(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

eeyore...check out my blog, i have so many pix of charlene concentrating during the lession..heehee! wait till i change a new pc then forward yr the pix! cause my home pc is super slow like a 386 & cant upload pix, reply mns take 5min, cant open my email! need to update my blog it in office...!
HI mummies,

I am glad some of you like the GUG trial. My ger is in GUG for three terms already and i find the zoophonics really help in reading skills. I brought my ger for the toddler trial at GUG this morning and overall, it's quite good esp the chinese teacher..she is able to keep the kids entertained and her diction is crystal clear! Even my cranky ger who didnt stay thru the lesson paid attention to her.

Compare GUG toddler and busybuddies, i prefer GUG still. The flow of the class is more structured and at the end of the lesson, at least i know the 'takeaway' . Just my two cents worth :)
zita, now i'm really pai seh. I'm too last min, so always miss out.

may, what time is the class?

Heard mixed review abt GUG. Concluded a lot of it depends on the class teachers. So far, I find this class quite ok.

One last observation: it doesn't mean that the toddlers are not listening when they run around. Joshua's bz roaming around but his antennaes are still receiving info. I realized this when he started doing the actions for a song despite not sitting around most of the time!
I've attended GUG trial before & I feel it's very classroom based lor. Somemore environment & toys not very clean.

But Kay seems to like it leh. She pays attention at class & hanged on to teacher's words.

Still, I wanna try more trials first before I make my decision.
yoyo.. wow so much abt trials haha

SM - Nope... no trial at all.

GUG - personally I feel tat it's very "direct input" they will really input the words, write down on the board, hand etc. so at the end of the session, u noe exactly wat words to reinforce to them. Some like these kind of direct input as u will feel time/money well spend. (if I am not wrong, Chinese only for weekdays, weekends dun hv biligual)

JG/Busybuddies/JWT - these 3 are more alike.
They will intro items and say out the words. but unlike GUG, there are no whiteboard in the class... so no writing of the word itself. But just learn thru play.

so i realise usu pple who like JG style will not like GUG style and Vis versa. haha

Also I agree with Lok -
1) Running ard doesnt mean not paying attention. but of cos, as parents we will try to reinforce to them to sit down during appriorate time so as not to be a pest in class haha
2) Teachers and class dynamics plays the most impt part. Actually most classes are doing the same thing... story telling, puppet, intro letter and related words, art/craft and little bit of songs, movement etc. so just how the teacher does it.

Personally, I feel JG/JWT Teachers are more "frenly" and seems really kids loving. GUG teachers are more "going thru the motion".

art/craft vs washing - tink only Busybuddies hv sinks in the class itself. JG/GUG = same... all rush to the common toilet to wash. messy. JWT - I dun even see a toilet nearby haha :p but think be prepared is a way... get them to wear an additional old tshirt so tat u wont be so stressed up with mess. eat - i tink bound to "taste" the paint... just how much nia. :p Zav ate Glue when he was in busybuddies.

Parents in class - think except for BJG, no other classes will allow more than 1 parent. JWT - if not for trial... think also only 1parent.

YB - think Rhythm and me and MyGym are same management. Dun think it's busybuddies.
For all the Barney's Fans!! :p

Christmas with Barney & Friends
24 Nov - 9 Dec 2007
Tue - Thu: 2pm & 7pm
Fri - Sun: 2pm, 5pm & 7pm
Venu: Marina Square Central Atrium

Cheer Barney, BJ and Baby Bop in this Christmas Musical Extravaganza featuring their famous tunes and Christmas specials. Your kids will be mesmerized by this imaginative funfilled show of caring, sharing and learning.

Catch Barney & Friends every Monday - Friday 1pm on Kids Central from 19 Nov 07
Yup..Busy Buddies & My Gym is under 1 mgmt. It was featured in Sunday Life.

Yup..saw Barney tis afternoon at Kids Channel. Kay seems to like it..Die liao lor...
so interesting!!!

Jedd: ian, wat are u looking at??

