(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

mine is a stat board v near maxwell mkt..got it?


yah, it's good to expose them to more languages but cannot expect them to be as fast in picking up the languages as those who were only exposed to one language cos their brain need to "process" the sounds of the different language to know that which word is mandarin and which is english. So we can expect kids who are exposed to more languages to be slower in starting to speak but they will catch up when they are older and have a better sense of the different languages.

ei, MamaAnne, KLCC...u guys are very near me leh...can meet up for lunch someday...I'm also a stat board v near maxwell mkt : )
dun hv to check the extension for me liao..my hb fixed it with something..and now...secure liao...hehehe...gam sia
multiply account? erhmm..dun koe wat u mean by that leh..

of cos can meet for lunch..rem we ever took mrt from RP after RP lunch meetup :p
Yesterday Emerson got wacked my me using a hanger. I cannnot stand his whining.

After u gals left, I wanted to clean up abit before I bathe him & make him sleep, coz abit too early. But he refuse to let me do so, keep crying n whining wanting me to carry. When I carried him & do my things, he wants to take whatever I am taking, if not he will bawl again.

I thought he was tired so I wanted to bathe him but he refuse. So pissed I just take the hanger to wack him.

At night even worse! He kept on crying n crying n crying.... Dunno for what reason.. Im so tried of making him sleep. He keep askin me to rock him to sleep and cannot put him down in the bed. Else he cry again. Refuse my hubby also...

how to make them less sticky?? He follows whereever I go, which is pissign me oof.
so u are working at M*S?

Pm...aiyo..when i left i can tell u are very very fedup liao...he just simply wanted u to carry loh..i witnessed that....

correct ah.

PM, poor thing, think this is something that most babies go through at this point in time? Arin was also like this a few weeks ago, though it got better as she starts to walk and would now prefer to walk around then be carried. Last time when Arin got sticky, I'll carry her for a while and then put her in her high chair with her toy or a snack where she'll still see me as I go about doing the housework. That;s how I handled her last time.
Dsii - Hhaha, really huh! Can tell. was my hair super messy and all standing up?

CHM - He already can walk... refuse to sit on the high chair even... I even resort to giving him cold guava juice... haiz..
PM, understand yr woes...ashley nowadays also like tat...want us carry her somemore hand will point here and there want this and that...only know how to point...smtimes i also fedup want to scream at her...think now just have to bear with their clingy stage?
sorry... no more liao.

Emerson must be in the separate anxiety stage, they will pass the stage.

Very hard to make he not clingy.
PM - aiyoh... relax.
at times, zav also like tat... esp when I am alone at nite with him. aiyoh!!! really wan to scream at him. then after screaming at him and/or hitting him, i will go scream at hubby! :p rally pek chek when u only hv 1 pair of hands but he is not cooperating.
a few times, i regreted losing my cool then kept sayanging him when he was sleeping liao. sigh... hate the remorse feeling more.
aiyo.. Pm dun beat him lah.. cos i realise they dun really understand . maybe u just try to leave him alone when he whine, this will make him realise that by whining mummy won;t go to him. only when he stops to whine then mummy will attend to him. but of course to achieve this has to tahan his whining. try to train him in this way.. or try to distract him with some stuff to stop his whining. mummy ke lian, emerson also ke lian
Hi PM,

My ger also very clingy now.. and worse.. she dares to throw tantrums at me. once she kicked my tummy real hard.. think kena internal injuries liao.. but after hitting her, i really regretted cos i dun want her to think that no one loves her anymore and mummy's hands are used for hitting her, rather than sayang her :-((
MT - Yah my hubby will get it anytime if he steps on my bomb mine. I get remorse too.. ESp when I saw his cane marks.. even more remorse, then keep finding things to apply on him, hopeing that it will go away sooner. Smetimes I wish I can be abit more patient.

Misaryeo - If I step away, he will cry even even even louder. Sometimes I just let him lie down on the floor and see him kick his legs.
PM, don't beat him. Can understand how you feel. Guess it is the stage that they are especially hard to handle. Whinning, screaming, change of mood.... it will pass away soon.
My hb always remind me to take it as a blessing that my gal is very sticky. If not next time when she grows up, don't even want to stick. Hahahhahaha! Quite true right?
maybe wat Misayeo says is right... just leave him when he whines. as long as he is in a safe place, think it's ok. maybe becos u r always available, thus he is even more clingy/whiney.

for zav, i will use this mtd.... as long as he is in a safe plc (not on high area etc), i will not entertain him until he stop. but the pek chek times always happen in the kitchen when I need to make his final milk. put him on the counter, he will try to do stunts. put him on the floor, he always aim at my detergent area.

but if he just sitting there crying, i will just talk to him like wat I am doing, he got to wait etc. (good times will be when he go ransack the pots/pans area)
wat if u make some self made toys like wat mtdt has suggested and let him play? will it distract him and make him cling to u less? cos when i give new things to Xavier to play, he can take a long time to explore it and i can 'kiao kah'...

i received the tickets with thanks!

re: speech
Caitz is slow with her speech too. She can only say mama, daddy, jie jie, duck, dog, mao(cat in mandarin) n baby. I think everyday i have to stimulate her with words so she can pick it up... so everyday have to read bks to her.

