(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

hong..but nowadays hor,...lock the steering wheel oso no use leh..they smash the windows leh....even news reported..they suspect got gang one...
yup, i like Ian's eyes the most... big, round and curl lashes... very charming pairs of eyes...

Deron's eyelashes are long but not curled... like mine... long and straight... boring type...

where is Melody and klcc?
hehee...thks mamaanne for the compliment..think the lashes follow daddy's side..cos they got long n curl lash..me short and straight..almost botak lash!! hahahaha
dsii - Happy Graduation to Issac!!! Wah, so handsome!!!
ep - Hi there! Long time no see you also! How are you boys?

YB & Hong - Wow..great shopping man!

Hong - My DH loves driving to Malaysia!
JP..hi there...har? handsome?? hmmmm....hb asked me y isaac's face become so sharp..hahaha....hmm..i think lost weight bah...
aiyo, yes lah there are cases cos my uncle's car got stolen in his own condo. So the thumb of rule is to be alert and careful. Stime we cannot prevent everything lor.

Isaac look so smart in the gown.

how are u and ur boy. Sorry i din reply ur sms. I kept thinking myself must reply u but after that i forgot all abt it.

Oh yes, hubby started to love to drive in now. Actually we took longer hrs to get to KL cos dun want to be so stressful. SO we stop at Yong Peng to find food and stop at some major pit stop to see wat we can find etc.
hahaha smart int he gown ah? hehe..hope this will not be his 1st n last tiem wearing a graduation gown..u know what i mean hor?/ hehehe
Mtdt, CHM
Maybe it's time... okie if the contractor make it on time to install the window grill, I try to join you gals for the trial

Smart, handsome boy graduated!
Hong - Did U put Julian in the carseat when driving up? Emerson cant tahan the long ride in the carseat and my hb not so "hardworking" to drive up.

Dsii - Wah! Issac graduated liao le!!! Keke.. Excited boh? Ready for pri 1? Is he in the morning or afternoon session when he goes pri 1?

CHM - Arin so smart.. I wonder how long will emerson learnt to call his own name, coz like so difficult 3 syllabus. Now he only knows how to recoginise himself when he look at the mirror or his own photo, he will pat his chest.
Hong - Did U put Julian in the carseat when driving up? Emerson cant tahan the long ride in the carseat and my hb not so "hardworking" to drive up.

Dsii - Wah! Issac graduated liao le!!! Keke.. Excited boh? Ready for pri 1? Is he in the morning or afternoon session when he goes pri 1?

CHM - Arin so smart.. I wonder how long will emerson learnt to call his own name, coz like so difficult 3 syllabus. Now he only knows how to recoginise himself when he look at the mirror or his own photo, he will pat his chest.
Mummies want to ask U all,

1) Few mths back I joined a spree from polo.com then yesterday when I took out the T to wear, I realised the polo logo's head is missing...machiam chopped off... I cant remember which spree and from which org lioa. Sigh. How huh? Will polo do a return? but i've cut the hang tag and I have no proof of purchase, how to return? Is it worth to ship to US?

2) Anyone using huggies dry comfort (the red packaging) Is it good? Can last thru the night? Recently mamy poko make me have sleepless nights. E's bed and PJ all wet but the diaper is not full ( every light) I've been changing him in the middle of the past few nights...
Hi PM,

1) this one i dont know how to help.
2) For Huggies dry comfort, have used it for more than 6 mths very good lei, no leakages.

You can call the hotline: 1800-275 9360 for samples. haha, i just called them for pull-up pants sample.

Meowcath - Thanks, I rem U telling me abt the huggies too. Oh yah.. I forget abt the hotline for samples. Thanks!

BTW,U also join the gymboree right? Have U brought Titus there so faR?
yes, i join the gymboree, but have not brought Titus there yet!
Set a time to go together okie?

i kind of like MT introduce- the busy buddies trial, wanna go togther?

PM, I've been using huggies dry comfort in the past cos char's skin is sensitive... I used it at night and it last thru, however, I'm not sure if boys have more urine than gals cos my nephew usually have passed more urine than my gal...
pm..excited ?? no leh..i think im feeling more stress and pressurize leh...cos i dunno whether he can cope in new environment bo? then the studies not like k1 or k2..play play type..now is in official sch liao leh...then got tests..exams..homework..and the standard now..so high liao..now pri 1 learns hanyu pinyin liao..aiyo...stress....
hello mummies,
So many posting to catch up..just back from Korea last night,since it was close to winter, I didn't get to buy any clothes or shoes over there, but I bought a lot of masks from The Face shop.. haha

I forgot I suppose to bring Ryan for his MMR jab tomorrow, I keep my fingers cross, hope we can attend the trial on Sunday.
Mayb Huggies Dry Comfort doesn't fit Emerson well & urine leak from the sides? I feel sometimes even if the diaper is gd, if it doesn't fit out bb's butt, then no use lor. I've tried it before, okay for Kay though.
hi mummies,

havent been in for a long time but have been reading the thread...hee.

