(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

hi mummy,
i need ur help. i wan 2 buy 2 bean sprout pillow for my new god daughter.i heard from my sis saying this is good esp for new born baby,that y i m thinking to buy 2 for my cute god daughter. i need a bulk purpase so that i can get a 20% off from the normal price.normal price $9.30 n 20% off will be $7.40.i need 8 more in order to have this 20% off. any one interested pls e mail me @ [email protected] thanks

U confirmed having a boy?
Yah i was very tensed when i have my detailed scan. Cos really wanted baby to be fine.

I asked my gynae if i can go to his clinic for a 3D scan. cos his machine at TMC is only 2D. I told him i wanted to see the baby feature. He said ok, arranged one ard 30 week to go to his clinic. He told us he will try to capture the baby feature providing my boy is co-operative.

Now we are thinking to call him Julian or Julius.
hi all,

Anyone going for JL sale? bought some bb stuff yesterday from Specialist's Centre JL. it was very crowded and the queue took me about one hour to make the payment..

I was alone yesterday so couldn't buy much.. all nursery items were entitled to 20% discount if use coupon.. Bought 2 baby einstein dvds, wet wipes, milk bottles and accessories.. also bought the Tiny Love Symphony-in mobile at $63.92 (usual price $79.90).. saw many good comments on this mobile compared to fisher price product..

oh yeah.. do take note that children/infants wear not entitled to 20% discount.. but still can use the $5 discount coupon to buy..
Hi japepearl,

I also see my gynae once every 4 weeks. I've already started on my package.

I think it's true tat normally boys will stay till full term. My edd push forward to 16 Jul, but gynae said mayb will pop early Jul cos I'm having gal.
Hi Hong,
When should we start monitoring baby's movement? How many weeks r u now? My doc never ask me to monitor leh. He said as I progress to later stage then need to monitor...
Japepearl, I'm currently a happy punching bag for bb. Oh by the way, I'm expecting a boy. Please help me update the list when you are free ok
Thanks in advance
Hehe, maybe not going to see dentist unless I pass by the clinic coz the tooth feels better now :p I see my gynae once a month. Even though I did amniocentesis, my gynae also say visit her 1 month later... good lah... maybe she assumed everything will be fine

Angeline, Haha! So glad that your boy's fine and so naughty naughty somemore! Maybe he paiseh mah :p

YB, Whoa! Really cheap... heh heh heh... very tempted. Prefer to go shopping than to see dentist :p

Hong, What's your boy's movement pattern like? I've been subconsciously monitoring my boy's movement. He'll actively move around at an interval of 3-4hrs, each time lasting abt 10-30mins. Dunno if he's moving enough :p Yesterday, I first experienced bb's hiccuping while I'm trying to fall asleep. Aiyoh, very irritating... want to sleep also cannot.
Hi MTBs,
I went for detailed scan yesterday.. kinda nervous while waiting. Everything is ok. My gynae tries to take a picture of bb's foot bt she keeps moving..
Guess she dun like being "probed" by the gynae too much coz she is active during the scan. Ha!
I have put on 2kg since my visit last mth. Is this a lot?

missmoon, my gynae sugg me to use moisturiser for dryness, not to use makeup & use lesser cleanser. Said its normal to be like tis when being pregnant, the cream he gv wd only "ease the itch temporary" so i din take it. Now using lesser moisturiser & makeup.
Regd the leg cramp, gynae sugg me to "flex ankles towards the shin, tightening the muscles on the calf" every nite a few times b4 i sleep. I tired last nite, seems ok.
Btw, I have to decide the hospital next month when i visit gynae. Have u booked already?

japepearl, my bb's EDD is changed to 24/7 instead of 20/7. I saw it on the ultrasound picture.
Thanks, my face seems better. Hope it remains this way.

Now I am seeing my gynae once a month. Yest signed their package, nurse said after the next visit (1 month from now), it wd be like every 3 weeks. Nearer to EDD wd be more frequent.

jurong gal, glad that the results are ok.

hong, my gynae din mention counting the no. of kicks yet. I din ask him either. A frd said she started counting during her 7 months. Wondering at times, for "lighter kicks" we mite miss it if we not paying attention?

ashleywcy, my bb's movements still not fixed. At times, she wakes up wif me, other times she wakes up late. Then the no. of times oso not the same. How's the hiccups like?
Hi Mummies,
Heehee! We have 13 boys and girls in the list now.

