(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

HIi mummies,
i want to buy stretch mark cream but the price is so expensive at Kiddy Palace. About $55.00. Any where i can buy a cheaper one??

Hi Sandy
wat brand are u looking at?
me quite like the one from Avent.. its less than $20.00 if I remember..
currently using the one from Palmers..got my friend to buy from the states.. its really cheap as compared..
Hi tracy.. where to buy?? I never look at the brand but i know that the only they have in Kiddy Palace.
I have been applying for free membership in every shop that sells maternity & kids wear..lol got discount.
My tummy feel so stretch especially at night.. so difficult to sleep.
hong, no worries.
Dunno much so am curious mah.. Hee..
Hi Jazzyjas,

You delivering at GLeneagles too? I went for the hospital tour and the person in charge says there will be classes available after you deliver. However, i don't think I'll go cos by then, I'll be too busy and also tired to go for it. So i'll suggest to go now if possible.

Hi sandyKerk,

You can get the Avent cream at Robinsons. I like it too. It smells good too.
I am also using Avent. Not bad.

Wat kind of course? The short courses that conducted daily during ur stay. Infact u shld go cos is free and if they have breastfeeding class then u can bring ur baby in and practise.

Mt E have such courses, since Mt E, Glen and East Shore is under the parkway group i think they will offer the courses in all the 3 hospital.
Hi May,
wow, your baby is super big at 23 weeks !!! Anyway, good that your baby is absorbing the nurtients. Mine is only 600+g at the beginning of 24weeks.

My baby also didn't like to take 3D scan. She refused to look at the screen. With gynae's help, we only managed to captured her side view from nose up. She used her hand to block the rest of her face. Think must be shy
hi gals,
I am Matsu from another thread planning to purchase a baby cot i heard playpen is not good for baby's back. dont know how true though. I plan to get a bulk purchase from an agent.
They quoted mama love babycot $250 if more than three person buying . It is sold at baby's kingdom for $279. It comes with free mattress, bumper, bedding set.
They also quoted woodcraft denmark babycot of better wood quality
at $285 which is sold at kidsmall at $329 i think. comes with three different colours. Also come with mattress bumper and bedding set

Would anyone be keen to join me and my friend.
I just saw my gynae yesterday, wanted to take 3D picture for baby, but she was hiding behind her hands....so shy....doc says try next time.

Hong & Jazzy
My gynae said that it's not necessary to weigh baby everytime. She mentioned the size and water level is ok. Until now I still do not know how much my baby weigh.

My gynae also mentioned not to anyhow take chinese herbs. Some of them are hormonal (like Dang Gui) and may affect our hormone levels. Better be safe.
Hi may,
Ya, wd be delivering @GlenE. Have not gone for the maternity tour yet, planning to go in May. Still considering which prenatal classes to sign up, GlenE or TMC. Have u sign up any already?

Hong, learnt from another thread the courses r parentcraft & breastfeeding.
Hi Tracy,
I agree with Poppy. Dang Gui is very heaty. For me, as I have hyperthyroidism, I cannot take Dang Gui as it will affect my thyroid hormones..Better check with the doc before you take any chinese herbs.
Hi MTBs,
Would like to track the overall weight gained so far...I've gained 8kg now & I'll be in my 25th week in 2 days time. How about the rest?
Hi gals,
I rbr someone mention abt the 50% on pigeon bottle if u bring a old bottle during the purchase.

can i know which shopping mall and when will it end?
Hmm..seems like I've gained the most weight. I will try to limit my food intake now. So scared of not being able to lose the extra weight after birth...sigh..
YB, ya leh.. started gaining only in 2nd tri.
Doc din say anythg abt my weight or bb.
R u pettie size? Coz for me, b4 preg, am average weight. Losing those few kgs during 1st tri seems ok for me.
I went for the tour at GlenE. Some info to share:

1) ParentCraft & Breastfeeding Classes
The classes you are referring to are for patients on weekdays only, so if your bb decides to come out on weekends then you'll miss the classes. The GlenE lady said that the videos of these classes are available in every room so even if you miss, you can still catch it on TV. I prefer the real thing though

2) Length of Stay for GlenE package
- Normal delivery is 3days 2nights
- C-Sect delivery is 4days 3nights
Cut off time is 12 midnight, so if you check yourself in before midnight (say 9pm) then effectively you have used up 1 day.

