(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

wah biang king seth really gets on my nerves lor... cant be away inches from him even! cry & whine... i juz let be... beat & scream oso no use de.... terrible 2 started ord...


My boy is a selective listener. He dun response to us if he doesnt want to. May be he is a visual boy then an audio boy. We can call n call his name but he dun turn his head but if we play music from this toy, his head turn immediately. Haizzz

Julian has not reach the stage of throwing his head backwards but he cant sit still on the highchair.

Last week we brot him to Ajisen noodle house. He gave a flying pull on the table using his legs when the bowl of hot noodles just placed infront of my hubby table. The table came loopside and the hot soup spill ontop hubby body.

All the pepper, chilli oil drop to the floor. We didnt know he will do that.

wah...take half day everyday! Think my boss will kill me especially since a colleague had just resigned and it's likely that I'll have to take over her portfolio...sigh.

Hope you have fun on the field trips.

my son love to fall backward... so dangerous... Hot soup on ur hubby body? is he ok? lucky not on ur baBY... otherwise cannot imagine.... so scary..
aiyoh... hot noodles leh!

zav also v itchy hands one. he will pull at everything!! so i usu will put him further away from the table... :p
hi ladies,
rem abt the bintan villa i ment sometime back? Js a update...it is reopen for bidding(after 3 wks maintenance) for 05-08 Oct 07 stay. I will try my luck with min bid amt of $60 for 2 consecutive weekends (5-8 oct and 12-15 oct)..
I can empathize with all the mummies here. Joshua used to like to throw his head backwards (we thought why he's so sadist). After a while, I figured he did it to get our attention. So we just ignore him and he stopped.

And he had a whole bowl of laksa (thankfully cold) spilled on him when he pulled at the foodtray in the foodcourt. I was horrified but there he was, happily sucking his fingers.

He can be clingy at times ---I try to be there but don't believe in always pandering to his whims and fancy. Sometimes he just have to wait (good chance to learn that it's not always instant gratification that he gets).

And very frustratingly, I have to work on 16th Sep, so have to miss gathering.
my son very comical one... yday, he was siting on my lap, he was pointing to my breast to indicate he want milkmilk, just when i just unbuckled my bra, he use his little hands to remove my bra from in front and put one side, and he latched onto me on himself.. that scene is really very funny and adorable.. heheh...
mamaanee..wah salute manz..u still breastfeeding??? salute salute

klcc..hmm...weekends ah? hmmm..maybe can make it hor..hehe...heart itchy itchy liao...
u still BFing? wow, pei fu u leh, ftwm & still can BF till now.

sigh..feel so sian now, most collic not in office..forum also not many ppl..Friday Blue liao
i only latch him in the night time when i returned to wrk and morning time before i go work... in between my mummy will feed him solid food and sometime formula milk.. funny, when i am around he dun wan to drink FM...
I want! I want! Was wondering wat happen to the Bintan trip! Count me in!

I've heard some accounts of bb only wanting BM when they see mummy. Think they already associate BM with mummy.
cater specially for individual... can add sweetness by asking the milk dispenser to eat more chocolate and desserts, the temp is non-adjustable but can add hot water or cold water to suit individual... hehhee
Today one of my friend (married for 10 years with no kids, has a dog) commented my son is spoilt, as he whines as and when and can see i sayang him alot. hmmm... I also dunno if he is really spoilt, cos his demands are not too much to ask anyway, like wants to be out of playpen/walker or wants to hold my hand. he is my son leh, if dun sayang then sayang who? aren;t we suppose to provide them with love? can't really discipline much at their age. I am not upset with her remarks, but just wonder, am i spoiling my son without noticing?
Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong
6) Zoe
7) elmo(tbc)
8) eeyore
10) peachsorbet
11) ZLia
Ignore the comments lah. As a mother, we know out child best.

