(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

jazzyjas, i think perhaps better to make that call to gynae and explain...see if need to go see just for ur peace of mind

Morning gals..
Me got another sleepless nights..
so frustrating! Imagine coming to work the next day & never get to sleep well the previous nite! Haiz..
missmoon, i tol my gynae abt this on n off abs pain bt he dun seem "concerned".. Ya, its like a pinch kinda feeling, like a stitch oso.Bt since yest, its not on juz the lower abs, the sides oso.. tat's the uterus rite??
More frequent & times.
Yest saw a tiny drop of "red dot" on the pantyliner, got me all worried last nite. Is this spotting? Haiz.. last nite kept getting up to check. If i call, they wd ask me to do down. Thk later wd call. If keep thinking, i cant take it.

fruitee, i know.. i am feeling "heavy headed" now.
jazzy, I also have the pain u describe for many days but my gynae told me was normal.

I also have sleepless nite yesterday.
Worse, my daughter got HFMD, my hubby and I have to wake up so many times during weekend to look after her. Once she is back IL place i cant sleep. Arghhh
jazzyjas, ya, i get it at the sides also. it seems to be more often now and i read fr the book that up to 26 weeks, there will be these aches and stitch-like sensations. so i guess it's normal...so long as no cramps or spotting. if u see tiny red dot, better not take chance, go and see gynae liao.

if we all getting sleepless nites now hor, imagine when 3rd tri comes...cannot tahan!!
hong, u better take care, i heard pregnant woman need to avoid HFMD patients...

btw, mummies, did anyone intend to take studio pics during pregnancy??
missmoon, so how often sd this "aches & stitches" happen per day? Isit come n go a few times in an hr?
Ya.. bt i not sure isit blood i saw yest either. Its like a "tiny needle prick" dot.
Juz hope July comes faster.

hong, u must take care. For the time being, better to leave ur daughter wif ur IL.
yah man, cant imagine when reach 3rd Tri.. think more zombies around.. cant stand my look seeing the mirror everday now!
jazzyjas, it comes and goes...sometimes consistently for half hour, then goes away...then will come back after a while. the stitch-like feel i got is like blunt needle poking kind. even if it's discharge, shldn't be brownish lor...maybe just monitor see if got some of this

fruitee, ya...head heavy...feel like a walking zombie...cannot concentrate much at work...imagine a month before due date...arrrgh
missmoon, ya, tat's how the stitch-like feel yest. Then tis morning 2x. No dischrg.
Ur gynae said 1/2hr of tat is OK?

Felt like going home now.. bt @office nearer to GelnE. Haiz..

missmoon & fruitee, felt myself getting "grumpy", "grouchy" as days pass by....
Think have to monitor the the 3rd trim.. if cannot think I will get early release to Maternity leave... now also abit cannot take it liao... cant imagine 3rd tri
Yah... yah.. I totally agree to the "Grumpy, grouchy" thingy! that day hb was saying... wah.. yr mood changed so fast... ahhahahah...
eeyore, Jazzy,

U all read the new that preggie not advisable to get near patients with HFMD?
I check with my daughter's PD and gynae both of them said ok. Will not affect baby. Sometime dun know listen to the news or the doctor.

I alreay have contact with my daughter. I looked after her during weekend, need to relief my IL for a while. I just make sure i washed up more often.

Missmoon, fruitee,
Hang on. dun waste ur Maternity leave.
U probably miss the baby in ur tummy after that. Try to enjoy it now. Think abt the gd things, or look ard to get stuffs for ur baby.

u wanna take pic now?
fruitee, ya, my mood chg qte fast at times.. hb is saying Sat see me "happy happy" then yest see me "crying".. cant help it.

hong, Ya, read abt the news. I feel u outa rest more. Wif ur daughter ard, u have to take care of her & urself, wd be qte taxing on u.
hong, hear from my colleague, difiicult to recover...

yar, feel like taking photo during pregnancy, but dunno when is the best time...
But now quite hectic ley.. cos at night cannot sleep... when comes to afternoon... the eyelids canot open liao.. maybe monitor first then see how.. I also scare after maternity will miss bb to the extend!

My hb was saying.. "Hey u, one min you so happy, the next min, u like pissing on something! Face changed too fast liao!" think the men simply just cannot accept but we cant help it..
I did read newspaper about preggie not advisable to get nearest with HFMD patients. Think the virus will spread to the preggie and the unborn baby too. If serious, the unborn baby cant survive ......

U better check the newspapers last week to check more informs.

Heehee! I just took some studio pics during our company D&D last Sat. Dont know turn out nice or not?
Where is the newspaper? I cant find it.
Did they say at which stage of pregnancy will be dangerous? I suspected is either the 1st trimester or before delivery.

