(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Not to worry, I also ordered nepia from Dignus, quite a few times already. And the man who delivered is quite good. He even delivered at 10pm at my request.

eh I going next week lah... havent go yet.. ahhahahha..

me too.. shop too much online liao.. until gonna eat grass already.. ehehhe
Yenny, I order similc from 1 mummy at $26/- wholesale price but min 10tin, import from singapore! Ntuc so x $32/-, Check with abbott she say as long stated import from singapore abbott mean is authentic... i Kaisu even taste those i bought from mummy n ntuc, same taste...
Hi mummies,
I am from August thread mummy, just check if any of you have bought the bumbo seat and intent to sell it? I wanna buy le. Thanks!

I wan to sell, my gal only sit for taking photo...condition 10/10 pm me if u interested k, my is lilic colour
Halow mummies,

Am new to tis thread. Currently my bb boy is 4.5mths old. Recently, my bb boy passing motion cycle change. He only poos once a week and tis has been going on 4 two weeks liao. Is tis normal? Has checked wif his PD and he says it's fine as long as my boy doesnt cries or feel pain....But still, am worried. Any suggestions from all mummies?
Lilac colour for girl girl one le, my boy sit on it bit cc ya. I like lime green colour. sigh. . . So sorry!

Anyone got lime green colour bumbo seat to sell? Can PM me or email me at [email protected]
hi claudia welcome to this thread

my boi oso poo once 2-4 days...my pd said some poo once3 a week...as long as not hard poo..no blood...bb dun cry when pooing...shld be ok...either bb absorb everything...if not, then drink not enuff milk loh....
yenny, i oso dont noe leh, she say overstock but i doubt so loh : )..cause she like got so many supply! after purchase at first worry, but after i test the milk same so relief..! but come to tink about it we should not safe on milk powder hor : (

cocomo...no problem : )
Hi, I m Aug mummy. Happened to read you guys' discussion on pooing so just need some opinion on this. My PD inserted a pill into my bb's butt that day coz he din poo for two days and one hour later he poo-ed (alot), but I tot it's normal for bb not poo for few days? Dunno why my PD wanna do that also, kinda worry coz bb small normally will try not to give medication as much as possible right? (I heard some bb nvr poo for a week and his PD din do anything also).
hmm..wah inserted a pill to let ur bb poo ah? so far july mummies never encounter that yet leh...cos so far we went PD all said the same thing...its normal if bb dun cry in pain...no blood...not hard stool...etc...drink more water...like that loh...cos that time i was very worried cos bb didnt poo in 3 days...then PD told me he got bb patient poo only once a week...i was like 'huh'..hehehe....maybe u shld ask ur PD why he inserted the pill loh...i think as a parent if hv the rite to know what PD is doing to ur bb...even though they are the expert lah..but still u need to know y and gain more knowledge then can share with us..hehehe

Thanks 4 ur concern. Yup, it reali hit me to my maximum point whereby I can't take it anymore.

I have never been so mad in my whole life. He now still yaya kalapa, kena F by his mum n sis oso, he oso dun bother. Haiz, wat a man
Thanks. Ya I think so lo, so far my Aug mummies also nvr mentioned PD inserted pill lo. That's why I worried. That time I had fever so din go then my hubby blur blur let the PD insert the pill. My this PD always wanna give medicine one. On rashes, he's giving more and more steroid contained cream. I am very hesitate to let my boy applies also coz heard a specialist that cannot always use that kinda cream coz later it will not work at all liao. Ai... tot of changing PD but dunno if there's any good one at Tiong BAhru/Redhill area?

i am a jun mummy, but have been reading this jul thread as well. wld like to add my comment here.

usually doc will not insert any pills unless the case is serious lor. cos my pd say inserting the pill can actually be quite traumatic to some babies. also,there might be some side effects with regards to bowel movements in future, if used repeatedly.
hi cocomo,

Yeah, Yenny is right....time to say bye bye to the PD. Anyway, dun worry abt what has already happened...as long as yr bb is ok now. Just change to another reliable PD for your bb next checkup. I am sure there are always good ones around else you can go back to the PD where you delivered yr bb.
morning mummies
My boy's passport ready for collection liao.. so fast loh.. just did it like last Sat!
hi cocomo,

Am just browsing through and felt I had to share.

