(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

I think thermometer can wait. Can wait for the coming motherhood fair and see if they have gd offer.

Hi Geberra,

I had serious heartburn for my 1st BB, can understand yr agony, I was in pain with heartburn even during my labour time. There is no natural remedy for it as far as i koe, but my GP did prescribe some med for me then, work well...I realise dun take late dinner help..try not to take food after 8pm..
Hi eeyore & may
My friend's name is Maryann. You can email her at [email protected]. She can either take lifestyle shots at your place/outdoors or studio shots at her home. Your hubby can also join in the shoot. You can also discuss with her your plans to take your baby's photos later too. Can ask for a better package
She'll give you the link to her portfolio. She does semi-nude for some MTBs also.

May, I saw the infra-red forehead scan cum ear thermometer at the Babycare Fair. Thot it was quite good. It was $70++ less than $80. Thinking of buying it, seen it in some shops too.

I'm getting the Ikea chest of drawers. I've seen Vhive, don't really like the designs leh...

Jazzy, I wake up like 3-4 times a night for no reasons. Just wake up and then have difficulty getting back to sleep.
Hi Hong, YB and Poppy,

Ok, i'll not be soo kan cheong and buy thermometer yet. but I'll check out the infra red one that Poppy mentioned.

Hi misaryeo,

I started going more regularly after my first trimester. I'll use the treadmill, stepper and cycling for a total of 45 minutes. Do it slowly. I don;t go for classes as they are too strenous for our bodies. ALways listen to your body - take a break when you are tired. I read that our bodies produce endorphins when we exercise and it's good for baby and make them happy. Wonder how true...
Hi Mummies,
How big is your tummy now? Mine seem to be growing very fast.
Anyone know where to get cheap and trendy maternity clothes? Those my sister-in-law give is so "Auntie" and I cannot wear to work.. hump
Me still don't know the gender.. but Doc suspect girl girl.. SUSPECT is how many percent??
Hi Sandy,
My tummy also growing very fast. I just bought some maternity tops from Maternity House at Plaza Sing last wk. Not sure if the sale is still on. The tops cost $19.90 each with additional 20%-30% disc.
MothersRUs also have some pretty affordable bottoms. They are located at United Sq.
You may wish to check them out? Personally, I prefer to wear separates cos I'm short. Wearing dress will make me look dowdy. As though I'm wearing a tent.
How many weeks r u now? When will u be doing ur detailed scan?
YB, I done my detail scan on the 15 March already. It took 1 hour and yet i cannot get a definite ans to the gender of my baby. I am about 23 week already, next week is my 6th mth.
3 more month to go. I got hard time sleeping probably too, my tummy will feel stretch and pain..
Hi Sandy,
Ur baby naughty issit? Dun want u to know his/her gender...normally gynae will be able to tell by doing the detail scan. So u can't buy things for ur baby now??
I heard we will officially enter 3rd trimester at 28th week?
Huh only at 28th week that is long..
Haha that radiologist almost finish using up her gel and she is tired after scanning my baby. She kept saying cannot control my baby so active .He/she seem to be active every time during scanning. Haha
hi may,
maybe i shld try out going to the gym again.. dunno if it is funny or not.. pple sure to stare at my tummy..

hi sandy,
i got mine from dorothy perkins and topshop maternity. they sometimes have sale.. so its quite worth.. like a 30 to 40% off retail price.
i got some tops from Hush hush.. big enough for my tummy now and dun look so aunty.
Infact my colleague said i look trendy with it.
u ask ur gynae she got how many %. hahaha.

One MTB is asking abt maternity pad last rd.
My sister passed me the brand call Dr.P. I rbr is a adult diaper brand.
Last round i used Mothercare maternity pad and i also get Kotex nite long pad to use after 2 weeks.
I saw some chest drawers in Baby Kingdom (few unit beside Baby Hypermart) or picket n rail.

Wondering if MTBs buy playpen or baby cot??
Which steriliser brand is good n easy to use??
which pram is more prefer by users?
to answer ur qns.

meantime i have not playpen or cot. Still thinking whether to get a playpen.

I have a NUK steriliser, quite universal for all kind of bottles.

