(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

ian, venice, kaylyn,gillian,
pls email aty ethel yr tattoos n pics from the party.. need to update on blogs.

tot u are always armed with yr cam? pls email watever pics to me .

can i come? now i free to resume the gatherings liao.. will arrange my schedule.

so cupcakes when?? been making so many cupcakes over the weekend.. for wedding for birthday..

I sent u liao, cake pix u wan? group pix i have a few but no nice lo...cause by time hubby get ready the camera....we about to dismiss liao hahaha!
Hi Mummies,

I'm consolidating orders for Anti-Mosquito Patch (300 boxes) so that I can get a cheaper price than outside.
Interested?? Pls email me @ [email protected]

There are 2 zip-lock pack in a box, with 6 patches in each pack
Total is 12 patches. Expiry date is end of 2008.
Retail Price is $5.90 per box (Supplier $5/-)
Min. order of 5 boxes ($25/-)
Postage of $0.30


Pls reply by 10 Aug 2007.

Brand: DERMALIFE Anti-Mosquito Patch
Effective for up to 12 hours

How it works...

- Citronella has been used since ancient times and is the most effective natural essence known for preventing insect bites
- Just squeeze the little patch to release the citronella fragrance and you're protected for up to 12 hours
- May be used by the entire family. Convenient to use, you can stick the DermaLife Anti-Mosquito Patch on the picnic tables, lawn chairs, clothing

Active ingredients: 60% w/w citronella oil.

How to Use:

1. Separate patches along the pre-cut lines
2. Peel patch off the card backing
3. Stick Patch to collar, pant, clothes, furniture or areas that need protection

**DO NOT Stick onto the skin***
pooh!!! wahlau..got read my post bo?? hahaha...on 19th aug!! u come this weekend..only u see me i see u ah!!! hahahhaa..food ah?? i go think think 1st ah...
eeyore..i dun mind getting 1 box...

Tuesday Playgroup 430-7pm at Zoe's in Katong

zoe, im bringing my elder boy too..can hor?
dsii & eeyore...
ha...tin i too anxious to taste dsii's tiramisu already till keep thinging is tis week..sorry hah :p

I m interested w the mozzie patch. 1 pkt for me, thks..
Oh no. Dylan has a runny nose. Tomorrow cannot have playgroup liao. Haiya! If any bbs also have runny nose you're welcome to still come cos we'll be there. Just let me know.

Haha. Like 933 said, of cos not 3 mums only lah. ;-p You can hop in and out of the jacuzzi and with bbs you won't spend that long in the water anyhow. And mebbe not all mums wanns get wet.

I want the patch.

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1

19th Aug is gd cos i have to work on 18 Aug
wah piang...
aiyo...wat tiramisu...pooh..u damn jialat leh...no tiramisu lah...fridge too small to do all this liao...buy can bo? wahaha
Hi Mummies,

I went to the Fotogallery complimentary shoot yesterday... Not very well taken... cos the make up is badly done... so disappointed as initailly wanted to take up the package one but after seeing the end product, straight away, we chose the 2 complimentary pcs..
Hey, so sorry.... Am really disappointed. Was looking forward to having everyone over. Our place in Serangoon is not conducive for bb gatherings..... I'm serious about any bbs with runny noses coming over still. Dylan's had it on and off the last few days and I thought he recovered liao but today it returned.

Tuesday Playgroup 430-7pm at Zoe's in Katong
Tuesday Playgroup 430-7pm at Zoe's in Katong

sorry zoe...think will give it a miss then..but still, thks for inviting leh
lollypop, i using i think call Dominic brand carrier, got it from Tangs the other time. Max weight is 13kg, but now Elliot is 10+kg, i already bui ta han.

Z-Lia, i personally think just bring the stroller, in case u shop halfway, bb wanna sleep. or when u shopping can just put ur bb inside. hands more free to browse ard :p Also when in the airport, bb can sit inside the stroller while waiting for flight, no need to carry.

Eeyore, I want Mosquito patch leh! Can't find it here. Can order n send to US to me? very light weight one right?
zoe...aiyo...no need to be sorry..but still hope to see the little handsome on 19th...at my open hse..but 2 bad..no jacuzzi leh...hmm...but then..hope u all will enjoy at my squeezy, humble flat..hehe
sorry sorry.. hahaha..

Charlene look so tall in the picture.

Julian is also ard 10kg. His weight like standstill.
The babies in the photos look so happy, especially Charlene!

Sigh..Arin rolled off the sofa and hit the back of her head on Sat night...cried and cried for 10 mins...but luckily ok after drinking milk and calming down. Now still monitoring her, but she's looking/behaving quite normally (no vomiting) so I'm keeping fingers crossed. Sigh
eeyore, got leh. though haven't gana bitten. now its summer so hav lor. cos its hot n humid here. but when u think will get the patches after u order? in case, after delivered it turns autumn already, then i got to keep 1 yr then can use. or shld i just buy n keep :p very kiasu. hahaaha
aiyoh... so funny to read thru the posts. makes my day...

1) hv mos in USA meh? huh.... tot mos is everywhere. :p
2) in case after delivered it turns autumn liao. hahaha.... aiyoh... haha

Jedd's party - aiyoh... still hv so many cute pics. yesterday i was tempted to go to the party alone and leave zav with my mom. hahaha :p shd hv done it huh... :p
It's okay. We go over to ur new plc another time, okay?

I'm going to Genting with Kay this week. Hopefully, she'll be well-behaved in the coach.
That's the thing. My folks have sold the apt so we only have it for a few weeks, this being the last week. Bring a few old mobile phones and remote controls on the trip. ;-p

Mozzies not everywhere. Some places have so few they're insignificant what. Or some places too cold for them to survive right?
Hong, i think now its pretty normal for our babies to grow slower. My friend's girl, since 9mths hav been abt 8-9kg, like nv grow. seems like she grow vertically now then horizontally. so no worries lah.
Zoe - haha... good thinking abt the phones n remote control. i was also thinking wat it means. :p

I tot to use it as a decoy for robbers or wat. :p

btw wat FM is D on now?
misaryeo, i hope to order asap too, but the orders are quite low now, cos js started, I try to expedite... keep u in the loop...

CHM, charlene enjoys herself so much, push the walker all around the function rm that when we got into the car, in less than 5 mins, she dozed off...

zoe, where's your new place?? my mil stays in katong too... moving soon thou but still in katong...

Opposite Amber 1. It's been sold though. Would've been nice to live in it. Miss the convenience of living in Katong. Where's your MIL's plc?

I want the mosquito patch too!

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 1
currently is rose garden, en-bloc already, moving to celone (i think it spells like this) rd, behind katong laksa... for me, i dun think it's convenience cos i work in wdl mah... that time when i stay there, gg to work is a hassle...

u mean u bought the new condo opp amber 1, the one with i think 6 storeys??
Hey, my aunt bought a place on Ceylon Rd as well. Mebbe same. Hers is a studio. Your mum's has studio in her block? Yep! 5 storeys high. Just TOP one. And you know across the road from that is another under construction? My mum has a small apt there.
Yah, Ceylon Rd.. hehe, wrong spelling... I don't knwo if there's any studio apt in that project but I know is abt 5 storey high and been there like 2 years already...

so u bought the js TOP one, i think is greyish color... "...across the road from that is another under construction? My mum has a small apt there" which one u r mentioning... the one beside child care??

I wan I wan!!!!!!

Anti-Mosquito Patch
1) Hong x 2
2) Pooh x 1
3) Dsii x 1
4) Zoe x 1
5) Blessings x 1
6) Fruitee x 2
