(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Poor venice "sayang sayang". better check with the PD as this is also the first time I heard of leg swollen due to injection.

me too, if at pp, MIL could easily bring her back. Hope this newly open one is good, then zavier & yun can be classmates hee...

zita, what i heard from here is use cold compress leh, cos cold compress will reduce swelling...

i think maybe u shld call up the PD and check how come the jab would cos V so much pain and not want to walk. and also check on what kind of compress to use
zita - So poor thing, I think U shld bring her to the doctor....

Yunma - ACtually Im not too sure also if Shekinah is different from other montessori, but Ive visited a few montessori and non-M kinds and feel that Shekinah M curriculum seems better for PreN students.
blessings, MTDT
not sure if u remember me...i read tis thread occasionally but cant keep up lah. it moves so fast.

i also wanna complain abt JG. TMD...i wanted 2 put edward in e playclub 4 their hol prog, already registered edward 4 it liao. e admin lady said shldnt b a prob even though edward's only 17mths. they submitted e application, e teacher rejected it. i spoke 2 e teacher, asked 4 an appeal, asked her 2 talk 2 e head of dept or something. e head teacher called me n stuck 2 their reason tat edward's not 18mths as at dec08. i even explained tat edward's advanced in terms of fine & gross motor skills so he shld do fine. e head teacher still refused 2 budge. i bo gei gian so withdrew both boys (my elder boy gabe was registered in another course).

i know JG is gd but they can b rather popeye lor.
Hi Mummies,
Long time no log in to chat. Paiseh, have been busy packing up as we are relocating back to SG soon.

Hence, would like to find out from some of you about Childcare and Montessori in SG.

1) What is the difference between Childcare and Montessori?
2) If there is Childcare combine with Montessori, is it better, more expensive?
3) What to look out for when surveying for Childcare/Montessori centres?
4) Is it too early or risky to send the little ones (18mths) to full day Childcare/Montessori now?

Sorry for posting so many questions cos I really have no clue on this issue. Appreciate your advices. Thanks in advance
kelly - I really laugh when i read ur post??

u r right... they are really atas!!! and TMD!
I was also very tempted to withdraw Zav for the hols program.... but but since there are really Ravings abt their program, i decide to "lun" and give my boy a chance. hahahha :p

hope the weeklong program dun disappoint me. :p
tat's also the reason till today i refuse to "waitlist and Q" for their normal enrichment class. :p hope i wont go bang my head for being so stubborn after the hols program and kenna the JG Bug. hahahaha :p
i also niao lah...cos e playclub is 2hrs, compared 2 playnest which is only 1.5hrs. both same price mah so of course i go 4 e longer hrs 1 rt?

u know such prog lah...lotsa time wasted at e initial playtime (4 e tods 2 warm up), queueing up 2 wash hands, makan time etc. so i tot if i sent edward 2 playclub, more value 4 $$.

if edward joins playnest, i worry he'll b a bit advanced 4 tat grp n may b bored. my elder boy gabe is joining playnursery which is 2.5hrs long so if edward's in playnest, i hv 2 wait abt 1hr 4 him. too long a wait.

ya, i know e prog is gd. a few mummies in e aug06 thread sent their kids n they r raving abt it.
my main reasons for hoping to join playclub are
1) I feel he might be "overage" for playnest. he is only 0.5mths away from 18mths loh.

2) Instead of playing with bbies tat are concentrating in crawling... isnt better for him to learn from older tods that are focusing on speech deveploment. I would expect the teachers and class format to be more tune to speech dev since it's more relevant to 18mths and above age too (cant be asking them to crawl mah...when they can run already)

3) Also for playclub it's biligual whereas playnest is only single language.

Hmm... i never notice the longer timing part! hahhaha :p well... think and say so much also no use... ATAS them dun wan to burge and meek me still continue with it... then too bad loh. :p hope it worth the $$ spend (given tat my boy loves the birdpark)
ya lor i also noticed tat playclub is bilingual. aiya. i niao mummy, refused 2 budge. mayb bcos i sending 2kids there so wanna make sure i get value 4 $$.
kelly - understand... 2kids means double the $ mah. of cos will do more homework to max it.

so in the end, did u place ur kids in any other pgms for nov/dec?
no...cant find anything 2 put both kids tgt at e same time. aiya, long story.
anyway, i doing stuff wif them at home lor. flashcards, crafts, story-telling, reading, etc
Wah! Relocating back to sg? Tat's great! U planning to work or become SAHM?

