(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi Dsiitan,
I guess allergy normally affects the eyes & mouth 1st. Dun worry, he's getting better after taking medication. In no time, he'll b his bubbly self again!

Hi mummies,
Ok, thx. I'll check out the 1st teeth BP.

This morning news is a bb being suffocated when the grandma fainted loh.. another one sleep then not breathing liao.. in the care of maid loh..
Hi Fruitee,
Huh? u mean the grandma was carrying the bb when she fainted? Then the body was pressing on bb that y he/she suffocate? sad news....

The one sleeping, y suddenly not breathing?
aiyoh, your baby poor thing leh, keeps pushing her head towards the headboard ... I feel heartache even when reading what you wrote. Muz sayang her head more...

After giving birth to my own girl, hearing news about baby's death really makes me very sad. The 2 poor babies, can imagine the pain of the parents losing their babies. Think the grandma will be feeling guilty and extremely upset. Poor her
i oso wanna try Keratase shampoo.where to get it?thanks.

YB n yenny
for my 1st childbirth,i didnt encounter much hair loss problem.but tis time...so much hair falling...so horrible.
came across this pic.. hahah

My boy yawning away!

ya loh.. see liao damn heartache... haiz.. can imagine the pain of the parents! so poor thing!

can get at salons. I bought the orange col one!
Hi joykel,

My hair loss also quite bad...feel so horrible and sometimes I wish i dont have to shampoo my hair ...when I pick up the hair from the drainage hole each day, my husband thot it was accumulated over the days!! Anyone tried the 'Gen' shampoo, there was a BP on it? I bought but find it worse..
I drop a lot of hair as well ... baby also drops hair .. as such, there are plenty of hair in the house ... haiz ...

I just went to buy s scalp balance shampoo yest, hopefully will prevent hair loss ...
really? i bought the hair tonic fr the BP, after 2 wks, it's a bit better for me ley...still dropping but not as bad as before liao. thot of trying out their shampoo some more.
Hi mummies,

Brought Ryan to see PD this morning as he was coughing away and having blocked nose. My hb and I did not sleep the whole night yesterday cos he was feeling real uncomfortable. Got lots of medicine to take and nose drops too...sigh.

I also dropped alot of hair...siao liao...afraid gng botak soon. Any good shampoo to introduce? Feel like cutting my hair short manz....
hi everyone!

Wow, been away for a week plus and I am reading tons of posts...! Garrick was a really good boy and didn't fuss alot while in the plane..heng ah! We had an awesome time in AUS!

Lots of huggles to all BBs who are not well...

Got to run now...
may n missmoon

the 'GEN' hair tonic tat u mention,is it blue in colour?i got it last week but didnt try out,worry tat spray it on my hair make it more worse.


every morning when i wake up,i can c there's alot of hair on my bed.can find my hair everywhere in e house n on my bb 2...so horrible.

kevin 2 took 6 types of med when he was having cough n flu,nose drops n antibotic were given.he was only 2 mths tat time.screaming n crying away when i fed him wif all e med.dun worry 2 much...hope Ryan recover soon.
joykel, my hair oso drop so much... used to be only a few strands, now... floor, toilet bowl, bathroom all my hair... v scary...

Dsiitan, poor thing... see picture only, heart feels pain...

fruitee, ur pic looks cute... how u manage to snap...
glad that u enjoy ur trip. How is the weather at AUS?

i dropped alot of hair too. I wondered was it due to my rebonding. Like some said, i really drag to wash my hair but it was very itchy and smelly.

sayang Ian. Is he better?
Did u visit the Tampines Ikea?
Hi mums, never log in for a few days leh.

Seems like the air is bad and every one is falling sick one by one. Emerson coughs abit here and there, but i still hestitate to bring him to the doc... Hopefully it doesnt get worse.. Our room is quite dusty and in a mess coz I'm busying packing them in the boxes to move in the afternoon.

Mich - Your princess are v pretty.. coz of, they inherit them from their mother... and u lost weight arh.. how nice... I put on 1.5kg instead~! been pigging out.

Fruitee - Kayden so chubby... Envy!!

Zita - Little Venice so cute too =)

Dsii - Hope u get well soon~ U all sleep together? Is like that one lo.. one sick everyone sick....

Eeyore - U've been missed. Nice Family pic!
Mums, I am so lost of words...

My SIL gave birth to a pre term baby and going back to work in Jan. Her initial arrangement was to put her in infantcare but then coz pre term and she afraid to bring her there yet so she asked me to take care for her for a mth or so. I was under alot of pressure to say yes because my MIL, FIL, her mother and my hubby all ask me to help.....

