(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

my Hb wif Prudential. jia you to our HBs!

according to my gynae,wen bb engaged we supposed to feel more discomfort ard pelvic area lor. but my gynae din do tummy test but confirm thru scan dat bb is engaged.
HI Augbaby,
she did put on quite a bit of wt during pregnancy but when I see her she slimmed down quite fast!*envy*
Ya! increasing my squats during shower time... I felt my pelvic more pain but dunno is it cos of the squats...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

thanks for the feedback, then i won buy FM too, plan to breastfeed full time as well, let baby latch on me. btw, me not going back to work for a long long time u think since i'll be a SAHM for a while, i need to buy an extravagent breast pump, like medela PIS or ameda? cos i plan to let bb latch on me anytime, anywhere heehee

ooh yes, thanks noe for reminding me, i need to buy household slippers too.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Hi Pups,
Hee hee ... I just came back from J8.
I bought my non-slip slippers (towel fabric) from Bata for $9.95.
There are the cheaper exposed-toes range going for $3.90 Watsons too.

For breastpumps, if you intend to have bb latching on to you then you may not need to buy the delux set.
Perhaps a manual pump on stand by during the initial stage of breastfeeding experience will be helpful.

Ha ha ... I own a Medela Electric Pump &amp; Avent Manual Pump which I used more for #1 as I returned to work 6 months later. For #2, I didn't get to use them at all because I was too lazy to pump so I just latched him on lor.
maybe yr bb is engage already..hee hee..coz i rem also last time b4 i saw my gynae, when i walk my pelvis area more pain and uncomfy and after that not long when i visit my gynae, she says bb is engage alr...;P Wah i also so envy yr friend leh..hope mdm inah can do it as well for us all...Haha
any reason y?

me also wanna find out how the mummies are doing with Mdm Inah's massage... waiting for Wanli and other mums to reply hehe...
ya, jia you 2 our husbands...

no, it varies fr mummies 2 mummies. pelvic ache dun mean bb is engaged. for some mummies, their bbs dun even get a chance 2 b engaged almost until they are lying on e delivery bed, cervix almost fully dilated. like me lor...
will it mean longer and/or more difficult delivery if baby is not engaged till last minute?

btw, did you manage to spaek to your friend on the insurance brochure? Me would like to take a look if possible...
piyo, wow!! the msg are really fast n very furious man!! haha.... i think gynae press our tummy to check wat position is our bb at... just to cfm tat bb is not at breech position!
Hi Mummies,
Yeah, I am back from my 36th week check up.

Jul's engaged and I am 1cm dilated!
I lost a little weight but he gained about 200g so he's about 2.6kg @ 36th week.

GY said that she hopes for him to gain more weight though as this is my 3rd pregnancy so likelyhood of delivering him is earlier.
Help! It sounded like I can give birth only if he puts on more weight. My next visit is on 10 August.
Besides fresh milk &amp; durians, any other recommendation so that the weight goes to the baby?
I remember mummies recommended Enfamama but I can't seem to hold powdered milk this pregnancy.
i not sure wat's e reason. but there r many types of squats but all u suppose to keep ur spine straight. for me, i not doing exercises cos previously i do not exercise regularly.
try drinking coke. it works 4 me. bb gained weight very fast.

i dun tik bb engaged or not engaged will affect delivery time. when it's time, ur bb will know how 2 head for e birth canal. it's just tat 4 me, i was never engaged in both pregnancies.

i spoke 2 my frien liao...she was away in bangkok last wk. she'll mail 2 u soon b4 she flies 2 US for her incentive trip.
Hi Kelly,
Thanks Kelly! will go check my letter box soon:p
what if drink coke baby dun take and end up we take it all? cham!!!

hi Noe,
I also took lots of beef... almost like
everyday... it helps quite a bit...

Hi CJ,
Noted... tonight me go do some more....
thanks augbb,

me have pelvic pains too, now getting a bit sleepy at work

worried i not ready to give birth.. keke

my dr did check my placenta, she explained to me how to see if the placenta is 'aging' some cells start to die off.. i guess they moniter this to ensure the placenta is functioning still to feed baby etc....
white lady,
coke have caffine better avoid, maybe can drink root beer or sprite instead... normally b4 i drink any gasy drink i will check their ingrediant label.
if we keep eating , then all the food come to us , then die , haahaa ... somemore is all sweet n fattening food , hope baby will take all the food we eat =P
Thanks Kelly, noted Coke!

Hi CJ &amp; Piyo, noted Beef!

Thanks Cecilia, noted Carbo &amp; Sugary product!
Urm ... Will the fats go to me instead?

Ke ke ke ... Cat,
Ya lor ... The wt gain on us or baby huh?
I love dark chox! Yummy!

Ha ha ha ... White Lady,
Yeah. Talking about coconut, it's time for me to indulge in some liao.

so many posts, and i just went for one meeting :p

thanks noe, ya think i'll decide on the pump later, will really depend on the shape my lifestyle takes on. if i can, would like bb to latch on as much as possible, but i guess if im tired, i will hv to express and let others help me bottle feed for him. i was about 80% sure i'll buy the ameda one, but my aunties were telling me if can, jus let him latch as much as poss, altho if that means every 3 hours, i'll sure peng san.
Hi noe,
I think plenty of sleep helps baby to gain weight coz i sleep alot eg.sleep till noon on wkends &amp; have noon naps.
soemtimes really hope bb can come out faster. the longer i wait, the longer i worried. like how come movements not as much as b4 and things like that. Do u all feel the same?
Hi piyo,
Tday got a mummy, cocomo. She mentioned ytd that she's havin c-sec at 1pm. She must be cuddling her baby now....How i envy!
Hi Celine,
Me 2! just yesterday, I felt my baby's movements lessened and I was worried the whole day till I can't sleep well... now thinking if she wanna come out soon, I won't stop her cos worrying can kill leh!

