(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Here I am... talking to myself again.... Heh.

Keep forgetting to ask you. You say that Ian loves water right? Have you brought him to 2nd level at vivo where there are trick fountains next to the playground? I'm sure he'll love that. D can't get enuff of it.

zoe - I brought Zav to the Vivo 2nd playgd to play before... he loves it!!!

another 2 plces u can try:
1) IMM - 3rd floor
2) Sci Centre (outside)

At IMM both hubby n zav played until shiok shiok!

DSII - wow!!! SUPERMAN IAN very fanastic leh!!!! good balancing skills he hv also. i dun dare to try tat on zav! hahaha :p
me and xavier still have cough left over from the big illness. Scared will infect the babies and mummies, so this sun I may have to give it a miss...
i brought isaac n ian to vivo city...but only isaac played in the water...cos i too lazy to bring ian in and still need to change him ..so troublesome...

imm waterplay hmm...very fun...isaac n ian enjoyed alot..that one went wif hb..so hb accompanied the boys to get wet..haha..ne just sit n watch...

last week went science centre..isaac enjoyed the water play..but ian..as usual...watched the korkor enjoyed himself loh...

dsii - wow... so u been to all 3 places liao huh!! :p

at IMM - same as u, hubby was in the water with zav... i stayed dry at the side taking pics! hahaha :p

so next stop for u shd be sentosa loh... heehee
Wah! I so scare to look at such stunts! I think Galvin also does that to Gil? I dun dare to try it on Kay.

Kay is alright now. No vomiting & LS since yesterday. Today, her appetite increased so much. Give me a scare! Dun wanna feed her too much cos I think her tummy just recovered.

Hmm..how to I feed Kay Yacult since she can't suck from straw? Can pour inside milk btl? How much is enough for our bb?
dsii, might not be able to bring charlene to your place this sunday cos her fever came back yesterday again... then js recover dun want to bring her to so many kids area, cos scared infect others... hope u understand...
is the hou ning in pwd or liquid form?? $61 very ex hor.. n one use 2 times?? do u add in milk?

i also tried the ivy leaf syrup.. no diff on them.. :S

IMM looks fun..
EP - Hou ning in powder form mix wif abit of water. i use syringe to feed cos then wont waste cos so expensive :p

Mummies - i remb someone posted that their bb took antibiotics and kena lao sai...can i know is it normal and will it recover by itself?need to take any medicine for the lao sai?
ooh... let me share a tip from Jun Thread.

for kids that do not noe how to suck from straw yet... get the rubbermaid bottle.

Zav also din noe how to suck from straw... but with rubbermaid bottle... he have no problem at all!! hahah :p

Yakult - i dun let him drink from straw. instead i open a very small opening then let him drink straight from the bottle. :p of cos not whole bottle.. maybe just 5-6 sips.
Date: 19th Aug
Time: 2pm to anytime u like
reminder: pls wear something light..cos no aircon in living room...but got few fans though, hehehe..paiseh ah..

<strike>2) Zita</strike>
<strike>3) eeyore</strike>
4) Z-Lia (with twins along
5) PM
6) Jul
7) peachsorbet
8) Zoe
9) May
10) Jurong Gal
11) Poppy
<strike>12) Yenny</strike>
13) OC
14) joykel
15) Pooh
16) ep
17) bubble
18) Wendy

Attendance: 15 mummies
I hv tried magmag, avent etc but Zav simply dun wan to suck. he only wan to bite. :p

but rubbermaid bottle, he will happily suck.

u can get rubbermaid bottle from cold storage, carrefour etc

looks something like tat... with a straw inside.

dun get the "cute cute animal" pattern one.. as u can "press" it to get water out. for a start, he will still bite it. then u press the bottle to "let him noe" got water inside one. then very fast, they will start sucking.

Jun mummies - alot bbies learn from this bottle. haha :p

Yah, I heard alot of rubbermaid bottle. I have a cute animal pattern as a gift. What is the difference between yours and the animal? Not the same?
I am looking high and low for this bottle. We also train Janelle how to suck using this bottle. I wanna get this for Julian but just couldnt find it.

Julian can suck from straw but he will get choke sometime still cant control now.

So he will grab the Yakult bottle from Janelle a steal a sip from it. hahahha..
Hong - Haha
qoute: Dsii,
wow... very gd balancing.
Ur hubby hand must be very strong to hold Dsii in one hand.

I didnt know Daniel so strong can hold up dsii in one hand :p
wow..PM...u very gd leh..haha..didnt notice at all!!!!!
if daniel can hold me in one hand...think can go guiness record liao...wahaha
Mt - u shld let me know earlier, I just bot another bottle. Nuby. No good, its spill proof but it make very hard for E to suck. I tried it myself also very difficult to suck. But he have no problem with packet drink.

Hong - Emerson also get choke when he drinks from the mag mag btl. Now he doesnt want to drink from it.

I've seen this rubber maid in Metro and COld storage Sengkang.
Mezzo...Ashley not well har?

V having cold, 1 week still unwell..now on antibotic..she lau sai after high fever...got go c PD.., he give medi to mix wif water for her to drink then ok liao...! PD also advise us to dilute or change milk powder if too serious, give porriage or bread instead...but after 1 dose of medi she ok liao..so we leave it.

Dsii..finally update yr blog har? wait till i neck long liao....

wow yr hubby super leh, Ian so happy..sure bo Daniel can lift u up in 1 hand?
Can spoonfeed yakult or mix with her fruit. D can drink thru straws when he feels like it but mostly he likes to play and suck and spit (he doesn't like drinking in general) that's why I spoon. Or you can place your finger over top of a straw and then release into her mouth.