3) Deposits
Have to pay the full package price as deposit 1 mth before EDD....can use credit card. Excess amount will be refunded after 2 weeks from your check out. If you have a Citibank credit card, can go for the discounted package.
I gained 5kg and tomorrow is bb's 25 weeks.

OMG! Peoples around me comment my tummy suddenly look soooooo big now. I look at the studio pics that i took last weeks, my tummy so huge just like i gg to give birth soon....hiazzzz!
Hi, All Mummies

I am now into my 25weeks, gained 2.5kg. All along I have been on the heavy side ever since I gave birth to my 2 elder gals.
hi poppy
sorry i do not have the pics. For me i went to OG @ chinatown and take a look and ask the agent to quote a better price.
And the agent is just beside OG name is cheong choon
Hi YB,poppy
tks for the advice..
will really take care of wat i m taking now..

u can get the Avent cream at Taka.. its a good buy when there is a 20% disc..
Hi Matsu,

Me also interested to get the cot, but need to go n view first : )

Me gain 8kg : ) at wk26. Ideally i wan gain at least 14kg...so got to catch up...but like running slow...

Btw i request do a v swap during last visit, cause got some light yellow discharge occasionally. thought i kaisu only, but receive call yesterday say i got infection need to go down n pick medicine: (
My gynae said the recommended weight gain is 11kg to 14kg. Does our weight grow more rapidly in 2nd or 3rd trimester? Seems that I gain more rapidly at 2nd trimester. Hopefully can slow down when I reach 3rd trimester.

Care to show us your Pregnancy Studio shots? I'm also thinking of taking. Does your package include makeup & hairstyling?

Hi zita27,
I also have mild yellowish discharge on & off. Dunno if I should also go for a v swap test.

Maybe should request to b safer loh, I only kaisu though i not infected cause not greenish or itchy! but result otherwise leh.
YB & Zita

I also have light yellowish discharge, gynae say as long as it's not dark yellow or greenish or itchy it's ok......
Hi Tracy,
Sorry it doesnt come in white colour. I also wanted to get a white one initially to match my pink bedding set but i saw one in mothercare one the paint will come off which is not very good for babies leh. So i intend to get the wooden craft denmark cot $285 if bulk purchase, lightest wood color close to beige colour.

Hi poppy, zita, and perhaps eeyore,
you might want to view the baby cot at OG @ people's park branch. Its call mama love
bulk purchase at $250 lor.
The other woodcraft denmark have to view at Cheong Choon store at blk 34 03-132 upp cross st
its a store just beside OG got to cross zebra crossing.They sell all sorts of babystuff, its just that the agent dont know how to email the pictures to me if not will be easier.

Is it possible for you to give me a reply soon as i will close this bulk purchase on 10 April cos i am afraid i might give birth earlier and i will need the cot. hee:> Thanks
Hi Poppy,
Thanks for the info.
So u registering for where's prenatal & parentcraft classes?

YB, oic.. am 1.66 & wt used to be ard 58kg.. ideal sd be 55kg i thk. Hee.. Now eating more than 1st tri, so weight gain sd be on the way.

YB, Zita & Poppy,
I have yellowish dischrg on n off since preg. Have asked gynae, bt he mentioned its ok so long as no itch or burning sensation when urinating.
Actually, have thot abt v swab oso.
You look so pretty & sweet!! Cannot see that u already a mother of 1 daughter!!
You still look very slim leh...Sigh! My face all puffy already...
Hi jazzyjas, Poppy & Zita27,
I only have slight yellowish discharge with no itch, pain or smell. So I guess I should be alright. Read from a book that it's normal to have some discharge during pregnancy, especially as pregnancy progress. The discharge will get thicker.
Hi matsu,

I went OG to view today there are 2 leh, retailing at $279 or $299? izt the darker brown with bear pic at the wood..can b convert to a toddler bed later..does the bulk purchase include bedding set n mattress?

