(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

yah, mayb will drop by few hours... so i put my name first to get the address...

Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong
6) Zoe
7) elmo(tbc)
8) eeyore

Thanks for missing me..hee..

Me n my gal L have been sick on n off (L just had a high fever of 39 last week)..thats y neva went to all the interesting events n gatherings though i wanted to
not sure if i will be well next week ley... having fever for the past 4 days liao..sobsob
zita - today leh!! u can take leave meh? ur probabtion not even over :p

jurong gal - aiyoh.. take care take care.
nowadays alot of kids/adults sick.. hear also sian and heart ache.

YB - haha, ok lah... then Kay dun learn from Emerson, learn from Caitz... she is a careful driver. haha :p

Dsii - Chey!!! not gian... *sigh* hahah :p
Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong
6) Zoe
7) elmo(tbc)
8) eeyore
Yah, I agree. Enticing them with a hot favourite toy is one good way.

We didn't get a chance to walk with Joshua. He just doesn't want us to hold him. His innate curiosity make him die die want to walk to his object of desire.

16 Sep looks promising... Will let u all know in a few days.

I have been falling sick every month since June ley, really dunno y .... somemore its not the normal common flu or cough tingy, like this time round, i kena lymph node infection! really fed-up sigh....

My gal L is opposite ley, she can walk everywhere by herself now (ya,,very kay kiang wants to walk herself 1),but she cant speak much like "up" or "mei" n definitely dun imitate what we r saying. How ? Any mummies facing similar case ?
Jurong gal - oh, u better take care...

walking vs talking.
always hear pple say, if motor skills is good, language skills will lack and vis versa.

so I think nothing to worry bah.

next development test is 15-18mths rite... maybe ask doc/pd when going for it (most likely maybe during one of the jab session bah)
js my 2 cts worth..
My 1st ger talk v well & fast..at 14 mths, she can mumble 3 syllable words like crocodile, coconut, elephant etc but she walk pretty late..abt 14.5mth then started walking..that's y i agreed with mt, while our little tots are picking up their motor skill, they may slow down on lingo skill..not to worry..but 1 thing to highlight, i realised some of my fren's kiddies picked up lingo pretty later as a result of parent/caretakers being too responsive to kiddies request i.e bring over the toys when the kids js point or make noise, this will actually hinder them from wanting to pick up human lingo..so try to encourage them to tell u wat they want even thou u koe their body language..
Don't worry. D also shows little interest in talking or imitating speech (imitates actions though). Not too concerned cos when they start they don't stop right? ;-) I was very slow to talk but when I started I spoke in proper sentences.
that's rite, slow not = bad..in fact my cousin mentioned to me bef that most of the gifted students are slow in speech at younger age..
Hi MTDT, Poohy and Zoe,

Thanks for the info. feel more relieved now.

Hi Poohy,
U give me a glimmer of hope that my gal will be a gifted student ! HAHa........
slow not = to bad.
maybe bb is busy observing... then will do it right and fast straight away.

i have seen kids walking late... but once they start, they walk with such steady pace and not humpty dumpty.

but understand jurong gal's concern lah... sure worry for jr rite.
we are all paranoid parents.
if not, for this, will be for tat. hahha
agree with klcc on the "encourage" kids to say out wat they want.

tat's why some PDs dun encourage baby signs as bb might be dependent on signing since it works for them to get wat they wan

May & Jurong gal - hahha!!! so one gifted child and one runner!!! hahaha :p
Thanks! Think I have to let my boy start walking at the mall liao. Seems more interesting for him to walk at the mall than walk at home cos we are always home. Hehehe... Will try all ways to encourage him.
my x coll girl also refuse to walk, will cuddle her leg up, but one fine day (15mth) start walking & veri steady kind can run somemore..so not to worry lah.

They will learnt & absorb at this age..will need confident to blah out, maybe now or coming soon..but they will understand wat we tell them.

V can call cat, dog, bird, fish, elephant(as phant),pig, apple & banana (nana)..& recognise them! She call papa milk/mama milk..but dont recognise who is papa or mama if not associate wif her milk..terrible gal!

