(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

I have been drinking milk since pregnant but recently I just feel like throwing out after I drink, so gotta get some sweet ready to cover the milk's smell. My mum told me I refuse to drink milk and start to take milo after 3 year-old. Maybe that's why I m so petite now...ha. . .

i ate alot of chocolate & milo instead of drinking milk. i totally cannot drink milk HL or enfamama baby reject.. i will throw out and get diarrhea. other then that. milo cereal oats i got no problem.. i also replc soya bean milk as milk. i drank mostly on 2nd trims, now i totally cannot take soya milk at all. will keep burping whole day. So i also stop taking soya milk. i think my baby very fussy.....and i cut down on supper as well don't know why i ate supper and in the middle of the night will wake up n feel like some food suck in my throat.

i think if unable to take those food or drinks better avoid it..
Hi, Catherine

for me, i cant take soya bean milk cos will feel very unwell for the rest of the day.. had tried that several time, so had decide not to take it anymore

ya true, better dont take the risk in eating stuffs that will cause us to feel unwell ...
I like chocolate a lot but bcoz read that coco contain cafeine so I never take chocolate and milo during 1st and 2nd trim. But now since cant really take pure milk so I adding milo in my hot milk every morning. I also burp a lot!
last night I woke up 3 times again
and after the last time at 4plus in the morning, I cannot get to sleep and lie in bed fully awake for 1 hour! so sleepy today!
Dear Piyo,
Poor thing u..huggies for me..me also like get up in the middle of the nite to pee like 3times or more..n each time after i woke up, i take so long to fall asleep again...looks like we r both suffering from the same time...Haha...everyday like i feel so tired...sigh....
me also started taking the raspberry tea liao..leave the pack in the office and i drink in office and at hm too..but i dun dare to eat too much in a day so it is juz a cup for me a day n maybe only abt max 3times in a wk for me..coz like u, me also like haven got contractions or maybe it is i dun noe wat contractions feel like...**Cross my fingers** hope contractions will only started after next wed when i am in my 37wks already n then i hope bb can pop any time liao...
i usually cant sleep last night, but last night cant sleep cant sleep coz of pain/cramps on my tummy and all the way round to the back, the pain is just there, with tightening on my abdomen once in a while, and pain extended to the knee.... wonder why, i didn't get this when i was preggy with my 1st child.... anyone experienced this type of pain?
Jesline and Piyo,

Just came back from my appointment. A little dilated...Seeing Dr Ang again on Monday evening. He estimated I will give birth on Tuesday. Anyway, saw him writing my name in his little notebook, so should be soon...

Me, very tired too. My son slept very late last nite, about 12.30am. He walked round and round his room, trying to find a comfortable place for his Pooh bear to sleep. Would place his small pillows and bolsters nicely and place his bear bear there. Then 5 minutes later, would look for another new location and start his nonsense again.

Somemore, tummy is getting heavier, like a rock. Sleep on either sides or back will feel painful. Yawn...nature's way of preparing us for motherhood...deprivation of sleep...
piyo & smlow

me too cant sleep well last night.... wake up quite a few times... and also baby is very active at night.... moving around.... so got to sleep on back... & got leg cramp early in the morning.... so tired now....

hi, augustmum
that's fast.... hope to hear good news from u on tuesday.... so how's your baby? going back to work?
hi erin

i'm going for b2+, dunno if need to book bed annot. wat r u opting for, u booked bed already ah? ok mayb i should.

me been drinking a lot of enfamum too, cheaper than drinking cartons of fresh milk. anyone choose the choc favour? cos i really like choc so i take that heehee.

about gingko nuts, ya i heard it is good for bb, i usually take it with beancurd, but choose those stores that don use shi gao, then i also buy a cup of soyabean with no sugar. do this abt 1-2 times a week.

coconut am currently drinking 1-2 times a week too, the msian big ones, which r less sweet. usually try to give my hubby all the flesh, since its suppose to be not so good for us.

raspberry leaf tea, i am taking the yogi brand one, one bag a day.

actually since im first time mommy, also not sure im doing the right thing .. but just take advice from our posts, and then see wat i like to eat, then i take lor heehee

me don have much contraction too, or like august mum, im not sure wat contraction is. is sudden pain or discomfort which last 5-10 sec a contraction?
hi, smlow

i also faced the same problem as u... having tightening on my abdomen & pain around my back not on my knee.... for my case, i faced the pain abt half an hr interval for a few hours but after that, everything is fine again...

maybe u can check with your gynae....