I told her honesty that I afraid that I cant cope coz still have to do housework, but my MIL told me that she will come over everyday to help me.. that's the last I'm askin for coz I dont wan her to have a habit of coming over so frequently, I lost all my privacy... defeat purpose of moving out.

My hubby then came out with a "clever" solution to get me out of it. He suggested that i try it out for a week, if cannot cope then she have to find other caregiver. So everyone agreed on this idea.. And I LL... and say ok...

Meanwhile I ask her to call up the infant care to reserve a slot for her and also ask how long must they give notice if wanna enrol. Today she told me that the infant care is no longer accepting more babies coz they are short handed.

I am at my wits end.. I dont wish to neglect Emerson coz I've another one to take care... and I also dun wanna be biase and take care of E alone and give the other the basic only....

Sigh.. tell me what to do...
my throat better liao..but ended up with bad flu, cough and of cos FEVER...pengz...all came in package ..haiz....damn sianz...

u ah...told u liao mah...ur MIL sure will go over and help u one...then hor...really defeat ur purpose liao loh...then u must give her duplicate hse keys bo?? then how??? u mean after 1 week trial..u got no choice but must be nanny liao ah?? hmm...u sure u can bo??? Baby E dujn let u leave his sight liao..how to handle another bb??? u now paranoid mama liao...later become ki siao mama.,..how??? hehe..but do u think u can handle 2 bo??? especially Baby E now will become more active liao..like my case..ian fell from bed in the morning...then in the late evening fell from mattress on the floor..but hor the mattress 3 inch plus 4 inch one loh...so attn is wat we need to give them now...now me whole day 'chou chou'..cos must wait for HB to come back then i go shower..or hv to fater do watever i wanna do when he is sleeping..if not..my 2 eyes must 'fix' on him loh...
eeyore, hong
me saw the real suffering then i lagi heartpain loh...lucky now better liao..but me become another paranoid mummy...cos whenever his eyes red red ...i started to worried what allergy this time??? issit cough syrup?? or wat??? then i saw him scratch his face ..then ohhh....me no go ikea yet leh..intended to go today..but ended up at somewhere else...
me went see doc oso so 'ma fan'...cos i cant take panadol cos still BF and ian allergic to panadol...just now was chatting with ian's cousin...which is hb's nephew...alamak...he oso allergic to panadol and my MIL too..pengz...maybe inherit from them..hahahaa....dunno will inherit bo hor???
Dsii - U'r right lo.. Emerson is so sticky.. I also dunno how... At least now he sleeps longer nap, so I can do my things, but I dunno how will things turn out when I move over and he grows bigger.
Dun know what's wrong with me lately, cannot sleep well. Woke at at 3am and can't fall back to sleep. Now my baby sleep throught the night already but my turn to not able to sleep.. ai yoh...
Hi PM, Oh dear.. you are in a very sticky situation. Your baby still so young and pre-term baby might need alot of attention. I really think you need to speak to your husband and get his full support and then try to let your SIL understand your situation. With so many baby accidents now, it's better to be safe than sorry.

1 week trial might become 1 month then 6 months than..

Did your SIL seeks alternative? Maybe she can try to speak to her company to try to take no pay leave or get a nanny to go to her house. How about her mother and your MIL, can they take care of the baby at their own place? Try to explain that it's not that you do not want to help but you really not confident of taking good care of another baby at this point of time. Maybe when Emerson is older and more manageable than you are in a better position to help.
missmoon & joykel,

Ruan has to take 3 types of medicine plus nose drops. Aiyo, feeding medicine is a real challenge cos he will struggle and cry. Hear him also heartpain but no choice, has to take medicine. He has lots of phlegm and mucus from his nose...kept patting his back when he cough so that he can cough out his phlegm.

I really hope to be able to go Ikea Tampines cos it is so near my place...but since Ryan is sick and I forsee there will be many ppl, I think better stay at home...the weather is also getting cold....
Lucida, Wow.. u really wake up at wee hours... Initially i was like that too and feel funny coz not use to BB not latching on to sleep..miss his sucking.. hahaha... but now ok liao. too tired in the day..

I agree.. 1 week could very easily be 6 mths. Actually my MIL is the best alternative, but she just likes to claims that she dunno how to take care of BB and we start to wonder how her 4 sons grow up to become adults. Dont think they can survive on no pay leave, got BB, got car...

I tried all my might to "reject" without being offensive or defensive, then finally "compromise" with the 1 week trial...
Hi PM,
I agree that u r in a sticky situation. I heart really goes out to you!! Somemore, it's a pre-term bb.

Frankly, if I am u, I would insist on not helping at all..no trial..no nothing. Not that I'm not being helpful. But we're talking about looking after a pre-term bb, on top of ur own young bb too. And u r a 1st-time mummy, not an exp. nanny...