MT..so sad no leave, my dog going operation to remove tumor tomm but cant accompany him, hope is not cancer! haiz
MTDT!! wah.. so loud! haha.. ya.. she dancing!

walking - my girl slowly became more n more proficient at walking.. now she's very good! took her about a month to progress from a few steps to walking everywhere. the pushwalker helped but must be there to help cos sometimes too fast, n when get trap in corner it's very frustrating. she liked walking even more when we let her wear the squeaky shoe.. jialat. now she dunwan to be carried when we go out.. will struggle n scream when we pick her up.

Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong
6) Zoe
7) elmo(tbc)
8) eeyore
10) peachsorbet

where to buy lanterns from ah?? sigh. so suaku.. only buy those paper lanterns.. wanna buy those pretty ones.. like YB's hello kitty!
Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong
6) Zoe
7) elmo(tbc)
8) eeyore
10) peachsorbet
11) ZLia

jurong gal, Germayn can't really talk also, she only can say bird, ball, byebye, neinei. think tt's all. haha. but it's ok la. they'll learn eventually.

YB/PM, duno if shld close shop. initial thought was to close shop. but sometimes really feel like having #4 and #5. haha.
was quite painful when gynae was inserting the IUCD. she used one metal thing, to open up the cervix, then i heard alot of kiang kiang kiang (metal hitting against each other) sound. painful sia. not as painful as contractions.. but when i was having contractions i had something to look forward to. but this one.. nothing. then ive been 'bleeding' since last sat. sian.
Haha..I bought the Hello Kitty lantern at a push cart outside Hougang Mall...Think those neighbourhood stationary shops also sell. Few days ago when I drive past Chinatown, saw the shophouses opp OG sell alot of lanterns.
Zlia..the IUCD only can last for 5 yrs right? can plan after that lah, but y no menus for so long?

Peach, i was at pasa malam..hee

MT..jun thr organising ,Vit c , can help me buy 1 bottle?
Wah! I really admire u for ur courage for thinking of having #3/#4. I dun even dare to have #2 now. The IUCD is reversible? Sounds painful.

Regarding talking,
Kay can talk quite a few words liao. No more, mummy, papa, puppy, baby, halo, bye bye, mum-mum, nei nei, yum yum, ma ma, er yi etc. I do teach Kay bb sign too, but will always accompany it wif words. So now, Kay will sign + say out the words.
But she's slow in walking lor...now she can stand alone for awhile & today at PM's hse, she can walk while I only hold on to 1 hand. So I'm still waiting "patiently" for her to walk unsupported. But I feel the squeaky shoes really helps! Cos she's more keen in walking & standing now.
peach, nope. i took the cheaper one. hahaha. half the price of the mirena. the normal copper one lor.

zita, ya, can last for 5 yrs only. no menses cos was bfg, bf the twins, then got one menses, then got preg, then bf germayn till now, so havent had menses for a long time. but i nv used to have alot of menses alot la.. as in.. regular cycle but lasts only for abt 3 days each time.

i also wanna buy nice lanterns for the kids. i have nv bought them lanterns.. my MIL has been buying for them for the past 2 yrs.
YB, duno leh. think it's partly bcos i have a supportive MIL, but i think if i tell her now tt i hope to have #4 and #5, she'll say 'dont ask me to take care of them for you ah'. hahah.
zlia - hmm copper type will cause the period to be heavier hor?

yb - wah.. kaylyn is very developed in her speech! Kristen is still only at "mooo" n "woof" n "dada"... hmm my office near chinatown. i shall go n see. hehe. so fun.. got reason to buy cute lanterns
MT - yah ahaha.. ac-hoc "gathering" *wink wink*

EMerson also never show much interest in talking, he just like the "S" word.. he can recognise most stuff with "S" word in them, like fish, bus, shoes, socks etc
Zila- ouch!!! sound really painful. think i wont dare to do it. :p but really peifu u... #4/#5!!! faintz. :p

zita - ur dog will be fine.
no worries.
VitC - at the moment dun think will order as the last round, the expiry date (11/07)were pretty close leh. we even demanded them to give compensation. They agree to give 50% refund (so dsii and mezzo, once I get the refund, i will refund to u)

talking - wow, think Kaylyn and Jedd are the 2 most advance one.
Zav current vocab also limited. in fact, he yet to even call Papa. (my hubby lah... refuse to recognise da da) but my boy will call "nei nei" the min he sees hubby as usu my hubby will prepare the last milk feed and bring into the room while I bathe, dress and read bedtime stories to zav. haha
<font color="ff6000">YB</font>
Wa! Kay can talk so many words. Unlike my gal. She only knows how to call Mama or Papa when she needs help. Her favourite word is TAKE, when she wants to pass us or take something from us.
talking: charlene oso not talking word... in fact dunno her bb language... dun even noe if she's calling daddy or mummy... but i'm not worried abt that lah... sooner or later she'll figure out...

