(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


my baby also dun like pediasure.. just bought him one week ago, but left over a lot when make him a bottle... think have to switch back to mamil gold liao... sian...

Lego mum,
My gal is taking pediasure now. I dun mind to get the samples from u. Can pass to Zita? I can get from her tis sun at the gathering.
today rainy day... so sian. :p

so wat did everyone did over the weekend?

Thanks for asking me come along
Ok, when yr next gathering huh? Try my best to make it oki.


ok, will pass u the samples if I go to the gathering. Otherwise will pass to Zita.
NOthing much lor...sat stay at home cos hb went out whole day. Then sun went mil's plc for dinner. So bored...But managed to play mj on sat night while Kay is sleeping. Haha..Won $80+. But must cover hb's losses.

I tried Pediasure on her several times. She really dun like lor. Funny hor, thot sweet mah, kids will like. Anyways, switched back to Gain.
lego mum,
out gathering is tis coming sun...at pooh's hse in Hougang. Come...come...

Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong
6) Zoe
7) elmo(tbc)
8) eeyore
10) peachsorbet
11) ZLia
YB - wow MJ huh! Shiok huh... :p
My weekend also stayed at home as hubby went back office to do OT.

but sunday dinner managed to go to bottle tree park :p but the food there EXPENSIVE!!
lego mum,
Although Kay also drinks lesser pediasure compared to Gain, but cos pediasure is a complete FM so I still continue to give her. She has since steadily put on weight. I no longer have to worry abt her NOT eating much solid & NOT putting on weight anymore.
I've been to bottle tree park for dinner before. Dun find the food there really fantastic leh...And the plc is really ulu. If no car, sure very diff to go.

Wanna go out today, but keep raining. Sigh...

aiyo, must go buy cute cute lantern liao. Oki, I put my name down first. You all got bring hubby anot one huh?

Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong
6) Zoe
7) elmo(tbc)
8) eeyore
10) peachsorbet
11) ZLia
12) lego_mum
YB - the food I only like the "3 cup chicken" :p the rest so so nia.

but the yishun park very accessible lah... unless u referring to the sembawang one.

ya loh.. raining day. ma fan to go out.
OOps.... sorry....

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Morning to Mummy KLCC and MTDT and YB!!!</font></font>

i did that cos Mummy Dsii greet me in person just now... not sa ka lah.. dun say me till like that leh... sob sob...


i also bought the vanilla one... he dun like it... but i find it smell good leh..
hahhaa.... Morning Mamaanne...

ooh... so it's DSII tat is "unfair" first uh!!
only say good morning to Mamaanne. :p
haha...mamaanne..u dont feel offended by their comments..cos these few mummies always ki siao one..like to tok nonsense.haha..aiyo..u 2 jealous ah??? wahaha

wahlau..klcc n mtdt..dun scared off mamaanne hor...

come come...join in...and u will love gathering from then on..hehehe..especially the goodies some mummies brought along!!! wah piang...now can drool liao...hb can join in...hb can join some hb chatting..if not join the mummies lah..hahaha...

mamaanne..u leh..can come gathering bo??? lai lah lai lah...dun be shy!!!!


dun worry, i am fine... not frightened at all
co sknow you all are nice mummies... this sun ah?? i cant confirm yet... how do i get the address of KLCC? my PM email is outdated... anyone know how do i update it?
mtdt, dsii
Hee. Mtdt, you really scan thru all the bp ah? Next time will ask you if need anything if there's a BP going on.

This thread nowadays very quiet.... Where has everyone gone....
zita, I thot u already keep the pix that u want... hehe... it's ok then u sell to another mummy if she wants it...

Can I have the add to the gathering too? PM me or something?

If got time i try to bake a butter cake or chocolate cake n bring to the gathering.
zoe..aiyo..no lah..me not the scanner..hehe...MTDT is...wahahaha...can ask her...

ya..we'll 'educate' him..dun worry..hehehe...wah...u baking ah??? drooling liao...then u die die must come!!!! hehehehe

u must find time to come...then can relief stress...if not...no gd for us one...
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">mummies who are going to the sept gathering, KLCC will email us her addy within this week...pls check ur email!!</font></font>
DVDs Animated movies
Anyone has new or good conditon DVDs of animated movies like Madagascar, Over The Hedge, The Simpsons, Toy Story, Finding Nemo? I would like to buy but don't want to pay retail cos dunno if D even likes it. I'm preparing for the flight with active D. A good movie on my laptop might give me a short break. ;-p
dun forget to pm klcc or ME..hehehe..ur contact number hor!!! so that we can easily contact each other thru sms....
Zoe - I have Madagascar...

MT - Did u receive my transfer? Weekend.. Nothing much, morning go pass my steam iron to a buyer, then go Raffles Convention Center for the Timus Watch exhibition... So scare of E will break anything there!! Then go taka collect mooncakes.. wanted to shop shop at Taka, but then never bring pram...Then go robertson quay for dinner & stroll... then balek.

Sun - I go back my mum's pl then go my granny's pl.. then go my godma's pl.. go be santa claus to deliver mooncake =\
can i ask for pediasure, one scoop of FM = how many ML? cos i see the powder label is to make one 195ml feed but ashley dnt drink so much leh..gng to try one last time to see if she like pediasure or nt..haiz...this fussy gal...
emailed u my addy already...

nvr koe the forum so cute one, cannot sent more than 10 PMs within 1 hr..got to wait for another hr to sent the rest..
Zoe - aiyoh... no lah. this link also given by another fren one. :p

charm - I being label as eng queen, or kpo queen in both jun and jul thread. i better shut up! boo hoo....
Mezzo - once scoop of FM is 50ml of water for pediasure.

Mamaanne - eventful meh? I so tired.. drive here & there. Yah, that time when I reno my pl - weekend is either shop for furniture/lightings or meet upw ith ID... Then very sian one.. I hate to meet up with ID.. very headache, either cost increase or got to choose this and that..

KLCC - got such restriction arh...
u shld try Monster Inc. I find the cartoon nicer.

i got ur address.

never go JL warehouse sale? There is a Times book sale leh. Books are quite cheap. I think ended yesterday. I got 2 parenting books for Ard $15.

JL sale - can go and get the wet wipe. Quite cheap thot
