(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

I go amend my posting , post up 1st in case limited qty design..hahaha! Can add till next week!

huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
6) Ep - rocker
7) Jul-

Wow, this is cold weather stuff I'm surprised there's BP in Spore for it. ;-) I think Vivo can wear. It's freezing in there.
zoe..u not stayin perm in sin?? so going to move to aussie again?? hmm...ok ok...will hvae my shopping list email to u in future..hjehehe
ep, hmm not thank u. hahhaa..

wow Jedd is fast. Julian only bird bird bird. Think I have to be more patience.

The cupcake session look so fun. I'm not into sweet dessert somemore make liao hubby also dun like to eat. I prefer savoury pastries.
Yr Jedd is really fast..i tested on my ger, also show 18mths..but i dun think so leh..she only said "tar" for star, "Ber" for bird, "fu" for fish, "jia" for go home etc..dun think that = 18mths..but yrs is really fast..

PTTs - u guys can join venture to open cupcake business le..1st time attempt already look so nice
cos if working then holiday nua at home still ok..but i nua at home 7 days per week...holiday oso nua at home..cham...

yb didnt online leh..so i think she chiong to Genting liao...she cant wait to go on holiday loh...haiz...see lah...me nua at home n in singapore..haha...cos me 'ai guo' national day must stay in sin..wahahhaa
dsii...i nua but play majong..hahaha! u got 7days at home meh? I thg PTT veri happening wan leh...oopz

jialat..v sick again flu & cough..haiz!

Pm..u buying bo?
yr ger can say these words quite ok liao.. u need patience. u cannot expect their pronouciation to be perfect. they are still training their vocal chords
Jedd is able to take instructions.. put car in box, close the box, give mummy the box.. no need to buy toys.. jus paper box ok liao.

yr ger say fish - 'fu', jedd say 'ish' he say box - 'bot'. he often repeat the words i say..

went to padang to see the fireworks.. gd view.
jedd was staring at them.. he even pointed to the fireworks on top of the buildings and say 'there'.. ask him to say fireworks, he say 'bom'..
Zita, I wan I wan!!

huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
6) Ep - rocker
7) Jul- Egg Head

dsii, thank you!! muakzzz!
wah...you promoting my hse as bakery ah....ahahaha...

abt 7 to 10 mins walk from simei mrt to my house. or take #9, 2 stops.
here's a pic of Jedd's cake.. Greedy me bought so many lollies until the numeric 1 cannot be seen..

baked my own cupcakes for the party..

wah Jedd's cake is so nice! And his development is so fast too. You must be a real happy mummy

My mom's place got a nice view of the fireworks over the CBD but unfortunately Arin was more interested in watching the neighbours watch the fireworks than the fireworks themselves. Ha Ha.

Sigh, I really envy the PTTs...thinking of switching to part time next year after my parents move to their new place. I can join you all then!

huggalugs - I thinking can use when I go for hols mah... since can wear til 6yrs old. I am planning for christmas trip... somewhere COLD/COOL. hahaha :p

National day - I end up staying at daryl's relatives plc from 1pm-8pm. actually wanted to go see fireworks one but since zavier was enjoying himself there, so stayed on till late.
pls include mine if possible. thanks

huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
6) Ep - rocker
7) Jul- Egg Head
8) missmoon - good times
9) missmoon - L'll Pirate
Hi EP,

I like your cake. Look delicious too, the lollipop is very colourful and cute too..

I have hard times with my son, he is super active now and like to shout alot.. cant stand him...
eeyore... count me in too, can?

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 2
6) Fruitee x 2
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 2
pls include mine if possible. thanks

huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
6) Ep - rocker
7) Jul- Egg Head
8) missmoon - good times
9) missmoon - L'll Pirate
10) PM - Aussie
Mamaanne - Yr boy is super active too? Haiz.. same here, but he doesnt shout so often la. He's so active I cant hardly keep up to him.. he's always falling n knocking each time u see him, he sure to have blueblack somewhere. He's the Orh Cheg King.