Dr Ang gave me hospitalisation leave till Monday. If Tuesday still din pop, I will go back to work. Think by working, labour will be triggered...and can do some packing too...

that's good..... so rest well & take care

will be seeing Dr Ang tmw afternoon.... cant wait to see how baby is
hi Augbaby,
ya so cham right? but I think after baby comes out it will be worse!me have same feelings about the contractions coming as you! hoping they don't come till after 37 weeks! Gynae mentioned after 2 Aug baby considered full term liao, irregardless of the weight

Hi Smlow,
I heard if the pain stretches to the back, that pain is contraction... anyone also heard the same?

Hi jesline,
I hate leg cramps super pain ah! Nowadays I drink more milk seems like the cramps are lesser... but I got pig trotters, ankles swollen and pain!

Hi Augustmum,
means you will see your baobei very soon! are you feeling excited? Any nesting instinct kicking in so far?
Hi augustmum,

I remember that ur edd same as mine, 14th aug.
So fast u're going to deliver on tues. Wow!

I'll be going for my gynae apptmt tmr but i doubt i'm giving birth early coz my tummy is still quite high. Got alot of qns to ask my gynae coz now i'm getting scared baby may be too big for me to deliver naturally. :S
talking about carrying low and high, how high are your tummies now? mine still like stuck right below my ribs lei so I don't thin my turn will come very soon....
For leg cramps and swollen, have you try to place a pillow below your legs while sleeping and ask your hubby to massage for you everynite before you sleep. Dunno whether this help but it works for me.
My tummy too!! Hee hee...seems like we alot of things r so similiar..my tummy is also still rather high leh...so i also dun think it be so soon..haha..anyway next wk after my 37wks, i confirm will start my squatting liao so hopefully can induce bb to be engage soon...:p n of course drink coconut water so bb wont be too heaty..coz i feel that my body is rather heaty lately..
hi piyo

i think my tummy is quite low, how to see ah? well the area right below my boobs is kinda not round. low means gonna give birth sooner?

any of ur gynaes share wat r the signs of delivery approaching other than a show, water bag burst n all? i know the net says u'll suddenly feel the urge to pack the whole house, anyone experience that?

i find baby kicks n moves at a lower area now, how abt u guys?
hi pupsandcups,
ya, older pp say that if yr tummy have started to descend then it means u be delivering soon, esp if all throughout yr tummy is rather high like mine..hee hee...

For me, well i did started washing n ironing my bb clothes already and yesterday i actually iron his bed sheets n bumper cots and place them all nicely in his cot already...hee hee...so i dun noe if it is consider me having the urge to pack the house n prepare for his arrival leh...

Anyone has experienced short temperness lately ah? DO u get irriated easily etc...i seems to be this way leh..dun noe y...
hi Augbaby,
My mood also very bad these few weeks, very easily irritable....think your nesting instinct comes in liao...

Hi ningyo,
mine is somewhere near your description hehe...

hi pupsandcups,
baby's kicks are felt near the pelvic or thigns or lower tummy area.. think those are her hands and some kicks slighter above the belly buttons... what about other mummies?

Hi cocomo,
did liao... it gets better when I wake up but after a day's work, it's back to the usual swollen and tired feelings..
Hi piyo,
ya my bb movements is all around my right side..sometimes it is like at my pelvic area or if not i can feel a bump at the right near the belly button area or sometimes when i sleep, i can feel him at my ribs or lungs n this is when the kicks or movements makes me feel v painful...

Anyone knows how can we r getting more irriated easily this days? Anyone other than myself n piyo felt the same way??
hi, augbaby & piyo

i do feel the same way as u all.. get frustrated very easily..... but will also try to stay calm & not to lose my temper cos want to have a happy baby instead of a grumpy baby... so stay happy

me been rather short fused too, especially at work. dunno i princess or what, get annoyed when colleagues don understand i'm pregnant and ask me to pick this or that up from the floor. def slightly moodier. but its the quickly not happy, then quickly happy type too, unpredictable. heehee my poor hubby. btw hubby keeps reminding me to trim nails, so i won't claw him alive during labour haha.
Hi Pupsandcups,

Jus some old wives tales which i heard.. when our tummy seem bit lower, means bb will be due soon bt dono hw true it is lo. We tends to be short tempered too n get irritated too.. U R NOT ALONE cos i m like this too.. dono is we getting impatient or anxious for e bb be out OR CAUSE by the hot weather lately!