Ian: u look lah...so interesting hor?
Jedd: u mean this pool of water???
Ian: wahlau..no lah....


the three musketeers!!! hmm..or FU LU SHOU???
Ian/Zavier: excuse me sir...we are taking photos..(still captured jedd in the pic)

Ian: aiyo..see lah...told u we taking pic liao mah...haiz....
Blur zavier: nevermind lah..wat's done cannot be undone...lucky he nvr block my handsome face...heheh..
MT - I tried JG before, remember? I was telling u abit wasting time for playnest grp. I also quite like JWT but then the singing part abit lose out to them also they only have 1 'ative' teacher plus their location n timin...

Zita - Until today then I realised its the 2nd time I attend the same GUG trial. faintz. Ive actually attended the same grp, ie Gifted Babes when E was 8mths.. Haiz. I was telling them and they laughing away this afternoon.

Hong - Yes BJG more overall. But then its really even harder to keep the toddlers attention at BJG. The rooms are cramp. Waiting time for teacher to search for flashcards, waiting time to flash to them makes them start to wander around liao.. and I find its even harder to keep Emerson's attention esp when flashing cards. It's alot better when they were younger (ie, not so mobile). My personal thoughts.

Accident Prone Emerson - Yes, he can just fall down by walking, let along run.
eeyore - My first time to the GUG trial when Emerson is 8mths was in a regular class the rest of the kids can match the Zoophonics, so I think it takes them a few lessons to 'know' it.

Lok - yah i agree, I prefer the "angmoh' teacher. Everine?
Hi Lok,

The GUG toddler trial that I went yesterday was 9am. But the kids/toddlers there are really big. I think thats why some of the bbs in my Sat class who are obviously 18 months are still under parents and babes class. Personally i like the art and craft section of the class most as they are really creative with it. Eg for last lesson, they use the [potato to cut into the shape of a leaf to stamp onto a paper tree :))
yb - ooh is it... wow, so means RIM, BB and MyGym all same management loh. it's the My Gym in GWC right?

hahaha... more and more barney's frens! hahaha :p

Freeplay - actually all classes also hv freeplay for 15mins min. Busybuddies freeplay like 20-30mins leh haha

hmm.... JG/JWT same same rite? just tat JWT got abit of gym stuff like the swing nia mah. :p
MT..ya i agree, GUG more like going thr. motion.., a part where v is knock by the elephant (Teacher) n crying her lung out, they juz oop careful, then continue with the acting, very commericalise, definately need to finish my 3pm cause next class is coming..hahaha

Haiz...now i veri sianz dont noe where to go liao

May we also have the same painting in babies class...the tree & use potato to stamp the leaf! GUG mentioned 18mth is still too young for their toddler class..unless we join the babies.

PM u forgot har? i rem u when for walk in trial with E when he veri young..hahaha! i thg u wan try 2nd time

For GUG toddler, they learn to form the words together using phonics. I am amazed that the toddlers seem to follow vert well. Come to think of it, between busybuddies and GUG, the latter prmotes more social skills, i.e. the singing part , the kids walk around say hi an hug their frens.
may - wow... so nice... walk ard and say hi/hug frens huh. so cute. :p

form words liao huh... wow.. like so advance.
think for Zav wont be ready yet. :p he can hardly talk haha

so most likely u will be continuing with GUG loh?
MT, thanks for the info abt Barney's special at Marina! Is Zavier always sucking 3 fingers? My Joshua sucks 2 fingers (his trademark!). Like what u said, there's a time for play and there's a time to sit down. I'm trying to make him sit down (an uphill battle but he's improving). You are right --- bilingual only for weekday GUG.

May, Joshua also painted a tree last week and he loves the music class! It's the same theme for the week. I will continue Joshua in the babes class though he turns 18 mths the next term.