Hi ningyo,
Noted! Will update in the table soon!

aren't we supposed to walk more during the last few weeks... I scared wait come delivery will be difficult if we keep sleeping and resting...

Deivered my baby girl Dina Qistina on 30/7 at 4.03am via emergency C-sect cos of failure to progress

Baby is 3kg at birth.

Just came back from hospital yesterday...tiringlah...and wound extremely painful...erkkkkk...

Thanks all for the best wishes...and welcome to new babies of the week.
hi piyo ,

sometime i also think this way , thinking that , when baby come out , then we no need to worry liao , cos dont know how they are doing in our tummy ... but i believe , once baby is out , we have more others thing to worry too !
Augustmum, Wahhhh!!! Got twin..heee...hee!!!

I delivered at KKH. You??

White Lady, bought binder, DALE brand, helps a lot but wound still quite fresh so can feel sting at times. Moreover I'm breastfeeding, uterine contractions quite uncomfortable too...
congrats! how come emergency c-sect leh? do share ur birth story &amp; pics when u can. rest well

white lady,
i drank so many cans of cokes until it's almost countless, sometimes i can even drink 2-3cans in a day...i heck care abt caffeine after e 1st trimester. i come across GFs who drink coffee/tea during their pregnancy n their bbs r fine. 1 GF even drank abt 3-4 small cups of coffee everyday. i addicted 2 coke lah...so cant help it.
hi ladies,
just came back from my gynae checkup. amniotic fluid is low. 4.9cm. gynae requested that i induced on this fri morn at 1.30am. so scared and excited now. worried abt the pain leh. heard inducing might take very long.
congrats nurbates!!

here's a pic of my gals:

Amelie (older)

Kathlyn (younger)

Still trying to get into a routine, but things are a lot better now...the gals are still having slight jaundice, so we are exposing them to sunlight in the morning...hopefully the jaundice will go down.

Good luck to the rest of the mummies on your upcoming delivery!
Hi ladies
Wow quite a number of mummys given birth liao. Congrats to all of u.
I am still around. EDD is 13 Aug. Next Sunday.

Hi leobbsmom,
I also in wk 38 now. Same as u. Going for wk 38 checkup this Friday. I still dun have any labour symptoms yet. Last Friday's checkup shows baby's head slightly engaged. His weight is 3kg during wk 37 checkup. Gynae reminded me not to eat durain again. How abt u??

You are going to pop soon? Have a smooth delivery.


I think there are three babies born on 30/7 here...According to the graduation list, dino's baby is also sharing the same birthday...

I gave birth at TMC
Hi Pups,
That's great! At least your aunties are supportive of breastfeeding. It's a good start already.

Yeah, the initial period can be trying &amp; tiring.
When I started nursing my #2, though armed with a little more experiences, I was not exempted from the sore nipples, engorgement etc. nonetheless. Hang in there ay!
Oh, I remember you were asking for some antenatal read ups. I posted a question asking if you are interested in taking the one that I have from KKH Antenatal Programme. They do provide more pictures.
However, the binded notes are really heavy so not advisable to post.
Thanks Ningyo!
I would really love to however I get headaches when I nap in the afternoons.
So now I will try to sleep earlier in the night time.
Congratulations Nurbates &amp; welcome back!
Have a speedy recovery ay.
Oh Sierra ... Your daughters are lovely.
Kathyln looks chubbier from this angle hor?
Hi Nurbates,
How did it ended up emer-C? Share with us your birth story soon k! How are you feeling now? Is the wound very painful? Did KKH give you the binder? or you bot it yourself?

Hi White Lady,
true true. When baby comes out, it's 21 yrs of worrying:p

Hi Erin,
Congrats! you going to see your baby soon! Have a smooth delivery! Any idea if the low fluid level is due to leakage?

Hi Honeyhaven,
me confirmed around cos no signs of labour symptoms yet and my EDD is 23 Aug so far! only into my 37 weeks now...

Hi Erin,
My #1 was induced.
It is true that if you are put on drips &amp; oxytocin (to expedite the labour), the contractions will be more painful.

I was already 2 cm dilated.
My GY broke my waterbag, put me on drips &amp; oxytocin.
CTG was done at the same time to monitor the baby for any foetal distress.

I endured for 4 hours (the gas didn't work on me) and I was only 4cm dilated.
GY asked if I wanted Epidural and I said okay as I couldn't imagine how much longer it will take for me to reach 10cm (given the rational that cervix dilates faster when you are relaxed).
I was definitely not relaxed with the oxytocin injected (more painful mah).
After the administration of Epidural, I delivered my eldest 2 hours later.
The whole labour process took 6 hours.

If you are hoping not to use Epidural, try the other pain reliefs and see if they work for you lor.
Meantime, try not to worry.
Kayden will be safe in your arms soon.
Keep us updated k.