Normally, even if our mum or MIL (who r exp. in taking care of bbs) takes care of 2 kids, they would also request assistance in the form of maid to help out.

Else, I feel it's really terrible for u to juggle 2 bbs, hsework, ur hubby's expections, ur SIL's expections, lost of freedom & personal time etc....In fact looking after a bb alone, I already can hardly breath! Think I'm getting more & more bad-tempered! Always snap at my hubby.

Did ur SIL really search for other help before going to you? Think u r the easy way out for her. I.e. cos she can save on infantcare fees, nanny fees, go over to ur plc as & when she likes it, can work late & not worry about rushing to pick up her bb etc.

Better think twice before u agree to help her out. There might b issues in the future that could lead to quarrels, esp when bb is concerned. Imagine u wanna spend more time with ur boy/hubby, but still have to look after ur SIL's bb.

Y not tell her u try out for 3 days trial? 3 days is enough to c if u r able to cope or not. Or mayb suggest to ur SIL to get a maid to help ur MIL to take care of her bb?

No offence, but u r also a 1st time mummy. No previous exp at all. I can already foresee a lot of troubles for u in the future if u take on ur SIL's bb.
Hi blessings,
Think u better avoid Ikea Tampines for the time being. U know lah, typical S'poreans also crowd newly open shopping centers. Somemore, Ikea is not really bb-friendly. It'll b stressful for u when the crowd has clear then u bring ur bb there.

My friend went to Ikea Tampines on Thur & she said have to queue up just to enter the bldg!! The queue circles the building a few rounds!! Terrible!!
Hi mummies,
Need to vent my fustrations here. My gal is very very naughty today. Woke up at 6am for milk. Last time my hubby used to help out with night feedings, but now he's totally bochap!! SO ANGRY wif him!

Then when feeding my gal, she burped & threw up the milk all over my bed & her clothings. Sigh...then I quickly changed her & put her back to sleep.

The at abt 10.30am, she woke up blabbling & talking to herself. Screaming at times. My hubby already woke up, but was busy surfing net. But he totally bochap, and ignore my gal's fussing. I'm dead tired cos already got up at 6am for feeding, so I also ignored my gal. Then my gal continued fussing for about 30mins, n still my hubby never pick her up. I dun wanna talk to my hubby so I sms him to tell him tat her daughter has woke up & told him to c wat's wrong.

So he came into the room & saw that my gal wets her bed. He then changed & tried to feed her. But my gal refuses to drink milk, so hubby put her back in the cot & continue surfing net. In the meanwhile, leaving my gal screaming in the cot for another 30mins.

I finally buay tahan so picked my gal up & tried to feed her again. Can see that she needs to burp 1st before she can drink. Then hubby came in & said he needs to go out run some errands. Okay, nevermind. I dun even wanna talk to him.

When hubby came back, he still got time to eat breakfast, watch TV, play PS game. While I'm feeding bb & feeling cranky cos not enough sleep. Worst still, he didn't even offer to help.
So later, I shout at him to bathe bb while I wash bb's bedsheets & clean the floor.

Hubby just carry bb & continue watching TV. Until I scream at him, then he bathe bb. The bb fuss again but he doesn't know wat to do...so I told him that bb is sleepy & wanna sleep.

Now, he just left the hse without telling me. And I've yet to eat my b'fast & lunch. I'm SO SO fustrated! Thinking of leaving bb alone in the hse & nvr come back. Let hubby look after bb whole day then he'll know it's not easy.
wahhh YB, If i'm you i think i will kee siao manz! I understand what u going through coz me also about the same. If i'm you i will give him 2 slaps! hahaha imagine only lar! When u are frustated, take a deep breathe and smile at your bb. When she smiles back at you, then u will feel that you are the WORLD'S GREATEST MUMMY! Its always the same lar, guys always feel like taking care of bb is our responsibility because they are GUYS. Really sexist at times.. can't stand. I very pro women rights one, if my hubby dare to be sexist i will nag nag nag the whole day and tell him to shut up. anyways i think i'm digressing... don't be angry ok! WE FEEL YOU!!!
any mummies experiencing cranky babies? My bb getting very cranky these days. I really dunno whats wrong with him. Keep wanting me to carry him, leave him alone awhile cannot, will cry and like very frustrated. eat liao, sleep liao, change liao, also still the same. i wonder if he's teething? Or he's really sick?
Me so fed up this morning, i have runny nose and he just won't be pacified. I was alone in the house and have to carry him walk here and there while holding a tissue to my nose.. GRRR!!!!! Hubby at work today.. ARGGGGGG!!! GOING CRAZYYY!
Hi mummies,

U shldnt agree to take care even for trial. Like the rest mention, pre-term bb is not easy to take care. Why cant ur MIL help?
I believe E will need u more. How u going to Jagar with two infants? BTW, beside infantcare why cant ur SIL look for nanny? Infact i find nanny is a more suitable choice for pre-term infant. U want contact bo i go and ask my sister. She got one not bad, the hse very clean but she didnt use her.