YOZ Piyo & Augbaby,

I too wake up almost 3times during midnite, think its normal bah though i try to reduce water intake before sleep.. BT dono y still have urine leh hahaha! cant sleep well, getting jitters n worried too N having dreams of bb coming out n labour! Esp e dreams is talking abt how fast e bb come out, DONO is a good sign or wat arrghhh....

THInk i gotta start to drink coconut.. feeling so heaty inside e body! Maybe last 2weeks been taking too much durians n beef too... Have u all packed hospital bag? I packed mine.. kiasu as gynae mention i may due early so i stand by... hmm dono wat i have short of.. below is e list, PLS HELP tks!

1. 2 Button Top & 2 Black color exercise pants.
2. 10pcs of maternity pads & 10 disposable undies
3. 1 Jacket
4. 1 set BB clothing & boots, mittens.
5. Receiving Blanket
6. Toiletries
7. ROM CERT/ Pre natal Receipts....
Hi CT,
I also pack nursing bras, disposable breast pads, a set of clothings for the trip home for ourselves..1 story book to read in case need to wait..plastic bags for soiled clothes..slippers..moisturiser for my body..socks to keep feet warm if u like..i din bring...camera n extra batteries..

Oh Ya got panties forget BRA!
1 set clothing to home ok... think e bag is getting heavy than my stomach! Socks is a must must cos i heard labour ward could be cold! CAMERA IS A MUST... must make sure fully chargeD!

Must write down.. dono y getting more n more forgetful! I received CONFIRMATION booking of bed from MAH & TMC! so funny.. i told gynae i gg to MAH... like this how.. maybe shld call hospital or let my gyane know?
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

hi noelle,
just saw ur pics. u looked great. still very fresh hor. me now so fat. gynae says all the weight goes to me leh. so sian.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Thanks Erin!
I understand how you feel really.
I was a lot heavier for my 2nd pregnancy. I am one of those who tend to eat more when stressed and yeah I gained more myself than my #2 did.
Now I am SAHM so I take things easier I guess and didn't pile on as much as I did.

Aiyo ... You will lose your pre-pregnancy weight one lah.
Thanks again Kelly,
Yeah ... Now SAHM so I must really watch my budget.
Sometimes, I feel so auntie already, looking around for promotions/discounts to save the dollars.

Ed's jaundice level coming down already?
Heh heh ... Yeah, Gabe will be a great kor kor.
#1s are usually more sensitive/affectionate I find.

Yeah, taking shots when the boys are up and about is a wise decision indeed.
It brings in more fun &amp; captured candid moments.
Albeit, it was not easy getting them to pose for the pictures.
Both dh and I got rather distracted running after them.
Thanks Leia!
Heh heh ... You must be one who love cheery colours yourself too.

Wow Nurbates,
This Fri/Sat?
Wah ha ha ... Yes yes!
I will be bouncing up and down for joy too.
Keep us posted aye!
Indeed Jasmine,
Thank you very much for the recommendation.
The price is really reasonable. Great for SAHM like me.
I am now recommending the promotion to my friends too.
Dear all,

I have a qn: Where to buy maternity pads? And what's the difference really, between normal pads and maternity pads?
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

i think seiyu only have certain size for the beige bra, they have all 3 pink, beige n darker beige.. the lady told me there will be new stock coming in this week - so sizes will be replenished.

oooh and have to add, ur pix very nice! i am thinking of taking pix now, but only me n hubby. no other kids yet.. like a bit boring..i would like to take with baby... but many friends say take our big tum tum now nice... how?

oh ya, fresh milk did help my bb grow big fast in 2 weeks 700gs... :)

But u so luckly put on so little weight. I about same size as you b4 preggy but man, i put on 15kg just like that and I am at week 35 only. :-(<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Thanks Butter8!
Yeah, I was there at Seiyu - Bishan just now with my preggy friend and the sales person did tell us that the new stock will arrive in 1 - 2 weeks time.
Hee hee ... Hopefully before I pop.

