(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Oh, then different from my aunt's. Hers is still being built.... Yes it's grey. It's not beside childcare. Doesn't face the main road.

YB or other mummies who tried the Mincemeat oatmeal, wanna check wif u on the mincemeat oatmeal. after u cook, does it become a paste? or watery like soup. I use Gerber oatmeal cereal, sweetpotato instead of pumpkin n chicken to cook. and it was very watery, my boy dunno how to eat, so i added a lot more oatmeal cereal to make it thicker. is urs the same?
Hi Misaryeo,

Why dun u try with Quaker Oats cos I'm using that. Think YB is using Quaker Oats too. It was a bit watery at first but after u cook thru it shld become thicker and more like a paste.

just to check...is it only 12 patches in a box?

If it is, I wan to increase my order to 2 boxes instead...

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 2
6) Fruitee x 2
Hmm...When starting to cook, the oatmeal is vey watery. Then slowly stir in will become thicker. But not as thick like those porridge kind.

Haha. Kay only likes real HP & remote control. I bought the toy HP & she'll throw it aside.
Actually Quaker has instant oatmeal porridge. Just pour hot water & mix it. I bought 1 to try. I didn't let Kay try cos I think it has some salt content.

I want the mosquito patch too!

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 1
6) ethel x 1

Set ah.. janelle can hv josh.. J & J... ideal rite? i promise to be the ideal MIL...
i hv been surrounded by boys.. dun hv any gals ard josh age..
hi eeyore,

i want in too! thx! =)

<u>Anti-Mosquito Patch </u>
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 2
6) Fruitee x 2
7) Angi_Wee x 2
count me in too!

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 2
6) Fruitee x 2
7) Angi_Wee x 2
8) missmoon x 2
Kay is down with fever. Sigh. Dunno wat's wrong. She can still play. Just that her appetite is reduced...sigh, guess my Genting trip tis Wed have to be cancelled.
Ethel, MT and all I think me and Emerson missed out the fun too

YB - U see tmr if she still has fever.. no think still can go, but u just bring paracetamol just in case?

eeyore - Does the mosquito patch have any strong smell?? I bot one from Kp and the smell is very strong, me and hubby cant take it keep sneezing..
it's citronelle smell... my hb oso have sensitive nose but he can take this... ** touchwood... nvr sneeze when he smells this... personally I feel it's nice...
PM - u din go to Jedd's party too?

Zav also down with fever, come and go...
dunno it is teething or wat.
Kay's fever shoot up to 38.8degree last night. Gave her Calpol but she vomit out everything that goes into her mouth. Then gotta carry her & sit upright through-out the night cos once I lie her flat on bed, she'll vomit.

Sigh...whole night keep sponging her & cleaning up her vomit. Her fever also maintained around 38.5degree cos she couldn't keep the fever meds in her stomach.

Then tis morn brought her to PD. He said Kay is down with stomach virus. Then he inserted fever pill into her anus since Kay still can't take in fever syrup without puking out. Sigh sigh...Doc said fever will persist for 2-3days.

So my Genting trip is cancelled. Say bye bye to $400.
now the stomach flu really very terrible, affected so many ppl... but dun worry she shld be ok by today... mayb u can still consider gg...
YB, Poor K, hope she will get better! not due to the jab har? my understanding fever is 1week after..!

The trip cannot postphone? how can they eat up all yr $

eeyore..sent liao
Hmm..dun think will recover so soon lor. Somemore hb say dun wanna take chance. No doc in genting.

Then he said I shld go enjoy myself while he stay back to look after Kay. At least won't lugi so much money.
last few month my frez going bangkok, then last min postphone cause her daugther fever....no addidtional charge but need to go by certain period..not sure about by coach..
yb...ur hb so nice..said willt ake care of kaylyn...hmm...but dun think u will 'fang xin' right? haiz...mummies really wei da..
stomach virus very contagious one...so u all better take care too..dun think ur immnue stronger so wont kena..last time isaac got stomach virus..after he recovered..me n daniel down...haiz..damn cham...
yah YB, stomach flu very contagious but no choice u better take more vitamins cos u are nearest to K... that time, my whole family down with SF... 1st my dad, then my mum, followed by my younger sis n charlene, lastly me... that time I slept diff room w my hb n daughter, otherwise will pass to them...
YB- U must take care too with Kaylyn. Poor gal.. Yah stomach flu is highly contagious. Ur hubby is so sweet, volunteer to take care of Kay..

