(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Yb - u want to go see doctor as well? Giddyness I feel quite dangerous, what if u carrying Kay halfway and then pass out? Did u have proper meal? Maybe is low sugar count.. better rest while for the night, I feel babies fever at night is most crucial one.
If u know she's going to puke when u feed her medicine then next time get ready a bin or pail for her to puke or lots of tissue paper just in case, then dun have to rush her to the toilet. I always feed E next to the sink if i know he's going to puke.

Not sure if u already know this: I always shoot the medicine at the side of the mouth with his ody incline (like feeding baby milk), so that the taste wont reach her other taste buds and it gets down the throat faster, then she wont get to "taste" the medicine and dun need her to swallow. HTHs.

Mummies, something interesting to try :https://www.lenababy.com/secure/Snapshot/SnapshotForm.aspx?org=SU

What is the LENA Developmental Snapshot?
The snapshot offers an estimate of your childs developmental age, up to 36 months. For instance, does your 10-month-old communicate at the skill level of a 14-month old?

Simply answer a few brief questions, and well give you an immediate analysis of your childs language abilities. Designed by LENA scientists, the Developmental Snapshot has been tested and verified in the field, and highly correlates to standardized assessments of language development.* Results of the questionnaire and snapshot are private and viewable only by you.

Complete the information below to get started. After submitting this information, you'll be directed to a private and secure site to begin your child's language development analysis.
doc gave medication for his cough and fever in case it comes back.

is kay having stomach flu? I saw the nurse at KK give paracetamol very stylo one. They feed Xavier lying down with a synringe and shoot bit by bit. Xavier guai guai finish all, din even struggle. Maybe u wanna try this way?
Kay willingly takes the Nurofen. But after drinking, she'll vomit together with the milk.

Huh? But I no fever leh. Can take panadol?

Yah..I shoot the meds at the side of Kay's mouth.

Now after 2 doses of fever meds, Kay can play, crawl & even walk around liao. Hopefully, she's better liao.
josh no sign of fever tdy.. maybe tonite.

last time i went to KL, also had stomach flu.. kept vomiting. went to see doc there. panadol is for pain and fever.. yr hb so gd, ask u go n he stay back to look after Kaylyn.. wah.. he very brave.. Thumbs UPS
Haha. Cos he said I keep nagging at him. He said he'll take care of Kaylyn alone better.

I think Kay doesn't like the vomit medicine. Keep puking out whenever I inject the medicine inside her mouth.

huh...like tat over rely on panadol leh. Later next time ur body immune to panadol.

Kay's next dose of fever meds is 1030pm. But she sleepy wanna sleep liao. Do I wake her up? Or let her sleep thru?
yb...cos i cannot afford to fall sick loh..so bo bian..hope they grown up liao like isaac can take care then i can dun rely on panadol...if they sick, i oso sick,..tell u..I CAN DIE!!!
I know..I also can die manz...sick already still have to take care bb & do so many things. Sometimes, I really envy single life lor.
YB..not really single life...hmm...marriage life is enjoyable too..but without kids lah..haha...if got kids..maybe with helpers..hmm..oso not bad..the worse one is like us loh..with kids and no one to help...ki siao manz
I feel with kids, plus maid & mother to help is the best leh...hahaha

YB k puke is because she dont like to eat the meds izit? V use to like this also, she will gek then medi plus food all come out...have to shoot at the side..then let her drink water fast..!!!

if fever shoot up, i will feed her medi even if middle of nite..

Hope K will recove tomm...
Hi Mummies,

Been MIA for awhile. I so angry with Audric lately. He has been fighting with me for pillow to sleep, plus he likes to squeeze me to corner which makes my whole bodyache the next morning. Any good pillow to recommend? He oso likes to use his head to knock my face. Yesterday night was worse, he used his head to knock my nose. Now my nose is so red, brusie. So painful.. But he dun feel painful at all.. Haha

Yb- Hope Kay will recover soon.. U rest well too.
Zita- I agree with you, with kids - maid plus own mother to help is the best scenario.
Hope K and you feel better soon. It's so tiring looking after sick bb.

If A likes your pillow why don't you get another for yourself? He might sleep better cos that pillow has your scent already?
Hi Mummies..