Why ur hubby like that! Give him a week of black face. hee hee
He really can tahan bb fussing for 30 min.

Infact, ever since I have Julian, i am not so kam cheong. I even let him fuss for 30 min, well only mummy have the rights to do that. hahaha..

Lucida, envy u. My boy still need at least 1 feed if i am lucky. Now I popped one sleeping pill and go into deep sleep. Bo chap him even he fidget. hahaha.

Aiyo headache ah. u cant even take panadol cos of Ian. I planned to go Ikea later, just to try my luck. hohoho..
Hi Hong, Mrs. T,
Just now my gal continue fussing & I also bochap totally. Somemore put on black face & refused to talk to him or acknowledge my gal...

So my hubby no choice have to take care of her. He also fustrated cos he dunno wat my gal wants. Change her diaper, she also cry. Feed her, she also cry. Put her to sleep, she also cry. Haaa..haa...now he knows looking after bb alone is hard work.

Then he also quietly went to buy lunch for me, help me hang up the laundry. He also told me if I wanna go out today is fine. He'll take care of bb alone. I planned to go out till late late...hee...hee....see how he's going to eat dinner & care for bb alone without me...
i just came back from isaac's bday lunch..hahaha...then went ikea..aiyo..Q to get into carpark..finallynfound 1 lot..then bz with ian..took the pram...etc...then walked to the entrace,...pengz...the Q is sooooooooooo long to get into ikea entrace, somemore by batches....we decide to retreat when saw the Q...

ya loh...cant take panadol cos of ian..me damn cham...now i must tell them i allergy to panadol too...hahaha

I think all men are the same...they just simply leave everything to us, mothers to take care of babies. Somestimes, I really wish that I can be that "heng xin" to leave my boy with my hb but I can't...

Aiyo, I realise how difficult is to feed medicine to babies. My boy knows that I am gng to feed him medicine, keeps struggling and refuse to open his mouth or even if medicine is in his mouth, he is unwilling to swallow and drips onto his shirt....aiyo..I am gng to ki siao liao...somemore, PD gave 3 types of medicine and I have to struggle with him 3 times with the syringes...and the nose drops as well.
Hi blessings,
Yah, I know veri diff to feed bb medicines. Last time my nephew struggled until he tore my mum's clothes..haaa...haa...Ya, edksd is right. Just press the nose, then no choice, they have to open mouth to breath. Quickly inject the medicine in & tilt his head slight back till he swollows. No choice lor, have to be really heng xin else very diff to recover from illness. Anyway, children won't bear any grudges lah..Soon, they'll stick to u again in no time...

Haa...haa...I really went out just now to PS & left hubby alone wif bb. Think I also heng xin lor...cos really buay tahan liao. Wah, shop till really shiok! No hubby around to restrict my spending, can try on as many clothes as I like without hubby standing around black face waiting for ne.

When I came hm, hubby already cleaned my gal & fed her halfway. But still, I gotta step in, cos my hubby doesn't know wat my gal wants when she fuss & refused to drink. Guess I've spent too much time with my gal liao, so one look at her, I know she wanna drink but cannot cos her tummy bloated. After burping her, she quietly finish all her milk. Then now she sleeping already.

So I told hubby tat from now onwards, I'm gonna go out every weekend & leave him alone wif bb, till he can read bb's mind...haa...haa...serve him right. Who ask him to over-rely on me & dun wanna learn.
ur hubby 1st time dad mah. Is a good learning weekend for him.

This week Julian super hard to deal. I brot him to my mum place and he cried big time, for 1 hr he just cried n cried. Stop look ard and cried again. May be he dun like my mum hse. After 1 hr, buay tahan. I took taxis with my ger and head home. In the taxis he STOPPED. wah sey.......

Hong, my gal oso the same, only dont like my in law place..sure cry till i need to leave the hse! every week go oso the same..till i so paiseh : ( that time i almost dont dare to go yr place scare she stranger anxiety..but never leh! so i tink is the jostick smell or the hse veri dim she dont like...

Yar loh, PM how to handle 2 such young baby alone ? they should understand yr situation mah..I oso tink her 1week will become ??????! somemore own place need to do hsework..etc..etc...leh

YB..u muz be frustrated till the higest point liao : )