PM, it's teacher Khairin and Yani. Some of the todds in Joshua's class can do the zoo-phonics actions. But they have been around for a while, so slowly they will learn.

exciting time for Joshua --- he is going to be "promoted" to the toddler class (no longer infantcare) in Dec. I think he will enjoy it with all the excursions, artwork, waterplay, gym activities, phonics etc.
Need to buy him a schoolbag soon.
lok - haha... u din ask i din notice...
no lah.. Zav hardly sucks his fingers one... just so happen at tat pic! hahaha

wow... so exciting for Joshua huh.. :p

sitting down - Zav also v itchy backside one. in SM class, I also got prob keeping him down. but last sunday we went for Kindermusik class... tat class, i din really bother to ask him to sit... so he was really running 80% of the time!! (only story telling, i instruct him to sit down haha)
And his teacher told me Josh has been eyeing his classmate's Barney bag. Superty duperty Barney fan hor
His Godma bought him a Barney stuff toy, so now he carries Barney around and babble to him.
Yup..same mgmt as My Gym at GWC. They also owned the gift supply store & mini cafe.

Haha..so very easy to buy gift for Josh, right? Just buy Barney stuff.

Zav in SM liao? Which one did you go to? Got a lot of home work to do?

I still procrastinating on sending Arin to SM cos I scared I not disciplined enough to do the homework with her and waste $$...sigh.
ooh..I haven't introduce Barney to Arin yet, so far she just loves her pooh bear and will say bear when she sees it. She will hug and kiss the pooh bear and loves to play peekaboo with it.

Die, I'm still treating Arin like a baby, should expose her to more "grown up" activities like drawing liao. Better narrow down a class to send her to...sigh
Hi mummies!!!

Hi melody, klcc and yunma!!

Yday i bumped into Lego_Mum and Cottagefry after my meeting at suntec... heee... saw the 2 cute babies.... so nice to be PTT, can shop around and chat...
wow..sing so small hor, seem like a lot mummies bump into each others one lor..ha..U wanna be a PTT (Pretty Tai Tai) also?? kekeke
hello MamaAnne and Klcc...

actually not that nice to be PTT lei, face bb 24/7 I can go crazy.. hahaha... but i think I am going to be one soon, waiting to get my aws then quit. I really CAN'T STAND MY WORK liao... my big boss is overloading me.
u are leaving ur job?

cel on holiday now right? Ur mum taking care of her? Can ur mum take it? Recently Jan keep asking me not to work and stay at home and keep her coy. Yesterday she called my mobile 3x and kept asking me when i will be back to fetch her. Haiyah...
ya, I wanted very much to resign and the idea pops up everyday ever since my immediate boss resigned, so many work on hand and mostly don't know how to handle.
Jan so sticky to u now ah..ha..my Cel hv not ask me to quit / stay at home yet cos she know if i stay at home she will not have nice nice baju, toys, books etc le..kekeke
So far my mum have not make noise yet cos beginning nia mah..wait till end Dec, my mum sure complain like mad abt Cel..ha..
Yeah..better get bonus 1st before u leave, otherwise wasted. Seems like job market very gd now. Shld have no prob getting a job.

I got a job offer. They willing to wait for me to start in Feb 08. But I rejected. Haha. Cos not keen in the job & pay too low.

Wat a coincidence hor, cos we were just mentioning how come never see Mamaanne in the forum lately, then suddenly spotted u jus ahead

On becoming a PTT or working - I have to agree that staying at home with bb and facing the 4 walls 24/7 can sometimes really drive me crazy esp when she's sick or fussing, but then hor, if I were to go bk to work, I will be v bu she de, cos she has never left me for more than 5 hrs ever since she was born :p. And I get to see her growing up stage from baby to toddler

BUT, no work = no $. Anything I want to buy I have to go thru my big boss banker legodad...haiz...

Pros n cons la.
just endure another month for ur aws. AWS is our $$ not bonus.

She din ask me to quit, i think she wanna me to take leave to keep her coy. May be she wanted more attention from me.

