(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


Dentinox. You can get it from the pharmacies. I bought a hyland teething gel from drugstore as well but havent use yet so dunno how good it is.
wah..if stays at the villa...really will think im a VVVV RTT...hahahaha...cos got pte pool..then got golf course..wah piang...hahahaha
Ptts, wan to try going sentosa?

i think can gve gripe water.. its for wind issit?

i want the tixs.. i will chk first
She seems to have poor appetite & vomit. But she was perfectly fine in Genting leh. Dunno wat's wrong wif her.

Sentosa..when? Take cab/tram?
we either meet up then car pool in or meet at vivo city sentosa train station.. i suggest we car pool..
then take a tram to this water fountain place that we can sit n let the babies play water.. there is some toilet facilities nearby.. then we rinse them, hv dinenr then go home?? good?

ok.. now its when n who..
Hi All,
We have the apt for one more month and D's nose has recovered. Would you like to come over? I can't provide much cos we haven't a fridge but I can buy the famous Katong tau kwa pau (D loves it, he can have one even after his lunch) and you guys can bring whatever else you'd like to eat, drink and play?
wow... sentosa sounds fun!!!!
but my next off day is 3rd sept... (cant wait so long rite? U gals go ahead first, then we go again on 3rd hee hee)
or we make it on sunday? hahaha :p

want to start saving leaves liao... yr end wan to go hols and maybe beoing for those hol prog by KM or JG etc. :p
Hmm...I guess this week is out cos Kay haven't recover yet.

Think I'll miss the forum gathering at Dsii's hse tis Sun too.

If next week go Sentosa, then I'm ON!!

When can go ur hse? Next week onwards shld be fine.
Just brought Kay to PD tis morn. Doc says Kay most likely down with another virus. Cos she was perfectly fine at Genting. Now she has vomiting & LS. Sigh..her intake is really pathetic now. She definitely 'slim' down fast. Haha.
did the PD ask you to stop milk intake? Do u wanna check out abt Rotavirus?

Dsii & mummies,
sorry. I cant make it for this sunday gathering. My work is shifted from Sat to Sunday. Imagine got to work on Sunday. Is a major work and can only be carried out when all pple on holiday, so sian...

I think I no need 5 fingers to count the number of gathering I have attended. Haizzzz

I think you dun bring my items that day. Is it ok for u to mail to me. I pay for the mailing charges.
Pd didn't ask me to stop milk. He only instruct me to dilute the milk. Can also give porridge & bread. But I dun bother to cook lor...so just give milk & bread.
D has been spinning himself round and round to make himself dizzy and I can see the fun in that but he falls and hurts himself. What should I do to stop/protect him apart from try to catch him every time? I can't watch him closely all the time.

Date: 19th Aug
Time: 2pm to anytime u like
reminder: pls wear something light..cos no aircon in living room...but got few fans though, hehehe..paiseh ah..

<strike>2) Zita</strike>
3) eeyore
4) Z-Lia (with twins along
5) PM
<strike>6) YB</strike>
7) Jul
8) Mezzo17
9) peachsorbet
10) Zoe
11) May
12) Jurong Gal
13) Poppy
14) Hong
15) Yenny
16) OC
17) joykel
18) Pooh
19) ep

Date: 19th Aug
Time: 2pm to anytime u like
reminder: pls wear something light..cos no aircon in living room...but got few fans though, hehehe..paiseh ah..

2) Zita
3) eeyore
4) Z-Lia (with twins along
5) PM
6) YB
7) Jul
8) Mezzo17
9) peachsorbet
10) Zoe
11) May
12) Jurong Gal
13) Poppy
<strike>14) Hong</strike>
15) Yenny
16) OC
17) joykel
18) Pooh
19) ep
Sure you can bring Isaac! Looking forward to offering my place after being guest to YB's and Zita's.... and soon yours. ;-) Hey, so coincidental that yours are the only houses I've been to for gatherings. ;-)
Playgroup At Zoe's Tue 21st 4pm
1. YB
3. DSII (i bring my elder boy, can?)
4. YLC
5. Ep ( i also bring my elder boy ok? :p
Tue Playgroup
Please feel free to bring your other kids.
Please note that the apt is completely empty so no fridge, no chairs, no beds, but have microwave, kettle and an icebox.