Keagan did a super spiderman earlier after his nap. I came out from shower and hrd K is up so I went to open his room door and he was standing right BEHIND the door!!! He CLIMBED out of his cot!!!!! I was so shocked and checked him for ba lu kus and keep asking he ok? where he pain pain, but he seemed perfectly ok. No signs of crying even. I was in shock and speechless....then after I am more settled, I put him back in the cot and ask him to show me how he got out....and he actually climbed and showed me how he got out and landed on his feet even!!! I want to faint but find it so amazing and funny at the same time. Got to remove the extra mattress in the cot liao....

1) need the packing slip for returns leh...or you might want to try calling their customer service and see how?

2) did you get a waterproof mat for E's bed? then at least the leak wont get onto the mattress. agree with YB that fit is impt. so far K big butt, only nepia fits him best.

did you have a good time in korea? we love the cold!! but K's eczema flared up on the last day. good thing now ok liao. I bot lots from skinfood. hahahaha
Wat size of MP did E wear? Could it be too big for him? Did u try the pamper active? I thot MTDT mentioned there was discount? I went to Giant to get a box and it is very thin and it holds Julian pee thru-out the nite.

U can get a waterproof mat at Ikea. I got one for Janelle when I want to train her diaper free at nite. Quite useful and washable.

Driving to KL - I didnt bring Julian along. Hubby is paranoid of wat ur hubby thots so he said no Julian this time but we did brot him to JB before. If we reallys drive up to KL, i will put him in car seat and just have to entertain him lor.

We shld direct the qns to JP cos the family drive up more often.

JP, how u deal with ur active boy in the car?

Keagan is really a spider toddler. One point we are scare of his safety but the other point we are so proud of their motor skill. hahhaa..

i think the stress part is not chinese but maths and english. Never mind lah, u have yenny to accoy u. hahaha..
can tell that yr stress level is up cos u r "talking" to yourself?? :p

Jul : wow..really spiderman stunt wo, got video down?? ;)

Mamaanne & Melody : Long time no "see" oh :p
Hong & PM - Yup, we do drive up to Melaka and KL quite often. Greatest discovery for us, Garrick love to sit in the front seat. DH has asked Daihatsu and they had inform DH that it is safe to put Garrick in a 5 point harness baby car seat in front. Secondly, we must turn on his favourite Barney videos lah and let him watch when he is bored watching other things in front. He even managed to doze off...ha!ha! Now, I am more relax liao!!! Hong, no worrie about the sms hor...know you are busy!

Jul - OMG, K really super spiderman! Ha!Ha!

dsii - Har...Isaac loss weight ah? Must be due to his leg accident lah. Never mind, can gain back!
Wah! U must tape down K's spiderman act & show us leh! Hmm..does it mean once our bb learns to crawl out from cot, we must put them in bed/mattress liao?

yup, we had a great time there, I love the cooling weather too. Is the product at Skinfood good? I saw this shop at the Shinchon ladies' street.
wow what Keagan did was really amazing..

Klcc... ya got 5 days never come in here le. hehe

I will postpone the MMR jab to next week. So I wouldn't miss the trial le.
Jul - Wah Keagan can be friends and very good friends with Emerson!

Melody - U went Korea arh! haiyo.. never tell me :p

Hong - E wears XL, abit big but I prefer it to be abit roomy. It was okay I used MP all along only the past few nights.

YB - Its Mamy poko the fit is alright Ive been using since E a few mths old.

Jp - U got a dvd installed in yr car?

Dsii - mai worry too much... slowly coach Issac he shld be able too...

Water proof mat - Can fit single size matteress?
waterproof sheet - I also tot of putting... but will it be hot?

Zav dun sleep in a aircon room leh..

anyone can advise?
Spiderboy K:
Yup. I videoed down the second time when I ask him to show me what he did....haiyo...like Hong said really dilemma to be happy with their moto skills or to worry for their safety. probably both!
Think gym class has trained him too well....