Zoe, Eeyore - hey! i used to stay at ceylon road for a good part of my life! but moved away cos we din like the temple which could get very noisy n sometimes have ceremonies. anyway, other than that the place has lots n lots of yummy food. was so surprised to see the road mentioned. i used to stay next to d church. sigh. miss that place.

cottagefry - hey.. kristen likes to use her head to knock me as well. knock my head, knock my nose. very painful but she like has no reaction either.

yb - enjoy ur trip.. i'm sure hubby wld be able to take care of K
take care of urself.. n K too..
Hope Kaylyn is better today. YB u also must take care.

Recive this newsletter today:

<font size="+2">Strengthen Your Baby's Immune System </font>


Have you ever wondered why newborns and young babies are so susceptible to a whole gamut of infections such as the common cold, ear infections and gastrointestinal diseases? This is because their immune system is still immature and is often unable to mount an effective immune response against disease-causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Fortunately, newborns are generally protected by the antibodies they receive through the placenta before birth and from their mother's breast milk after birth. This type of protection is known as passive immunity because it is "borrowed" from another source. It gradually disappears during the first 6 to 8 months of life, while their bodies step up the process of producing antibodies, until they reach adult concentrations at 12 to 14 years of age.

Another protection conferred on newborns, especially those delivered naturally through their mother's birth canal, is that by healthy bacteria that are transferred from their mother's intestine and vagina to the babies' gut during the birth process. This forms the foundation for a strong immune system in the babies' digestive tracts, called Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue, or GALT, which comprises 70% of the body's immune system. The development of the GALT is critical to newborns as an intestinal defense against bacteria in the gut. This, together with the external barriers of the body, like the skin and mucous membranes that line the nose, throat, and gastrointestinal tract, form the body's innate (or natural) immunity. As its name implies, this is the immunity we are born with and is our first line of defense in eliminating microbes and preventing infection.

The third type of immunity is called the adaptive (or active) immunity. This type of immunity develops throughout our lives as we grow and become exposed to diseases or when we are immunized against diseases through vaccination. The two components of the adaptive immunity are the T- and B-lymphocytes.

|b{The Optimal Immune System}

In order for your baby's immune mechanism to work optimally to respond to all possible dangers, her immune system must have:

Speed to attack and destroy all foreign invaders before they multiply and defeat the immune system.
Adequate Numbers of Immune Cells to overpower foreign invaders and fight off infections.
Healthy and Well-developed Immune Cells to carry out their specific functions effectively C find the invaders, identify and destroy them and prevent recurrence of the same infection.
A Healthy Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). The GALT is made up of several types of lymphoid tissue that produce and store immune cells that protect the body from invading harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. Healthy bacteria that attach to the intestinal cell walls influence the number and distribution of these immune cells.

Immunity Booster Nutrients

Studies have shown that certain nutrients are crucial for the normal functioning of the immune cells and adequate intakes will optimize their response, either directly or indirectly, while deficiencies might adversely compromise their functions. Examples of such nutrients are protein, vitamin C, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, the B-Complex, Selenium, Zinc, Alpha-Linolenic Acid and Oligosaccharides (prebiotics).

Breast milk provides babies with all the nutrients that they need to grow and develop optimally in the first few months of life. For example, Human Milk Oligosaccharides (prebiotics) promote the growth of beneficial bacteria e.g. bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, that help to stimulate a balanced and effective gut immune system in babies.


Prebiotics serve as food for beneficial bacteria that reside in babies'gut, promoting their growth and consequently sustaining intestinal defenses against harmful bacteria by:
creating a strong gut barrier that stops harmful bacteria and allergens from entering the bloodstream
producing an acidic environment that prevents the growth of harmful bacteria

As your baby grows, she needs complementary foods that are good sources of immunity booster nutrients, to continue to power her immune system, to keep her strong and healthy. (Show some examples, including FU milk).

Remember, your baby's health is in your hands. Offer her a healthy diet that's packed with immunity booster nutrients, to start her on her life's journey with a strong immune system!
Thx for concern. Kay is better today. No fever since yesterday afternoon. And no vomiting also. Very active now & making me angry. Still can use her legs to hit my face. Haha.
wah! so fast post photos liao! Your man got touch not???!!! So many women effort make cupcakes leh....hahahaha =P

You so on! So fast email me liao....later i scan then email out to everyone k.