We prefer Maclaren but is really up to u.
Morning gals

answering yr questions.
I got 2 bb cots, one over my hse the other at my mum's
I got Avent steriliser
For stroller, I got the Recardo. come together with the infant seat too.
hong, tat's why I'm troubled... dunno to get a more reputable brand pram or js get any one tat we see... I saw one in baby kingdom, brand is Capella, made in korea $200, but find the price abit ex for this brand... in tat case I might as well spent a little more to buy a good brand...

btw, personally I saw picket n rail chest drawers quite nice...
Do u have the website? Do they state the price in their website? Free delivery?

I am interested in the white drawer. Others are too dark.

Btw, is Capella from Combi?

Actually $200 for a pram is quite a gd budget. I have friends who buy 3 pram or stroller before her daughter is 2YO. So i believe u may wanna to change in later stage.
Hello ladies,
I just went for my checkup on Monday. Me now in my 24 weeks liao but my baby is only 601g. Is it very small? Btw, I am expecting a baby girl.
Hi Hong,
so relieved to hear that. I was so worried, partly also I have not been able to eat well esp at night. Yep, I am under Dr Ang.

Are you able to see your baby 3D scan ?? My girl doesn't like to be scanned. Evertytime, we visit the gynae, she will somehow hide herself from the screen. Not able to capture her face.
I see Dr Ang at TMC and the scan machine can only do 2D scan but i have request to go to his clinic 2 month laters to go for 3D scan. We wanna see baby face but that provide baby is willing to show us.

If u have not being eating well and baby still absorbing meaning is a gd sign. Ur placenta is very healthy. Just eat as much as u can, actually we are "Pu" placenta. Cos is the only channel the baby is getting all the goodies.

Most impt is dun let placenta mature before 40 weeks. I have frds who placenta mature too early and baby cannot grow any bigger.

u mean u got one set of drawer from them? Also in white? I prefer those drawer that is deep enough.

I think my sister has a Capelle pram. I find it ok, look comfortable.
hong, i got the top left corner long chest drawer not the white tall chest drawer... oh u think capella brand is okie...
Eat healthy. dun stuff too many junk food. Good input will produce input for ur baby.
Do u take Chix esse? Can take ocassionally.

Ur place is the Bali style of deco?
I think Capella is not bad but baby may feel warm after that. The one with alot of cushion and can do full recline?

I realised parents then to get big pram for the infant, as the kid grow bigger, adult tend to buy smaller pram/stroller.
Is like Kid grow bigger, stroller turn lighter and smaller. hahaha..

U might wanna consider carry ur child in sling or carrier in later stage.
hong, i dun have a specific style for my place, but my hb n I tends to like walnut color furniture... true abt the pram cushion... bb might feel warm... but funny thing is tat i always see parents cover up the bb like very cold weather in s'pore...
Hi Mummies,

Long time no post in here due to busy schedules. I'm in trouble. My baby only weighs 398g at week 22, and my gynae warned me to eat more before baby gets smaller. He currently belongs to the small baby category. Can somebody help? What can I do to make baby bigger? I never had such problem with my first born.


I share the same sentiment as you when I saw parents wrapping their baby up so tightly when it's blazing hot outside! Hmm... and I was frowned upon when they saw how little dressed is my son, but he's sweating! What they want me to do?


Ha ha, like your saying on how infants sleep in big prams and how the prams get smaller as the kids grow up. It's very true lor.... and also saw so many parents selling off their quinny buzz.... I really love that.

Hmm.... send my regards to Dr Ang. He delivered me 20 over years ago for my mummy.... Eeeewww... he's the first man who molested me!!!
Hi MTBs,
Saw an Omron ear thermometer from Guardian Pharmacy & Mt E. Costs $61.50. Feel it's much cheaper than outside, so bought one.
i plan to buy a playpen...many of my friends who bought cots told me their babies seldom sleep in the cot. Playpen is lower in terms of price, so probably going for that.

Prams are really expensive!! especially those nicer ones like Quinny Buzz! Friends advise not to spend too much on it. Like what Hong mentioned, parents tend to change the prams as the baby grows. Still have not decided on what to buy. Anyone has suggestions on cost effective brands??

Anyone bought breast pumps yet? Which brand/model is better?
Morning mummies....

Hi eeyore,

yah, Mt A called me 2 days ago,so will be seeing u on 6th April 6.30 - 8.30 lesson then ?

