(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

I also just bought barney disk for char and she seems to like it... but problem is if she's watching alone after abt 15 mins, she'll come and search for me... actually whatever disk she watch, she want a accompany...

Lok - Zav's fav are still baby can read and baby einsteins. others like brainy baby he also dun really fancy.

Baby can read is more of words, real kids/animals then in between will hv 2-3songs.

yesterday after our JG hol program... i was soooo tired. so for the 1st time, i let him watch tv for the longest time ever... think 4 dvds at one stretch! (I usu only limit to 1 dvd at one time nia)

give Char a bit of time. Barney is the only thing that can hold his attention for abt 45mins and on a good day, 1.5 hrs (2 discs). At least, I get some time to prepare his meals and clean up. Otherwise, he will come running for me in 5 mins.
morning mummies, MamaAnne, Melody

Zav so guai, can sit there & watch dvd on his own, yun can only sit for 10mins, then wan us to change another one. Her attention span is so short that I'm scare will affect her studies when she attend school next time.
Lok - wow... 1.5hrs :p

huh... my dvds v short nia... per dvd only 30mins. hahaha... so for a record breaking - he got 2hrs of tv last nite. :p usu i only limit to 1 dvd = 30mins

yunma - he will pop his head to look at me whenever he sees his fav stuff... and babble to me. i just hv to keep answering him: ya ya... :p

1.5 hr is extreme case (like when we need to discuss financial matters with adviser and Joshua doesn't want to nap.)

In terms of speech devt, Joshua is rather slow. He only gestures and babbles most of the time. Can't really talk but will follow simple instruction like come here, come down, sit down, hands up etc. Is it normal for his age? I am also hoping that moving to the toddler class will help his speech devt.


I used to think Josh is hyperactive too! I think it's whether the show captures their attention. Sometimes he will complain if I switch on e.g. "Animal planet". The colourful ones with lots of singing suits him.
Zav also not really talking...

He can follow me to babble the no of syllabus... but the pronounciation is still not there.. only v simple words like dog, star, up etc.

for other words... when i say: Elephant... he will reply: dalada.... so it's 3 syllabus. I also dunno how to encourage him or teach him to say it correctly... but i just keep repeating to him and if it sounds a teeny wheeny bit alike, i will praise him. :p
Good morning mummies..
Good Morning Yunma...

I think you have not yet find a VCD that Yun really likes that's why.. hehe. Ryan only like VCD on nursery songs, my daddy bought a lot for him and play for him everyday, it does settle him down for awhile. There are so many barney fans out there but dun know why he doesn't like barney at all.
lego mum - u can get from kidzloft. or robinson now also carries them...

i got it during the kidzloft 50% discount time... more worth it.

We also thot Baby can Read is quite boring but Julian can follow sometime. The part he like the best is the Incy Wincy spider. That is one song that always make him happy. He will use his finger and mimic the action.

Speech - I dun know if my reasoning is valid. I think they may need more teeth and tongue exercise to master speech. Now Julian only have 8 teeths so i dun expect too much that he can speak probably but he is doing alot of baby talk now. If he seem to talk then we will reply him back.

Ok, thanks. I called them and they said the 50% discount is only valid during their 1st birthday. Think got to chiong robinson liao.
legomum - u can "lobang" those mths mummy to get mah... :p go to Dec 06 thread and ask! hahaha :p

Hong - think u r rite... Zav also only 8teeths. :p

Thanks. Joshua also has 8 teeths with the molars slowly erupting. He babbles non-stop and it sounds like he's singing, or going "zhe ge zhe ge". His clear words mostly start with B like bye, barney, ball, dad dad, oh oh.When I say something, he will sometimes imitate but it sounds nothing like what I said. Will still acknowledge his attempt to encourage him. I asked around and most pple tell me it's alright. Especially for active boys, they are even slower as they are focusing on the motor skills (cannot multi-task).

He also likes incy wincy spider, especially when the rain washes the spider out (he will giggle loudly!)
looks like 2day bo lang again...

I'll MIA for a while again. Biz trip next 3 days and then a short hols next week to HK/Macau/GZ. Joshua's staying back again (my hubby will only agree to bring him out when he's abt 2). talk to u all soon!
hmm i must monitor closely if Julian cannot multi-task as well. Comparing the two kids, I realised Julian like to explore thing more. He will see how we do something and will try out on his own, may not get it right the 1st time but he will keep trying.

As for Janelle, she is more vocal and more sensitive to music and she has good memory.
Lok - wow.. hols!! I am going hk/shenzheng/macau over christmas... so u come back and tell me more ok.