1) What is the difference between Childcare and Montessori?
<font color="0000ff">I think the main diff is that Montessori cultivate learning thru play. Not so classroom based.</font>
2) If there is Childcare combine with Montessori, is it better, more expensive?
<font color="0000ff">Lotsa SG childcare combine montessori into their prog cos pure montessori doesn't really fit into SG education system. The child might have prob adapting when in pri sch. Yes, CC(childcare) with montessori is more ex.</font>
3) What to look out for when surveying for Childcare/Montessori centres?
<font color="0000ff">Check tis link http://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/uploads/ChildCareCentre.pdf
Basically, I prefer going down to take a look at the environment, talk to the teachers/superviosr, observe if the children are happy etc. Most impt, how do u feel when u r there. Do u feel comfy? Bringing ur child along is a gd idea to guage if he/she is comfy wif the environment too.</font>
4) Is it too early or risky to send the little ones (18mths) to full day Childcare/Montessori now?
<font color="0000ff">I personally prefer to send my gal to CC when she's older. Abt 24mths. Cos there're wide range of age grp children in the CC. Not easy to find all same age children under same grp. If too young, I'm scare my gal will be bullied. Also, at 24mths, my gal shld be able to talk more & hence report back if there's any hanky panky or bullying in CC etc.</font>
kelly - i see. u can check out kidsloft... heard they are not bad...

lollypop - when u coming back?

montessori is learning thru play??? tot it's independent learning. they are given choice of wat they wan to learn... they can choose and pick wat they wan to learn... and are learning independently and accordingly to their pace.

not like classroom where all kids follow a timetable... and all listen to teacher and learn together. tat's why the talk abt not able to fit into SG education system.
hi kelly,

i just called and appealed for Ryan to be in Playclub in Jan 08 since he is only 18 days away from being 18 months....not like 1 or 2 months away. I find it ridiculous to swallow that kind of reasoning. Of course they said they will check and see if they have the slot and blah blah blah...I really dunno what to do if it crashes with SM in April. So I hope they can give me a "favourable" answer by next week...hahahaha

btw, I also stay in pasir ris too
which part of pasir ris u stay in? i'm at blk740.

u keen on a free trial 4 a homebased playgroup at blk740 pasir ris? i signing edward up 4 it next jan.

long story abt it...will come back 2 post later. i go settle e boys' dinner 1st.
i've PM u. cos there r very limited slots left. i dun 1 2 announce it here, skarly pp go 4 free trial but no slots 4 classes. very pek chek 1.
ooh.. u also noe abt the playgp at blk 740 uh!! hahhaha ... confirm sign up liao? or just attending trial first then decide?
Thanks for the info. I will be back in SG next year.

My boy is slow in his speech. Hence I think I need to think twice about sending him to childcare liao. If I can find a good nanny near my place, that would be most ideal. Like that, I can go back to the workforce in peace, else need to be SAHM for a while more.

Btw, which programmes are good? Many mummies here have gone for quite a number of trials. Can advise which are relevant and value for $?

yikes! i dun mean 2 make it sound so exclusive. if any mummies who r keen, pls PM me. i juz dun 1 2 advertise here, skarly kenna fr e moderators. moreover i dun earn anything fr e lady. if i not wrong, she left wif 4-5slots for e toddler playgroup.

e classes r held at pasir ris. there r 2 sessions (mon/wed, tues/thu). 2x a wk, 9-1030am. $400 per term of 10wks (works out 2 b $20 per session). there's material fees but cant recall how much. 1:5 teacher:student ratio. if i also not wrong hor (pls dun quote me), it's partial montessori but i not sure if she changing her curriculum.

u also know abt e playgroup at blk740? my elder son gabe is attending her enrichment class for almost 1yr. he benefits quite a lot fr it. e class is focussing on right brain training n her charges r cheap.

i attending trial 4 fun but i confirmed joining liao. i popping next jan so need 2 find something 2 keep edward entertained. i did consider JG's playclub but i hv 2 travel 2 forum or evans rd. e playgroup is only upstairs so i only need 2 take a lift up. saves me a lot of time & effort. fees also cheaper than JG or elsewhere.
Kelly - ooh... then do u now "Pawprint" and "jen"? both their gals are attending Ros classes over weekend too.

That's how I noe abt it

Sorry... so how many kids u hv? 2 boys and one more coming in Jan?
of course i know pawprint n jen. i introduced them 2 her class. hahahahaha!

jen's daughter is in my son's class at 330pm, pawprint's daughter is at e 215pm and she's also attending e same music class as my son.

how do u know pawprint n jen then? is there a thread abt ros classes?

