(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Thanks Noelle, greatly appreciate it

Especially since I stop work by end of next week, I will have lots of time on my hands to go through your notes.

BTW, any books you guys can recommend I can borrow from the National Library about baby? Someone told me there is a Johnson&Johnson baby guide that is really good, dunno the title tho.

Oh Piyo
Think I'm going for brazilian wax next week heehee, my EDD 28-Aug still got time, and i think since we'll b bleeding so much after giving birth, i prefer to be clean n clear =P

When do we start bleeding ah? issit immediately after giving birth? im jus thinking with the episiotomy n all, won't the whole area be so ... painful and gross? i heard the first time u pee after delivery is terrible

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

hi noe and cecilia,
thanks. i just paged for the doc. was told that it's alright to induce even if i've runny nose as long as it's not too serious. yah lor, a bit lethargic and drowsy esp after taking the runny nose med. just woke up after a nap though. keke...<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi Erin,
Please do have plenty of rest now then since you are checking in tomorrow liao.
Feel so excited for you that you are going to see your darling soon. Our EDD is around the same time leh.
Ke ke ke ...
Keep us posted ay.
I believe we can still claim for medisave.

Any idea, do you still remember?

You going for Brazilian wax, me have been thinking about it but no courage to try leh, very painful right
Hi leobbsmom,
Your EDD 7 Aug right?

Heh heh ... your MIL will be promoted to Granny status soon.
Our little ones will arrive in His time.
(I have to remind myself of that all the time)
Looking forward to your good news.
May God bless you with a smooth &amp; safe delivery!
hi honeyB

its painful, but tolerable i feel, n v quickly over. i go q regularly, so maybe im used to it. but the feeling after a b-wax is definitely good..
Hi pupsandcups,
where are you going to do BW? Preggie also can do hor? Me planning to go too... next week I am going into 38 weeks... which weekend you think is better? this coming or next weekend?

Hi Erin,
Good luck! and have a smooth delivery tomorrow and come back and update us!
hi piyo

think sooner is better, but im going next week cos i stop work next week. i go to rupini in little india, cheap n quick n good. $25, and the girls r v nice.

hi noe
yep yep, i don mind being the last to pop in this forum heehee, cos i have to move house, and wanna enjoy our new place for a little bit before boy boy arrives. we're married less than a year, and bb arrived unexpectedly early, so im actually enjoying these last few moments. but when bb comes he'll add more love and spice into our lives im sure!

Ya, did not receive any goodie bag from TMC this time. Wonder why...quite disappointed...as the goodie bag has may useful things and brochures
hi yipee, yep! i noe she is gog away on 9 aug and back only mth end.. so i hope to pop by 7 aug, my EDD.. if not, M Tan will be the one who delivers my bb liao..

actually, another mom here, cocomo, delivered yesterday by WK Tan! =P bb boy!

mommies, thanks for your well-wishes!! =) i feel my tummy heavier and lower after came back from hospital..

actually i cried abit when i was doing the CTG.. suddenly feel sad coz the strap was on my tummy.. dun like the feeling, coz my bb is inside mah.. like felt pity for her to be strapped up like tat.. :*(

Haha...think mine is the cheaper so far...got refund somemore...

after medisave deduction, antenatal deduction from gynae's bill (natural with no epi, 2-bedded - price of 4-bedded), pd's bill, other hospital charges, I still get about $400 refund... hee...
Hi Kelly,
Need yr advice again, how many times you feed yr baby in a day(direct latching)? Did u feed him using bottle? I don't know how long need to let my girl latch on consider enough....... she drink very slow and always fall asleep every 10 mins, once I put her down then she cry for milk again. She don't like bottle feeding also, even 30 ml can not finish if using bottle.... Once we warm up the milk if can not finish must throw it away right?

Hi chrys,
How yr breastfeeding going on?
You told me u using ameda pump right? is that able to pump out more? how much you buy the ameda pump? Ohh yah, haven't see you sharing yr prince photo

Hi Dino,
How are you?

Hi Mummies,
Congrat to those already delivered
!! Although I seldom post here nowaday but I still keep reading the post here

Hi mummies
Thanks Noe.