Trial class - actually i cannot tahan bringing Julian to classes. Last time with Janelle, i was pretty hardworking but i dun seem to enjoy trial class at all now. I feel it super tiring, but i have to be fair to Julian as Janelle get her enrichment class but I am yet to find out suitable class for Julian.
I used to think i want to stay home with Joshua but come to think of it now, probably best for both of us that he goes to school and I continue to work. My colleagues all can't imagine me staying at home.


he can't seem to get enough of Barney now. I recently subscribed to SCV's Playhouse Disney. He's enjoying it, giggling away. There was a cartoon on dinosaurs. I repeated the word "dinosaur" and his response is guess what (yes, "Barney!"). But Barney is still more educational. At least they teach the right things.
Yup, I got to wait for the aws bef I go, but I expect myself to stay unemploy for at least 3 mth althrough market is gd becos jobs are rather limited in my area of work. haiz... Then my maid may hv to leave if I quit my job, and handling R at home alone will be a big challenge for me.
CHM, blessing -

I started in SM when Zav turn 1yr old.

Class format is a v fast pace and full of activities kind. it's all hands on props kinda of activities. very difficult to explain leh. hahaha. most other activities will be hands on games. Their games are all handmade... so u can imagine how "simple" they are... just if we moms hv the time/creativity to do it.

classroom - max 6kids with 1 teacher. all are expected to sit down on a mini chair infront of a table.

Homework - very much depends on urself... there is no "assigned" homework but they will encourage u to do some at home. supposely very easy and daily stuff. only this sesmester, we were given a homework tat is to create a "dictionary" for our kid. they give u a blank ABC book, then u fill it with pics, draw or etc.

most pple worries are the "flashcards" section... during the class, out of 75mins, only 10mins are strictly flashcards. other flashcards time are usu with music, or storytelling etc. for home, yes, they do encourage again, but again it's depends on u. some pple says if u dun flash, then dun expect results... but i guess if u flash becos of results oriented and at the same time, Stress by it, then i rather u dun do it. just enjoy the clsas....
Lok - Joshua is so cute. Emerson another great big barney fan. He hug barney to sleep. We tested him if he prefers barney or his pillow he used since new born and he cannot decide! Is hte channel 33 good? thinking of subcribing it coz soemtimes the cartoon network will hv violent shows like power rangers etc, I thought its not too good for their age.

I also like Barney song, sometimes I sing along with him. Like when I am brushing his teeth, I'll sing the burshing teeth song to him. He looked abt stunned thou.
pm - hahahaa... maybe E is trying to imagine u to be Barney!!!

thinking : how come it's not big and purple! hahahaha


Date : 23 Nov to 09 Dec

Showtimes : Tue to Fri 1 pm and 7 pm
Sat & Sun 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm

Venue : United Square

SpongeBobs and SquarePants :

Date : 23 Nov to 09 Dec

Showtimes : Tue to Sun 2 pm and 5 pm

Venue : United square

Barney :

Date : 24 Nov to 09 Dec

Showtimes : Tue to Thu 2 pm and 7 pm
Fri to Sun 2 pm , 5 pm and 7 pm

Venue : Marina Square

Barbie :

Date : 01 to 16 Dec

Showtimes : 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm daily

Venue: Raffles City

Looney Tunes :

Date : 30 Nov to 16 Dec

Showtimes : 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm

Venue : Suntec (Outside Carrefour)

Power Rangers:

Date : 20 Nov to Nov 23 / 24 Nov and 25 Nov
Time: 1 pm and 7 pm / 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm
Venue: IMM Level 3

Date : 4 Dec to 7 Dec/ 8 Dec and 9 Dec
Time: 1 pm and 7 pm / 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm
Venue : Junction 8, Level 3

Pokemon :

Date : 11 Dec to 16 Dec
Time : 1pm and 4 pm
Venue: IMM, Level 3

Date: 20 Nov to 25 Nov
Time: 1 pm and 4 pm
Venue : Junction 8 , Level 3

Princess :

Date: 30 Nov to 2 Dec
Time : 11 am, 1 pm , 3 pm, 5 pm and 7 pm
Venue: Causeway Point
Date: 7 Dec to 9 Dec
Time : 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm ,5 pm and 7 pm
Venue: Compass Point

Sesame Street :

Date: 23 Nov to 09 Dec
Time: 1 pm, 4pm and 7 pm ( No show on 2 Dec 1 pm)
Venue : Takashimaya

