehehe tot she pop liao!

Tmr she be seeing her gynae too.. will update us her condition again.

RAIN she still in hospital 1 more day cos her bb have jaundice.. she kinda worried.. Have assure her things will be ok one.. IF nothing goes wrong tmr she may discharge n share more wit us!

Let wait for them to be back! Yeah!
ya, i'm surprised at e bill too...i was expecting abt $1K+.

e last time when i stayed in MAH, i was wif dr esther n i stayed 1bedded. in total, i paid cash $2200.
hopefully mummies who like 2 share abt their hospital bills too, can use my bill as a sample. just cut &amp; paste, change e figures, can liao...
hi kelly,
oic. wah, $2200 cash ah. so ex. guess the next time, i will be going to tmc or mt a. hope to get the free upgrade then.
haven't even give birth to 1st one already thinking of 2nd one. lol...

Oh i c..heard MAH sometime may not be so heng BT TMC can..
I book 4bedded BT hb change of mind to go 2bed. was thinking on e day i admission maybe can test test see there is 4bed.. if no more den c can heng heng upgrade to 2bed... if don have den upgrade.. 2 Bed is beta can rest n also more spacious esp ppl coming to visit.

Went to c MAH 4bed felt it is cramp.. not as spacious as TMC 4bed.

Don get freak by those screaming.. its not so horrible lo.. don let it affect u.

Tat time i have pain n contraction gynae also ask mi go hospital monitoring. hmm i didnt go lo.. at home monitor myself hehehe den stopped abt few hrs.. WOW like this go in gotta pay $67 liao..

No worries.. jus stand by anytime from now..
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

i'll sms you on saturday,i'll be at carlton hotel for dim sum till 2 or so, so i'll be in the area.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Sure Pups,
I will take the notes with me &amp; hear from you then.
Please call me if I don't respond within 5 minutes as the area may be too noisy for me to pick up the sms notification.
kelly and honeyb,
that means for us, as doc fee we already paid upfront, so cannot deduct from medisave liao?

sorry ah, what is PM? abit lost.. hee..

Hi Leobbsmum,

I am also under WK Tan. she going on leave from 9 aug right? Are u worried she not around when u give birth...my EDD is 15 Aug, really hope Wk Tan can deliver for me...
