(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hong - Yes. Yesterday he was very good can finish all the 60ml I made every 2 hrs... Today he became sq one again... Today he drank 2 feeds. 1 EBM 40ml. 1 Brown rice with milk ard 60ml....

Byebye mummies,I am going out liao... meeting a friend for dinner at Orchard... So tiring to go out, but too boring for me to stay at home to0. Tata~
I helped Keagan along at the start, worried he too heavy and can't turn on his own. After a while, he will just suddenly flip on his own. Dun think he will become dependent ba...now he flipping everywhere and all the time...got to buy bolsters to put at the sides of the crib to stop him from flipping in his sleep.

Oh. Poo change color probably coz you intro brown rice ba...if you get green mucus in his poo then got to monitor. probably stomach upset. the other time got haze then my boy's poo was green mucus, brght him to PD then PD say prob ate some dirt or something. but as long as he is eating as per norm and nothing unusual then ok.

Ya lo. But he doesn't look that chubby...but he very solid lor...carry until hands and shoulder ache.
Blessing, Glad to hear its water retention.. i have been wondering why lor...

Lucida, i also no time to go gym leh.. haiz.. Trying very hard to find time...
hi dsiitan,
Yes, normally if bb is sleepy, they rather not wake up for feeding. Dun worry, sleeping well will make them recover faster.

hi blessings,
my gal is now 4.5mths...but normally she can sleep thru 12-14hrs without waking up for night feeds leh...
Hi PM,
Could b lor...cos brown rice is more filling tha milk. Mayb extend to 4hrs then feed? Or on ur bb's demand. I'm still feeding on demand.

Hi yenny,
My gal too. She'll drink without leaving a single drop behind & still sucking vigoursly when I take out the btl teat. I think we need to get those bigger size wide neck btl liao...
Hi Jul04,
Felt my gal's gum. Yes, the white spot feels hard & a bit sharp at the sides.

Hi Hong,
yah, my gal small size hor..but can drink so much...but she poos a lot also lah...hee..hee...
Read that some babies already teething. I just ordered FirstTeeth so what should I do - just rub on their gums once they start teething is it. Then wipe with cloth is it? Then just leave it is it?? Sorry if I sound blur and gan jeong cos' I'm really blur and confuse about this Firstteeth thinggi - dun know how to use.
Hi Lucida,
Not too sure about FirstTeeth..have to ask exp. mummies. Btw, how much did u paid for it? Is it cheaper than outside retail price? I'm also interested in getting since my gal is teething.

Just now my gal drinks 9oz of milk before she goes to sleep. She can now flip very easily, so diff to put her sleep on tummy. But once she face up, she has difficulties falling asleep cos she's used to sleeping on her tummy..sigh...
I think everyone have a misconcept abt 1st teeth paste. BB dun need it now. U dun even need to brush their teeth until they are older. Like they have 8 teeth. I keep wonder why u mummies so kam cheong order 1st teeth toothpaste.

For my ger and those at her batch, we only started brushing the teeth with the soft toothbrush when they have 8 teeth somemore without toothpaste and only when they have more teeth then we started with toothpaste leh.

As for teething, just used the teething gel with do. Just wash their teeth and tongue with cloth will do.

Can anyone check if the toothpaste suitable for bb now?

We are talking abt starting solid food later. Mummies are u going to start toothpaste earlier??

I saw ur boy today. I was on leave to take care of the kids cos MIL need to follow BIL to do something. I brot them for a stroll, walk all the way to CC and i saw someone pushing a pram with ur boy in it. U have a maid with ur caregiver?

Solid is gd. My hubby's cousin kid is big but very soft and light. Like a balloon, dun know where does all the food gone.
Hi Mummies,

sorry to intrude. I am from Aug/ Sept mummies and wanted to buy goat's rue, a herbal/ vegetarian supplement to increase milk supply. However, the local supplier need min. order of 25 bottles for a discounted rate of 40sgd..(each bottle has 60 capsules, 1 capsule to be taken 4x a day) As i am not making profit from this purchase at all, juz wanna get my goat's rue @ cheaper price, so would like to find out if anyone interested to share? If so, please PM me. Thks! PS, so far, i have order for 5 bottles already, and need 20 more!
Hi Mummies,

I so long neba come in liao. Jus brought Xaria to PD that day. She was having cough and runny nose. Now slightly better but still abit cough.

Weigh her dat day and she is 6.2kg liao.

She now can turn without any help and can support her head so much more better than before too.

I have not start on solids for her yet, but I bought the HEINZ cereal to mix with the FM and she loves it!

I also lost quite abit of weight after I return to work. Another 2kg to my pre-pregnancy weight. So glad can wear my jeans but jus abit tight still though. But my uniform getting looser.