Zav luvs all the songs in Baby can read. :p
he try to follow the actions lah.. :p
Baby can read - Emerson like them since i first intro then Barney. But I think he stil prefers Barney over Bb can read. And yah, he follows most action in them sometimes even before the action, like when the word is shown, he will do the action.... but i think its more like memorising for him. He also tries to learn to speak from there.

In terms of E's speech, yah he's also blabbering. Sometimes he can follow or imitate what we say. It really sets me and hubby laughing away. One day he said to me "rain, rain, carry umbrella" I was very very very surprised. He do the "rain rain" action. I think cottagefry heard him, coz we were in the taxi when he saw the umbrella in the car.
Now he likes to say "no-no"

Lok - !!! I also think E is hyperactive leh! Haiz. Tired. 1.5hrs? Its imppossible.

Hong - I bought mine 3 for $5.
Is the Barney show very crowded today? Did u manage to take a pixs wif Barney?

Kay doesn't like Baby Can Read at all. Her fav is Brainy Baby. Recently, after watching a few Barneys & Doras on Kids Channel, she started to like them.

Kay surprises me today. She can say A-B-C & sing to Twinkle twinkle little stars. When I count from 1-10, she can follow & scream out the number 10. I guess it really helps to watch Brainy Baby & also playing wif her older cousins. Cos they keep taking to Kay regardless she can't talk properly nor understand them.
YB - It's crowded but still not that bad... After the show, Marina Sq is like dead town again. Yup, coz we queue for 1 hr for the 7pm show to be the first 50 to take pic with Barney.

Kay is so clever! Kay is always faster than others in terms of speech right? How many teeth does Kay have now?
I think Cait's development is very similar to Kay! Cos a couple of weeks ago, Cait started to recite 1 to 14 in english and 1 to 10 in mandarin. Alphabets so far A,B,C only.

DVDs-Only this week Cait started getting interested in TV. She can pull out my DVD drawer, select the DVD she is interested in, bring it to me, and say "Watch TV". Most favoured DVD now is "God Made Music". So far, I have still managed to keep the purple dinosaur out of my drawer.. Kekek.
WOW, every kid sound so advance.

i was at Marina Sq last nite. I reached abt 7:30pm after work, meeting my gd frds for dinner. I saw the Barney but that area smell of urine leh.
Good morning mummies!

I think it's true that playing with older siblings/cousins help in their speech. I have a colleague whose son is 2 mths older than Joshua. He can call out the words when u point to it in the picturebook (like giraffe, dragonfly, count to 10, choo-choo train etc). They did an inventory of words and claim it is like 300+. Mostly because he likes to pick up what the older cousins do. Ditto for another colleague.

Joshua on the other hand gets exposed to a lot of bb talk since the other classmates are all quite a few months younger than him....

My observation is also gals develop faster than boys too. That's linked to the theory that boys can't really multi-task, so if they focus on motor skills, speech gets slightly delayed.


I still have that nagging suspicion that he might be hyperactive. Let's see whether he can settle down in todd's class. Joshua can't really talk but he likes to gesture and carry on a "conversation" with you --- point, "talk", pause, look at u for response, then carry on pointing and "talking".
wow... impressive huh. kids are so smart now.

I go to JG with May... also every time hear her gal counting 1-12... then my boy just stare in awe! hahaha he will only "add" in "5" or "9" haha

My boy can't count for sure. But he like singing, "rapping" (playing with his lips and making "music"), thinks he's a ballerina (turning with one hand outstretched) and clapping to the songs he like. Maybe he's not academic type, end up being in the Arts scene.
whee whee...so many clever tots here.

Oh dear, Arin can;t count or say ABC yet...probably time to send her off to class liao.

Luckily she can understand what we say, so she's like our little slave now...Arin bring me the towel, Arin put back the newspaper, ha ha ha
wah, so many advance tots here... char dunno how to say abc or 123 in english... she only knows 1 and 2 in mandarin but last week she surprised me by say purple, other than that is only ah gong's name, ah ma, mee, papa, ball, nai nai, korkor that most tots know...
see this thread all toking abt kids started to talk...made me stress again...ian can only understand us..but talk? haiz..forget it...now started to worry..will he ever try to talk...
u can consider another kid since Arin is such a great helper. haha...

yah stressful hor. hahaha..
wow!! so many smart july babies! i've not even tried teaching kristen the ABC or numbers yet. ohno.. =(

she knows how to say some words/sounds but will come out sounding a little wrong like..
horse = hers
ball = buhhh
star = tah/ stah
toes = tuh
milk = meah-meah
cow, dog, tiger, cat, sheep = the sounds that these animals make

and when she doesn't want to do something she says "buuuuu" and will wave her hand around.. strange. none of us speak mandarin.

one really cute one is what we tried to teach her that day though.. we tried to teach her stop and she said "thop!"
I also didn't purposely try to teach Kay ABC or 1-2-3. Will only sing ABC together wif other nursery rhymes to her once a while. And say 1-2-3 when I was training her to walk.