Any other mummies joining the Mt A parentcraft lesson on 6th April ?
jurong gal, see u then...

poppy, my hb n I decided to get a bb cot cos both of us prefer it than playpen... the price is abt $279/- with free bedding from baby kingdom... we saw the quinny buzz as well... really ex... heard this brand is real ex...
Really! Dr Ang delivered u? He looked so young leh.

U can try durian and see if the baby weight increase. U try to eat it once a week, providing ur sugar level in ur blood is not high.

I saw the playpen is equally ex as babycot now. At least babycot can be quite compact when it was kept.
Pram - u wanna try Combi? There are some other brand range from $100 - $150. They are equally comfortable as Capelle or Combi.

Regarding the infant over covered - yah i agree. That is why i suggest parents to get more receiving blanket. Can use it to cover the child when u go shopping at malls.

If u sling the child, the sling is enough to keep the baby warm.
hong, how to tell if the placenta is matured?
The Chix esse u mentioned, isit those normal Brand's type w/o ginseng etc added? Many Qns.. thanks!

fruitee, mentioned tat u wd be going TMC's parentalcraft? Ur class starting when? I have not call & sign up yet.

Bb's weight:-
I still dunno my bb's weight. My gynae din tell us. Asked once ard 19weeks, tol us that its not nec to know the weight now. Plus, he din mention my bb underweight so i guess bb is ok.
The gynae will tell u. Not me lah. By the time the gynae informed u already too late. U cant do anything.

Preggie cannot anyhow take Ginseng. Just take the plain one or the one will "Du Chong Chao".

If possible, ask the gynae abt the baby weight. At least u know if the baby is taking well. U can even plot a graph. If the gynae said no need to know then insisted that u feel like having the data. I dun a reason why they cannot give us the information. Doesnt take them very long to find out the weight mah.
Mine starting on the 22 April, but I not sure yet cos hb might not be able to make it & I really dun wanna go alone ley..
fruitee, 3 more weeks to go.. heard tat the classes filled up easily rite? U ask if u can postpone? My hb going overseas end Apr early May. I oso dowan to go alone.
Hi Jazzy,
When I was abt 36/37wks for my no.1 , the doc told me that my placenta has started to mature, ie. its function is coming to an end. I think there is nothing to worry. I was able to see 1 or 2 dark spots from the scan of the placenta(he showed me) and he mentioned that the placenta is aging. No reason to panick becoz it would mean the bb is getting ready to come out soon. If it matures earlier, the doc will inform you. No worries.
I was thinking of cancelling my session.. still have not make up my mind yet... since if I going alone, what's the point..
Hi Hong,

I'm also at 23 weeks now (our EDD is the same remember?) and yesterday when I went for my check-up, my baby's weight is almost 800grams!!! Gynae never say if its too big or wat but hubby and i were alarmed cos just four weeks ago, she was only 300g.

I did a 3D scan also but baby not cooperative and she used her palm to cover her face. And eventually when we could see her face, she stick out her tongue and yawned a few times! Hahha
Hi there mommies

Not had the time to read or respond till now cos had been very sick:p

Just bought playpen, more rompers, sleepsuits, blankets. Most rompers are used items I bought thru the forum, well-maintained so pretty happy with the buy. As for the playpen, I sold my girl's cot and thought both younger and elder could share the same bed with me. Changed my mind after sleeping with my daughter last few months. Her kungfu moves are scary leh, worried she might land one leg on the baby so better buy playpen to stay safe!!!

With regards to nipple cream (as asked), I'm using Avent. One bottle can last quite long so think it's a good buy.

Has anyone bought breast pump yet? I used Avent manual pump the last time, cannot tahanlah, pump like crazieee soooo tiring dah....think wanna buy electric ones but don't know which brand is good and cheeeppp. Any recommendations?
I prefer those with dual suctions (to fit both breasts at a time), I normally had the other breast leaking whilst I pump one side.
hong & kin, thanks for the info & advice.

If every MTBs go for their regular prenatal visits, everythg sd be ok.

fruitee, i juz know tat GlenE has such classes for after delivery. I am still considering.
I am in my 24 weeks now.
U baby weight gain is so much but never mind lah. It will be gd that bay grows right.

U're welcome.

dun worry too much ok. All of us will have a smooth delivery and a healthy baby.

I got my daughter a sofabed from Seahorse. Her bed is unfold at sleeping time and place beside our bed so i can tend to her if she need me.
She only sleep with me when my hubby is oversea.
