(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

PM - go to bintan/batam lah...
the curise only 1hr... so wont be cranky.
can still walk ard also.

then at the resort - very relaxing one mah... eat, sleep, swim etc.

Holiday inn at batam is good.. very relax and I saw a big kids room there too.

Cheri - U brought yr car seat along? Isnt it alot of things to carry? And the car seat took up one seat?

Which resort got baby sitting service? Last time Im quite certain that I can leave him with toys, but now he gets super sticky even at his own house when there's guest around.
Wah! U brought carseat along? Very bulky leh. I took the luxury coach. 18-seater wif TV infront of every seat. Similar to economy class plane. Just that all the chairs got massage function & can recline fully.

We took the night coach to Genting. Kay was very excited & can't fell asleep. Keep wanna climb up the chair & look behind. Finally, she fell asleep while drinking milk. There is only 1 stop on the way. But Kay didn't wake up cos it's very dark.

On way back, we put the pram in the coach next to us & put Kay inside the pram. She managed to sleep more peacefully & longer. There're 3 stops on the way back to s'pore.

The pram is very useful in Genting. Cos need to walk quite a distance to & fro. Somemore Genting is very pram-friendly. Lotsa ramps & escalators/lifts everywhere. I saw alot of prams during my 3 days there. Also, not every eatery has high chair. So pram is also useful for feeding.

I only brought FM & cereal for Kay. Then in addition, I also feed her adult food.

Brought Kay to the indoor amusement park. Bought the day pass for RM22 for unlimited rides. Kids under 90cm is FOC.

However, Kay seems very un-interested in all the rides lor. Like very sian. Keep staring into space hahaha.

BTW, Kay had some achievements during this trip. She finally can hold her milk btl while drinking & she can also stand unsupported for abt 1min!

I think she enjoyed more while standing on the bed & rolling around rather than playing in the amusement park.
wah..very funz hor..haiz..so envy..haha..see..told u must bring pram and lucky u did..if not u will complain like hell manz...i think the kids will enjoy genting especially like kaylyn...emerson..and ian...cos cooling...cos they are 're qin'..hehehe...but me dun dare to bring ian on coach still...unless the whole coach all my relatives/frens..if not...i very paranoid one..haha...
PM & YB - yes, we took the car seat along..yep, took up 1 coach seat...we paid abt $100 for her seat...though bulky but not so bad lah, most of the time it's on the coach anyway, we only need to carry when check in to room n check out of room...at least when we put her in the car seat in the coach, my hb & i can still enjoy our movies or nap...rather than having to carry or restrain her when the bus is moving...

YB - i oso took the luxury coach, the double decker type wif all seats on the top deck n tv screens in front of every reclined seat...v comfy i must say...

think our babies still too young to enjoy amusement parks, i brot my ger to ECP for cycling that day but realized she's actually having more fun when she's walking around n baby-talking to the pp/dogs/birds in the park...simple pleasures for them hahahah
Can't tell you offhand which resorts but I've come across them. Decide where you wanna go then just call and ask the resorts there lor. Club Med definitely offers this service. Bintan has Club Med.

Rides and Stuff
Dylan enjoyed the rides (esp ferris wheel) when we went to Genting in May. We spent more time in the outdoor park Dylan enjoys cycling a lot. Will get so excited when he sees my bike and can't wait to get into his seat. ;-)
yb, cheri n zoe..wahlau..u all tempt me leh...got a sudden urge wanna go genting again...the last time i went was 2-3 yrs ago..isaac was abt 3-4 yrs old...hmm..how much is the luxury coach???
I'm not familiar wif Club Med. Wat do they have there?

Haha. Guess Kay is different. She prefers to eat & sleep. Not interested in all the rides at all.

Yah. I'm also more relax when I put Kay in the pram in the coach. At least I can sleep, eat & watch movies. Otherwise keep have to carry & restrain her when she climb all over the chair.

