(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

last tues went amkhub ard 3pm...packed with ppl...mummies, aunties, and of cos students..needless to say...ard 5plus 6..more n more ppl...cos after work...hmm..think morning shld be less crowded...
Ya, every time I'm there it's crowded, dunno abt the cinema. Haven't been in one here for so long. If I go for 11am show I'll have to bring D's porridge. ;-p Do you think they'll allow? Can smell.
By the way, Cathay has promo where every Tue, it's Mum & Tots Movie Treat, meaning your child below 7yrs gets to go in for free as long as mum buys a tic for morning show. Isaac...
haha.i dunno leh...think can smell bah...hmm.how abt earlier slot?

zoe..all cathay?? great!!! but how abt ian...dare not even think of bringing him in leh...then must look for caregiver?? haiz..or ask hb to apply leave to go movie wif isaac..hehe
Ya, all Cathay cineplexes. http://www.cathay.com.sg/cp_promos_4.html

When I think about it, too troublesome to bring D also... Just for a movie which I might not get the chance to finish watching. The longest he can sit thru is 50min (Sesame Street). I'm not even a big movie-goer so not worth the trouble I think. I used to fall asleep every time that's why stopped going. Think I'll just rent the DVD. ;-p
Has anyone tried Hollywood Clicks, the online DVD rental store? I used an excellent online store in the UK, wondering how efficient this Spore company is.
zoe, i'll recommend Gv Grand @ GWC, thou not new, but no student crowds in e day, better i guess... i freq movie w/King Seth, so far so good, he'll watch e advs then zzz carried in e sling as usual... thou a couple of times e show too drag, outlived his nap then i have to pace @ e back to silence him but alls wells as i enjoy movie!

i tried e HollywoodClicks FOC trial, cant compare as i hvn tried VideoEZ online.. but their pretty efficient in mailing & no bad cust svc i guess, thou slow w/new dvds...

anyway, nothing beats e big screen!
Hi YB,
will be bringing him for his pneumococcal jab later so will raise the issue with his pd later. hope he's alright cos he seems to be developing normally. thanks.

from the playgroup last weekend. who's little pretty princess is that ah? :)
Gd luck! I think as long as ur boy developing normally, then no worries!!

Wah! Great news! I've been searching for info abt the Mummy & tot's movie day for quite some time liao.
Thanks. GWC would be good cos we go there for his gym class. It's difficult with D cos he wants to run around. He won't wanna be carried for so long. Part of the result of my having encouraged his independence from the start. If I bring him in morning, I'll have to feed him his lunch in the cinema. Don't think that's allowed. If I bring him for 1+ show, the movie will end while he's halfway thru his nap and he will def wake. 5+ show same problem with feeding him. How?
Mezzol...I order another set Size 80, hopefully can sell the size 100 away..hahaha! but hor i keeping for her to wear when 2T leh..u tink size 80 still can fit bo? 90 & 95 all oos liao...sad
Movie Gathering on 2nd Sept
2) Zita x 2 = $24.00 - Paid
3) YB x 2 = $24.00 - Paid
4) PM x 2 = $24.00 - Paid
5) YLC x 1 = $12.00 - paid
6) Jul x 2 = $24.00 - Paid
7) Dsii x 2 = $24.00
8) OC x 2 = $24.00
8) Mezzo17 x 1 =$12.00 - paid
9) eeyore x 2 = $24.00 - Paid
10) May X 2 = $24.00

Pls transfer to POSB Savings 096-09685-2

They will email me the tickets, thereafter how you gals wan to collect? post, meetup or at the cinema itself?
wow... YB - K so cute.

hope everything is fine with her blood report... she so clever, shd be fine.

Zita - haha.. buy so big? Zav currently is wearing size 95 (with alot of space to grow) :p
sungei buloh - sigh... the rain only came at 11am, when we are HALFWAY in the jungle.

so caught in the rain, hide in one of the shelther to wait for the rain to go.

and i was the champion in my group... the one with the most mos bits... 23 in total. boo hoo....
Haha. I feel for you. I'm also a mozzie magnet. Nobody else gets bitten but me on beach hols. Ugh! Sandflies! And I usually spray more diligently.
received Kay's test report today. Her T3 & TSH hormone is slightly higher than normal range.

Will show the report to the PD tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll know wat to do...SIGH!!
YB..hope Kay is free from thyroid.