Anyone of u mommies here ever suffered from post natal depression? i hear it is v common. i really wonder how i will adjust to motherhood, cos im the kind of person really like my own quiet time. i love LOVE babies, but they always say having one of ur own is a whole different story. also, some women wen they see the 'damage' pregnancy has done to their body, they also q depressed.
Hi pupsandcups ,

sometime i am same as u , when too quiet n nothing to do , i will keep thinking n become very stress ! and i keep telling my hubby that he must treat me even better after i give birth , if not , i too stress ! haahaa ... i think nost important is not to think too much lor , and try to relax...
how much deposit u placed at TMC? ur $400 refund meant u didnt fork out any cash at all for the hospital portion? if u really didnt come out any cash, does it mean u only spent $100+ so far for tis pregnancy (bcos dr ang's antenatal package is $550, excluding detailed scan charges &amp; misc stuff)?

for me, i spent cash $1350 = $650 (hospital portion) + $550 (antenatal package) + $100 (detailed scan) + $50 (misc tests i did at dr ang's clinic). how abt u then?

my GF who is wif dr ang, delivered at TMC on 29jun. she placed a $600 deposit n got back $100+. tat meant she paid $400+ cash for her 4D3N, c-sect wif spinal painkiller &amp; all e charges.

honeyb, ling2
i really have no idea. back then, husband took care of the hospital bill, i didnt even c it. he was e one who told me i spent tis amt for my 1st pregnancy. u 1 2 check wif dr esther's nurses or call MAH/ESH 2 check?

have a smooth, fast &amp; safe delivery ya...

i had e same experience wif u...false alarm when i was abt 28wks. gynae told me 2 go 2 TMC, kenna strapped 2 a CTG machine 4 1hr+, spent abt $60+ then kenna sent home. quite embarassing cos i kept telling my gynae i felt contractions. in e end, i was suffering fr stomach flu, tat's y belly felt crampy.

i tik u shld pop soon too. have a smooth, fast &amp; safe delivery too!

hope i've answered ur questions. if need help, feel free 2 call/sms me. easier lah...i not online all e time.
i forgot 2 add tat mayb ur bb dun like e teats u r using. mayb u 1 2 try letting ur girl try different teats.
a newborn in ur lives may b overwhelming 4 u at some point in time...sleepless nites, diaper changing nonstop, feeding milk/latching, pumping milk, washing/sterilising bottles, etc...

basically ur lives resolve around e bb. even ur timing resolves around e bb...ur bb decides everything 4 u. when ur bb wakes up, u wake up. when ur bb naps, then MAYB u can grab some rest after washing e bottles, sterilising, pumping milk, washing bb clothes, etc. when u 1 2 go out, also depends on ur bb who is still an infant (of course when e bb is bigger, timing easier 2 manage).

previously when me &amp; my husband 1 2 go out (friens chio us 4 kopi/supper/movie) or just simply feel like going out, we can leave e hse in 30mins. wif a bb, we took >1hr. when we meet friens, we are always late.

i dun mean 2 scare u but just take everything in ur stride. if it becomes too much 4 u 2 accept, try 2 step back, relax, breathe! it's easier said than done but when u becomes a mummy, somehow it feels as if u become a superwoman - all e multi-tasking. most impt of all, stay sane, talk 2 ur husband, friens, relatives. if u feeling upset or troubled over anything, dun keep it 2 urself. talk it out. come online, share wif us in e forum, etc.

i became a SAHM after i popped. i quit my job once my ML ended and i didnt return 2 work at all cos i cleared all my leave 2 serve e 1mth notice.

after my confinement ended, i was left wif my boy who cries, fusses, shits, sleeps, etc. i was left wif no help. in e 2wks after my confinement ended, i was almost abt 2 go berserk. i kept calling my husband, asking wat x he'll b home. i didnt fancy staying home wif a crying bb who dictates my life. luckily i frequent tis forum n wif encouragement fr fellow mummies, i went out on my own when my bb was 6wks old. i felt betta since then.

(ooops! pardon me 4 being lor-soh)

Totally agreed with you on the part of going berserk after the confinement...gosh...I did the same thing...getting sore when hubby needed to do OT or came home late...quite a strain to our relationship then...a testing period for couple...

Hmm...my deposit is $600...let me break down my bill...