OMG! King Seth puke 3x in 1hr aft coughing!

could barley(eye infection/heaty so drank some ytd & tdy) or meiji(started 10days aft lunch & dnr) be e culprit?

Are you only depending on Forum to gather orders? or ur side hv some orders liao?
how many more orders do you need?

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 2
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) ep x 1

Total: 22

Orders for Mosquito Patch: (Jun)
1) Poohy - 5
2) Carebear29 - 5
2) kissbb - 10
3) panda - 5
4) jacque - 5
5) pawprint - 10
6) celeste - 10

Total : 50
Sorry tot your hse gathering is next sunday 26th Aug...will give tis sunday a miss as gng to bring ashley to the zoo as jus managed to queue for the company pass. Sorry.
angi - best person to ask is PD.

but sometimes kids will vomit after coughing as they dunno how to "pui" out the phlem
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">JUL Thread AUG GATHERING! </font></font>

Date: 19th Aug
Time: 2pm to anytime u like
reminder: pls wear something light..cos no aircon in living room...but got few fans though, hehehe..paiseh ah..

2) Zita
3) eeyore
4) Z-Lia (with twins along
5) PM
6) Jul
7) peachsorbet
8) Zoe
9) May
10) Jurong Gal
11) Poppy
12) Yenny
13) OC
14) joykel
15) Pooh
16) ep

Zita not going meh?
Increase my order:

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) ep x 1

Total: 25

Orders for Mosquito Patch: (Jun)
1) Poohy - 5
2) Carebear29 - 5
2) kissbb - 10
3) panda - 5
4) jacque - 5
5) pawprint - 10
6) celeste - 10

Total : 50
MT...don kill me..hahaha , if next week then i can go!

PM got the list of the model of toy affected? cause v also have some FP toy.

btw those cheap china make plastic toy safe for children to play anot?
Eeyore, I would like to order too.

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) ep x 1
11) melody x 2

Total: 25

Orders for Mosquito Patch: (Jun)
1) Poohy - 5
2) Carebear29 - 5
2) kissbb - 10
3) panda - 5
4) jacque - 5
5) pawprint - 10
6) celeste - 10

Total : 50
eeyore, how much is per pax? expiry when?

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) ep x 1
11) melody x 2
12) Zita x 2

Total: 27

Orders for Mosquito Patch: (Jun)
1) Poohy - 5
2) Carebear29 - 5
2) kissbb - 10
3) panda - 5
4) jacque - 5
5) pawprint - 10
6) celeste - 10

Total : 52
sorry forget to total up the QTY

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) ep x 1
11) melody x 2
12) Zita x 2

<font color="ff0000">Total: 29</font>

Orders for Mosquito Patch: (Jun)
1) Poohy - 5
2) Carebear29 - 5
2) kissbb - 10
3) panda - 5
4) jacque - 5
5) pawprint - 10
6) celeste - 10

Total : 50
Halo all, i wanna join in the aug gathering! :)


Date: 19th Aug
Time: 2pm to anytime u like
reminder: pls wear something light..cos no aircon in living room...but got few fans though, hehehe..paiseh ah..

2) Zita
3) eeyore
4) Z-Lia (with twins along
5) PM
6) Jul
7) peachsorbet
8) Zoe
9) May
10) Jurong Gal
11) Poppy
12) Yenny
13) OC
14) joykel
15) Pooh
16) ep
17) bubble
pm, nice to meet u and baby at the pool the other day :)

it was quite fun, but we kept getting it from the life guards - cannot use baby float in lazy pool, cannot use baby float in jacuzzi, cannot go too deep into wave pool.....haha.

agree, too bad the baby pool was closed for reno...

bubble - Nice to meet u too. My hubby says I very li hai, everywhere got "mummy friend".. I told him that's the power for mothers! Hahahaha.

Yah, E almost drowned when we use the baby float in the lazy river because i think the baby float is too light and the wave is quite strong so it kind of over turn the baby float, so best not to use. Sorry huh.. I was like a siao char boh, got to jagar two kids.. no xing xiang. Hahaha.