MT sungei buloh ok to bring v go anot? today i bring her to goat farm..she enjoy so much!

ethel...Jedd party, the choco where did u buy har? & hor the no 1 material can buy where? sept mummy veri impress by yr artwork leh : )
Any mummies wan to take over my slot for d movie gathering on 2nd Sept? Won't be able to make it cos going to Phuket with hubby...yes finally...my long-awaited holiday :p

Apologies for d trouble cos we only decided yesterday. U know anyone who is interested in taking over my slot?
hi yb,
oh dear. hope ur gal will not have thyroid problems like us. asked my pd whether he needs to do the thyroid test. She said if he cleared the blood test when he was 1 month old and he's developing normally, he shd be alright. think i'll do the thyroid test after he cleared the MMR jab. All the best! Don;t worry too much ok.
Wah! Going to Phuket arh! So envy! R u bringing Gil along?

Btw, how's Gil? The rashes all gone. Long time nvr see her already.

Goat farm need to pay for entrance fee? How much?

Thx...will call PD tomorrow see if he can treat thyroid. Otherwise, not nice to make a wasteful trip down.
Melody will be taking over my slot for d movie gathering, thanks.

Of course not bringing Gil along lah, have asked MIL to help look after

Thanks for ur concern. Gil has long recovered n back to her usual self, just dat had to quarantine her at home. But there are still marks left from d blisters n spots on her legs, hope they will slowly fade away.
In fact, she's now more energetic than before she was down with HFMD...faintz
Argh! I need to give up my tics for the movie on 2nd Sept too!
HB has got class and i forgot...Any mummies want to take over? Pls PM me.

What: A Berri Werks Movie Event! Singapores Best Kept Secret for the past 5 years.
When: Sunday, 2ND September 2007
Where: Eng Wah Cinemas, Suntec City (Tower 4)
Time: Activities from 10am to 12pm, Screening at 1pm.
More info

Soooooo envious!!!!! I also wan....but i think i bu she de.....hahaha
OC - wowow... enjoy ur holiday!! glad to hear that Gillian alright already

Mummies - 1 yr old need to take what jabs huh? sigh. with new job been a little distracted n undisciplined about the jabs.. been some time since I brought K to the jab-pd. haa..

movie - wah. very impressed with u mummies leh. i dun think i dare bring K to the movies.. she'd get so restless.
After 1 yr, bb will need the following jab:

1) Pnuemococcal jab ( 2 doses)
2) Chicken pox jab (optional)
3) MMR

Go for the movie alone lor...ylc also bringing her gal alone.
Btw, how's ur new job? Long time nvr see u post in the thread liao. How's Kristen doing?

I so envy u lor..Can go Phuket for er ren shi jie. Hb planned to bring me to Thailand for company trip. But today MIL told me cannot look after Kay cos she's going back to M'sia to attend wedding dinner. So disappointed. Somemore, hb already paid $300 for my share in the trip liao. Dunno can refund from the company or not. SIGH...My mum gotta work on Sat & Sun morn. So nobody to take care of Kay for 3hrs each on weekends.

Anyone has idea where I can leave kay for 3 hours on Sat & Sun? 9-12noon?

Otherwise, my er ren shi jie will go up in flames...
if want to keep till 2T maybe can try size 90 bah cos till now ashley still cant wear her size 80 dresses.length ok but armhole super big.
OC - ok... enjoy ur trip!!
so shiok!

Melody - ok...

KLCC - sorry, ordered liao... but i might hv a 2nd order as afew of my frens requested.

Jul - u also cant huh? any mummies here?
if not, i open to Jun mummies loh.
If yr 2nd spree is on, can help me order J68202 (Leggings 3-Pair Set), size = 105m, col = A. Thanks..btw, how much should I pay u for my previous order?
anyone wants anymore Jshoppers stuff??

i need 4000yen for free shipping. :p

somerset/city hall/raffles place
toa payoh on sat.
Ya. i can't go. Can help me offer to jun mummies? thanks!

I not as brave as ylc....k confirm will get tired and cranky after the morning session....need hb to carry. i can't carry him for long nowadays, got backache.

For kay, you can look ard the childcare or infant care ctrs in your area. Some offer flexi care svcs.

Can post the chinese gdn tics to me? I PM you my addy. Thanks!
OC - Envy envy envy.

The family trip to Genting is off. Because my FIL wants to go on Mon-Wed, but my hubby wants to go over the weekends. Then my hb says to arrange again as he wants to go with them.

My BIL then suggested to go BKK. (Keep claiming they got No $$ stil can suggest go BKK!) But i dont think will go, because they wont be bringing along their daughter and I have to bring E. I dont want to be like a maid and not able to enjoy thru out the whole trip.

Damn damn damn sian.
Thanks, hope will enjoy n won't keep thinking of Gil :p btw saw Kristen n ur mum at d dr 6 coffeshop on sunday morning but didnt see u. Little Kristen in her baby blue frock,so sweet

I also very bu she de one, dats why kept hesitating to go or not to go until Galvin buay tahan. But if i dun go this time, probably difficult to find another chance. Dats why i literally had to bit my lips as i click on d "submit" button when booking d flight lor...haha