2boys...gabe n edward. another girl in jan08.
Haha..to me it's learn thru play lor. Cos not like classroom-base/black & white mah. Yeah, agreed it's very individual work. I call it individual play. Haha.

Other than Kindermusik, any other sch has solely music class for our kids?
my pd told me b4 that cos prevenar jab is oil based, it's esp painful...some tots will limp n not be able to walk well for a few days...crawlers usually wun feel the pain as much cos they dun use the leg muscles as much...she applies a numbing cream on her jab area 30 mins b4 the jab n it's true, my ger doesn't even flinch when she jabs n no pain or apparent discomfort after that at all..so i dun think it's to do wif jabbing at the vein.

U wanna withdraw from JG hols prog? Wow lau, dun leave me alone leh... actually I also a bit sien that the holiday prog is five days.. if its three days better so I can do other things with my ger.

Btw.. any one knows Punggol has Appletree now? My mum's neighbour who's a teacher commented that it has a long wait list and supposedly good too.
May- no no worries... Not backing out. Hahaha actually we can plan to go bg after their class.

Appletree- yes there is in punggol. They r at blk 2xx their, usu class r held in RC. Mezzo mention a few times tat they r good too.
kelly - I noe Pawprint in Jun 06 thread.. and Jen from Sengkang/punggol thread.
I read their blogs, thus noe wat does Ros does during class. I find it very interesting too... but too bad I am a FTWM, so wont be able to go until my boy is 3 when there is weekend classes.

ooh... think i rem reading abt their classmates staying above Ros only etc etc... so it's u huh! hahahah

Wow... 3kids huh!!! Good sia!
I assume u r a SAHM rite?
<font color="ff0000"> Dora Live Musical Show</font>
Date : 23 Nov to 09 Dec
Showtimes : Tue to Fri 1 pm and 7 pm
Sat & Sun 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm
Venue : United Square

<font color="ff0000">Sponge Bob Squarepants & Patrick</font>
Date : 23 Nov to 09 Dec
Showtimes : Tue to Sun 2 pm and 5 pm
Venue : United square

<font color="aa00aa">Christmas with Barney & Friends </font>
Date : 24 Nov to 09 Dec
Showtimes : Tue to Thu 2 pm and 7 pm
Fri to Sun 2 pm , 5 pm and 7 pm
Venue : Marina Square

<font color="ff0000">Barbie as the Island Princess live show </font>
Date : 01 to 16 Dec
Showtimes : 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm daily
Venue: Raffles City

<font color="ff0000">Shine this Xmas Looney Tunes Musical Show </font>
Date : 30 Nov to 16 Dec
Showtimes : 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm
Venue : Suntec (Outside Carrefour)

<font color="ff0000">Power Rangers: </font>
Date : 20 Nov to Nov 23 / 24 Nov and 25 Nov
Time: 1 pm and 7 pm / 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm
Venue: IMM Level 3
Date : 4 Dec to 7 Dec/ 8 Dec and 9 Dec
Time: 1 pm and 7 pm / 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm
Venue : Junction 8, Level 3

<font color="ff0000">Pokemon : </font>
Date : 11 Dec to 16 Dec
Time : 1pm and 4 pm
Venue: IMM, Level 3
Date: 20 Nov to 25 Nov
Time: 1 pm and 4 pm
Venue : Junction 8 , Level 3

<font color="ff0000"> Celebrates Disney Princess Season of Glitter & Sparkle Disney Princess Pageant</font>
Date: 30 Nov to 2 Dec
Time : 11 am, 1 pm , 3 pm, 5 pm and 7 pm
Venue: Causeway Point
Date: 7 Dec to 9 Dec
Time : 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm ,5 pm and 7 pm
Venue: Compass Point
Date: Meet & Greet: 3, 5, 6th Dec
Time: 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm
Venue: Centrepoint Mall
(if you want to take photo with Princess must have own camera and have spent a min. of SGD10 at Centrepoint Mall).

