(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


Thanks for the lovely comments...


You not lousy mummy, jus sometimes accidents happen. You take care ya? U are doing great already, dun pressure urself too much oso.


My elder girl is 6 yrs old.


No worries bout the DVD's. Cheers...


I think you better dun help out, not that bcoz selfish or wat, but once u help out for awhile, they will keep delayin and in d end you might end up have to look after for a long time. Some ppl do take things for granted and take advantage.


Wah, you steady! Sometimes man must reali teach them a lesson, they always take things for granted.

Hi Hong,
mayb ur boy doesn't like to c old ppl's faces? My gal also...whenever I bring her to mum's or MIL's hse, she'll cry. Think cos older folks have wrinkles on their faces, so looks a bit weird to the bb.

I think my hubby has lost interest in fatherhood already...starting is all very exciting, but once they get over it, they'll leave everything to us...sigh...

Hi zita,
No leh...ur gal is very well-behaved at Hong's hse wat..she can even sleep on the play mat when everyone talking & bbs crying around her.
Juz now I give my hubby an ultimatum...if I go back to work & help out with the expenses then he has to help out wif bb & hsework. Cannot expect me to work, care for bb & do hsework while he shake leg. If bb sick or need to go for checkup, cannot expect me to always take leave. He has to volunteer to take leave & bring bb to doc instead. He cannot go out wif friends or play mj as & when he feels like it, unless he arranged for someone to take care of bb. He has to restrict night entertainment with colleagues, friends, customers etc. If I work late, he has to care of bb till she sleeps...blah...blah..blah..

Else, I can become full-time SAHM to bb, but he must give me time-out to go out & have personal time to do my own things. But he has to pay for all hsehold expenses, incl bb & my expenses.

Hubby face turned very black & said he doesn't know wat to do. He said would try to find a higher paid job while I continue to look after bb at hm. If he can't find a higher paying job, then I have to go out to work.

Sigh..men..ask them to sacrifice something, already so reluctant. Dun understand y we mummies must always b the one to sacrifice while our hubby can continue their lifestyle.
YB, ya.. understand what you mean. My husband always uses the excuse during my maternity leave tt he's working. Now tt im back at work, he's helping out abit more.. but he still comes home very late at night.. just tt during weekends morning, if i ask him to help take care of baby while i bathe, blarblar, he'll do so without complaining. But it's like... I dont really have time out anymore.. but he still has. and to him, he feels tt it's a matter of choice. like..i can choose to go out with my friends but i dont want to. He feels tt his mum can help take care of the kids for us. I think he takes his mum forgranted sometimes..mabbe cos tt's HIS MUM. Then on Friday, we attended his good friend's wedding. After the wedding dinner, a group of his friends asked him to go for ktv session. Then there's this friend (i do know her la) who kept asking me to join them. And i said I can't (it was almost 12 midnight liao), then she kept asking why why why. And I told her i have to help go back to take care of the kids else my MIL can't slp. Then she kept asking why still. Wanted to bash her up. Plus well...mabbe i felt abit worse cos she was his previous gf. hahaha.

PM, sigh..dunno what u can do liao.. i know it's difficult telling them straight tt u can't help out. And if you dont tell them straight, i guess they'll just act blur and choose to think tt u're fine with the arrangement.

Sigh.. i think it's abit dumb to say it here.. but why can't we just win 1million toto eh. hahaha. I never really thought of tt... but one of my good friend's MIL won 1 mil toto lor.. and she just got married last sat..the gal tt i was her jie mei one... and her wedding's sponsored. 1 million toto...1 million toto....
YB..cause all pretty face mah : ) i oso feel that my gal dont like c winkle face leh..she will cry when c old people..maybe not use to blah..heehee
Hello mummies,

my baby used to be able to sleep through from 10-5 or even 6 from 3rd month. then 4th month plus he cannot already. for the past few weeks he has been waking up at 3am.
i thought once they sleep through, that's it! but no!!! anyone can advise how to let him sleep through again??
Decimal point, izit is time for cereal? cause not full so will wake up in the nite

Picture to share, so happie,
finally my gal head stable to sit at jumperoo n exsaucer : )

Zita, Venice looks happy when she's on the jumporee. How much did u buy it foR? I am considering buying a jumporee/exersaucer or another boucy thing from FP since my boy will not sit on the walker.