I'm thinking of trying 1st class coach next time. There was 1 parked next to my coach. I think it's only 9seater. Individually seated wif TV screen in front. Even got coach attendent to serve the passengers. Haha. Then downstairs got dining area wif water water facilities. Gd when bringing bb along.

Why paranoid? In my coach, there's another 2 kids. So even if Kay cries, it's understandable.
The luxury coach is $40 more than the normal coach. Have to insist to have the luxury coach for return trip too. Cos sometimes the travel agent can't arrange the luxury coach on return trip.

My sis's friend paid $40 more to sit in luxury coach. But on return trip, she sit in normal coach cos luxury coach is full. I think the travel agency will refund. But if we bringing bb, normal coach is too cramp & not convenient.
WOW... YB seems like a good trip huh.
but i still cant imagine how to open the pram in the coach. :p

Genting - I wan to go sia my hubby abt it again... hahaha:p
hahaha..then faster go book tickets to genting in luxury coach..then u try urself lah..hahaha....gd idea hor!!
Haha. Got take pixs but only the ppl in the bus. Not the chair. Keke.

I sit at the front facing the windscreen (upper deck). So got more space. I put the pram at the front aisle.
We mummies organise a Genting trip lah. Haha. All the babies onboad then won't paisey if they cry lor. Anyway, the luxury bus is only 18seater. So only need 9 couples. Bb under 2yrs is FOC.
does anyone know where to get Baby Einstein VCDs in Singapore? i went to robinson, times, popular etc, all dun have leh.
Baby Enstein VCDs ah... Erm Original?? haa

gd idea to go genting with gang., will be quite fun..
whats the bus company u used?? which hotel u stay? i feel that first world hotel is the most convenient but the rooms are VERY VERY bare.. not suitable for kids unless u get teh club room..
i also tried the resort hotel .. but must walk quite a dist to the theme park.. first world, its jus downstairs..

another place gd is the sunway lagoon.. rooms are RM290 NETT per nite wiith kitchenette,. so can cook bb porridge.. they hv big mall n a theme park.. no need to move ard.. hb can look after bb while the mummies go shopping :p
ah soh,

can get bb einstein VCDs at kiddy palace. I got for Caitz there.

wah... You must have enjoyed yourself there!!! so envy... i wanted to go on a trip for a long long time but keep postponing it... my hb keep asking me when are we going for a holiday! hahaha
ah soh... BB Einstein set can get from ebay auction. think only $80 for 23dvds.

YB - ooh...front aisle huh... i see! I tot in the middle aisle, then like abit "roller coster" for kaylyn mah. :p

Genting - wow... 9couples huh!! power leh! hahaha. can be arrange!! :p

Sunway Lagoon - hmm... then drive to KL or take plane? or hv luxury bus to KL???
Go lah! Genting very good for bbs I think cos many things, lights and pp for them to look at and it's cool so they're in better mood. D sat in the stroller for very very long periods and was ok.... so can shop in peace. ;-)

Club Med is pretty cool if you're looking for an all-inclusive hol. A bit like cruise where you don't have to bring a cent with you. Almost all activities are included. Sailing, archery, windsurfing, batik-making, trapeze for eg. And they provide instruction which means you could pick up a sport or skill at the end of your hol. The meals include free-flow wine too. And the children clubs are very good even if you have to pay extra for it. Look at the 2-3yo's program... I can't wait for D to hit 2! ;-p