I'm also experiencing the same with caitz. She is absolutely a rascal. Want me to carry at all times, can't put her down for a short while while cooking her lunch n she is especially clingy during her nap times.Sometimes i get so frustrated with her that when my hb comes home, i quickly pass her to him... but Caitz is smart also... she starts to scream when her daddy is home n refused to let him carry. I guess they are going into their terrible 2s early! sigh...
It's a passing phase. Hopefully a short one. D's not clingy but when he throws a tantrum at home I'll leave him be. When he's had enuff, he'll run to me. He's very loud but the house is big enuff so it's not so bad.
Like Zoe, i also let the kids watch TV program together when i am very busy with cooking. Luckily Julian and Janelle have same favourite DVD to watch.

my boy prefer daddy more
. SO i am free

How do i define tantrum at this age? Julian just want his attention from us. Not much of a tantrum to me. If we go back to him, he will quiet down.

Terrible 2 - dun dare to think. I think i am experience T3 now.
The article is good. Yes after all they are kids. Actually after having my gal, I also find I am a more patient person now.
Tantrum. D will throw his head back, lie on the floor and cry very loudly when I take something away from him, when I stop him doing something he's not supposed to and smack him. It's not often but it has happened.
klcc - thanks for the article :p (actually i was looking high and low in the pdf file for tat child related article haha)

for me, so happen I know of 2 ex colleagues who kids are seriously ill, one only 3mths old and needed bone marrow transplant, another one 3yrs old going thro chemo for acute leuk.

So I am already very glad and Zav is healthy. I always remind myself, as long as he is healthy, anything else also ok. (but of cos, at times will hv expectations on why he not this, why he not tat! haha)
PM, my method is let charlene cry while i do something... and keep telling her what I'm doing and ask her to wait... i oso emphasize on the word "WAIT" and show her the hand sign... when I'm back to her, I js tell her... see I'm back, mummy must go do "this" and "that" so u must wait... althou she still cries...
Im gald I have the forum, else I dunno who to tell and what to do.. Sigh.

I've found something intereestng for him liao. He's enjoying his new "play thing" while I surf...

Zoe, Emerson is doing exactly the same thing.

MT, Emerson will cling n hug my leg, go in between my leg when I am trying to make his last milk feed...

eeyore, I do yr first part but exclaming the word "WAIT" but afetr that I never explian to him coz I be so pek chek liao.

TV programme sometimes works for him when he throwing mild tantrum, if not it doesnt.

Caitz cling n hug my leg while i'm cooking... then if i still refused to carry her, she would lie on the kitchen floor n cry n bang the floor... then will turn over like turtle n kick her legs... sometimes i dunno to laugh at her or be stern with her!

TV programmes wont work when she is at it! she will try to watch n at the same time try to throw tantrums. I realized that when there is a 3rd person at home, she wont behave as such. She will show the person ard the hse n her toys! Seems like so independent but...
Haha..caitz is so cute...rolling around on the flr when throwing tantrums arh? Wahaha..next time u invite us to ur hse lah..then we see if she'll show us her toys...

Kay hardly cries or throw tantrums. But sometimes she'll keep whinning when she wants something. I will always leave her be.

When I'm busy in the kitchen, she'll always hang around the doorgate like a prisoner. Keep throwing things through the gate grille. Haha. I put all her toys next to the kitchen doorway, so if she's tired of looking at me thru the gate, she'll start to ransack her toys. Sometimes she'll crawl to other rooms & play. So if I dun hear any sound from her, will quickly come out from the kitchen to investigate.

I will smack & scold her if she's doing things that she's not supposed to do. But I dun think it works at all! She will not even flinch a bit. I think Zoe has seen before. Smacked her hands & scold her so loudly, but she still dun cry at all. In the end, it was Dyaln tat got frighten by my loud scoldings. Haha...

I think Kay has a very strong temper..hmm..mayb like me. So after smacking & scolding her & she has no reaction...I'll get really really mad! SIGH!!

Kay also prefers me. But she still will go to my hb if I'm not around. I think cos my hb bathe her every night.
Dsii - I realise he likes to explore food. When I go out, I let him self feed to keep him entertained.

I thought maybe he's teething makes him uncomfy, so wanted to give him cold apple to chew but her refuse to put them into the munchkie bag, wants to hold like us, but he will get choke cos he bites a big pc and tries to eat. Then starts to throw tantrum again when i take away from him. My hubby suggest cutting into small small pcs....
So i cut into small pcs (liek gerber star size) put it into a bowl and give hima small fork.

I saw him trying to use the fork each time he wants a bite but eventually will use hand. Maybe cant concentrate & coordinate yet.

That keep him entertained for abt 1 hr before he get sian again..
Ya. D thought you were scolding him. ;-p He's quite sensitive cos I try not to be loud when disciplining him. I shout when I can't get to him in time or when I'm busy and can't move to where he is. I prefer using a stern tone at normal volume and giving him The Look. Not saying that it works, Ha, but I try to make it work. He tries to challenge me but so far I can still stare him down.
Haha..normally when we're alone at home, I'll use stern voice & stare at Kay. Which is effective so far. Kay will turn her gaze downwards, dun dare to straight up at me. However once we're outside, all hell break loose. I need to shout & scream at Kay cos her attention will be on other things. No way for me to stare at her.

U can slice the apples thinly...easier for E to chew also.
With my big eyes staring @ my gal, and using stern voice, works effective on her. Unless she is sleepy/tired, nothing works for her especially when outside. Just hv to let her cry, but once board into a cab or hb's car, she will sleep immediately. At hm, easy to handle her, if she wants to sleep, I just hv to pass her favourite blanket.

oh no.. i got a feeling elliot has yet to come to this astage, cos his clinginess is managable now. i think i hav to be prepared.

I hav a playpen and i put alot of toys inside. so when i need to cook or do hsework, i'll placed him inside n on the tv for him. helps to keep him occupied for awhile. even if he cry, i'll just ignore him and continue till i finish my stuff, sometimes, will just talk to him so he can hear where i am.