Sigh.. I told my hubby yesterday on my reluctance on helping out. He ask why I'm so jing jing ji jiao - Calculative. I just went dumb folded and try very hard to hold back my tears.... but atlast, tears roll down my cheeks and jia liao for my wanton mee... I had salty wanton mee for dinner. He felt that being a dao sao shld be more helpful and try to help as many ways as possible, moreover its only for a week trial and no one is forcing me to do it. He also claims that if i can help Im doing a big favour.... !
YB- I know how is it like.. but u know.. u are so much better than me... coz I cant even go out shopping alone... my boy cant stay with hb for even 1 hr
I know things can turn ugly but better to say no. when there is a first time, lots more to come. you are not yr sil's back door. then who's your back door??it's better to be "bad" DIL and SIL and protect yrself becoz hubby wont do so. its quite sian when hubby dont support and understand and want "mian zi."
H decimal point,
My gal also used to sleep thru the night till late morn. But recently, she will wake up at 3am for 4am for milk. I've already increased her brown rice & milk to 6oz, but it seems to b not enough. Somemore, she used to poo once or twice a day. But now, she poos after every feeding, incl in the middle of the night. But I'm too tired to wake up & change her.

Hi z-lia, PM,
I think we mummies shouldn't act as though we're very capable in handling our bbs (even though we are..hee..hee...) Cos men will always take advantage of tat. If our hubby sees that we can manage our bb, hsework & work well, they see no reason y they should sacrifice their usual lifestyle & help out.

I still remembered when the 1st few mth after I gave birth, I couldn't cope & had depression. My hubby was very worried & rushed to helped me out on everything. Now that I'm more settled, he started to change & leave everything to me while he go out to enjoy & play MJ.

So after screaming at him & walking out of hse yesterday, he quietly care for bb alone & settle all the hsework. Haa..haaa...last night, he even had maggie mee for dinner. I told him now he understand what I've been going thru everyday cos when bb fuss, I can't even have a proper meal.

Then tis morn, he brought us out to Upper Pierce Reservior to see monkeys & have brunch. Cos he has to book in to camp tonight for reservist.

So I guess it all boils down to communication & a little 'play-acting' on our part. Anything just to get our man's butt off the sofa & start helping us out.

Hi PM,
I feel so sad for u. Last night, I also 'cried' in front of my hubby & told him I can't cope wif bb alone without help. Then he started treating me better.

Did ur hubby console u when he saw u cried? Mayb ur hubby also feel obligated to agree? Tat's y suggested having the trial period so that if u rejected finally, they've got nothing else to say?

Well, since u've already agreed to a 1-wk trial, then no choice, have to go thru it lor.

Just endure the 1 wk trial, and REMEMBER TO ACT AS THOUGH U BUAY TAHAN & REALLY CANNOT COPE, esp. in front of ur hubby & MIL. As exaggerated as possible. Also, start complaining to ur hubby everyday until he also buay tahan. Must make him feel that he's also suffering instead of just u alone. U know lah, most men r selfish. Once they feel that it's too much for them to handle, they'll soon give up.

(Hee..hee...hope ur hubby dun scold me tat I teach u bad things..)

I give you a good suggestion, tell your hubby during the trial of 1 week, he will need to be back home straight after work n reach home before dinner time. He will then look after the pre-term bb n your bb while you settle the housework. See if he is agreeable, if he mumble, then simple reply, don't be "jing jing ji qiao, you say one remember?"
PM yar agree with YB, the week act as u veri xin ku ,cannot make it..: )..complaint ...etc..etc!

The jumeroo i bought at $169/- is an implusive purchase..hahaha, but my gal giggle so much in it, tinking is the jumping effect that make it veri excited blah
Agree with YB that we need to not be too "gang ho". Till now, I have not operated the vacumm cleaner nor clean toilet and has not touch the iron since pregnant... :p

Baby wise, my hubby helps but usually i'm the main person to take care of baby. Though hubby supportive of me going out for my yoga class during weekend, I ended up not going cos' I miss my baby and also abit paiseh to let my hubby do everything lar... But guys as guys, once they on the computer, everything around them like nothing happen, can't move already and stick to the computer.