Sad news to share with you all also, one of my rabbits died. So sad.

Here is a pic of my elder daughter and me. Xaria "pin chui" and Xaria and Celest.

aiyo..me sick again...how come hor..the virus in the hse keep circulating one leh??? 1st isaac..then hb..then ian..now me...wah piang...damn sickening loh....cant anyhow take medicine...damn xinku...

mich...celeste so pretty ...and xaria so cute....hmm..u pretty mama too....
HI mich,

u are one pretty young mama...celest is pretty too, so is Xaria...just like you

Mummies, how long will it take for baby's cough to recover? Ryan has seen a PD on monday...till now still coughing. Although the medicine states to take 3 times a day (every 8 hourly), I only give him 2 times cos he was sleeping at night and I dun want to wake him up. Shld I wake him up to take medicine? I am really zombie, not enough sleep cos Ryan woke up 3 times yesterday...

U feeling better? How is little Ian? Perhaps you want to get an air purifier? The weather is turning cold so have to take good care....
yeah, tat's my boy. I employed a maid to help my mum. They were oso taking a stroll.

thanks for the info. Guess will have to buy the bigger pigeon bottles soon.

I oso have 2 kg more to return to my pre pregnancy weight. Manage to pull up my pre pregnancy pants and jeans but cannot button up. the flab of fleah around my tummy very stubborn, cannot seem to get rid of them. Sad!
hi all, wow... missed the thread so much...

after coming back to work so many things to do... 1 colleague left, another went on maternity leave... I'm left alone with 3 person job... tired...

WoW, the gathering looks fun... too bad i missed it this time...

my gal doesn't wants milk... her feed of 3 oz ""only"" can last for 6 hrs... wat shld i do??

but luckily her learning still continue... now very talkative & she has learn to flip over for both sides liao, js within 4 days...

few pics to share



Hi Hong, Is it? Ok. I was concern cos' I saw so many threads on keeping baby teeth clean so also go and get Firstteeth. Thanks for the info.

Hi YB, I order via BP so it's much cheaper than outside. Think now the drugstore price is US$3.99 and there's a 20% discount. Well, it's good that I buy now since I will use it sooner or later. Outside selling like S$20 so much more expensive.
keep the toothpaste now. Dun waste it. It will come into gd use later.

Just feed the bb some water after each feed.

u didnt have enough sleep? That is always the reason for falling sick. Take more vitamin C Or multi-vitamin. Take care
me kor mia loh...hehehe...bmust go n get vit c pills liao...

i bought online...will be receiving next week...dunno suits me bo leh...1st time buying clothes online for myself...hehehe
celeste n xaria r pretty.... like u...pretty mummy.how old is ur elder girl?

ur gal look cute... wif her hair standing up.

aiyo me 2 having headache since sunday,not enough sleep coz my elder boy was sick for 2 wks liao.veryyyy tired...
hi , anyone of ur baby have wheezing before ? what should we do ? go PD and have nebulizer treatments ? how much will it cost ?

ur gal bigger liao leh..and tall..

aiya..me hor..cough lah....running nose lah...aiyo..throat lah...i think heatiness cos when i breathe...my nose hot hot one

im such a lousy mama..ian fell from bed!!! pengz...i was like placing him on bed..then went to kitchen...then suddenly i heard a thud...then a loud and sharp cry....saw ian on the floor...cham...then isaac kept asking why didi cry so loud..issit fall down...aiyo...dare not let him know...cos he loud sp[eaker...if he knows...whole world knows...then hb will sure scold me one...
Oh dear. Is Ian ok?? Your floor concrete or floor parquet?

Sometimes I also forgetful and leave baby on the bed. Now he still doesn't flip so nothing happens. But better becareful as you don't know what they going to do next..
on dear, he must have flipped. Must monitor him.
U cooked some barley water and drink?

wat happen to u boy?

Ur ger has alot of hair. Very cute.

Mich, both ur princess very sweet.
Gd to lost weight. I am very happy if i didnt gain.

keith is better now.last tues he vomitted n was having diarrhoea for almost a week.PD said virus...i then huh??didnt go childcare aldy still kena virus.
Hi Mich,
Wah, u really very slim leh...envy!!

Hi eeyore,
Wah, ur gal also got lot's of hair leh..ever thinking of dolling her up with hairband & clips? Hee...hee...
I think we can also be dr. The dr simply blurred out "Virus infection" once they cant determined wat is the illness.

