(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

my nephew deal with PSP one..he said PSP slim not very gd..especially if u drop it..and there goes ur hundreds...cos SLIM mah..haha

mine oso modified one and i bot a 2GB memory stick to put in more games and songs. i find it very useful, esp when u doing 'big' business and on the bus now that i am taking bus to and fro work place. :p

I going on the 15th and coming back on 18th. So wun be able to see u. yes, i am taking the luxury coach from 5stars and we 'bao' the whole coach as we are going wif my whole family, aunties,cousins and nephews. I am not worried abt the coach trip but more at genting when he is having his meals. sometimes, he will eat his meal properly when he can watch his favourite programme.
Yb - where to get the waterproof mat?

Yenny - Emerson is lke X cant have his meal properly if he's outside.. sigh.. I afraid if I buy PSP for him to watch video instead of watching he throws the PSP.. My heart very ache...

KLCC - I also saw the photframe thingy, its like so coooool.. Haha.. but quite ex right?

eeyore- haha Ian very 'qiang bao' one...

Hong - I saw the Elianto, I thought it's some malaysian brand coz of the name, hahaha didnt know its from korea.
u can buy the plastic casing for the psp so cn protect the psp when thrown onto the ground. If not, the last resort is to tie the psp to the high chair, so even if thrown, will not land on the floor.
i saw the digital frame on offer (no brand type) for $100-$200..abt the same as portable dvd player.

psp - thou of that too..but me not a game person, so find it if use to watch show nia, screen too small leh..
Hong - He!He! However, G doesn't like the touch screen and prefers his portable DVD.

Eeyore - He is into Barney now...
<font color="0000ff">Hi,

Sorry to intrude... Am frm June 06 Thread..

Anyone interested in goin to Kindermusik lesson on Sunday. 5 Lessons starting from this Sunday @ 12noon...

MTDT will be there too...

Interesed mummies who wanna take over my slot please PM me.. I need to Draw my gal out.. or can SMS MTDT.. she knows how to get hold of me.. haha..

hahaha....ok i get hb to upload the video first. K really good lor, he can still wrap his arms ard the rails to make sure that he doesn't slip off....pengz!

he is so difficult to manage outside now. keep running off....just now i went post office nia, he make me run after him like mad woman. haiz!

K is super duper Barney fan! We had to burn the VCDs into a DVD so that he can watch on the plane and when we were in Korea. It's the only way to get him to stay still for a while...
Haha..Caitz is so sweet towards Kay. Everything also share wif her. Like a Da jie jie. Then Kay is like a little tyrant. Bite Caitz's fingers when she fed her biscuits & take caitz's shoe & water btl.
Crocs...the colour is out of stock, the shop re-ordering every week. if by next tues...still no stock, yr let me noe whether wan to contiune waiting or cancel order k!..
Hi all ,

i would like to order buffet for my house warming , anyone have any good catering to recommend ? thank

any photo of the buffet setting to share too ? TIA
hello mummies, for today's trial class, who will not be going? i have an appt to see an ID for my new house. forgot about it. if have min 8 ppl going for the trial then i'll give this trial a miss.
Hi mummies

Any one signing up GUG?

How your find the GUG trial?

To me is interesting, but venice is veri cranky & disturbing the class...she wake up at 7am...almost doze off when class start. My poor gal is tired..., doze of immd in car. When she wake up is a happy toddler again...Wrong timing for me...hahaha

I also quite like the class but Emerson he forever cant sit still... always want to go sit on the chair and end up knocked himself on the corner of the table.

The programme similar to the first time he went.....and he likes it since the firt time.

He kept telling me star and point to his hand even before bed...
Zita and PM,

I also like the class although the location is a bit too far for me and only one parent is allowed in the class. Ryan can't sit still too.. haiz, he refused to wear the apron during the art and craft session and dirty his clothes. Luckily the colours can be washed off easily.
wow.. seems like GUG Trial quite well liked huh...

how does it compared to JWT?
also think none of u tried JG rite?
I heard kid's loft also hv very good reviews for their program.
Hi mummies,
look like most of the mummies like it.
I dun like it leh, anything that cannot keep Julian attention 70% is out out out!

I still prefer BJG, cos the programme more overall.

One parent allow in the class is a gd rule cos stime i find the parents are more than kids. It feel very cramp especially in an enclose small room.
Lucky for me, Arin just woke up from her nap, so she was ok for the trial...else I think she will also be cranky cos she usually naps in the afternoon too.

I find that the programme is so so...but expensive leh.

My husband sat in the zoophonics class and he didn't think it was very good...sigh.

My mom keeps telling me to send Arin to class but up till now, haven;t really found one that I like leh...sigh sigh sigh.

hmm..busybuddies cheaper hah? maybe will try that too.
Arin is a very smiley and mature looking tod.
I find phonics is still too early for them that is why i dun really like GUG program. The part i hate most if the art n craft part and the washing up part.