A typical day in our Sun Villages:
- 9am: the children meet up with their friends at Petit Club Med
- 10am: early-learning activities with the GOs to stimulate little one's curiosity
- 11am: big Happy Gym session outside
- 12-noon: full, balanced lunch put together specially to meet their nutritional needs. Parents are invited.
- 1pm: time for a rest and nap. Nursery rhymes and songs to gently begin the afternoon.
- 3pm: walks, water activities in the pool and games played with friends.
- 4pm: the long-awaited moment for a well-earned snack.
- 5.30pm: meet back up with parents for a much-needed bath.
- 6.30pm: family dinner at the Baby Restaurant.
- From 7.30pm to 9pm: Stories and songs to liven up the children's evening.
I've been on a Club Med cruise, it was then the world's largest sailboat and kids under 12 aren't allowed on it so you can imagine how wonderful it was.... Damn wonderful. ;-p I loved it. Luxurious and the staff were great..... I've been to Club Med Ria Bintan which I enjoyed. I can't recall how much it cost. This was many yrs ago. It was relaxing and we were pleasantly surprised that they didn't ask us to take part in activities and weren't as 'on' as Club Med has a reputation of being. We were allowed to laze all we wanted. The water was nice too. Lots of fish swimming around your legs. You help yourself to the bottles of wine at every meal time. I can't remember if there was beer. There should be, but we were on a wine-diet that trip. ;-) One of the restaurants is by the water serving seafood bbq which is v good. I prefer Club Med to Starcruise cos it's much less crowded, better quality, more relaxing and the staff more personable and laid-back.
YB...welcome back..can feel yr power..recharge liao? hahaha

good ideal leh 9 couple..i wan to go but bring my mum can??..hahaha!

Actually plan to go genting next week after my last day for a short break..then my mum worry V cranky in the bus so cancel the thoz....!

btw luxury bus is from which agency?
Haiya, talking about this makes me wanna go too. But no point cos D's too young to be babysat by them..... Mebbe will settle for a cruise. I read that they babysit from 1yo.
Hi mummies,

My baby recently decided to go on food strike. He doesn't want cereal, porridge, pasta or rice. Any advice to get him to eat?
He is 13 months old. He used to eat one ricebowl of porridge every meal.

Mummies who have brought your babies abroad, did you have trouble finding food for the baby to eat?
i didnt know club med has cruises.. think i will chk out club med hols. i hv 2 boys n it seems like an impossible feat to go anywhere without bringing my whole kampong!
Hahah. You could also hire a babysitter/helper and bring her on the trip. ;-p Their cruises don't usually pass thru our local waters. That was a one-off.
i came back once on a luxury bus.. i was preggie with jedd then. i think its ok to go genting by coach.. of coz bring yr mum can.. haa.. maybe i aty winnie also wan to folo.. haa
the luxury bus company i went with last time was 5star ithink..

zoe, yb
y dun we all go for cruise.. haa

decimal pt,
maybe yr baby teething tats y reject solids.. jus give him his milk.
my soon to be 3 yr old boy is going thru tis stage now.. refuse to take solids.. each meal is like lucky draw.. hv to prepare, rice,porridge,bread, noodle etc for him.. see which one he decide to eat. if he refuses all, i jus give him milk.

its easier to travel when baby can take solids.. when i brought josh (10mths) to rome, i jus brought bottle fd & cereal. gave him lots of crusts from our pizzas.. easier to find food in asia countries.
I suggest giving your bb whatever he Will eat/drink and wait for the phase to pass.

ep, yb
Yb brought K on a cruise a few months ago..... I'm thinking.... what do you do on cruises? I used to laze in the sun and drink mostly and then drink some more in the evenings, and talk to the crew. But now what is there for me to do? Hmmm....
yb - hahah, no wonder u took the front seat...was wondering how u could find space to open up the whole stroller...actually i din dare to let her sit front seat cos scared if kena road accident, sit in front v dangerous cos double decker n rite in front of window...haha..maybe i'm too paranoid...

i oso took the luxury coach from 5 star...the first class coach sounds good...but wondering how much more ex it is...

we stayed in Genting World...a bit further from the amusement parks at First World but it is much better hotel...we love the indoor heated pool most...no problem letting my ger swim even in Genting's cold weather...got jacuzzi somemore...i stayed in First World Hotel previously...found the condition of the rooms so appalling leh...think that's the hotel for pp who r gonna spend lots of time in the casinos n minimal time in the rooms...hahah

zoe - club med cruise seems really tempting too for me...wow, i might seriously consider that when she's older...i always thot cruises not much fun cos stuck in the liner for few days...
That Club Med cruise doesn't allow kids. You'll be going without her? But it's very cool cos you can actually windsurf or whatever from the sailboat itself. One part of the bottom opens out when the sailboat is still and you embark on watersports right there. Even the middle of nowhere.
finally, after charlene chicken pox over, her b'day celebration is over too... despite having ever, flu & cough, she's still able to co-operate during the event... some pix to share...