Hospital charges:

Assisted delivery 4 bedded 2 days - Mother = $754
Clinical Consumable &amp; Supply = $37.50

Total Hospital Charges = $791.50
GST 5% = $39.58
TOTAL = $831.08 (1)

Dr Ang's (medisave) = $1057.52
Dr Ang's (non medisave) = $192.48
Total Chargeable by Dr Lawrence Ang = $1250 (2)

GRAND TOTAL [Add up (1) &amp; (2)]= $2081.08


Medisave Deduction to Hospital = $831.08
Medisave Deduction to Dr Ang = $1057.52
Total deduction = $1888.60

Medisave claim for antenatal of $329 = $161.40

Balance after deduction = $31.08


Baby Package 2 days = $308
Clinical Consumable &amp; Supply &amp; lab fees = $67.60
Diagnostic Imaging Services = $60 (the hearing test)

Total Hospital Charges = $435.60
GST 5% = $21.78
TOTAL = $457.38

Dr Terence Tan (medisave) = $100
Dr Terence Tan (non-medisave = $125

TOTAL DR's Charges = $225(2)

GRAND TOTAL [Add up (1) &amp; (2)]= $682.38


Medisave Deduction to Hospital = $423.78
Medisave Deduction to Dr Terence Tan = $100
TOTAL Medisave Payment = $523.78

Balance after deduction = $158.60


Deposit = $600
Balance paid after deduction for mother = less $31.10
Balance paid after deduction for baby = less $158.60

Amount paid in cash = $189.70
Amount refunded = $600 - $31.10 - $158.60
= $410.30
Hey Erin

Sorry, been MIA, cos got a 2- day MC from Dr Wong. Yes, it was me, in pink, signing forms for the cord blood bank....anyway, at this 36th week check up baby is 3.3 kg. So dr Wong recommended I induce, cos if I wait till full-term, and baby grows further, he may be too big! So will be gg for check up on Monday, and probably induce on 8 Aug (which is also our wedding anniversary). My husband is now trying to figure out the timings, so we won't miss the 8.8.06 deadline! see, he was born on 9.9, my other son, was born on 10.10, so he is quite determined to coax this son to be born on 8.8....sigh.....
Morning Pupsandcups,

Talking about Post natal Depression DON be scare off by this.

Normally after birth some mummies will feel alot of changes they need to adjust. All these changes need time n most impt is mentally, emotionally &amp; physcially to get adjusted. DON force into n having high expectations to change.

We do get more sensitive cos NB is out &amp; feeling ppl ard us is focusing on bb instead of concerning us jus like our hb. Actualli its normal cos HB will sure b e one may neglect us for a start n don forget guys can be insensitive.

Handling NB will be NEW for 1st time mummie even gone through those pre natal class which is not enough. Everyday learning is part of our life now. DON BLAME urself is bb jus keep crying &amp; bascially bb jus cry. N don feel tat BB wont recognise u even u carry. BB WILL KNOW>> jus tat they do not how to express..

1st 3mth is a crucial stage. Don force ownself to be able do everything in a shot. Learn things as it comes. Learn to be listen only the right one esp those staying wit IL.. we just gotta adjust to it.

Talk to anyone if u feeling v down. DON keep all inside e heart. Vent out unhappiness etc over here too cos all of us can understand more as we are gg through the same stage.

Stay happy, Look at BB, think differently how we manage to go through this pregnancy n labor to have BB in our arms.. n their growth.. HOW TO LET DEPRESSION COME TO US RITE!

Sorry... i too loh soh.... hehehe...
Hi Leia,

I have pre-natal blues for this pregnancy. I felt could be due to our hormones change tat is causing us to be in this way. can be said 50% commonly seen so don worry tat much.

Sometime we may seems to be scare n dono hw to accept e NB landing on earth.. worrying this n tat how bb will turn out, can we handle. DON let this win u.. we are all learning part of our life, don let it affect u.

For mi, cos i lose job n facing finance prob at e start of pregnancy n hb was hanky panky.. BT i believe perservance will be reward &amp; try talk to ppl do helps alot. Most impt, BB is our pillar, so wat we do we will think of bb in our stomach too.

For mi, now i believe all mummies have e same feeling.. jitters, excited, cld be lost, how e labor like etc to see our NB soon.. DON worry, we can manage it when e time comes! WOMEN n MOTHER instinct!
thanks guys!!!

i felt so relieved to listen to you guys share your stories, as im worried im alone n over reacting. cos, like Kelly, im used to an impromptu kinda lifestyle, go to the beach, party etc whenever i feel like it. n i know with bb, life will completely change. of cos there are the rewards, but im worried there are times i'll jus miss being carefree.

also, cos we're such newly weds, i feel like we've missed out on time with just 2 of us. my hubby is super assuring n understanding, and keeps telling me im being silly when i talk abt us missing out on just 'us' time. cos pp always say they plan children at least 2 years after getting married. ours, hardly a mth or 2, and i got pregnant (was on the pill but v forgetful n inconsistent).

i also tend to worry excessively, esp wen too much time on my hands. i worry that bb will be 'problematic' like asmtha, or even autism n all that, whether my mother's love will be strong enough, and how to cope with medical bills. but all this is IF, and my hubby always says we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, i shdnt think too much. which is true.