<font color="ff0000"> Sesame Street Musical Show </font>
Date: 23 Nov to 09 Dec
Time: 1 pm, 4pm and 7 pm ( No show on 2 Dec 1 pm)
Venue : Takashimaya

<font color="ff0000">Noddy Saves Christmas An interactive musical journey in Toy Town @ Christmas</font>
Date: Sat 24Nov Sun 9Dec 2007
Time: 1pm & 5pm
Venue: Forum The Shopping Mall (Basement 1 atrium)

<font color="ff0000">Joy to the World Christmas Snow fall</font> (bring a change of clothes) outside Starbucks
Date: 20Nov 07- 2Jan 08
Time: Everyday 7.00-7.30pm & 8.00-8.30pm
Venue: Tanglin Mall

<font color="ff0000">Meet & Greet @ IMM Mall (not shows): </font>

Power Rangers
20-25 Nov 07
1pm & 7pm (Tue-Fri)
1pm, 4pm & 7pm (Sat-Sun)

11-16 Dec 07
1pm, 4pm & 7pm (daily)

Winx Club
4-9Dec 07
1pm & 7pm (Tues & Fri)
1pm, 4pm & 7pm (Sat & Sun)

<font color="ff0000">Power Rangers Mystic Force @ Toys r Us </font>
14/12 1pm, 3pm, 5pm VivoCity outlet
15/12 1pm, 3pm, 5pm Jurong Point outlet
16/12 1pm, 3pm, 5pm Suntec City outlet
18/12 3pm, 5pm VivoCity outlet
19/12 3pm, 5pm Jurong Point outlet
20/12 3pm, 5pm United Square outlet
21/12 1pm, 3pm, 5pm Forum outlet
22/12 1pm, 3pm, 5pm Paragon outlet
23/12 1pm, 3pm, 5pm Tampines outlet

<font color="ff0000">Strawberry Shortcake</font>
Date: 24 Nov
Time: 1, 3, 7pm
Venue: Centrepoint Robinson
Date: 1 Dec
Time: 1, 3, 7pm
Venue: Raffles City Robinson

<font color="119911">Leapfrog</font>
Date: 25 Nov & 9 Dec
Time: 3 & 5pm
Venue: Centrepoint Robinson
Date: 24 Nov & 8 Dec
Time: 3 & 5pm
Venue: Raffles City Robinson

<font color="ff0000">Ryukendo</font>
Date: 24 & 25 Nov
Time: 1 & 4pm
Venue: Raffles City Robinson

<font color="ff0000">Pretty Cure</font>
Date: 15 Dec
Time: 5 & 7pm
Date: 23 Dec
Time: 1,3,5pm
Venue: Centrepoint Robinson
Date : 16 & 22 Dec
Time : 1,3,5pm
Venue: Raffles City Robinson

NO SHOW ON MONDAYS FOR ALL EVENTS unless stated date there.
wow... contest!!!

but hor... very difficult to take nice pics of my boy now... sigh...

videos got boh?? hahahah :p

Music class

Kindermusik - alot of schs...
like juzmusic in MP also teaches kindermusik one.

Rhythm in me in UE Sq
SGD89.90 is a gd buy.
I already have one kitchen set for Janelle so Julian can share with her. Infact he is playing with it all the while.

He knows that he need to use the knife to cut the food, very cute.
MTDT, this look gd too.
One advise when u get the kitchen set. Pls check the height, some of the set is like a miniture and also the material.

Janelle's set if from TOysrus too but not the set u post. Hers have a oven, a cabinet, stoves, washing basin, a small cutting area.
MT - u just need to clear your room.. :p I want to buy kitchen set for Emerson but my hb say i siao...

I made an appt at Shekinah M today for a 2nd round visit. Wah! price increase le... Sigh.

I noticed something which i want to ask advice from U all... I wanted to observe to see the kids if they were happy there...but then I notice the PG group were not say not happy, they were like normal kind rather looked abt bored. The teacher rotate to let them colour, the rest of the kids while waiting are doing nothing... and they were quite 'orderly' as in they didnt take out those montessori materials to play etc they just roam abt, they look quite bored thou.

Is this normal?
ya, me SAHM since i gave birth 2 my elder son.

i stay below ros, not above. if u keen 2 put ur son in 2009, mayb u 1 2 indicate ur interest wif ros n put him on a waitlist. edward's also on a waiting list, tgt wif a few other friens for e 2009's 3yrs old class.
Kitchen Set:
I also just bought a kitchen for Kay from Kiddy Palace. Only $15.90. Incl stand up stove, sink, oven + a few pots & pans & food.

However, the quality sucks cos the parts easily come off. Now I'm afraid Kay will swallow those small parts.

Hmm..$$ = quality.

Got website on JuzMusic? I remember Mezzol sent her gal to JuzMusic issit? Or I remember wrongly?