Trust ur mummy's instinct. If dun feel good about a PD juz change. Last time my baby's first PD very kanchiong & quite new. Didn't realize until we actually went to his clinic after the hospital stay.

He pressed my bb's tummy n made her throw up. She had never thrown up before that. And it's not the small small spit ups.. it's a big throw up. That night and the following days she throw up a few more times but after that no more. Then when she starting crying after she threw up, she had abit of snorting sound (which was normal we found out later on from other PDs). But.. he die die had to go insert tube into her nose although my hubby n i didn't want him to cos we were afraid he make things even worse after causing her to puke.

Bah. When I think about it dunno why we still enter his clinic when can see the "congratulations on your opening" flowers and nobody sitting in the clinic at all. I still get mad thinking about how this doc can make my bb puke n do things without asking me n do things even tho I say NONONO DON'T DO IT! So happy to go to a PD that makes me and my baby feel more comfortable even tho Q is longer or must pay abit more (actually.. pay less cos that new PD still got guts to charge me more than the experienced PD I've been seeing).

wow, peachsorbet & cocomo - who is ur PD?

nowadays, my heart will ache when i read/hear things that cause babies to be unwell.

my boy also poo 2 times a week now. but he is very active n happy. so i think it's ok.

My PD is at Siglap one. Feel abit bad for him cos he's new and I'm not gonna let my bb be his guinea pig. Can't afford to let anything happen to her. Almost cried in the clinic when he was stuffing the tube down her nose.

My girl poos alot alot... even though she's on formula now cos I having diarrhea.. Even in her sleep she can poo! Last night I woke up at 1am, haha.. maybe it's the poop-angel waking me up, and suddenly heard her pooping away in her sleep. Luckily managed to clean her without waking her up.

But my boy usually farts alot and even worse, his farts smell, Heehee......Like we adults, if we dun poo for afew daes, our farts smell horribly.....My boy drinks as normal but at times, he drinks quite little. Do u still gif ur boy brown rice even he poo once 2-4 daes?


So hw often ur boy poos nowadays? Will b bringin him to see PD for his jabs tis fri, but guess the PD wil jst say it's normal. Jst gif him fruit juice, water , blah blah blah.......
Thanks for your sharing and concern.

ai... talking abt my PD, I got so so so many things to complain!!! He used 'eyes drop' as nose drop for my boy, I really dunno if it's ok since he is the doctor then just use lo. Then he use tube to suck my boy's phelgm (suck till bit bleeding somemore) when he's just 2/3 weeks then not much come out and he said phelgm too thick. He also gave cough, flu serup which my boy din cough at all. Then I went to see another PD when I back to Msia (quite experience one), he told me normally such young baby they will not do the suction unless really necassary. My boy that time only a bit of phelgm lo. And that PD told me for BF bb less than 6 mths, normally he will not give any medicine to take unless very serious till affec this breathing. Then he told me there's no instrution on that 'eyes drop' to be used as nose drop so better stop using.

He said baby will normally gain 1kg per mth for the first few mths. Then when my boy only gained 300gm in his 3rd mth he told me it's normal, without explaining further.

