(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

I think it's quite normal for kids to get bored. Cos their attention span is very short.

Anyway for CC, I dun think there's alot of activities to fill up their time the whole day. After minus-ing off their meals, breaks, nap, shower & free time, left only abt 2hrs for structure work/play.


Ya, mezzo send her gal there for kindermusik before.

anyway, for more places tt offer kindermusik classes, u can refer to here.

btw why not at tanglin mall? inconvenient?

PM - oh, not surprise tat it increase price. :p how much now? hmm.. bored kids huh... maybe depends on the time u go bah...

kelly - hmm.. maybe i go for trial first then decide. 3yrs old still "long" leh. :p
Yes, hb says Tanglin is inconveninet. A bit far.

Hey, btw u attended busybuddies trial before right? Wat do they have? Do they incorporate music into their prog too?
YB - at BB, music is only the last section...
not long... maybe the last 10mins. for format... go to my blog. got detailed writeup. :p

if nearby, pasir ris also hv kindermusik... i rem peach was looking into tat for her Kristen.
PM - maybe CM also increased price loh...
YB is probably right that they generally have 2-3 hrs of structured class.

I will have a toddler class briefing this sat. If u want, I can share their typical day after that and u can compare. Right now, I only know they have a weekly excursion to Bishan Park, waterplay at AMK swimming pool every fri, gym activities daily, structured class as in phonics/story telling etc in the morning and once-a-week Kindermusik class.

The dinner part is also impt for me. No time to cook after work as we will be back home only 7+ and Joshua will be sleepy around 8.
Lok - wow... ur CC programs sound really great!!

babies inc is it? how much is their fees?
Kindermusik is inclusive or u need to top up?

It's Babies Resort. Infantcare (after $400 subsidy) is $900 and childcare (after $150 subsidy) is $800. Kindermusik is part of core curriculum, so no need to top up.
u gals recived the booklet by audio house?

Rem some of u were talking abt portable dvd player rite? there is a portable dvd player selling at $39 only...
yap i just opened letterbox..and saw the booklet...u wanna go buy bo? if yes..buy one for me too hor..hahahahaha
Lok - Pls do. Yr outline already sounds interesting, but then Babies Resort is too far from me.

$800 after subsidy is more ex than mine $725 after subsidy. Then still haev to top up for sch bus... Die.. If i enrol BR, I think I better not work... End up be a slave to the childcare.. Hahah
haha...cos meVVPTT..can only afford $39 dvd player...hahahaha..if really can get the portable dvd player at that price..shiok manz..cos isaac always fight to watch dvd with my mil on sunday...
re: audio hse
wahlau...gimmicks lah...kena conned...hahaha...the 60% off..eg the $39 portable dvd player...got T&C one leh..
***Simply guess the first number of the 1st prize for the 4D draw (wed) and stand to win 60% refund via Audio Hse vouchers****

that means u will pay the org price..then if u guess correctly..then u will get their 60% refund from them..so meaning if u guess wrongly..then u purchase at the higher price....
not the 1st prize...is the first number of the 1st prize...eg if u guess no.7 and the 1st prize is <font color="ff0000">7</font>000 then u win loh...

Me also keen on busybuddies. Would like to go with familiar faces, in case Arin splash paint on anyone...ka ki lang, easier to apologise...ha ha ha.
Looking at the Toy r us promotions and I am very tempted to buy a lot of stuff (maybe last time deprived childhood...no fancy toys) but husband forbid cos we have no space in our small 2 bedroom place..sob sob...so no christmas pressie for Arin...sob sob..

hey, this would be the first christmas where our kids would be able to appreciate the holiday (last year they still too young). Does anyone have any good ideas on what to do? I'm in a dilemma over whether to avoid the orchard road crowds or bring her to see the chrsitmas lights..sigh

Yes, 3 meals provided at BR. For KM, home material kit not included though (pay separately).


Ok, I will share with u next week... For BR, they are very personal and take a keen interest in the kids well-being as the owners themselves enroll their children there. Also organize special activities like Wacky Duck Tour during National Day, excursion to Chinese Garden during Mid-autumn, trick or treat during Halloween etc. Recently, they engaged a professional photographer to do a special series called "A day in Childcare" --- I can then choose 12 photos to custom-made into my 2008 table-top calendar. No doubt, the price is steep but if I get good quality service and know that Joshua is in good hands, i will pay. (Ironically, Joshua's pre-school fees are more ex than my uni fees!)