I don't use spill-proof bottles for D cos he's not keen on drinking water and if it takes effort, he definitely won't bother taking a drop. I've been using Tommee Tippee. Flip spout top. But rubbermaid's cheaper. Pigeon has new shaped bottle with straw which is pretty good too.
Zoe - Haha, I didnt know its so hard to suck and I'm fed up with mag mag and normal bottles, so tot of trying spill proof.

zita - That time when E had LS after fever i tot he's allergy to teh antibiotic but I understand from doctor that certain antibiotics will cause diarrhea because it suppose to kill bacteria and will also kill good bacteria in the gut leading to LS.
PM..then LS need to c doc to treat anot? or can let it be? I so sick of running clinic liao...! 8 time in 6 weeks....: (
mtdt - my ger can oredi suck from straw to drink for quite a while but like zoe's D, dun like to drink water so must always remind her n coax her...so do u think it's still worth to try the rubbermaid bottle? is that better for babies who dunno how to suck from straw yet? i've used pigeon mag mag b4 but find that the quality not so good...have to always change spare parts...now using the yellow piyo piyo one n she seems ok with it

when kevin LS after taking antibiotics.i went back to Pd ,she changed the antibiotics.mayb u can call n check with ur PD.
zita, I'm curious, how do take take the below pix with the emphasize on the front object and the back objects are abit blur??

rubbermaid bottles - personally i feel if your bb can suck from straw liao, then no point getting it.

last time i use to feed zav water in a avent bottle. he also dun like to drink... concidentially, after he noes now to drink from the rubbermaid, he started to like drinking water, even from his avent bottle

But I feel it's independent, just concidental bah. if the problem is do not like to drink water, think the bottle wont help. but one point is it's easy to suck not like those anti spill bottles and it's anti spill too. :p (PM does tat make u more dui. haha)

choke from water - Zav also will leh... also think rubbermaid wont help this. but it's practice bah. now he doesnt choke liao.

eeyore - if it's auto cam, u need to set it to "macro" then when taking object very time, it will auto make it such a way. unless u asking for SLR, then tat's another long explanation. :p
wah wish Arin would take to the sippy cups like the other babies...she is more interested in opening up the cup and playing with it then drinking from it. And she very gey kiang one...see us drinking from cup will grab our hands and try to drink direct from the cup too.
forgot to add that for the Hou Ning, the staff at Eu Yan Seng actually say can buy another type of cough powder that costs about $20+ because it has a lesser concentration of the hou zao (which incidentally means monkey gall).

Tks for the tip. Fyi, my lazy ger still doesnt want to learn how to drink water from the spout.. so not to mention from the straw. She is still drinking water from mini-milk bottle. Hehhe..paiseh! Better teach her this weekend. But good thing is she drinks quite a lot of water a day, almost 500ml. But do u know if drinking too much water is no good for bb? I heard someone said b4...
urs is a Fujifilm right.

U check if ur camera have a "P" mode. U switch to that mode then u focus only on the letters. It will give u this effect.

U can try this. I dun know will it works. Using auto mode. Stay further away from the object u wanna take. Press half down the button and hold, it will focus on the object then bring the camera near to the object and press shutter down fully. See if u can get the effect.

i wrote that ah... hahhaa..
I have a Combi bottle, Pigeon bottle (not the magmag) but Julian not interested. He end up pouring the water out and play with it.

sorry is Ian.

have u started bathing the kid using the shower head? I did that and realise Julian is ok with it so i told MIL to do the same so he wun be afraid of the water running down his face.
Mummies, there will be mums from SAHM thread joining our gathering on Tue ok?

I'll provide drinks, snacks like soft nougat, some snacks for bbs, malay curry puffs and tau kwa pau if I have time. Hope that's alright with you.

Playgroup At Zoe's Tue 21st 4pm
1. YB
3. DSII (i bring my elder boy, can?)
4. YLC
5. Ep ( i also bring my elder boy ok? :p
6. CG n Sha
7. Abcdisney n Abc
8. Cheri, helper n Nikki
9. Angi & Seth (swing & juice)
10. Lin & Cay
wow.... i still bath Julian like a baby. hahahaha..
I'm most likely going to the gathering unless i fall seriously sick again.
<font color="ff0000">Chinese Garden Tix</font>

1) MTDT - 2 Adults ($9x2 = $18)
2) Fruitee - 4 Adults ($9x4=$36)

Anymore to add?
I wan too.. Thanks
Chinese Garden Tix

1) MTDT - 2 Adults ($9x2 = $18)
2) Fruitee - 4 Adults ($9x4=$36)
3) melody - 2 adults ($9x2 = $18)
choy!!! wat seriously sick!!! choy choy choy!

i want the tix!!!!

Chinese Garden Tix

1) MTDT - 2 Adults ($9x2 = $18)
2) Fruitee - 4 Adults ($9x4=$36)
3) Dsii - 2 adults/1 kid ($9x2=$18+$6=$24)
Hong, yes mine is fujifilm but i forgot the model must go home and see... P mode is it portrait mode?? if yes, this is the effect i got, seems like no diff... hehe...

mtdt, jun thread is consolidating order for Sambucol for Kids, 4 oz Liquid... can help me order 4 bottle??
Chinese Garden Tix

1) MTDT - 2 Adults ($9x2 = $18)
2) Fruitee - 4 Adults ($9x4=$36)
3) Dsii - 2 adults/1 kid ($9x2=$18+$6=$24)
4) melody - 2 adults ($9x2 = $18)
the blurring background should use portrait mode(according to my cam instruction), but like wat u have taken, mine dun get the effect leh...I js tried the macro function, seem like got difference wo..