Today he fell, i dunno how he fall but the impact sure very big coz the pacfier broke into 2 and there was lots of blood, so scare his tooth came out coz that time he just chipped his tooth only. Haiz.
Seems like alot of boys getting the huggalugs..

zita.. i will take i more

Huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
6) Ep - rocker
7) Jul- Egg Head
8) missmoon - good times
9) missmoon - L'll Pirate
10) PM - Aussie
11) Ep - still choosing

i seem to be missing from this
Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 2
6) Fruitee x 2
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 2
10) ep x 1

the cake is from pine gardens.. i chose the black forest n trip choc flavour.
Huggalugs - hahaha... seems like the boys are getting the kick of ordering this... 1st time more boys order than gals. hahahah

but maybe the gals already ordered the bblegs previously... actually bblegs hv nicer designs.

Eeyore - u need 300boxes of order for the patch huh? Jun mummies also wan to order... so thinking u wan to combine forces?
MTDT, yes I need to 300 boxes to order and mummies here seems to order very little... so u can combine jun's order too...

ethel, noted your order already...

mine like to yell alot... very noisy type one.. sigh...

got alot blood, is he ok? you should try to do some gentle pressing on the affected area and see if he is in great pain... cos they are still very young, they would not know whether they have injured themselve.

poor baby, must be very painful... *sayang*


black forest and trichoc?? i loved black forest and lotsa of chocolate... woo... sounded very delicious sweet.. yum yum...
Huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
6) Ep - rocker
7) Jul- Egg Head
8) missmoon - good times
9) missmoon - L'll Pirate
10) PM - Aussie
11) Ep - cool spirit
eeyore, i'll take 5 boxes too

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 2
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) ep x 1
Wau...u gals going to take the mosquito patch and decorate the whole room huh?

I am back from my little short trip to taiwan with Gerrard and my wife. Been too busy to update the blog. Will do so (hopefully) by end of this week. Mainly just been to all the shopping areas, not much sight seeing done.

Can see that all the PTT enjoying themselves. Keep it up, I am sure you gals have fun. By the way, no one else here trying for another kid?
haha..liverpool..no one as 'power' as u leh..u'superman' wat....

wahlau..u go n read archive lah..julie preggie liao....
PM, u can also mah... just go short short trip lah. to bintan lah, johore lah, tioman lah... just that got more things to prep cos bringing bb. and a little sacrifice on ur enjoyment.

Liverpool, i hav been thinking and thinking... but dun think i can cope with another one now. No one to help me here. Will have to push back the plan till another 3 yrs at least.
Misaryeo - Me and hubby been thinking abt Genting for a few mths le.. but.. we still dun have the courage to go esp on coach with Emerson. :p

Talking abt trip - My hubby still owe me one proper honeymoon. Suppose to go backpacking end of this yr without Emerson, but now, I think its abit hard to part with him for 3 weeks and he just wont follow anyone else exp his parents.
PM - i brot my ger on a Genting trip via coach last mth. We brought along the car seat n she was perfectly ok on the coach...she could nap as usual n din need us to constantly carry her or prevent her from climbing up n down...we were oso worried like u that if she's cranky n cries, the whole busload of pp would be staring at us..hhaha thankfully for us, everything turned out fine...bringing the car seat along was the best move we made...
MTDT - yes, i agree wif u that the designs for BBlegs r nicer than huggalegs...but not sure if the material is the same for both though...which is thicker? i ordered my bblegs recently but still waiting to rx it.
PM, how long is the coach journey up Genting? they usually hav 1 or 2 stops right? The stops are good for babies so we can change them or they won't feel so bored. Bring some toys that Emerson likes and pack food n snacks for him. If Emerson always fall asleep in the car, then the coach ride would probably make him sleep for awhile. Just try, sure can make it de. You deserve a holiday lor.

Back pack ah.. i think that one abit hard liao.

What about taking a cruise? They have babysitting services. I think they take 1yo onwards. Or to a resort with babysitting services? I'm sure E will cry but he will get better with time and you can leave him for short stretches at a time? Mebbe when there's lots of toys and pp to play with he'll be distracted for awhile?