I'm not really worried abt spoiling my kid. Just worried that I'm not teaching her any skills by 'nua-ing' at home...

most babies whines and cry... mine too... cos they are still young and can only communicate with their cries and whines... my son also... but he got situation awareness... believe yours too right?

you will know if he is spoilt when you really see one... tat one will be beyond control... yell like no one business... from your description, ur baby need ur attention and not trying to be spoilt.
The JG holiday prog caters for while range of age group. For our bb's age, only go to Underwater World & birdpark. I think I bring Kay there can liao..no need to join JG.
ya lor, ignore her comments, she dun hv kids yet so she will not understand ba..last time bef I have kids, I also cannot stand clingy kids..but perspective changed once I become a mother..like wat u said, if we dun sayang them, who will?
hahaha YB u very funny! ur K very relax liao leh... I can tell from her pix lor!

yah lor, ignore. but as she is the 2nd person commenting on this liao so i just wonder if i am really spoiling him. first one who commented also not a mum yet. these pple who has not become a mummy dunno much de. haiz... i think i need to find some mummy friends here liao.
ya loh,

some ppl just like to make nasty remarks... like my auntie in law... when Deron is 5-6 months, we have afamily gathering... she say ..." aiyo... why ur son look so skinny one...." i was so angry, not that i torture my sin or what, he just belong to small build what can i do?? i also worried about his growth mah.. the way she say is so sacrastic... full of comments, i shall wait and see if her daughter-in-law's baby next time...
actually tdy we went into a vintage shop, old looking n got smell. then once in, 2 dogs appear in front of elliot (he was in his stroller). dunno is it he scare of the dogs or the shop, he started crying... until very cham like that, like very scared. (maybe shop is "dirty"?!) when i brought him out to cool him down, he became ok. then when i brought him in again, he didn't see the dogs, but still cry. then once i carry him, he ok liao. actually he seldom wants me to carry him de, the most is carry him out from his cot/playpen or walker. maybe he was really scared.

maybe my friends see liao, think i am spoiling him. but he cry until so cham, mummy dun sayang n comfort meh? mummy must be there to asure him everything is ok, isn;t it? if he needs a hug, mummy must be always be there to provide that hug wat. if not how? let him be scare n ignore? not right leh.
mamanne, i think that aunie in law is just being inconsiderate lor. how can comment on other pple's son like that?! they dunno wat is patang?! even if not patang type also very inconsiderate n no manners lor!

ur son has been fightened by something... normally baby will recognise place he got frightened of... there is nothing wrong of you carrying your son when he is frightened... no mummy will leave her baby crying so badly and yet still ignore... ur friend is inexperience... if she saw her own dogs suddenly start whining or crying, you think she will just ignore??

Human being is like, cos not their flesh, of cos they will not feel the pinch.

Ya loh, that goon goon auntie-in-law... very mean.. she is those super pantang one but you think she care? not her grandson mah... next time, see what is her reaction is i also commented something like this in front of her grandchild (anyway, she is not even a mother-in-law)... i think she is very jealous... cos my FIL which is her younger brother already is a grandpa, unlike her...
Haha...whoever step on my toes, I make sure tat person kena 10times worst! Haha....If I'm u, I won't even wait till she has a grandchild, I'll just comment on her straight away. Me very bad hor? Wahahaha....
Hi misaryeo,

I dun think your son is spoilt lah.. i think as a parent, we just want to be there for our child all the time whenever possible rather than leaving them to whine or cry. If yours is spoilt, mine is worse..cos my ger has rarely been on her own. Everyday, every hour, there is always someone with her, so she is never alone, not even alone to play by herself..sigh. But at the end of the day, i know I have a happy bb :)
My hubby - very painful lor. The tummy was red. We went to get cream after that and has recovered.

some old pple just like to make very mean remarks. When i have Julian, my MIL's elder sister will tell Janelle. "Mummy wants didi, dun want u!" i was so pissed off but i cannot show. She is already a grandmother herself and how can she said such thing to Janelle who may feel that we dun love her anymore.

I complained to my hubby. I told him, if i heard that again I am going to talk back so dun blame me for not giving his mother face.

There is another aunty of my hubby even ridiculars. She simply dun understand hokkien but she appeared to know. When Janelle was abt 18 month - 2 yrs old. She talks alot. One day, we went to visit the great-granny, and this grand aunty (hubby's 2nd uncle wife) was ard. She saw Janelle chit chatty so much and make a compliment. She said (in hokkien) "Wah Janelle can give alot of "JXXX Wei"!" I nearly drop off from the sofa.