Waterproof sheet:
Mine is babysafe one. Claims to be breathable. We find it really good and not warm. Not like the usual vinyl, plasticky sort.

mm....so far those I tried I like. Told hb my skin not been so pampered for a long time.
Skinfood is not bad.

There is another korean brand coming up only in JB call Elianto. The prdt is so much cheaper than Skinfood and The Face shop.

i didnt install VCD in my car.

then that is quite strange.
Mine is not breathable, couldnt cover the whole of mattress but quite a big pc thot. I will place it horizontal across the mattress.

is that OC's ger? U Ian is kiss or biting her nose? hahaha..
wah, issac look so smart. sigh, my gal's graduation is in dec. looking forward to seeing her in 'si fang mao'. I oso stress leh esp after reading through their textbooks. Next time got to take leave to help prepare her for exams liao. english and maths i not so scared for her. But CHINESE, i will faint. My gal is a ang mo sai, she eat 'gantang' one, chinese damn poor. One day I ask her what is 'da jia'(everyone is chinese). U guess what she say...big house. pengz....

Thanks for asking. his rashes getting better liao. I brot X to kinder clinic to see dr terence tan. He diagnose him as skin bacterial infection. no lah, not ur cheerios. wheat not so 'poisonus' one. but the medical fees can kill man, 10mins in the doctor room cost me $155! if can cure, I dun mind spending lah...

hmm....polo seldom make such mistake one leh. the spree organiser reliable or not? u spend so much on the polo shirt, die die must exchange. why not u call up the polo in singapore to check abt the exchange policy?
wah, gillian and ian so "en ai" huh, anyhow kiss fro ppl to see... dsii careful leh, otherwise like what we've seen in BK... hahaha...

PM, u wanna get any hooks??
Skinfood not bad huh.. aiya, should hv bought something from there. :p

aiya.. I mentioned a couple of times here that I will be going korea lei... hehe
MamaAnne.. you here yet??
I search high and low for the cutterfish you mentioned that day but I CAN'T find lei.. so disappointed.
Maybe it depends on season.
PM & Hong - No lah...we have the portable ones. I just made a carrier so that I can hang and strap it in front for him to watch.
DH has the touch screen thingy but Garrick does not like it....too small, I think!
U can buy mattress protector pad for E's bed? Then no need to clean the mattress when urine leak. It's cotton facing top & plastic facing the mattress. Very comfy. Won't feel any discomfort at all.

I put it on Kay's cot too & she doesn't sleep in aircon room.

Cos ur gal literary translate 'ja' to 'home'..hence 'da jia' mean 'big home/house'.

Pls lor..Ian kiss Gil, but u know wat he did to Kay? He keep grabbing Kay's chest even though Kay keep pushing Ian's hands away.
Dr Terence is also under Baby n child clinic right? Hope Xavier recover soon.
Why not send ur ger to some chinese enrichement class? I heard Berriewoks is very good.

forgotten ur hubby pretty up to date on technology.
You want to buy portable DVD/VCD player also?? Me half-hearted, dun koe to buy or not..now they have this thing call digital photoframe which can be loaded with MP4 & with bigger screen..v tempted :p
no leh, he is under kinder clinic. aiyo, she has been attending tien hsia for the pass 1yr liao.

why dun u all buy a psp instead of a dvd/vcd player? can play games, watch movies, play mp3, view photographs, surf net wif it. but a bit le che in the sense got to convert the movies to mp4 format before loading it. and oso the screen is smaller but more portable. I planning to bring my psp when i bring X to genting in december to keep him entertain.
Jul, share with us K's spiderman stunts leh... nowadays I also quite scared of putting char in the cot, since she's a spiderwoman...

YB, haha I rem that day we saw the young gal n boy in BK, although the gal was covered by a jacket, but we seemingly notice the boys' knuckles moving at her chest area...

JP, I rem garrick used to be addict to this cartoon u showed us on your hp so what show he's into now??? I also tempted to buy portable player so that she won't be a spiderwoman in the car... shae keep wanting to climb into the boot behind...
U intend to bring psp to entertain X on the coach? If u going by luuxry bus, then they have build-in tv & game console in front of every seat. Video on demand. So no need to bring psp liao. Btw, I'm also bring Kay up to Genting in Dec. Which date r u going? I'm going from 18-20 dec.

Wah! Nowadays kids really so daring arh? So intimate in public?

KLCC, Yenny,
Yes PSP slim. My hubby suggested to get that, not becos of Julian. Becos he wanted it.
We are tempted to get that. My BIL just got one. We are want to get feedback from him and his is modified before so his can play pirated PSP games.