... me also lor suo :p

thanks for sharing, i feel so less alone
cheer up k? always look on the bright side you will feel much better. It might be stress to look after NB but think the other way that its fun and enjoying. maybe say is easy when doing it its different. maybe you can like do some excerise listen to music while baby is sleeping..or play computer games this will keep your mind off all the worries.
TKS CatherinE!

Been doing fine liao hehehe.. Lights infront of mi no longer dim to guide my road.. its colorful n brighter liao!

Now my BB is e one.. making mi move on &amp; relationship is alot beta wit hb. I believe not only communication BT perservance too!
my situation is worse then you actually. I got pregnant b4 getting married. We both have no savings at all. have no planning at all....we use up all our bonus our salary for wedding. Now staying with Parents in law is like hell... Imagine my MIL only wash her own clothes. till now she din even buy any good food or tonic for me and baby leh...she still got to cheek to just take my things and eat.... i tell myself its ok i give and take......its ok i do it.......imagine staying with them is like staying in a bin. the house was in mess and smelly as well. my FIL never clean the dogs. i am pregnant and i still got to use the squating toilet.

so don't think too much or too stress yourself with all this problem....just let it pass day by day it will be over soon.
Hi Pups,
I was overwhelmed by post natal/baby blues after my first delivery
(which usually kicks in 3rd - 4th after delivery &amp; can last up to 2 weeks).
Although I was pre-empted by my close friends with children, reality still hit harder than knowledge.

Citing an excerpt from BabyCenter -
The baby blues are often linked to hormonal changes three or four days after delivery, when pregnancy hormones dissipate and milk production kicks in, and also to a sense of physical and emotional anticlimax after the birth. In addition, returning from the hospital to home can help to increase a new mother's sense of uncertainty.
I did experience PND &amp; it peaked during #1 full-month celebration.
As Kelly &amp; Augustmum had shared, it caused a strain in my relationship with my spouse as he seemed to be getting the brunt of my mood swings.

It helps when DH is aware of the reality of PND &amp; comes in as an emotional support.
Some of my friends' spouses didn't think too much of it &amp; they thought that their wives were just being too sensitive or paranoid.
Just for further reading on the Post Natal Depression (I know you will have time to do some reading after today) -

I definitely manage a whole lot better for #2 though there were still bouts of mood swings.
yah glad to hear that actually pregnancy is quiet a stress haha we will always think the dark side instead... but after birth everything will be much better......
Hi Cyn,
I agree with Cat.
Just take one day at a time.
Let tomorrow worry for itself, we have enough concerns for today already.

Both of you are going strong. Bravo!
yah one chinese word "CHUAN DAO QIAO TOU ZI RAN ZHI"

We cannot predict what will happen. we just need to overcome the problems rather then letting the problems overcome us.

so all mummies are always very STRONG and BRAVE. Actually Got $$ all problems solves haha...........
Hi Cat,
but sometimes the $$$ is never enuf! hhaha!

Hi mummies,
I am also quite cranky these few weeks, worry this and that and get upset with things easily... then with the baby coming looming near, I also get a bit paranoid sometimes...so let's all try to relax and take things 1 step at a time... most come here and vent it out !!
thanks for sharing Cat and Noe

i've read up on PND, but was never sure of the reality of it in Singapore. guess its good to be equipped with the knowledge. i know im prone to depression, cos in my teenage years and early 20s, suffered a lot of it from stupid BGR issues.

thanks gals for sharing!! think i shd make hubby read on PND too.
Hi mummies,

Heres my birth story.

29/07: Had regular check-up in the morning. Dilate 2cm, gynae stretch to 2.5cm. After that, have continuously menses cramp. Call up gynae. She told me I can anytime deliver and to admit to hospital after 11pm, if possible. Can save 1day charges. After my dinner, the pain seems to stop. Gynae call to check on me, Isay no more pain liao. She say just admit to hospital and she is sure I have dilated to 3cm.Have a gd bath, ate 2 small pao and chicken essence before going to hospital.

30/07, 12am: Hubby settle admission stuff. I go clear bowel.