One thing I ask my hubby before marriage is that if wife looks haggard whose fault and he replied husband. So part of the reason I married him is this.
Wrinkle and bb scare. U sure bo. hahhaa..
I think my Julian is at the cranky stage. My ger used to be like that at certain stage. I think he is also sleepy but refuses to sleep at my mum place althot she has a sarong. Guess everything smell diff. My MIL said he refused to drink his milk if her was fed in another room at my IL place. Naughty right!

Aiyo, wait till u have 2nd child like me. An infant and a demanding kids at 3. Luckily my hubby is more hands on else i will collapse immediately. I get work up very easily and i will tend raise my voice at my ger. Hubby will have to come in and get her out of my sight. Stime i find Julian is too demanding and hubby will take over and i will look after my ger.

Sleep thru - i resigned my fate liao. As long as Julian can sleep after his feed i am ok. My ger also didnt sleep thru till 1yr ++

today my ger asked me abt ur boy Kevin right. She said the kor kor who came with his grandma. I told her kor kor missed u too.

my ger then mentioned there was another kor kor who daddy brot him up but didnt come into our place. I said yes, that was isaac kor kor.

PM, wah that was wat ur hubby said. like YB said must act that u cant cope.
Hi Lucida,
Men also says good things b4 marriage, but they'll change after a few yrs into marriage. Men really cannot b trusted....(no offence hor, liverpool. U r an exception)

High-5 man! I totally agree. The man in my house, now out of my house oreadi bcoz i cannot take his nonsense anymore, he push me to my limits. dis morning, he came back at 4am plus. I warn him b4 dun make me go berserk. I cut off all his gaming wires stuff, even his hp charger and bluetooth headset charger and his all his work uniform and underwear. I REALLY HAD ENOUGH! FOR 1 bloody year, he has been staying out late, every single night. That was the last straw. So now he move back to his mum's place to stay.

How I wish he can just leave forever and dun come back!!! He can jus drop dead and die, i dun need him anymore.

He can even tell me his frens more important then me, what kind of man is he?

Last time when we were jus dating, he always control me, dun let me go out, then i go out with his sister and cousin for coffee, he can call like 10 over times ask me go home, tell me he like to stay at home, tell me to be homely.

Now that im homely, everything has change, he goes out every night. Bloody hell, treat me like shit.


Sorry to vent my frustrations here, bcoz i reali had enough.
Hi Mich,
Oh dear! where's ur bb now? Can u try to have a talk wif ur hubby & make him see ur point of view? Sometimes, being angry will make ppl do drastic things...
Hi Mich, it's ok to vent it here, that's what we are here for. Cool down now... and I suppose your hubby will know his wrong doings since he go home to his mum's place to mian bi si guo.

YB/liverpool, Yah I will try to act buay zai... and I think I will be buay zai loh!
PM, think liverpool's suggestion is good. Ask your hubby to give up his msia outings, la kopi sessions, blarblar to help you out. if he say cannot then ask him not to jing jing ji jiao.

Mich, hope you're feeling better. Sometimes am really pissed with my hubbby also.. cos he comes back at like..3am, or even later most of the time. But well, he's nice sometimes la. haha. You tried talking to him?

Zita, im feeling so tempted to buy the exersaucer for my gal...

Anyway, I brought my gal to JB today, with hubby and MIL. Went at 3.30pm, reached home at 12.30am. haha. Jam... And think Germayn wanted to zuo4 xian1 today. She didn't finish all her 3 feeds outside. In fact, only drank 60ml for each feed. But well, trip was quite fulfilling. haha. bought some cheap clothes, and 11 pkts of diapers. haha. Petpet was on promotion, $12.00 per pack (after conversion to SGD), Drypers also, $13.20 for the jumbo pack of M84, L72, and pampers comfort for $13.70 for pack of M84, L72 also. And bought carrefour brand diapers also. Promo price is $13 for pack of M84, L72. Satisfying sia. haha.
Hi YB, Agree. Dun know my hubby will change or not as we married for only less than 3 years. Pray not... I think no matter what, most important is $$$ - make sure $$ all pass to me. Though $$ cannot buy everything, but it will serve to be a good cushion if anything are to happen. Not that I dun trust my husband lar, I trust and love himm fully.