Is ur hubby back? U try drinking Chix essense after breakfast. It helps to give u strenght.
Hi eeyore,
I was told that 8th mth should be good enough to take preg studio pix.

Do u know how much a usual studio would charge? And wat is included?
Yeh... Hb back liao..
hmmm.. cant stand the smell of chicken ley.. totally reject chicken..
I taking Pao Sheng, does helps alittle but after lunch... I tends to feel damn damn damn sleepy..
Hi Hong,
Think it's last week's news...I feel that it's better to be safe than sorry. My nephew also used to come down with HFMD & my mum banned me from getting near him.
hong, fruitee, i intend to clear a week's leave a week before EDD...hopefully will pop on time so can clear maternity leave immediately after that. otherwise...will "tong" until closer to popping time (also dunno how to gauge) then clear leave. scared by time too big hor, hard to move around also. hey hong, u better take care, ya
must develop strong immunity system, especially now.

jazzyjas, gynae didn't tell me how i shld monitor but since book says it's normal, i left it as that...will raise this prob wif gynae again on wed see if he still seems unconcerned. ya lor, these days at work i got no patience ley...then this morning moody...wonder if it's hormones or simply cos not enough sleep last nite and then add on monday blues.

anyone lately feel that feet getting "bigger"? it looks like water retention or something...look swollen but dun feel tight that kind?
U dun like Chix ess, else can give u strength. Its give me "power" to last my day.

My own daughter leh, cant help it.

I agree with u it is very hard to gauge when we shld take leave. Unless ur gynae told u if he wanted to induce u. However, staying at home waiting is also the same. Unless there is someone with u all the time.
I think the vitamins that we take helps to strength the body alot. I will be more careful.
missmoon, the book i am reading does not say much abt such abs pain. May i know wat book u r reading? Feel i am not reading enuff, qte ignorant + dunno how 2 describe the "feeling" very well.

Wd only be seeing in mid Apr.. tat's still a long way.. wd monitor & see how it goes.
I am usually impatient.. after preg, even more so. Ya, no mood to work oso.. juz now lunch ok, now come back, i am tired n restless.

No, still ok i thk. A colli said dun drink 2 much water.. bt another said sd take more. ????

Under wat circumstances wd the doc do induction? A frd req for induction & were given.
hong, ya lor...these days anything also hard to predict liao...hopefully we can fight anything that's harmful now, especially the weather so hot and humid...must be extra careful not to fall ill.

jazzyjas, it's the dr miriam stoppard book, it just mentions very briefly the stitch-like feeling during this few weeks, and from wk 20 till 25, it was more like uterus will ache cos of the stretching and bb's aerobic movements during that developmental stage. i can understand...even wif the reading, i still feel insecure, like still in doubt of wat i'm feeling is really as described in book...feel at a loss sometimes.

think there're special circusmstances where they recommend induction but i think most common one is overdue? my colleague's 1st bb was overdue, so her second one hor, she asked for induction and gynae ok'd it.
My gynae suggested that when my baby hits near 40 weeks and i still show no sign of labour.

However for my case, i wanted my girl to be induced cos i cant stand her weight on me anymore.

Infact, induce may not be a gd choice cos the chances of u ended up in assisted birth or C-section is high.
I also heard frds telling me dun drink too much... & some say must drink more... Confusion! But hor, I drank alot of water... dun know ley.. seems more thristy loh.. can be water pail liao..!
missmoon, i am reading this dr miriam stoppard's handbook. Din mention abt the uterus aching. So after 25weeks, does this feeling lessens?
Ya, i thk insecurity is wat i felt too.
I read abt thgs on the website then i wd thk. Like abs pain, from the babycenter site, its common in preg yet differs for each mothers.

hong, so actually there is a "degree" of risk to ask for induction? Coz a frd early than EDD bt she asked for it.

fruitee, har noh.. i am drinking qte a lot oso.. esp i feel after food, i am thirsty.
Hi jazzyjas,
Actually to prevent water retention, we should drink more water. The lesser water we have in our body, the more our body will retent.
yah i wash my hand so many times that i feel my hand drying up.

Sterilising toys is the a tough part. So many to clean up and not only toys those area she touches have to sterilise. Those utensils she uses have to sterilise. Her clothes, etc etc.
jazzyjas, i think extent of time really depends on individual? i guess the aches shld be wif us for the duration? cos uterus always sstretching to accommodate growing bb mah, hor?

so sleepy now!
I seems to be very thirsty everyday... cant seems to get enuff of water... I heard some ppl drink too much water hor the leg swollen until like pig trotter?