Zlia, u really got courage to put that leh... sounds so scared...
aiyo...then ian the lasy one...he only knows how to call isaac...but not fluet lah..but whenever he saw isaac...or we call him he will oso chap one leg..kept shouting for ISAAC...hahahaha
hi CG welcome back to this thread..hehehe....abt the movie, dun worry lah..think unless they are sleeping..if not sure make alot of noise inside the threatre...

Wah all the kids so advance. Julian has not call Pa pa or ma ma hor. I only heard him said "nei nei" when he is desperate for my MIL.

Other than that will be baby talk. Stime i am worry if Julian has problem with hearing. I keep calling his name and he never response. Janelle will keep call "di di" till she raise her voice into the shouting mode then Julian will turn.

However, if we press on the toy that produce music, he will turn immediately. @#$%^&**(.

May be he act blur and ignore all of us. Arghhh

I am quite a sadist. I rbr Janelle wasnt crawling when she was like 9-10 month. I was worried cos i wanted her to crawl and not skip this stage. So i placed her on the floor, if she needed me I will told her to crawl to me. If not I will not go to her. Of course, she bawled n bawled and i also helped her to understand wat was crawling. Soon after that she crawled then slowly she standed and then walked.

She is slower in her motor skill, may be she was a big in size but she is fast in speech.

we are thinking to stop at 2 but i dun have the courage to insert that. SO i told hubby he must use protection. I heard there is one that they insert on the arm.
Someone asking me abt Yu Guo right.

i cant find the new address. U may call to ask but i rbr they are moving in OCt.

398, Changi Road, #01-08, #01-17, Castle Court, Singapore 419845
Ph : 6447 4761, 6348 6415 ; Fax : 6345 3358
Thanks Hong. I need that info...

so good, so many of teh babies has started talking words... mine only papa, mama and ah ma... and mum mum.... so sad...

one of the mummies here mentioned the bowl warmer for feeding. may i know where i can buy? my son is a very slow eater... everytime eat till the food is very cold...
Hi Mummies,

seems like most babies can say more words than my gal L. L cant even say nei nei when she wants milk. Only say "yes" most of the time.Nw only says "Yes" and "Ah Pa". Refuse to call mama and ah ma for these few weeks , so in total only 2 words from her all day long...haha....

Hi Xylia,
U still bfeeding now ? Aiyoh the IUD sounds scary..issit still painful or only during insertion ?
my ger didn't use the bowl at all, was a gift from someone, tried it on my elder ger only..both my gers will finish their meal within 5-10 mins, so not need lor. Btw, r u coming to the gathering next sun? if yes, can pass u then if not we meet for lunch lah..actually my working pl near yours
Last time when Kay just started solid, I bought the tollyjoy warmer bowl from kiddy palace. There are other brands too...

Mayb Jul didn't recognise his name? Tat's y u all call his name he didn't turn around? My hb used to call Kay bb until I corrected him. So now, kay will response when we call her name. She has no reaction if we call bb.

Kay has very poor motor skills. I remember she needs to observe other bbs before she learnt to crawl, sit, stand. Kay also learn lotsa word from my nephew & niece. Everytime I went to mum's hse, my niece will keep talking to Kay non-stop. Although Kay didn't response.
hi hi,

hmm, Arin also doesn;t have very good language skills yet...limited to single words like egg, pear and apple (which she says as "per"). For us, it';s probably cos we use a mix of English and Mandarin and I read somewhere that kids exposed to more than one language will take longer to develop the lanugage skills, so for the moment, we are not too worried.

For motor skills, she's walking liao, but will sometimes trip and fall, especially since she likes to walk holding her pillow and bolster in her hands.

Thank you!! dunno if i can make it to next sun. If cant, will meet up with you during lunch... i still cant figure ur company, brain not working.. hehehe... you are also govt right?


thanks for the info!!