Heh heh ... You gonna have #2?
This is most likely our last child so that's why I am having this family studio shot while I am still preggy! I don't remember having any shots of me being preggy with the first 2.
I would still very much like to take a family shot again 2 years down the road when the boys are older.
Any longer, they will not be as willing to pose before the camera with us liao.
At least, it will not be as candid.
Hi mummies,
Jus wan to ask those 2nd time mummies regarding EBM...if for example, we r going out, is it possible to bring the EBM out in a bottle n then when bb needs to feed then feed him etc? Coz i am thinking of other alternatives where we can nurse our bb without having to latch him directly to BF...but i am confused..coz i thou EBM must be kept cool and only when wanna feed then need to warm up..can any mummies pls advise...i know the most practical thing is actually to latch bb directly when he want to feed at nursing rooms in shopping mall n less things to bring out..but juz exploring other alternatives as i dun quite like wearing those ugly nursing bras wif no padding out leh...But i do wan to try BFing my bb even when i go bk to work...
Personally, I don't really like maternity pads....esp those old-fashioned looped ones? they seem to move abt so easily and are very thick! As for disposable panties, unless you get one with a good fit, its pretty uncomfortable as well....for me, I usu use the whisper overnights and change when it gets full, so that's pretty often, and wear my regular panties
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hey Noe,
jus saw yr pics..wow...u r so slim still n a young looking mother wif 2 boys n 1 along the way...so nice...u all look so nice n natural..hee hee...<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Thanks Augbaby!
Ha ha ... I look slim in the pictures.
The amazing touch of studio shots.

And YES! I confess!
I flare up easily too. DH was asking if I am stressed which I don't think so.
I just want peace &amp; quiet so I have been depositing my #2 with my MIL and see him only during the evenings now.
I feel so bad about it yet at the same time, if I had him with me I know I will be scolding him away.
Sob ... It's a horrible feeling.
On tube bras, I bought some for $12.90 (nett price, no further discount) at OG PP. The brand is Jean Greuze and they're placed on some trolley. Compared it with the Impression tubes and noticed that this one has a wider girth and seems more stretchable. I tried it on and there's still room for expansion. I'm currently a 80B, up from 75B. Avail in black, white and beige.
Hi ladies,

I've been reading this thread for about two weeks, its really an interesting forum, picked up quite a few tips from you gals, couldn't resist but to join in the fun. Am going to be an Aug mum myself. I'm expecting a baby girl, EDD is 20th Aug but gynae said should be due around 6th Aug week. I will be delivering at MAH, glad to know there are mummies out there who have the same symptoms as me.
Hi Leia,
I got my maternity pad from giant..i bought a pack of 20 pieces only..the brand Dr P..heard it is good..i open the pack already n saw that maternity pads i think is much longer than our normal pads lor...so i guess i use that the first few days when our locia come n then when it is lesser maybe i switch back to normal pads coz normal pads shld be less thick mah i gues..
Hi ladies,

I've been reading this thread for about two weeks, its really an interesting forum, picked up quite a few tips from you gals, couldn't resist but to join in the fun. Am going to be an Aug mum myself. I'm expecting a baby girl, EDD is 20th Aug but gynae said should be due around 6th Aug week. I will be delivering at MAH, glad to know there are mummies out there who have the same symptoms as me.

Congratulations to those mummies who have already delivered. Like the rest of you gals, I'm also anxiously waiting for my baby, time is getting nearer and more exciting, hope we'll have a safe delivery.
HI HoneyB

U R most wellcome to join us!
WOW u be due in 6AUG.... soon... who knows bb will be out n be a National day BB!

Who is ur gynae? Would like to share more?

Hi Augbaby

Technically, once your boob is out, the bra cannot be seen, as your bb will block the view and if you are wearing a nursing top, you won't expose your tummy or back. But if you wear your regular tops, why not get a breast feeding cover or use a napkin to cover yourself and the baby while feeding, won't even need to go to a nursing room...If I recall correctly, EBM can be stored at room temperature for abt 4hrs only....you gotta double check the la leche league website for guidelines