Me too... trying hard to keep my eyes open!
Looks like lots of us are having sleepless nights!! Me too, I fall asleep like 1am then wake up several times in the middle of the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep again. So tiring!

eeyore & YB, I've got a lady photograher friend that specialises in pregnancy and baby photography. I've seen her portfolio, very nice. Can pass you the contact if you want. Can check with her when is a good time to take the photos and her prices too!
Almost time to go home liao.. keep ur cool..
Juz went for an 1hr+ tralk, sat until "numb".
Wanna zzz juz now oso, bt coz the talk is "interactive", i have to pay attention.

YB, i agree wif u. Coz if drink more water, most prob wd juz go loo more time.

Fruitee, really?! Actually it depends on individual. If feel thristy, must drink mah.. dun drink, lest dehydrate.

missmoon, i guess so. If bb is growing, i thk the uterus wd expand to accommodate. But at times, the "feel" is different, then dunno wat it meant.
hi ladies,

anyone of you experienced heartburn? I had it very frequently and it's unbearable...

anyone know of any natural remedy to it?
hi gebbera
how does heartburn feel huh? i've experienced gastric pain-like after meal time...

i heard that wif heartburn, it's best to split meals into smaller but more frequent thru the day. hope it helps!
hi yb,

I haven't checked any package yet...

poppy, it's good to have her contact... she owns a studio or shoots outdoor??
Hi Hong,
Ya, I know. It's indeed really very troublesome. But no choice lor, cos u r pregnant now. Can ask ur hubby to help? Since it's quite tiring for you to do these chores now.
HI Poppy,

Can I have the lady's photograpger contact? Sounds fun but I'm choosing between whetehr to do the photo now or when my baby is one-month old. It'll be our first family photo. So fun!

Do you all feel that the baby kicks more often these days? Mine was so frequent that I wonder if she sleeps at all! Hahhaha Naughty girl.

Anyone knows where can I buy wardrobe for baby? I know Ikea has some but wonder if there are other alternatives...
Hi MTBs,
How many times u wake up in the middle of the nite? Have been waking up aft sleeping juz 2+hrs to go loo then these few days @5am oso, dunno for wat. After tat qte difficult to sleep. Now i am tired.

gebberra, r u taking ur meals in a rush? Better to take time to eat slowly. Eat meals in small portions regularly. Hope this wd help.

may, at times i wonder isit hiccups? Esp when its a few times at 1 time. Coz at times it dun feel like kicking or punching. Hee..
thanks for the concern.
My daughter is recovering, she manage to eat now. So happy! So heartpain to see her telling us she is hungry but just couldnt get the food down.

U can try Vhive? I am looking for chest of drawers too. I find Ikea got the nicer one althot not very durable.
Hi Hong,
So glad ur daughter is recovering. I know HFMD has a hibernation period. So do still be carefully during these few days.

Hi May,
I agree with Hong. Ikea has some really nice & cute designs but they tend not to last long. Somemore, maj have to be assemble on ur own. Unless you're thinking of changing the furniture when ur child grows up, else can get from Vhive.
Hi Jazzyjas,

I dont usually wake up at night. (Touch wood **) Probably becos I'm always deadbeat when I reach home. I read that if you exercise regularly, you wont have sleeping problems too. Thats why I make it a point to hit the gym twice a week. You should try it too and it prevents backaches as well.

Hi Hong and YB,

Thanks for your suggestion. Cool, I'll go Vhive to take a look too.

By the way, has anyone bought thermometer for baby yet? Those ear thermometer type. I saw the one Braun is selling costs 129. A bit too ex eh...
Hi all mommys/ mommys-to be,

I'm new to this forum. Have found this very useful as I am a first-time mom, EDD is 27 july. as i abit blur blur, found this site can actually learn alot of things and know abt offers/ sale in departmental stores :p... will come in more often to chit chat..
u all have a good day
hi may, just wondering.. when u hit the gym.. wat u do u actually work out? do u go for classes or just work out on the machines? I hav a gym membership too and hav yet to step into the gym ever since I know i am pregnant.. really miss those days when i am able to exercise freely.. have ask one of the trainer, he tell me better dun work out..
whereas i have heard pple walking on threadmill during their preganacy..
Hi May,
I will not be getting those Baby thermometer. They are simply too ex!! I will be using those normal digital thermometer if my baby gets sick. Will stick under the armpit lor..

Hi melissa,

Hi misaryeo,
Walking is good, even for pregnant women. I still try to lift light weights at home & go for a 30mins walk everyday if I have the time. Just refrain from over-strenuous exercises.

hi YB,
thanks for ur advice.. i did walk abit these days.. but realise its getting more and more tiring.. have tried going for a swim too.. and its quite relaxing..