12.45am: at the delivery room and wait for gynae. Happily taking photo.
1.15am: Gynae break water bag, and I am on drip.
2.30am: Feel a bit of contraction, every 5min
3.30am: Contraction every 3min.Nurse ask if I want epidural, I say no.
4.30am: nurse check 5cm dilate. Progress so slow. Ask me again if I want epidural, else cannot administered liao. Hubby ask me to reng, but I say contraction every 1.5min, how tahan about another 5hrs. So I ask for epid. Was put on catheter.
5am: anthesthic came. Cannot tahan liao, quickly put me on epid. My whole body shivered. That is my side effect.
6am: I could still feel contractions on my left side and quite painful. Therefore increase epid.
7am: 7cm or 8cm dilate, I cant remember. So disappointed.
8am: Gynae came, she say congrats, 10cm dilate. Legs are numb, cant feel anything. Gynae go to another hospital while I reduce epid and wait for another 30mins then ready for hard work. She ask hubby to grab bfast n ask me to rest. Havent sleep whole night but still couldnt sleep.
8.50am: nurse prepare all the things, n get the leg support for me. My right leg is still numb.
9.05am: start to push. Both nurses push my tummy, hubby bend my head down. Ask hubby to massage my head after each rest. In less than 20mins, my dear Pierson is out,weighs 3.3kg. Gynae says my son looks so alike like my hubby, like photocopied. Gynae says I am the champion as my bb is big compared to wanli and chrys.
10am: Placenta was delivered, stitches done, clearing was done. When I ask gynae how many stitches I have, she told me actually my varicose veins burst during the pushing. So she had to do more stitches. Drink milo and vomit within 5mins.Waited for a room ward till almost 1pm as there was no room available.

I will post my bb photo soon. Thanks for all the concerns and well wishes. I am quite dispointed now after consulting the lactation consultant on my 5th day. Was told that my milk supply is hardly anything. The supply will also be very low even if I work extra hard for another 5-10days. After so much pumping, my breast is so sore n painful. I guess I have to give up cos I cant tahan the stiches pain and also breast pain. Bb is on formula and he can take up to 60ml per feed. I feel so sweaty and sticky during confinement.

Sorry for so long-winded, and congrats to those new mummies who had just delivered.
yah $$ is never enuf......but as long as $$ keep coming without worries is the best!!! we just need to enjoy spending hahaha.......

Its ok to have depression sometimes i can just cry for nothing....first few mths of the pregnancy i can cry becos of very tiny little things...until my hubby scare of me haha he complaint to gynea, and gynea explain to him. maybe your hubby also need some knowledge of PND. So that he can learn to cheer you up more offen.

i can overcome all this actually is thanks to my colleagues. They joke and make me laugh most of the time..So i felt more cheerful now. And i share my unhappiness with them then we will start talking nonsenses haha....Its fun lar.

sometimes don't keep things to yourself its good to share with others and listen with their point of views. like you share your problems with us.ANything unhappy just blant it out here lar. i am sure here mummies are willing to listen and help you..........
thks 4 sharing ur bill. so ur cash portion is $190 for e hospital and if u add in dr ang's antenatal package+misc, tis pregnancy cost u <$800 cash. too bad me stopping at 2. if got 3rd pregnancy, sure go back 2 dr ang again.

no worries, we are all here 2 share &amp; learn &amp; provide our shoulders &amp; listening ears 2 everyone.
Hi Mummies,
Anyone is tending to her own confinement? I have plan to this time round but feel like chicken out last min. Dun think can cope. How??

I am having pre natal blues..can't shake it off.. last nite.. i flared up when i discovered my hubby threw away the brochure/ order form from Nepia that i put especially on the notice board..

and the other nite, i cried the whole nite.. thinking i muz be an idiot for wanting to get married AND pregnant in the 1st place.. cos will be facing total lifestyle changes, can't go on to do stuff impromptu, can't travel as &amp; when i like, got more financial burden, can't accept overseas job postings anymore, can't pursue further studies without considering the baby n hubby...