I finally saw how accident pro Emerson is. U must have hard time looking after him.

this may sound silly. My boy finally call me "AUTOMATICALLY" without me prompting him. This weekend, he just called MUM MUM for fun. He walked up to me, saw me not looking at him and shouted MUM MUM. I responded to him and he walked aways smiling then he walked up to me and called me again n again. hahaha..

I went to HV last week. The boss started selling the traditional chinese wear for the boy now. 100% and very light weight material. Very soft, it is the same as the one i got for Julian early this yr.

It cost $16 per suit but the design is very simple. Not those with dragon or chinese wording.

congrats ah! must be really nice to hear that.

oh yah, tell me about the art & craft..so hard to get Arin to keep their hands away from their clothes and touching other things. I was so afraid that she will put her fingers in her mouth..some more, she angry that I grabbed her to wash hands...sigh.
hahaha..last time i brought ian to GUG trial..the teacher put some paint on ian's palm..and ask himt o rubbed with both hands..pengz..i got hard time grabbing his 2 little hands..cos he wanna put into his mouth to tase and oso rub the paint on his shirt..wah..stress manz...
go holland V again? wat tiem they close ah? cos like very early close shop hor?

till now ian kept saying ma ma...dunno issit calling me..hahahaha....
think they close ard 6pm on weekdays.
Now nothing much, dun waste ur trip down cos the boss is saying all thick clothing. He will sms me once he has new stock. I am waiting for the Levis Jean and dresses for Janelle.
Good Morning mommies,
MIA for very long, finally back here again ... how is everyone? Dsii, still haven't collect the carrier from you ... very pai seh ...
Hi mummies,

Glad most of u enjoyed the GUG trial.

Dsii, cannot lah. My little prince will be very cranky, cannot tahan till 1.30pm.

All, your feedback abt toddlers not sitting still --- I share your sentiments. It should get better over time based on my exp. The 1st few lessons is a total disaster as Joshua is always walking around and wanting to climb tables and chairs (I can imagine it's like what Emerson does). I used to wake him up 6+ for milk and by the time the lesson starts at 9.30, he's alr very restless. Unfortunately, all the other timings are worse. Now I try to let him stretch his sleep to the max (~7.45am). Most of the other babies in his class can sit still, because it's not their first term.

Have signed him up for another term of Gifted Babes. Toddler class has a long queue. Anyway, don't think he's quite ready for todd class yet.
lala..wahlau..u really MIA for months leh!!! hahahaha..oh..u still remember the carrier?? can hv it for 2nd one liao...haha....i tot u dun wan then i use liao..hahahaha...joking lah....so..when u want leh?
Joshua still doesn't call mama automatically. But but, there was this one day when I was "complaining" to Joshua, why is he only calling "Barney" and "Ba Ba" but not "Ma Ma". Then he turned around and "ma ma" in my face.

At least, he can call "Dad dad" and give him a kiss. That makes my hubby very happy.
Blessing i have posted above, no stock for the past 2 weeks, waiting for news tomm, cause stock come tues, re order wed. if by tomm still no stock yr can consider canceling or continue to wait.

GUG..i feel yesterday is a wasted of $ ,hahaha cause v is totally not interested maybe she is tired. Only me feel is fun..heehee
I might not sign up because i feel their classroom, toy & material is not veri clean & dusty, 12babies in a room is too pack lo! Most impt only 1 parent allowed...as yr noe me..i not able to handle...hahaha

Actually i like the JWT leh. I wan go for the trial MT reccomend...& JG got trial? I wan to sign her up for class at 18mth..look like GUG is out.
zita, i can't actually see char's face so dun know if she really njoys it... send me the pix leh...

compared gug & jwt, I still prefer JWT, i like the gym part... i dun really like gug environment, very enclosed feeling... the art coordination also not very good leh, everyone goes to the washroom at the same time but the zoo-phonics part not bad... can train them phonics but char didn't seems to understand or mayb she's hungry alrdy...
zita, i haven't been attending many trial classes but thought most classes only allow 1 caregiver?

12 babies is not the norm. Max is 10.

JG's weekend playclub waitlist is very long..... I signed GUG as an interim class (need to find something for Joshua to do or else he'll turn TV addict).
zita, i haven't been attending many trial classes but thought most classes only allow 1 caregiver?

12 babies is not the norm. Max is 10.

JG's weekend playclub waitlist is very long..... I signed GUG as an interim class (need to find something for Joshua to do or else he'll turn TV addict).
zita, i haven't been attending many trial classes but thought most classes only allow 1 caregiver?

12 babies is not the norm. Max is 10.

JG's weekend playclub waitlist is very long..... I signed GUG as an interim class (need to find something for Joshua to do or else he'll turn TV addict).


Have been really working like no day and night in my new company, so finally quitted. Now, with another company, which is much better

haha, you read my thoughts, intending to use it for my 2nd baby ... but haven't try for 2nd one yet