There was once the PD suspected Janelle having HFMD but the sympton a bit diff but he told us it was. 3 months later my ger got it again and she didnt even attend CC. This time he looked at it carefully and told us was HERPES, it is a kind of virus that inhabited in my ger body and once her immunisation drop. The virus will explode, she will have ulcers in her mouth, tongue and throat and she can hardly eat. It was a torturing period for her and all the caregivers.

The layman term for Herpes is Cold Sores. So never allow anyone will cold sores to touch ur kids. It cannot be elimated completely.
Now i know why some of my frds who have cold sore will get it very often when they are weak.

1st teeth - i thot i saw someone selling for $8.50?
ok lah..steph is the mummy in this forum...ordered fenugreek from her b4...u can tell her u wanna COD..think shld be ok one...if not..u can ask poppy...she was the one who passed me the toothpaste at hong's hse...u see she got anymore bo...wait very long?? abt 2 weeks plus loh..anyway not using now mah...

send my hugs to ian. sayang sayang.


bb develops at different rates, don't worry too much. Joshua used to flip when he's abt 3mth but nowadays when he turns to the side, will stop there and suck his fist. Then look at me and spread his hands wide wide. Lazy bum but it's ok to me, let him take his time..


yes the staple method is available in SG. I know SGH does it.


i am so happy that Joshua is now finally taking the bottle well! Can finish 100-120 ml in under 5 mins when he used to take 20-30 mins. Cross my fingers that he doesn't go back to square one. Stopped latching him this week to train him for infantcare and thank god, he's also not rejecting silicon teat anymore.
YB not veri long, lah only 14days, After shipping on $8 leh..veri worth : )

Aiyo Dsiitan got brg c doc? sanyang sanyang Ian

Mich..u n yr gal gal so pretty, btw thanks for organising he BP for the DVD : )My frez commented that she like those old men without hair at the size..hehe

eyesore..yr bb so cute, my gal hair oso all stand up, after cut botak...: (
got..brought him to see doc on monday..cos eyes and lips all swollen and also body got rashes loh..so poor thing..double eyelids all gone overnite...then got cough...so far till now the swell gone and the rashes a bit ont he chin and upper lips..but still drinks abit only..if can finish 100ml...can 'steal laugh' liao...hahaha...

this is the pic of ian taken few days ago..better after medication...

Do take care. Ian will be strong and recover in no time. In the meantime, get everyone to stay healthly and drink lots of water, weather is affecting alot of ppl this day. I am also down with bad cough. Scare to pass to my baby also.

Nice pic you got there, should really learn from you on how to make the pic this way.

Nice little gal you got there, I believe her hair will grow back in no time and you can doll her up. My gerrard still dunno how to flip on his own, maybe just lazy. Need abit of assistance from us then he flip.

As usual is like the xin(star) ma(mother) here, can see that your daughter take after your pretty look.

Take care all mummies, xmas is round the corner, won't be posting here for about the next 5 days, will be out suffering in the field due to my work. Hiaz......weekend gone, sian.
gd morning mummies,

i encounter hair loss promblem after my boy turns 3months,so much hair falling every days. any mummies having e same problem?wat shampoo r u gals using?
Morning mummies

Hugs & kisses for Ian, so he definitely will get well soon....

I seems like not having not much hair dropping liao.. since now hit the 5th mth.. I using Keratase shampoo with their hair treatment. used to use Ascience but wah, hair dropped until nobody business.. maybe my scalp cannot take it.

Saw the papers today.. felt so upset! so many infants accidents lately.. wah lau, see liao.. heart feeling sour...
so sad loh
me too. I guess hair loss is common ard this time. I buay tahan, scared will become bald, snip off my long hair until chin length.

xavier oso fell off from the sofa some time ago. I guess now we must really be xtra careful. I think use pillow to block oso no use, the babies will manage to push them away. The best is let them sleep matress.
Hi Dsii, See Ian picture I also heartbreak. Hope both of you recover soon. Once this stage is over, Ian would probably become stronger and more immune to virus. You still breastfeeding?

Hi eeyore,
Just try lah, mayb ur gal likes it? I also dunno if my gal likes to wear hairband or clips. But she doesn't tug or pull at them. So I guess she's fine wif it.

Hi Fruitee,
Y? What's on the news today?

Hi Joykel,
My hair also drop like nobody's business. So depressed..am waiting for this whole &%#$@ thing to pass....

Hi yenny,
My gal tend to push her head against the headboard of the crib whenever she's sleeping or wanna flip over. U know the soft part of bb's head where we can see the pulsing of the brain? Well, that's the part where she pushed against...sigh...stupid gal. I tried to blocked her, but she kept pushing harding, & crying out in pain at the same time. No choice, have to put a pillow at the headboard to prevent her from injuring her head...sigh...