I took the coach from Five Star Travel. Think they also have 1st class coach. Not sure how much more to pay though...

Yeah. First World Hotel SUCKS!!! BIG TIME!! Ammenities are bare minimal. No wardrobe at all. Only some clothes hangers hanging on railing attached to wall. No hot water (gotta take hot water from corridor) & fridge. Tat's y making milk & cereal is a chore. Gotta keep refilling my water flask (luckily I bring along) cos the water gets cold very fast.

I've stayed in Theme Park Hotel before. Very nice & spacious. Good when we have kids for them to crawl around the carpetted floor. It's just next to Outdoor Theme Park although quite a distance away from casinos & Indoor Theme Park. Next time, I'll consider staying there.

Sunway Lagoon:
Good Idea!! Though will be much hotter than Genting.

I'm also planning for another holiday in Dec. Hmm..mayb Auzzie land. R u familiar wif it? I've only been to Mel. I hear it's very bb-friendly.

Sure got luxury bus to Sunway.

Wah! Club Med got so much activities for the kids. But only for 2yrs & above. Hmm..gotta wait for Kay to grow older 1st.

decimal pt,
It's easier to feed our bbs now. I only brought FM & cereal for Kay. Then in addition, I feed her bread, cakes & whatever I'm eating.

Cruise EX leh. Haha...Genting cheaper. Else we can bring our bbs on Bintan/Batam trip? Only 45mins boat ride. Then they can play sand & swim...

Hmm..tat time when I brought Kay to cruise, she's only 6mths old. Not convenient to bring pram cos got lotsa stairs. Not pram-friendly at all. Basically, we spent our time eating, swimming, watching show at the theatre, casino etc. Kay enjoys the outdoor jacuzzi. There's also games organised by staff for kids at the swimming pool.

There is a baby sitting service on Star cruise. However, it's for 1yr & above. So at tat time Kay wasn't eligible. I took a peek at the babysitting area. There are games & activites. Even a sleeping area for the kids.
Nice deco & cake!! Too bad I can't join in the party cos we just came back to S'pore yesterday & slept till 1pm today. Even Kay also slept till 1pm today. Then after lunch, she continue sleeping till 3pm. Then after milk, she slept again till 5pm. Haha. Think she has 'jet lag'.
Dec in Oz will be V HOT.... might even hv heat wave rite?

Dec - I am planning for HK/SZ trip during christmas.
Some pix to share at Genting Trip


Btw, there's a store at Genting that sells pram & lightweight stroller. If u feel bringing pram up & down the coach is very inconvenient, then u can buy one at Genting. About RM145 only.
So how? U all onz for Bintan/Batam trip together? Mayb end Aug/Sept?

If bringing bbs, then can also ask hb along.

If we all going alone, then mayb can pick a 1-day trip? Go there in morn & return at evening? Leave the bb wif hb? Haha. Think I really need some 'me-time' without bb.
can ask how much u paid for your genting trip? wow see yr pics really gian to go Genting in Dec.

Think for Auzzie - went Perth in Dec in 05. Weather was ok nt really hot in fact quite cooling at nite at ard 20 degree except that will have alot of flies if you go to the beaches...
bintan trip ah..actually thou of bidding for my office villa there..If i managed to bid, u guys can come along..big villa with own pool.
Perth in Dec can be hot but it's only if you're out in the sun. The moment you're in the shade, it's ok. Chances are, you'll be spending some time in their malls so you can always time teh hottest part of the day for shopping time and K will be napping in the afternoon too right? Dry heat is much more confortable than humid heat in Asia. Let me know if you decide to go there. I'll be there. ;-)