MT- Yah i didnt go, coz have to attend wedding dinner.

Ethel - josh got fever? Afer the party arh?
Xavier was admitted into KK on Saturday and was discharged yesterday. If ur babies' fever will not subside for more than 5 days and suffer breathlessness or can hear phelgm in his/her throat. Please bring baby to see doctor. Xavier was like that and doctor diagnose that he had bronchitis. Very heartache when see him receive treatment but no choice. Now his fever subsided, airway cleared and chest infection gone.
Yenny - Xavier is sick too? Haiz.. so many babies sick! Yah, think if cough prolong for many days will cause the phelgm to go into the lungs and lead to bronchitis. U didnt bring him to doc when he had fever arh?
Yah, sometimes cannot trust GP whom u dont know well. I brot E twice to some GP which i didnt know and get wrong diagoise and some medication which is not suitable for babies
Then we must bring kids out and meet more often. hee hee..

u never read my previous posting ah? There is doctor at gentings. They have a clinic for the staffs and tourists. I went to the clinic before.

OMG. Dun tell me u visit the GP at ur mum's place. If so must tell me which doctor. Out of all the doctors, i only find the lady doctor at Healthwise is not bad. Not very expansive too.
yes, i brot Xavier to healthwise. my sis oso feedback to me the lady doc not bad but apparently gps are gps, they are afterall not specialise in children illness.
oh dear. I better bear that in mind. My PD clinic used to open on Sunday but he just changed his operation date and he is not seeing patients on sunday. Unless very urgent, we wun bring kids to GP. Even if we do, we will still go back to PD the next day. My hubby only trust PD when kids are sick.

I ever asked my PD. How would i know if my kids are just coughing or they are having bronchitis. He told me I will never know by the look. He need to examine them and listen to irregular sound in the lung and it is quite hard to detect.

I just knew that NUH have normal clinic for kids. They are PD, unless the kids need special attention then the GP(PD) will direct the family to specialist.

I cant rbr which hotel cos many yrs back but u can ask the staffs there. If u are really consider to bring Kaylyn, rbr to get travel insurance. Medical fee is claimable if anyone under the insurance need medical assistance oversea. Rbr to ask for receipt.
yeah. ur pd is right. the doc at KK listen real hard to xavier's breathing and told me she heard wheezing sound. oso xavier went for xray and doc can only determine he has chest infection from the xray.
i think hor..u better dun bring kaylyn to genting..i dunno lah..maybe u lugi $400...alot to us..but hor..kaylyn sick mah..somore stomach flu leh...will vomit laosai and fever...then u all travel by coach..very tiring one...then somemore its contagious...maybe spread to others too...
u so hardworking ah...still read acticles?? haha..me whole day at home oso see the words wanna koon liao
happened to come across the site js now, saw got articles on potty training, speech training, so thou mayb useful to those 1st time mummies mah..we 2nd time mummies mayb not so beneficial for us lah..

Yah..not intending to bring Kay up to Genting. Cos her fever comes back again after the meds wear off. Then now, I also feel giddy & nausea. Dunno issit the virus spread to me liao. Cham..hb now in JB. Nobody help out. I wanna CRY manz!!

Intending to sell off the tix to Genting. Hopefully can get back some $$.
Ur trip is set off to Gentings on Wednesday nite?
I need to pray to "zu xian" on 09 Aug n I have arranged something on 12 Aug else i dun mind buying from u.

Is xavier still on medication?
Yah..genting trip set off on Wed night at 10pm.

Yah..Hb coming back tonight. sigh......

Just now Kay's temperature was 38.7degree. Her face so red. Then when I gave her meds, she puke all over the flr. I quickly rush her to the toilet to wash up, then accidentally knock her arm against the door frame. Must have been really painful cos Kay cry so loud. I feel so guilty.

Sigh....dun feel well myself. So giddy...

yb..then i think u better take panadol 1st...if not..later become serious then jialat liao...ur hb cannot cope with 1 big n 1 small leh...u must take care ah!!!!