I thinking of getting one pair. Can combine bo?
MTDT, tried on Germayn also, she's also normal only leh. but ok la.. normal is good liao. haha.

going to hk tomorrow, without Germayn. HK is having thunderstorm... abit sian. then i'm feeling abit sad..was tearing when i was having dinner.. can't bear to leave Germayn, and the twins.. what if the plane crashes, or i kanna dei by something during the thunderstorm and die.. hai...

The cupcake session looks really fun..so nice...

anyway, hope all babies who were not feeling well are better now. didnt have internet access for the past 2 days.. then lazy to read the archived posts. hehehe.
Z-lia, Why sad? coz cant bear to leave the kids? Haiyo, why thing so negatively!!! If u die, i'll die also.. coz we have the same birth date.. haha lame i know.. U deserve the break, go have some fun!!
apologies for the super fast gathering i had with u tdy.. last min rush back to change to go King & I. after all my effort of changing & packing the 2 boys into the car. SIGH! then hv to drag them all back. next time my turn ..

i tried quiz on jedd, he is advance. - 18mths.. :s
when asked whats his name, he can reply with jedd.. n ask where daddy, he will say work.. he calls josh bay-be when josh drinks milk from the bottle.
wow..ptt! super leh, hahaha, nice to eat bo? can open shop liao lo...!

zlia..relax relax, only few days mah! enjoy yr trip...
zita..1st attempt..so hmm..so-so..can eat lah...but think will need to hv another 1 or 2 more practice..hmm...haha...jul..next round we do the icing one..like got colours one...ok?? hehehe...oh ya..dun forget my CAKE too....wow~~~~
Ya lor! Gillian also getting more n more sticky to me nowadays, cant even concentrate on making d cupcakes yesterday. How ah?

Haha he really thought all d women each make one cupcake for him...happy sia! Then i told him to wait long long, just happened dat we want to try our hands on making so 'shun bian' only..heheh
ethel...i tot ylc always the 1st to zoom off during PTT gathering...but this time u win her loh..hahaha...only half an hr..wahaha...

zita..i want 1 pair can?
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3 dsii - L'll Pirate
oc..hahaha..aiyo..u pretend pretend a bit since he tot that way...at least he happy mah..wahaha...u pour cold water onto him..so sad..but ok lah...he seemed happy..wahhahaa.....
ian 1st national day celebration!!

are u taking my pic? want to snap where, then snap lah!! this pose can bo?
Dsii order a pair huh?
then I also wan! haha

huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
the huggalugs, are the arms n legs different set? or can be use for both arms n legs?
i tot these are usually for gals.. dsii n mtdt.. spore so hot still wear ah? so tempting to buy....
wahlau....see the pics got little boys wear mah...me tot can bring out shopping...so can wear shorts and sleeveless tee..then in aircon can wear the huggalugs loh... to outdoor then can take off mah...
just now hb bought mamil gold step 3 for ian..cos nan3 out of stock..so try other brand...hope ian will like it...hehehe
Hi Zita,

I also want to order a pair. U stay at Yew Tee rite? I can collect from u. Thanks!

huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
i jus switch to enfagrow for josh.. no matter wat formula he drinks,. he still constipated..
Jedd drinks anything still can poo poo..

erm... huggalugs.. shld i get 1pr or 2 prs? :S
HOng, wanna get for julien? HeeHee

huggalugs orders
1) zita -possum
2) zita -harmony
3) dsii - L'll Pirate
4) Mtdt - L'll Pirate
5) Lego_mum - Jolly
6) Ep - rocker
ethel, ya can wear either on arm or leg up to 6 yrs old...shopping centre can wear shorts, if cold then can put...quite useful..!

We need 1 more...any one?

lego..ya can meet me at yewtee
dsii..try again on 20 or 21 Aug leh, i not working liao, i wan to go & c how yr make..hahaha! but mrt can go jul hse bo?
try making cupcakes u mean? haha...then u must ask jul lah..not my hse leh...hehehe....,mrt to simei station..but think need to walk to her place ..but dunno for how long lah...JUL...instruction to ur place needed...

haha...aiyo..oc...yesterday still talking abt making cookies at ur plc..pengz..then now still can bo?

zita..need one more pair??? jul leh..i tot she mentioned she wants to share...wait for her lah...leave a slot for her...