These days, i feel so hot liaoz.. been sleeping with the aircon.. then the other day, my PIL insisted i can't wash my hair during confinement and can't bathe... and since i was feeling hot liaoz.. rite then, the thought of not washing hair n showering.. it piss me off lor and my mood plunged further..cos i wash my hair everyday.... i can't imagine getting stuck with a crying baby, feeling sweaty &amp; sticky &amp; trying to cope with BF.. Why, in this day &amp; age, as educated women, we have to bear with these old wives tales?? I feel like i am living for others' sake and not my own.. feeling out of control in my life and wondering what happened to my personal goals in life.

so, yah.. been really down... still am..glad to know i ain't alone though..
thks 4 sharing ur birth story. does ur son latch on well? wat did ur LC advise u? i find it very strange tat a LC will say tat u hardly have any milk. it's e only e 5th day n for some mummies, their BM ss dun kick in until much later. e key is 2 latch latch latch.

dun give up trying. u may not be able 2 provide ur son TBM but u can still do PBFg. a lil BM is betta than none.

hard 2 advise u further in e thread. call/sms me if u like. my no is e contact list.
hi.... my baby is due today!!! but still no sign of labour yet. this is my 2nd bb. ppl say 2nd one usually faster but i'm still at home waiting for a sign............. anyone here ever induced b4?? or bb late? am getting worried now, coz read that after week 40 placenta will start to degenerate.... correct?
hi cecelia, it's not easy to tend to ur own confinement. for my firstborn, my MIL only comes mon morning till fri evening. at night hv to take care of bb myself. my husband cooks for me during weekends (lucky he's a good cook), but i hv to take care of bb myself, including bathing etc even right from the begining (squatting down to bath baby!!!). wah, the squatting part is really backbreaking, as i had epidural. in the end, i put the bathtub on the washing machine, so at least i can stand, just make sure it's very stable. didn't buy those standing unit for bathing coz wanna save $$$. even just bathing bb only on weekends was already very stressful. it's gonna be the same this time around, think it'll be more difficult, coz i also hv a 3 year old to tend to.
Wow, i one day never come in to read n so many posts liao..congrats to all the mummies who had given birth..me still waiting..haha..going to see my gynae tis evening..
Sierra, yr twins r so cute..esp the older one..she seems so alert ya...

saw u r going to induce...do update us ya..take good care of yrself too...

think u might be delivering soon too..coz my colleague has show too and then her doc ask her to go hm coz bb not ready yet and who knows, a day later, yest she went to deliver her bb liao..Do sms me when u r going to deliver ya..take care
Yeah Cat,
$ does help somehow.
Spending $ for a prenatal massage is one of them!

Hi Pups,
As Piyo has said it, come to forum to let it out lor ...
It's also a form of outlet mah.
Hey Dino,
Finally you are back
!! Congrat again! Yr birth story is similar like me but far more better because you just need 20 mins to push yr baby out and yr baby is bigger than my baby. So, overall with epi yr labour not that painful right?

Yr stiches still pain ah? Did u eat pain killer? I stop eating after I discharge from hospital and it is not pain lei.......

So, did u able to get the 2 beded?

Don't streess yrself on the breastfeeding, my milk supply also not that good :p, until now also average can pump 70ml only. That's why just like what kelly said, don't let the baby suffer and no harm to let the baby drink FM. Anyway, if you have time you can still let the baby latching, may be will improve the milk supply. I feel that while baby latching can get more milk rather than the pump does. hahaha...my nipple also sore and painful but I will not give up and will continue let my baby latch on.

Hi Kelly,
Really thanks for the infor, because it is not urgent that's why I didn't call you
. because I know you must be very busy taken care of 2 babies. I have only one baby already feel so busy everyday, just keep on feeding and pumping......

Hi pupsandcups,
I think I did suffer from depression on the first week, now getting better with fren and husband advices and support. (special thanks to kelly giving me so much advices

Although I really love my baby but I can't get use to the total life changed after I discharged from hospital. First is my parents in laws move in to stay with us and help me on confinement, suddenly my house become so many people. I got to suit to their life style as well. I feel so lonely especially when hubby went to work.

Especially the first few days baby keep on crying every hr in the mid-night (milk not kick in yet), without enough sleep I almost gone crazy. I keep on crying alone in my room (don't know why just feel like crying). Lucky with the help and advices of everyone, now everything getting better, although still very tired but at least with enough sleep then you will not feel that bad. Anyway, if you have confinement lady helping during confinement then I think it will be better.
Welcome back Dino!
Yeah, as Kelly has shared, latch, latch, latch is the key factor to breastfeeding.

Hang in there! You are a great mummy regardless it's FM or BM that baby is receiving.
Your health is important too.
May you have a speedy recovery!

Agree with Kelly, difficult to share more at the forum. We are just an sms or a call away.

does any mummies know if we can bring video cam into the delivery ward ? or just camera , and camera with flash , is it ok ?