My PD from Thomson one, a very ya ya guy lo. Everytime I ask thing he juz said it's normal, bla bla bla without explain why and will not try to release our concern, as a parent. Maybe there's only one PD clinic at Tiong Bahru area or maybe he's very popular, his clinic always pack with ppl. So everytime's consultation also very rush one lo and just feel that he tries to rush us out and see next patient lo. To me I feel that a good PD not only know how to treat baby but also need to give 'comfort' to the parents. But too bad I dunno any other PD clinic at this area. Will now starts to ask and look around liao.
i havent give my boy any cereal or brwon rice yet..maybe will give him abit when he turns 5 mths plus bah...
Hi Claudia,
My boy also poo after 2 or 3 days. Maximum days he has not poo is 4 days. PD say normal. He also give a pill to insert to baby anus but he say that is the last resort - only if baby have difficulty passing out motion and looks disturb by it.

Me have not introduce solid. Relating to fruit juice I read some articles that say not to introduce sweet stuff to baby too earlier - http://www.babycenter.com/expert/baby/formulafeed/9141.html
I think just try give water especially formula fed baby. If baby dun wan water then use spoon to feed. My baby does not want water but when I use spoon he takes.
Hi Lucida,

I think baby fruit juice is fine cos it is not sweet at all....it taste like water cos I drank it up when Ryan cld not finish.....Heinz, Gerber and Hipp are good.
Actually my boy poo everyday, just that last thurs and friday he din poo then PD give pill on Friday nite lo.
Kaedi was constipated for 3 days! Not her usual. She normally does it everyday. Kept crying, I think must be very uncomfortable for her. Finally saw doctor today and was given an enema then she started purging...so much sai!!! hehehe. She's was so happy when she pooped.

I got her an Aodai
but i think it's too long even for size 1.

Jurong Gal,
How many you need? I can pass you my SIL's spares first... we stocked up quite a few :p
There is a PD clinic at Central Plaza. The building beside the Tiong Bahru plaza. U can try there.

Peachsobert, U live at Pasir ris right! Why u try the PD at Elias Mall. Both my kid went there and he will answer all ur questions sometime will give u extra info. His clinic is "Pasir Ris Baby n Child Clinic". Dsii brot Ian there sometime.

Keep the Aodai lor. She will be able to wear one day.
Dear Jul Mummies,

I'm also a July mummy to my darling bb girl.. Saw a previous post of a gathering of July babies at one of the mummies' place.. and I was thinking soooo cute! Will love to join you girls and share our motherhood paths..

Was thinking of signing up my girl for BJG Bukit Batok starting in Jan.. Any mummies tried it before or interested to sign up as well?
hi mich

pardon me if im wrong, r u the one who organized the bp for baby enstein? and the one who called me on my hp last sat?

Hi dsiitan,

Me too have not given my bb any cereal or brown rice but can i check whether u hv started given Ian juices already?
Poppy, same here. My boy is constipating today is the 3rd day... i can see he's trying very hard to poo... coz when he fang pi for abit of sai. I wonder if i shld bring him to the doc.
I find it very funny... the babies seems to have symtoms together. I remember the previous round of headaches was mummies trying to increase milk feed and baby not drinking well and sleeping well...

Now is the poo-ing issue..
Hi mich

thanks, have received the discs.

btw, just want to share with u that i have a husband whom also comes back home very late and sometimes i wish that he would just drop dead and i'll not feel a thing.
Wei, u not working today ah?? Let me know when I can pass u the dics hor..

Seems like a lot of babies falling sick lately.. my parents just brought my boy to the PD, last week fever, now cough.. then my mum was telling me the clinic sooooooooooo packed loh.. waited for like an hr before it's their turn... haiz.. me cannot take leave.. too busy liao..
hi mummies,

I wanna get something from Old navy. Anyone interested to join me? PM me ur order ok.
Hi jacq,

You're welcome. Haiz, husbands are nothing but problems.


The disc actually i got one set liao. You slowly train Kayden to watch lahz, jus on it, slowly he will see one. Xaria oso like dat.
Hi Mich,

Like the baby einstein....i think at this moment only selected DVD will interest RYan...DVDs that are too "cheam" for him, he will just ignored it, without even look at it.

Hi PM,
Wait for a while before seeing a PD...my boy also pass alot of air before he starts to poo...that is a way of informing you??