But, people change and I heard cases (my mum tell me one lar) that hubby dote wife alot and wife let hubby handle all $$ matters. 13 years later hubby left the house with some woman and took all the money away. Some more got two teenage kids already.
wah, then i think i very lucky liao. To think that i even face black black when my hubby goes to driving range for 2/3 hrs. So he consider 'guai' liao. Luckily my hubby is not a party animal, he hates to go 'chiong' even b4 we got married.

As for the nite feeds, i used to it liao. Now Xavier drinks very fast, can finish within 5 mins. In fact, when Xavier stays overnite at my mum's house, my biological alarm will wake me up in the middle of the nite.

As i was telling dsii, u will surely go 'kee seow' one, wif 2 babies. I tell u, if wan to act must act all the way. everynite when ur hubby comes back, cry and tell him u cannot handle 2 kids and if continue like tat u will get depression...but why i have this feeling u won't be acting by then.
Where you get the jumeroo uh??

I share your anger loh.. Mine also.. so angry with him, not talking to him since Sat. My boy having fever, still can ask to go out loh although Kayden not at home lah.. doesnt even have a sense of fatherhood loh... and his frds also one.. told them the son fever.. buay chi-tong! *!&@^@$%$! Went out on sat nite, I locked the MBR door, he can sleep outside for all I care! He can apologise loh but too late! I just showed him my charcoal face! He can go talk to himself! MEN!!! what's wrong with them? Is it going out with their frds are far off better than spending time with family? Is going out with frds so impt?
I set my rules, u wanna go out, no prob but when I'm sick or situation like Kayden not feeling well, he better know how to weigh those situations!

yah.. I got a frd hor.. wah, the $ all let the hb handle, in the end 2 yrs into their marriage with 1 kid barely 6mths, the hb hooked up with a china gal, all their savings gone, left nothing for her! always have your own savings. Anything happen, at least u know, you can jolly well do without the men! Anything can happen, we never know!
Yup yup. My $$ is my $$$. His $$$ belongs to the family. This is a rule never to be violated. :p

But, of course, woman should not go overboard as well lar.
Morning mommies,

Mummies, check ur hubby insurance, make sure u are the one who get the $$. haha.

WOW... ur anger really hit to the maximum point.

Mommies, now u all know why i am so piss off when hubby went out till late nite? Imagine i have two kids to handle.

I always make my point to know my hubby's frd or collicks so they all know my "pattern". If they dun get from me this rd, i wun let them off the next rd. If not i will just told them directly on the face. I need my hubby!

If still dun get it right, i will scold pple liao.
hi Yenny,

YOu can get it at NTUC leh...maybe they ran OOS? Perhaps bigger NTUC will have it. T bought $16.90 for M size...48 pcs.
ya man... my $ is my $.. his $ also my $... ahhaa

Yah.. just scolded ppl only.. told my hb & his frds, dun push me too far off... by then, I make sure my hb's luggage outside the hse, ask 24hr locksmith change lock!
hav u bot from the supplier b4? I heard they deliver if u bot 4 packets and above? I thot nepia cost $14 for M size? Ur bb using nepia? They say nepia as good as pampers, true? Sorry so many questions. One last one, does nepia diaper have wetness indicator?
yes Nepia is very comfortable. Comparable to Pamper. If u call to order directly they will deliver to ur place. Last round is $14 each pack, not sure if they had increase the price.

Got to ask ard for the number to call, i dun have it with me now.
Yes, got wetness indicator. No, in NTUC, it cost $16.90...but sometimes they do have promo. From supplier, I heard they have increase the price to $15, not too sure abt it, u can call the supplier to check it out.
HI mummies,

Ryan gets heat rash very easily....I normally will apply the hydrocort 1%...not too sure if the body wash I use affect it or just the weather? Currently using lactacyd or Estemtan....any comments?
I use Cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer for both my gal and boy. Very good for sensitive and dry skin. Even my mum and sister used it too.
All mummies...sayang sayang! * Mich* read liao really pity u leh, can cope wif yr 2 bb alone...? take care ya