Jadepearl, Lok
My sister and colleagues who have boy did not carry til full term but pop early leh. Me have girl on my 1st pregnancy also pop early 2 weeks before EDD. So really different peoples different case ba!
hey gals
me saw on the forum saying that there will be a 30% sale at kiddy palace but only for the one located at lot 1..
anyone staying near there to check it out?
will be on from today till sunday..
jazzyjas, hehe, ok...good...hope the itch goes away soon
ya, the flexing of ankles will help...some say it's becos lack of calcium...dunno true or not. i cannot choose hospital, it's fixed at gleneagles cos gynae only operates there. huh? must book hospital now?

Yest i hv brown discharge twice in e morning, after tat no more but followed by slight cramps. to play safe, I managed to call up my gynac yest regarding my discharge and she asked me to go down immediately for her to check. then she used a probe to check my down there n there is no bleeding. Gynac said everything is fine n normal. E discharge actually is not that brown, more towards yellowish. As for e slight cramps i encountered, she said might be bb's kicking often that causes it. She reassured me everything is fine and feel more relieved.

she checked my bb and bb is very active n doing well. last 2 wks (23wks) my bb weighs at 530g, now 25wks she is 781g! grown by 250g. so fast ah. then bb keow ka n did some gymnastic stunts, n during e scan, can feel her kicks as well.

anyway gynac gave me 2 days mc for me to rest n gave me medicine "Salbutamol" to prevent contractions. she said once cramps no more no need to take, so far took twice.

i guess i drank too liang tat day esp the luo han guo (1st time drink during pregnancy), think wil need to avoid.

btw wat is actually contractions n causes it? usually how does it feel like n occurs in which part of tummy?
Follow my wifey to TMC for a detailed scan yesterday.... before that, went for the hospital tour.... now I know TMC only got 1 4 bedded at level 3 only... the rest all 2 bedded.. heee...

Anyway, it is indeed a very detailed scan, cover everything from head to toe to spine etc etc.... but glad that the BB boy is okay inside... can confirm now it is 100% boy boy because they show me his little chick chick. heee....
hi mothers who is giving brith to baby boy,
just want to ask if your tummy is hold much higher? Very close to your chest level?
YB, Ashley, Jazzy,
10x in a day at least. Dun need to have any frequency or interval. Just ensure u can feel the baby moves in ur tummy when u get up, working, go home, when u abt to sleep etc.

Actually need to monitor closely in the later stage but gynae just asked me to do it. I think is also gd. Baby is suppose to be active now.

I drink luo han guo too but ok leh. May be ur body cant take liang stuff.
hi sandy...mine is high, not so close to chest but definitely high compared to some others at ard the same gestation period. is it true??
my colledge told me that baby boy like to sit high, so carry high mean is a boy.
As i mention, i still don't know my gender so they predict it that way.
sandy...if that were true...then that explains why during my detailed scan that took over an hour, my bb was resting near the cord (around belly button area)...refused to move abt...technician had a hard time measuring some of his organs.
haha Missmoon, mine also took about an hour but still couldn't determine gender cos my baby very active inside.
I am now waiting for next visit to gynea to try scan for another time. If still cannot, then i shall wait for surprise during delivery...lol
sandy...haha...hopefully u can see gender by next visit lah...i think i cannot tahan the anticipation...still got so many months to go before EDD!

ppl tell u fr shape of tummy it's bb boy or girl?
Jazzyjas & Missmoon

The nurses at the clinic also asked me to do prebooking of the hospital by next appt (next week). Can't decide between the 1 or 2 bedder room. Have you gals booked yet?
My gynae did ask me to monitor baby's movement but never say must count 10x. She say must make sure the movements are constant...ie spread throughout the day. My baby seems to kick a lot around late morning, late afternoon, and late nights....aiyoh around 12-1am!!!....Hard to fall a sleep with her doing aerobics inside...Zzzzz
poppy, not yet leh...but most likely i will take 1-bedder...but then hor, how to book now cos EDD also not very accurate one....who knows will pop early or late?
Haha Poppy, your baby movement got timing somemore. Mine will get more active when it some how know we are scanning him/her. Haha
That day during my customary, he/she seem to know and not much movement felt. haha
missmoon, regd to the lack of calcium i not sure. Bt i read it somewhere on the internet. Anyway, juz do 3x per leg nightly b4 sleeping. Better to lie down doing it i find, o/w abs there uncomfy after doing. Did it sitting up this morning then i uncomfy loh.

kite, glad that u r fine.
Have a good rest for these 2 days.

