(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Kay also started puking after coughing..thereafter, she'll also puke without coughing. Better bring Seth to doc. Virus around everywhere now.

Hmm..mayb can put bumper mat or mattress on the flr? At least when he falls, will not be so painful.
can someone take over my order for the mozzie patch?
its $5 a box.. my MIL jus bought 2 boxes for me.. :S

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) ep x 1 (can someone take over?)
11) melody x 2
12) Zita x 2
mtdt, I have other orders from else where oso... estimate 150 more...

ethel is ok to cancel your order, dun need ppl to take over your order lah...

mezzo, i thot of bringing char to zoo too but she's still sick, dunno when recover... today fever come back again...

I can take over yours

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) wendy x2
11) melody x 2
12) Zita x 2
Date: 19th Aug
Time: 2pm to anytime u like
reminder: pls wear something light..cos no aircon in living room...but got few fans though, hehehe..paiseh ah..

2) Zita
3) eeyore
4) Z-Lia (with twins along
5) PM
6) Jul
7) peachsorbet
8) Zoe
9) May
10) Jurong Gal
11) Poppy
12) Yenny
13) OC
14) joykel
15) Pooh
16) ep
17) bubble
18) Wendy
Date: 19th Aug
Time: 2pm to anytime u like
reminder: pls wear something light..cos no aircon in living room...but got few fans though, hehehe..paiseh ah..

<strike>2) Zita</strike>
3) eeyore
4) Z-Lia (with twins along
5) PM
6) Jul
7) peachsorbet
8) Zoe
9) May
10) Jurong Gal
11) Poppy
12) Yenny
13) OC
14) joykel
15) Pooh
16) ep
17) bubble
18) Wendy
let's see wat's there to makan...

wah...so many goodies ah?? headache manz

ok...decision made...WAITER!!!
thanks for the compliment leh!!!!

haha..really ah? he super drama king loh...hehe...u like ah? haha..then next time i post more hor..hahaha....*paiseh*

ya loh...act act nia...see the menu...also up side down..wah piang...as if he can read..then when we were looking at the menu..he will keep shouting 'mum mum' and pointed at it..wah piang...dunno he knows or not...
Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) wendy x2
11) melody x 2
12) Zita x 2
13) ZLia X 5

will total up when i come back.. haha. gotta go out for awhile
dsii, since u post here, y din u update ur blog??

mtdt, bcos i dun want to start a thread in bulk purchase, that's why abit slow...
hi MTDT & YB,
ya think he was trying to *pui* out e phlegm but then up puke big time as no control...
he's ok tdy so nvr go see pd agn...
had lunch & meiji as usual but rej dnr...
at least no more puke but a little cough & drama puke sometimes...

thx heaps...

btw, any mummys giving ur tot meiji?

King Seth is drinking meiji 100ml aft lunch & dnr (solids ard 1/2 ladel scoop only)...
b'fast / high-tea / supper to zzz & while zzz = BM...

too little?
angi - Zav makan schedule now

830am - 240ml FM
1130am - 1 big bowl of porridge
230pm - 240ml FM
530pm - 1 big bowl of porridge or cereal
9pm - 270ml FM

I am thinking of changing his 1st FM into breakfast like bread with Fresh milk or cereal wtih FM.
Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) wendy x2
11) melody x 2
12) Zita x 2
13) ZLia X 5

Total: 35 boxes

Returned to work today.. was so so so sian... still super holiday mood..

anyway, it was a good choice not bringing Germayn along for the holiday..cos the typhoon signal 8 was hoisted when we were there, then it was raining everyday, and despite that, the streets were still packed with ppl. missed the kids alot alot when i was there, but on the last night, i actually felt sad that hb and i were going to leave our hk friends... trip was quite nice la.. went ktv-ing..from 8pm to 5am, went bbq-ing...

anyway, mummies, have u all let your kids try yakult? haha. feel like letting germayn try, but duno if she's too young for it...

dsii, ian is so cute! looks like a big big boy now. think germayn still looks like a baby.. botak baby..
i hv been giving jedd meiji fresh milk once a while.. but main milk is still formula.. meiji is to fatten him up.. he's on th every small side.

been tryin to clear the phelgm in josh n jedd.. any alternative tcm recommendations? the phelgm has been there the longest time.. even anti-biotics doesn not work.. :S
Babies eight to 16 months who were subjected to television shows such as Baby Einstein actually decreased their vocabularies by six to eight words.

Turn off the tube to teach your child new words, 2007

New research suggests exposure to language via television is insufficient for teaching language to very young children.


