(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

can check MCYS website.

shld take the chance lor...esp since your ILs helping you...But I think my hb also bu she de...so if we go then K is going too.....ahahaha

Brought Kay to PD tis morn. Cfm Kay does not have Hypothyroid...but he's not sure if Kay had Hyperthyroid. Cos the healthy range in the tests report is for adults, not kids. So PD has to go find the kids range for me. Am waiting for his call.

He also said if I'm anxious abt Kay's condition, then shld bring her to KKH. They have Endocrinologist specially for bbs & kids.
I dun mind to jaga yr K if u dare to put at my place and if K is willing to be here for that 3hrs for 2 days..since we stay so close..i rem u said yr mum stay v near my place also rite..kekeke..but which part of Nov? Most likely i will b out of town towards end Nov also..
not confirm leh...then we still need to make passport....my hb say say only...then leave everything to me.....sianz. then he got project going on...so very busy also. then my mum wants to get the villa in bintan...so all talk and no action...hahaha

glad that kay is ok. but if you want peace of mind then bring her to specialist and confirm once and for all.

hahaha not brave lah... sometimes i carry her until backache also. i think she is getting heavier! today went paragon shop less than 1 hr i cant tahan her weight already... had to sit down but if she walks still not so bad lor. luckily she is walking if not i think i wont go out lor hahaha
ylc - U let her walk arh?But she walk so slowly..... haha.. if I let Emerson walk, i literally need to chase after him in the mall. He go haywired.
Yah..luckily Caitz can walk already..I can't imagine carrying Kay when shopping. I go downstairs to open letterbox already buay tahan liao. Somemore she's not walking.

I only need someone to jagar Kay for 3hrs on Sat. 1 day only. 9-12noon. Thx for offering. I try to ask my other relatives 1st. I'll be away from 8-12 Nov.
Sat one day can use IFC. Babies Inc for eg offers ad-hoc services so I'm sure there are others that offer similar. Many toys and kids to distract her there.

You'll have to leash E soon. Ha. When he's more stable. At the moment when they fall still need hands to break the fall so I can't use the leash on D yet but I make him hold my hand unless it's a big open space.
Zoe, I saw some leash that wraps around the body, from the underarm to waist, they still can use their hands. Very tempted to buy it since Emerson is always running towards the escalator. I think he's very curious abt that 'machine', but my hubby is quite against leashing him.....
That's a harness. I have one. If you try it, you will understand that they are unable to break their fall when harnessed. They are not stable enuff to withstand a pulling force when they are about to fall or when they are trying to regain their balance. Same as when you hold onto one of their hands when walking, you find that they are less stable. I know many pp are against harnesses but I had one when I was young and it gave me so much more freedom and that's what I love.
sure no problem..it is good to go for er ren shi jie while u can
hahaha caitz walk so slowly then i walk at her pace lor... sometimes we have to slow down our pace n walk with them. i m against using the harness too... hehe so poor thing lor...
I oso let charlene walk around while I'm eating outside... so far she just move around the seats... she's able to walk confidently from kitchen to living room then from living room to bedroom... looking at her unstable motion, looks very funny... and nowadays even if she falls, she won't cry oso cos she seems to know that is she herself that wants to walk...
aiyoh.. talk abt walking.

last time zav will guai guai sit on his high chair while me and hubby eat our meals outside.
now, he will attempt to stand on highchair, even attempt to get out of the high chair. super duper sian.

so now we have to take turn eat.

how? anyone hv any bright ideas?
haha. MTDT, i remember seeing the scene that u described in dsii's house during the gathering.

for germayn, she will always want to play with the cutlery.. ie she'll purposely drop the spoon, etc on the floor and want us to pick up it up for her, then she'll drop again..and this will go on and on during the meal..

but well... i dont have any ideas leh..haha. paiseh. have been living with this since the twins' time.

i also let germayn walk when im outside with her, only when i'm rushing, or when it is very crowded, then i'll carry her. but she's like... she wouldnt care whether im behind her anot.. she can just roam somewhere else, play with other ppl, and she totally wont look back.
NOV ah. I thot this weekend. If not i dun mind looking after Kaylyn for u too. hahaha but i think Pooh is nearer to u.

We cant keep Julian in the high chair too. Eating out is such a challenge to us with Julian then Janelle at Julian's age.

We end up eating so fast and so kam cheong.. Aiyo.... we all end up indigestion.
YB - thanks for the update on d jabs. i think really need to find a day to bring kristen for her jabs. sigh. normally go to the tmc pd for her jabs, but think if no time just have to go to a diff doctor that is more convenient.

OC - haha.. my mum brought Kristen to buy breakfast. think at that point, hubby was getting his sleep n i was taking my nice long shower.

zoe - the harness gives more freedom huh? that's an interesting way of thinking abt it. never thought of it that way b4!
hi MT,

Usually wat we do is we wont put the baby on the highchair the moment we reach the restaurant. We will carry her on our laps or walk around the place with her. ONly when the food comes then we put her in the highchair, at least she wont feel so bored so soon and both hubby and I can eat at the same time. Can boh? Or let bb play with the menu?
zlia - haha... oh ya, he demo at dsii hse rite. :p Zav will also purposely throw things down and will even look down and go "uh oh" but i dun wan to keep picking up things for him while he sit on the highchair :p