I was not angry but shocked! i dun know how to response to her. It was only next day, i couldnt control anymore and I told my hubby. My hubby said he also heard it. Both of us have a good laugh. Her intention was to say that Janelle talked like the bird chirping but she didnt a direct translate and it was a big joke. hahaha..
misaryeo, believe in yourself. U will know best as Elliot's mummy. We can decipher their cries much better than others. I will assess what type of cries (scared? attention-seeking? whining?) --- if he's obviously frightenend or shocked or in pain, then i will respond. At times he's just faking it.
hi MT,

as 'spoken', I will join the JG hols programme, week 2. Preferred timeslot is 3-4.30pm :))

Anymore mummies want to join in? Heard the hols programme quite fun :)
luckily Jan did not ask wat that aunty said..sometime these older ppl talk without thinking lor, js wanna show off how much they koe abt child upbringing etc..for me, i will use "zhi shang ma huai" tactic if they repeatly made the same comments, I did that to my IL bef..me also v bad :p
Misaryeo/ YB - I think I have a mixture of both. Scare that Im spoiling Emerson & also scare he nua too much at home.

I dont think u're spoilting him when he's scare and need to be carried & comfort...I ever read, if they are left to cry and comfort themselves, they grow to have little confidence.

Sometimes when i'm outside, I will give in to whatever he wants (within my means), if not he cries even louder and makes me embarrase and distrub others. In this sense, i dunno if im spoiling him....

Hong - Luckily its not some hot boiling soup. Some time back I was shopping with OC. Carrying E with one hand and trying to bring a bowl of hot boiling soup to the tray. End up the hot boiling soup poured all over my left hand.. Sooooooooooooooo pain.. really unbearable..

One of my SIL also very insensitive to the words she said.
Eg, she commented that I look like im preg during E's first bday. indirectly saying im fat.

Emerson's still not able to drink from straw when her daughter who's younger already able. She says, I thought u everything every fast and clever... why suck straw so simple task also dunno...

and many many others.. cant remember liao
Yah luckily.

ur SIL is really very mean. If wanna compare there are so many things to compare right. Dun bother her. U get ur last laugh.

SO funny, why must compare who can suck from straw. Does that make one a handicup. SO bo liao.

So wat if the daughter can suck from straw, doesnt mean she is faster mah. Emerson can catch up anytime. The kid character is most important.

May be Emerson is the top student then time.
aiyo..my mil oso mah..when i had my 1st boy...wash actually taken care by my sil..and i was a weekend mah...isaac was a chubby boy..so when i quitted my job n took isaac home...my mil commented isaac lost weight n 'san san'..said mummy put on weight ..but son lost weight..mummy nvr give u eat har? or she makan all the goodies..wahlau..i hear liao damn angry..then said..he 2 yrs old liao..active boy...of cos eat wat will digest fast fast mah...somemore...dun be fat fat...wait go sch...must join TAF cluf...lagi cham...cannot eat this n that...more'ming ku'...then she diam diam...i just said back one...no face give...

like zoe ever mentioned...kids will elarn form his daily routine n surrounding...let them enjoy their childhood 1st...once they reac 3 yrs plus 4 yrs...u all will intro classes..courses for them one..like drawing lah...music...etc..then when go nursey..u all sure will go wat enrichment class like phonics...speech n drama...from there,,,they will hv endless things to learn...thats my view lah...like isaac now..aiyo...think he very stressful..cos got class..then enrichment classess..then neext yr more cham...PRI 1 liao...exams...homework...project...i oso will very cham...
PM, u've already slim down so much yet ur SIL still make such comment... she must be jealous why emerson so handsome...
Toking abt spoilt, i feel my gal is spoilt lar, cos weekdays got my parents to spoil her, weekend got hubby n me to spoil her..haha...

then my mil every week buy biscuits for her , nvm, also buy alot of cheapo adult biscuits for us ! Pengz lor... cos we dun eat, even maid dun want eat then all throw inside cabinet...

hi MamaAnne,

my gal will drink formula when Im ard also...tink maybe cos I just express nw as I stop latching her liao bah..so she's not as close to me compared to ur son n u...sad...
Haha..no lah...Jurong gal was saying her figure looks like edd next week pattern. But I dun think so lor...Jurong gal all along slim & petite.
aiyoh... so many san gu lui po ard... sometimes just turn a deaf ear bah... dun need "aunties" loh... sometimes young mummies also can be v blunt one.

fruitee - u only saw the key word "edd next week" huh! hahah :p

YB - the JG Program outing is only 1 day. :p there are 4 other days of "class" in their compound.