Hong, so 10x per day huh? Not sure if my bb kicking as much daily. Actually i find it reassuring if bb kicks in the morning when i woke up & nite b4 sleeping. Throughout the day, bb kicks on n off then its fine i guess.

sandy & missmoon, my bb sits high on the tummy.. & i am having a bb girl.

Poppy & missmoon, my pre-booking wd be mid next mth. My gynae can go either GlenE or Mt A. bt we planning to get 1 bedder + lodger @GlenE. How much wd hosp like tis be? Ard 2k++?

Poppy, my bb woke up wif me whenever i go loo in the middle of the nite. Last nite she oso, dowan to sleep, i pat pat my tummy lightly then she is ok.
I also asked them how come must book so early. I say I haven't gone for the hospital tour yet, so not decided. I think have to go next week liao.
Jazzyjas & YB,
Hiccups r like bb movement at regular interval and feel like the whole bb "jumping" like that. Not the usual irregular bumping or poking around. I didn't know bb can hiccup too. Learnt from a friend whose bb hiccupped during her ultrasound scan
i got can feel bb's hiccups at very regular intervals but only last awhile like 3 to 4 times jumping feeling. urs? how many times?
Hi mums,

True.. Kiddy palace lot 1 store wide 30% except discount item, cause they going on renovation. Bought some infant wears etc etc which i aim veri long liao : )...

Went for my visit yesterday my palcenta still veri low bb head cover the whole cervix : ( hopefull will move up soon.
Hi. all mummies

I think the saying abt the having baby boy that ur tummy is higher is defintely true, coz mine oso high. The people ard me also commenting that my tummy is high.
Hi zita27,
Is the Kiddy Palace at Lot 1 big or small? Dunno if they have the stuff I want if their shop is small.
Do be careful since ur placenta is still very low.
YB, how u rate big? but definately not small. Wat u wan buy, maybe i can tell u have anot? cause I tink they kept some item...e.g i cant find Avent product leh or they dont carry. But got NUK product lah.
Hi zita27,
U know compasspoint outlet (sengkang) kiddy palace? It's very huge. Is the shop at Lot 1 like that or just a small outlet shop?

I was thinking of getting receiving blankets...
Is more like a small departmental store to me. But today i went, store quite empty liao: (
Ya they do sell receiving blanket at 30% discount. But not that worth to travel all the way for it leh.
hi YB:
i went kiddy palace at compasspoint yest. nothing much, only bot a avent nipple cream n a mini fan for bb stroller. so far not sure wat to buy liao cos bot most of the bb stuffs liao.
Hi all,

My gynae does a vargina swap for me and tested postive for the candida infection. I am not too sure is the vargina swap is for the cervix or other thing? What's the different between vargina swap and pad smear? Any similar experience or advice?
hi jessie, my gynae did a vaginal swab for me to check for presence of infection (apparently preggie women more susceptible to infections)...think the check is rather similar to pap smear but pap smear has got other check markers (eg. cancer markers) in it. u may wanna clarify wif gynae on d swap.
morning missmoon,
How r u? Din sleep well last nite, kept waking up. Since yest afternoon, been feeling abs pain come n go, now still a bit. Its not on a specific area bt generalised. Dunno sd i go & see my gynae later a not.
Juz dun feel good.
Btw, wat is braxton hicks? I read abt it bt how it felt?

morning, jazzyjas...oh dear, hope u'll feel better soon! i've been getting these aches on n off, everytime i mention to gynae, he doesn't seem concerned. its also ard this time that we'll feel nire of these aches n stitch-like sensations cos of uterus stretching.

me too, some nites just dun get good sleep, cannot get comfy position, very frustrating. BH is when ur uterus contracts (shld be painless at this time) in preparation for labour later...something like cramps?