May - I also did tat, but the most can only last for a while. then usu he is fed before we have our meals. so he is not tat interested in our food also. (as I advocate - no sit down, no food, so he will only sit down when he wants to eat my food, then immediately after tat be spiderman again

zav also loves to walk ard too. he will even struggle to get down while being carried. but once down, he will walk at his "own".... regardless where am I and where am I going.

last sat I was at the SM office counter paying next term fee, then boh bian Zavier wants to walk ard, so I just let him be. in the end, he walk one big round into the classroom and out.. happily somemore. some parents saw and were laughing away. haha :p
Climb from teh highchair? Who is as superb as E? He climb at 9mths and fell from it even, i think i posted before. What I usually do is... I let him self-feed. Can this can entertain him for very long, imagine, I can eat chong qing steamboat with him. Haha.
wow..zav can find his way at SM class ah..that place machaim like maze leh..Zav v clever leh can walk in & out without losting himself..last time my hb always complain y SM classrooms layout so funny one, like maze.
My fren's dd also ever walk ard SM compound and next moment my fren realise her ger found her way to the lift lobby from her classroom..so scary..
last time zav will be kpo in my food... but nowadays, he is not tat "rubbish" liao. or maybe he attitude, dun wan to be "tied down" with food, so he rather forgo food! hahaha :p

KLCC - ya loh... i was expecting him to cry when he get lost inside the SM Maze. but end up, he walk out happily somemore dunno from where, took a balloon out! hahahah :p

As he was wearing his squeaking sandals, so I can still hear him when he venture inside. so I more fang xin. haha :p
oh, for xavier, as long as i gave him food to eat, he will stay in his high chair. now he oso likes escalator, the moment he sees escalator, he will struggle to get down and walk on the escalator himself if we are carrying him. if he is walking, he will walk towards the escalator and attempts to get on it...

glad that kay is ok...
Where did u get the squeaking sandals? Think of getting one for Kay to encourage her to walk.

I will feed Kay before I eat. So if she still wants my food, it'll b a bonus. Haha..tat's how I fatten her up.

Btw, Emerson self feed using hands or utensils? How to train them using utensils? Sure messy de.

Thx for offering. Appreciate it.
YB - OOH!! Happy and fang xin liao.

Squeaking sandals - I bought at Taka sale.
but Kiddy palace also have a few designs.
but their sole quite hard, so for learners maybe not tat suitable.

self-feed: i also dun dare to venture into tat... scare the mess!
Food - it doesnt work on Julian. I feel like a 1st time mum dealing with active toddler.

Sandal - how abt the brand "Riders" I love their sandal cos it is full latex. I wanna get one sandal for Julian too.

that is very dangerous. Must keep close look out for him.

Harness - like striping a pet? Unless the kid runs ard else i dun think it is needed.

We didnt let Julian walk on his own outside cos he isnt stable yet and i dun want to keep cleaning his hands. Lazy mum.
Glad that Kay is ok!

K also can climb up from highchair, shopping carts, etc. Really feel like tying him up sometimes!
hong - the part on cleaning his hands is SSSOOOOO true!

worst is once seated down, highchair or carseat or pram, he will straight away go play with his shoes! (not clean loh!) aiyoh...

then he will walk halfway, stop, squart and start to "sweep" the floor with his hands! faintz.
hahaha.. yes yes...

My boy prefer daddy more than mummy. Think cos mummy will beat his butt but daddy wun.
Wat brand is the sandal that Z is wearing? Taka sale now still on? Today rain so heavily..cannot go out at all..sigh...But nice to sleep in. Haha.
YB - Zavier's one is "disney" got Mickey mouse logo :p I bought it when they had the toys fair last month.
I was beoing a "snoopy" pair in punggol plaza, but too bad no size. :p
Kiddy plc - hv alot of barney designs and some gal gal design

KLCC - good huh! save $$ dun need to buy those books. print cheaper :p wondering if have any similar website with chinese characters one. hehe
Yb - Metro or Kp all have squeaky sandals. Gers designs all very nice

As for self feed, I give him Gerber stars on his bowl (provided by the restuarant) or see what i can find from what i eat (usu fishball his fav), make into smaller pcs. Sometimes I will give him a fork, use my hand to help him with the fork and he'll explore himself, how to put into his mouth etc. yah sure messy, that's why I only do it outside :p Haha

Hong/MT - U know what, i gave up cleanign his hands. I just clean them before he take his food.. else I just leave it.
PM - I also clean his hands less and less often!!! hahha

but he is teething again... so keep touching his gum. *aiyoh, pass 2 nites, he keep waking up... me zombie liao.
halo!!! why the thread moving sooooooooo slow har???

aiyo...yesterday ian itchy hands..go n pulled isaac's hot mee soup...then half spilled..and his little hands kena...but he didnt cry leh...just showed me his hands...covered with mee and soup...so far ok..no blisters...lucky manz...
mtdt..wahlau..cute??? can die ah..now he tip toe to get things..even my dining table...all must push into corner liao...haiz...
he even ate my extra chilli wantan mee...pengz...

Wah! Ian so daring arh!

My sil's gal went to my IL's plc for dinner last sun. Then she curious & purposely go & touch the altar oil lamp. Kena burnt. Cried until jialat. Then mil came out from kitchen & blame us for not looking out for the gal.

Wah lau..my sil was also there lor..she also didn't noticed her own daughter crawling towards the altar.

Actually my IL's plc very not bb-friendly de. The altar on the flr just next to the couch. Then flr cloth lying everywhere on the flr + table fan put on the flr. Luckily I bought a fan cover, otherwise bb's finger sure kena.