Toddler word spurts are guaranteed, 2007

It's called the "word spurt," that magical time when a toddler's vocabulary explodes, seemingly overnight. New research offers a decidedly un-magical explanation: Babies start really jabbering after they've mastered enough easy words to tackle more of the harder ones. It's essentially a snowball effect.

Please visit our website at www.lenababy.com for the latest research and news on child language development.

post ah post ah...brighten up my day to see all the cute babies pics!

you tried the hou ning at eu yan seng? supposed to be very effective for clearing persistent phelgm but damn ex, $61 for one small bottle which is about 2 doses for babies.

I have been bring Zav to EYS doc and they will prescribe him medi powder. Usu by the end 2nd day or 3rd, he will be fully recovered.

The cost of seeing a doc + medi usu is less than $30. So I think it's actually better than hou ning. I did ask the EYS Doc abt Hou Ning too. He mention that tat's for "general" cough.

Also for Hou Ning, you can go to any medical shop and ask for "Hou Zou Fen". it's only like $12 in Medical hall. :p Heard tat it is as effective and "same" kind of medication. Maybe can ask ask.
Really enjoy looking at Ian's pics...he is so cute...

EP - Agree with CHM that hou ning works for clearing phelm. I always give ashley that and it works after 2 bottles.
Yakult - My PD suggested to me to dilute it and give Zav. Good for their digestive system.

but i lazy to dilute leh. :p but only give him a few slips once a week.

Zlia - WOW!!! KTV from 8pm - 5am!!!!
Ge Hou sia!!!
so when we go in SIN... hahaha :p

DSII - ur big boss pics always brighten up my day too!!!

EP - I saw the DVDs report beginning of the week. think the main thing is not just on the TV and left the bb there. maybe can sit together with bb and repeat to our bb the words tat the DVD program says out.
I increase my order to 5 boxes..

Anti-Mosquito Patch (July)
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 5
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 5
6) Fruitee x 5
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
9) brambles x 5
10) wendy x2
11) melody x 2
12) Zita x 2
13) ZLia X 5

Total: 39 boxes
Ian look like a big boy. I may be able to go to ur place this Sunday cos my work on sunday was postphoned. Yahoo....

However, i was down with sore throat and mild cough so trying to nurse myself back so i can join all at ur places. hee hee
Dsii - Ian is so cute loh, why dont upload blog?? These days I can never take a proper pic of Emerson.

Wow, everyone got their meiji/freshmilk and yakult?? i still have not tried it on Emerson... just one slice of apple and send him coughing in the night... So i abit kia see...

Ep - antibiotics can clear phlegm? I'm using dried ivy leaf syrup when E got cough and phlegm, quite effective. Usually after 4 feeds it be gone. I'll give him zhen zhu fen (pearl powder) to mix in the milk once a mth.
hong - i wan the tickets for the Chinese Garden celeb too..but hv to confirm w u the number of tics again...do the tics specify the date to go or we can just go anytime during the stated period in Sep? thanks...will get back to u once i hv the numbers...
Yah..I also feel yacult is gd for bbs. Yoghurt also? I didn't dilute yoghurt though...

Wah! Ian so cute! Can order food liao. Haha. Today Kay ate 3 helpings of cereal. Dunno issit starve for so long, then suddenly appetite increased. Asked her wanna another helping, she keep nodding her head & smile. Haha.
aiyo...ok ok.hmm..update later when ian koon hor??? hahaha

he cant order food lah..action nia...hahaha...

aiyo Des got laff till teeth drop bo?? hahaha....
yes..i cut his hair abt 3 weeks ago...hehe...looks like jap? haha...that day he a bit messy lah...so looked a bit goondu...
I finally managed to get frog legs for Emerson. t first I really resist the idea of letting him eat frong leg, but he's always falling for nothing, not trip or anything. My grandma keep asking me to make, have to believe in old wives tale she said.

Anyone can teach me how to cook it?
I believe i can fly...i believe i can touch the sky..!!! Superman!!!

OOPS!!! paiseh...paiseh...actually my daddy helped me lah...
wow... very gd balancing.
Ur hubby hand must be very strong to hold Dsii in one hand.

pls place order fast...

just boiled the frog legs as the stock. Take out the frog legs, use the stock to make porriage. CHop the meat then add into the porriage and feed Emerson.

Yukult will cause phlegm so after drinking must let the kid drink water again.

how is kaylyn? Still have diarrhea?
I don't dilute the yakult. I sometimes mix it with his fruit and/or yoghurt. Easier to feed him cos he doesn't like liquids.

Sometimes I cook the frog legs Hong's way, somtimes I place it on the rice near the end of the cooking time so it retains its flavour.

Great pics! ;-)