Only grouse now --- the caregivers are generally loving but in terms of qualification/language, can do better. That's why I'm still looking around to see if I want to switch Joshua elsewhere. Besides Chiltern Hse, Modern Montessori Int'l (MMI) is also nearby -- have yoga, computer lessons, their very own swimming pool, speech&drama etc, so will check that out too. To me, the pull factor needs to be very strong lor.

I would bring Joshua to see the Xmas lighting. We drove past Geylang Serai near the Hari Raya season and he was simply awe-struck by the lighting!
YB..i am interested to go for Busybuddies trial, but if weekday i need 2 noe 2 week ahead to apply leave..hee!

Cottagefry ok!
PM - Although it's 800... but it includes KM class. Typically a KM class is around $200 for 8weeks... so Lok still get a very good deal.

Dsii - ooh!!! I din read the fine prints!! hahahaha... chey... like tat also can! cheat!!! Can go Giant, carrefour to see see look look. I really rem seeing such prices (without T&C) available. :p

YB - Busybuddies no is really difficult to call thru. They hv no admin person there... so once class starts, no one will pick up the calls. Also Jun mummies went for trial last sat and came back with adverse comments. So.... dun hv too high expectation! :p
YB, i think busybuddies term has ended and there are no classes for now. It's in my office building. I will run over during lunch to check.
YB - I read tat u also wan to get Paints for Kaylyn huh...

but hor... bras basah washable paints only come in BIG BOTTLES and most impt is there is not indication that it is "non toxic and safe for children". So hor... i dun really suggest u get tat.

actually if u r not sure if u r doing it often, u can get the finger paints from crayalo first. it's actually "cheaper" than those available in popular (assuming populars ones are more suitable for kids)

paint brush - actually in artfren also not cheap unless u get the big pack of 10 diff size brushes. i saw in tanglin mall hv 3 fat brushes for $10.

artfren only "cheap" thing is the paint pots... hahahah (if u need pics, go see jun thread)
I'm interested in busybuddies trial too... count me in...

chey, I thot really got such good lobang $39 for portable player... but if have i really want it leh, like MT says go giant or carrefour see, see, look, look...

dsii, sunday, gymboree @ vivio got free play time anot... I very free that day... hb need to clean up his old house room cos mil moving house...
Lok - ooh forgot u r there.... tat time shd hv jio u go lunch after my class. :p
ooh.... i rem when i went for trial, still hv 4weeks term... last week shd be 10dec tat week...

YB - crayola products
now IMM kids mall hv 20%....
but if too far, wait for Robinson/JL Sale and grab from there.
busybuddies trial only a few slots only right? Cox I think they dont do pte class only if vacacies in the class then can join the actual class as trial
ooh.. JL now hv 20% huh.. heehee.. i din noe. :p

Actually this one looks more user frenly...
can just squeeze the amt tat u wan to use.
U.P is $13. so if hv 20% shd be ard $10+
busybuddies - yes, can only join existing class... so not many can go at one time.

I noe Sat 1pm hv 4 available slots (Jun mummies book this weekend one liao)
eeyore...i dunno if sunday hv bo leh...must call n ask liao...

u sure u saw somewhere $39 without T&C??? then u go beo then if really buy one for me ah!!!!! REMEMBER AH!!!!!
haha...aiyo.dun worry dun worry,.the most u left eye see 1 player..right eye see another player loh....hehehehe
Hi MT,

I bought the finger paints at Growing FUn also..around 10 bucks cos member. The lady also said this one is better ..and allows them to explore hand painting and thumb painting at this stage. U want me to get for u?
cannot help but feel jealous loh...haha..was here shouting i wanan buy paint, paintpots and brushes..but but but......haiz....
Sorry sorry DSii, u want me to get for you?? I'll be there this sat. But come to think of it, JL offers will be better cos Growing FUn only gives 10 or 15% discount.
to elaborate finger paints are more starchy.. so good for doing hand, thumb or feet painting.. HAhhaa. Can use to do stamps also.. if you can do encraving on fruits etc.
may..hahaha...aiyo...kidding lah...hahahaha......JL ah? hmm..then hor...must see which JL nearer to me liao....