Fruitee. i buy at Robinsion,

Yenny, Nepia veri good can last over nite for my gal 10hrs..promotion is $14/- at nov, contact 32262650.. if u wan can pass u for trial i stock up alot..heehee
any of u using maxi cosi car seat? how is it huh?

i wanted to buy the reflection range. coz the material seems easier to maintain. but it's out of stock everywhere. hv to wait duno until when. sianz...

wanted to hv some feedback on the normal material maxi cosi car seat. maybe will just get tt instead????

no need to rinse, just add into bath water. besides using it during bath, u can oso use it when the rashes appear. Apply some soap on the rashes and then use a wet towel to wipe. Then apply the moisturizer.

thanks. no need to try lah. heard so much good review on it. I called up liao, now $15 per pack. But i found a better deal at www.dignus.com.sg. $14.70 per pack with delivery.
Paiseh Everyone. Looks like I need more time to catch up with the posts...

My BB's name is Kaedi. I went to Vietnam for business....so not much fun. Kaedi had to stay at home with Grandma and Grandpa for 4 days and survive on frozen EBM. My trip was all about business and expressing milk in between. Kaedi stared at me for a long while before smiling at me when I got back....for a moment I thought she couldn't recognise me anymore..

How was your BKK trip? Did you get a lorry load of stuff??:D

You can transfer to my POSB Savings 158-23353-3.

Car Seat:
I need to upgrade my car seat. It's getting a bit small and Kaedi's legs are jutting out. Any recommendations? I'm on a tigh budget though :p
welcome back! I think the bb still need infant car seat now cos they cant sit yet. How come small, i thot all infant car seat are of standard size? If not u can get 2nd hand to put thru these few months and invest on a gd bb seat later.

Did u get Aodai for Kaedi? May be can wear when she is older.

u have a gd harvest. The diaper are really really cheap. We are driving in next weekend, hopefully i can get gd buy at Melaka.

My PD also gave Cetaphil when my ger had rashes last rd.

yah hor. U came back from BKK? I also told my hubby that his $$ is mine and mine is still mine. hahaha.. I am stocking up Julian CNY clothes, really cant find nice and cheap clothes here. So i decided to order online and i told hubby he must pay for all.
Hi poppy,

U still have the 1st teeth toothpaste ?

Hi Mummies,

uploaded the gathering pics in yahoo group liao...

my gal finally dun need us to rock her to sleep everytime liao, can just throw her on bed n let her fall asleep herself sometimes, all kudos to my mum ! Yippee !
Mich and YB,
Sayang sayang. Try to talk to your HBs and make expectations clear so wont have assumptions. Sometimes men quite "mu mu" one must say and lay ou everything then they understand and do.

Sayang you too... really sticky situation. Cannot cope then call HB to take leave and come back and help you. Then he will realise how tough it is.

Nepia was having promo till 30Nov for $14/pack. Now back to $15 liao. Dignus will be the cheapest at $14.70. Buy 4 and the deliver. Can do 1 to 1 exchange if Xavier outgrow also.
hi.. everyone.

im new here,is here the right forum to post in 5mth bb? my bb is 5mths now. anyone can share? anyone using walker or exesaucer.?

aiya, miss the promo by 4 days. i already ordered from dignus. But the invoice nvr specify when deliver only say 2 to 5 working days. hopefully nepia diapers can last long long. Now i use fitti, everynite goto change Xavier 2 times.
Hi Yenny_tay,
Where can i get Cetaphil ? My ger has rashes on her face too, on and off especially during hot weather is even worse. like eczyma , can use Cetaphil?
of course can use. u can get at all phamacies. But not cheap. use both the cleanser and moisturser to get the best effect. My elder gal had very serious rash on her face when she was a month old. The PD prescribed cetaphil. After using, the rashes gone in a week. Cetaphil is neutral in PH and no fragrance. Wah I am like a cetaphil spokesman.
they will usually call you in the evening to arrange delivery time. nepia can last quite long for my son...abt 12hrs. been using it since birth.

thanks. u oso order from them? may order milk powder from them next time. similac $31, usual $31.70. altho only save $0.70 but since buying diaper, might as well buy milk powder too. My hubby asked me the source reliable or not. I told him COD, so not so bad.