Kay was only wif her cousins for a few hours yesterday & she managed to count from 1-10 & say a few words tat she copied from them. I was really surprised. Hmm..seems like I have to keep bringing kay to play wif her cousins liao.
Kay only has 8 teeth now. All in the front. No molars yet but can see the gums are very swollen.

Haha..josh is really very musical inclined.

Kay doesn't have access to the DVDs. Cos I lock everything inside cabinet. She can only access her toys. Haha. My hse is mostly bare except for furniture.
Bbs our age can't really pronounce the words properly. Cos I think mainly their teeth not all fully develop + they can't twist their tongue much.

Even for Kay, she also can't pronounce the words clearly. But it's already gd enough for me.
hahaha... no stress lah. ultimately all will be at the same pace.
no matter wat, we also wont love them less.

It's soooo cute to listen to those babbling now... guessing wat zav trying to say, listening to those "out of tune/tone" words makes my day already.

Peach - I agree with u... Zav's words also not very clear. Actually I feel only their own parents will understand wat each kid is trying to say. :p
MT - Yah I agree with u, listening those 'out of tune' words makes my day too.

Peach - Emerson is also like that.
Horse he just say "hor" Yes = "Ssss" with a nod. No and tu-tu (paicifer) = is the clearest. Rain Rain = Ra-Ra (with the hand sign)Like what MT says only we knows what he's trying to say.

This morning, I was trying to fig what he was trying very hard to tell me. Afetr a while with all the clues he's showing me I manage to guess he was pointing to the bolster i bought ytd and telling me BJ and BB Bop.

Hong - U were there arh? urine smell? I didnt notice lei...Maybe I myself too engrossed in the show. Haha

yah, the little slave will definitely be a big help...ha ha ha

hey, anyone knows of any Sat morning playgroups for our tots? Seems that everywhere full house liao...sian.
So will u enrol Kristen to the Monte Kidz World at Elias Mall? I managed to call them at Hougang Branch & the lady said they're registering the kids now but class only starting next mth. Fee same as in Kindermusik Tanglin. Abt $400+ incl materials fees for 15wks semester.
hello! Writing to all from the airport while waiting for my connecting flight

indeed, only we can understand what our bbs say. His clearest word is of course "Barney". He's trying to call me, halfway there, so I'm now "Mum - ney" (sounds like $$).

I bought a Barney schoolbag for Joshua. He tried it on yesterday, really look like "wu gui". Happily running around with it

Went for my todd class briefing today. They are still working out 2008 curriculum, roughly typical day is:
1. 8.30-9am: Breakfast

2. Curriculum from 9-11.30am (using Letterland Phonetics and integrated curriculum from Jamboree. Integrated curriculum will include things like maths/science concepts, language arts, themes like sea creatures, manipulative play like puzzles etc)

3. 11.30-12+: Lunch/shower

4. 12+-3.30: Wash-up and toothbrushing, milk and nap

5. 3.30pm: wake up from nap and fruits.

6. 3.45-4.30: follow up of curriculum (including story telling/hand puppet/music&movement). Kindermusik on thurs.

7. 4.30-5pm: Dinner

8. 5-6pm: Gross motor skills (their own indoor gym or outdoor HDB playground)

9. 6-7pm: free play and home sweet home

Holiday programs will be organized when it's school hols. (e.g field trip, cooking lessons) Festivities celebration will be included (e.g. Dec will be X'mas).

I suggested they include speech and drama, since they just hire a teacher trained in this. They will see how the 2008 curriculum works out before adding anything else.
Hey MT,

No lah, Zav also participated when we did the 1-12 on the cab. Anyway, I think my ger learnt her numbers from brainy baby not SM.

Btw, Zav's speech devt has progressed so much since I saw him less than two weeks ago!! He is saying so many words now.

Hi mummies,

Interesting read.

If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again
by Diane Loomans

If I had my child to raise all over again,
I'd do less correcting, and more connecting,
I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I'd run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging, and less tugging.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more,
I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I'd teach less about the love of power and more about the power of love.