Hi poppy n jazzjas, ya at first gynae also say like that, n my discharge is white or light yellow occasionally wif no smell! but every visit i will raise the same Q, so gynae ask izit i veri concern? if yes then do a swap... : ) caught me in surprise that result i got infection leh.
Hi Zita its the $279 one there is a mama love sign on the wood. Yes the bulk purchase come with bedding set n mattress.yes can convert to toddler bed with safeguard panel.
If you want a very dark brown babycot will be woodcraft denmark one $285.Did you manage to see the woodcraft denmark one at cheong choon.

Hi Tracy, i saw someone wanted to sell her white baby cot at market exchange corner. I thought you might be interested. :>
Wanna eat durian..not b'cos my baby's small, actually don't know wat's her weight...didn't even bother check my weight gain. Durian for me lah, mouth itching to eat:p

Where to find durian now huh...heee..heee....

Seems like most of you buying cot.

Btw, is anyone planning to be induced or having C-sec on any particular date? Just curiouslah, being the kaypoh me;)

For those who want to have bigger babies, perhaps should rest more, don't know if it works, I last time kena scolding by MIL cos rest a lot then baby came out big. Aiyah big...pp talk, small also pp talk...headache man!!!
Hi nurbates,
I was craving for durians too.. finally went to buy at Geylang during the weekend. satisfy that craving.. hee.. hee..

I gained 8.5 kg so far at 25 weeks. My baby is now 920g, think it's more on the heavier side. When I weighed myself at 23 weeks, it was the same weight as at 20 weeks, I was worrying abt no weight gain. Then suddenly gain 3.5kg in two weeks!

I did a 3D scan too, but she's not cooperative, used hands to cover her face.. shy.. shy.. have to try again next time...
wow.. some mtb already 25 week. We are half way there. I only gain 2 kg so far, going to see gynea this sat.. Hope to know my baby gender by then.
Morning mummies !

Just wanna ask is it a general rule that preggies cant attend funerals ? Im feeling super frustrated with my mil....makes my blood boil.
Jurong gal,
I didnt attend funeral when i am pregnant.

Hope u know the gender at ur next visit.

U small in size? may be baby is after u. Smaller in size too. As long as baby reach a safe weight at birth.
Hi Hong & all mummies,

Can i check with you if anyone is having stretch marks appearing below their tummy?

This morn i got up & have a shock of my life.. i have a few red lines below my tummy and according to my hubby it has been there for a few days and i didnt realise it till today!! ..

Help.. i am using AVENT stretchmark cream too...
yes i have it.
I have it for my 1st pregnancy so i think it will appear again this time.

Stime is not due to the cream, some pple just will have stretchmark. More like inherited, my mum have so i think i will have too but my sister doesnt.

Hi MTBs, it has been a while since last posting. Had my last gynae check on Thurs --- bb's weighing in @ 673g at 24 weeks. Dr Chan was expecting a smaller bb (~500g) given my size and the average statistics. Maybe all the beef that I eat to boost iron helped to make bb bigger too! Will be making a training trip to Houston next week. A long way there (24 hrs with transit), just pray very hard that it's not too tough/tiring for bb & mummy. And I have made a decision to extend my maternity leave until end of the year, effectively giving me 5+ mths. Will most probably leave my son in infantcare but can't bear to put him there at only 3 mths old, so made this request. My management is supportive, so very grateful for that.

Kite, i asked Yvonne Chan whether the bb is too big, but she needs to see the trend. She didn't cap my weight gain (currently abt 5 kg) and says no real need to control. Btw, the Desitin cream u bought is with or without aloe vera? The one highly recommended is with aloe and Dr Chan's clinic is selling at $13+ (dunno whether it's 2 or 4 oz).
