(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

NOIF, my MIL not like yours. She insisted on her way even we tell her too early etc.She insisted on her shifu timing. My custom wedding is next friday.
I am a christian so i also mention to her that i am not going to offer joss stick to ancestor. Even my father wake, i never even hold a single joss stick. The problem is my HB side have communication break down. haiz...


Strangely, I actually felt that it's quite fun following the customs. You don't do it everyday, once in a lifetime only mah. You get to learn your family traditions at the same time. Without it, it'll just be like any other day.... I guess this is looking from the bright side

I did follow for my wedding but tried not to get overboard. So certain stuff we dismissed it. My mom and MIL didn't even bother, it's those san gu liu po that added more and more traditional rites to the wedding. But it'll be all over in half a day.

Just try to be happy, don't let the unpleasantries gets in your head, it's your big day!!
Hi Tracy,

No.. No special date. But the date is the earliest weekend for my bb to pop out. else Wk 36 will be pre mature mah :p
Jas, what kin said is true. Sleeping on the left will be the recommended position. Sleeping on your back (because it will not compress the big vein, improved circulation of nutrients to baby and also to prevent weight of growing bb causing backache) and front (because of the bump) are definitely not recommended. Pre-pregnancy, I used to sleep on my back as advised by the doctor to straighten my spine. But I have trained myself since the day I knew I'm pregnant to sleep on the left. There was 1 particular night where somehow I always end up sleeping on the back and it gave me an aching feeling the next day.
Hi Lok,

I do try to sleep on the left but always end up on the back. But my tailbone will hurt in the middle of the nite when I sleep on my back for too long.

Anyone experience baby punching when you wake up? It always happens to me. The baby will kick violently whenever I get out of bed. Either she is disturbed by the new position or she refuses to get out of bed. Hahhaha

Anyone has any recommendation on any good prenatal books?
hi may,
Dr Miriam Stoppard - Conception, Pregnancy & Birth...the book is informative. gives you an idea wat to expect from start to finish...including writing up a birth plan to infant care.
noif, really? Not used 2 sleep on the left & am having a princess.

missmoon, i have a book by this Dr. bt i dunno the title. Juz started reading only. How r u lately?
so excited tomorrow going to see my baby already. Heard from the nurse that i can try see the gender of the baby. Hee hee
Hi YB and Missmoon,

Thanks so much for your recommendation. I'll go and check out the books.

Anyone of u started reading to your baby too? Any children's books to recommend? I read a bit about pre-natal reading to our babies since this is the time when he/she can hear us. My husband and I take turns to read poems to our baby and explain to her the meaning behind it. QUite fun. If u are interested, I can give u the title of the book (cant rem off hand).
hi may
i let my bb listen to Mozart music
haven't started reading to him yet.

hi jazzyjas
i oso cannot remember the title by this dr but i was told this one (updated version, if i'm not mistaken) is good
me doing ok...going to see gynae next week for him to monitor the placenta previa condition. u leh?? feeling better? sometimes, i feel really uncomfortable sleeping on both sides, even on my back, dunno why. hope it won't be often. u going to expo's bb fair?
Rain, my detail scan is at week 22 so two more week to go.
A good news to share, my wedding customary thing resolve... thank God for it. It is all communication problem.
Now I can happily wait for being a bride & mummy.

I believe we are all happy and glad that all your problems are resolve. It is always important to have good communication between not only both of you, but with your in-laws as well. I am sure you will go thru your customery happily as a bride and as a mother to be. Stay cheerful always.
may, i borrowed from the library pre-schooler short stories to read to her. Me & hb take turns to do it.
Bt we do it only like once a week. Every nite, would play classical music b4 we sleep.

missmoon, i bought the book from Borders, not very thick bt qte comprehensive. My detailed scan next week changed to following week (gynae unavail), hope everythg wd be ok.
Am better.. learning to cope.
Ya, at times sleep which side or way oso dun feel comfy. Har noh.. take too much time to get to sleep wd meant lesser time actually sleeping.
U meant the fair this weekend? Dun thk so, mite be crowded. Were planning to go Taka after gynae visit, now apptm chg date, dunno when then go Taka. Have u went?

Sandy, tat's gd news!
ya, went to taka bb fair, bought the steriliser from there. the taka fair will only be over next weekend, so still got time. the saleslady there told me everyday got replenish stock so no nd to worry. hehee. oh, the book i have quite thick one, hardcover. dun worry abt detailed scan
i'm sure all will be fine.

ya, these days, wake up in mornings and feel as if not enough sleep...need kopi to keep myself awake!
missmoon, the taka bb fair next week is last week. Guess wd pop by next week. U only bot the steriliser? From the postings above, got many thgs to buy. Yest went to buy maternity dresses.
Btw, Thyme oso has a shop in suntec.

I face this every morning!! Ha...... i am oso drinking kopi every morning. Must not drink too much.
i drink every morning now...cannot resist. sometimes weekends i try to give it a miss but hard lor. i bought steriliser and breast pump, i think...some others smaller stuff also but i cannot remember what liao. hehee

ya, thyme got nice working stuff there
for casual...i sometimes buy tops from normal stores but spring sometimes got nice stuff too?
Hi Sandy,
Congrats on solving ur wedding problems. Have a beautiful wedding & be a happy bride!!

Hi May,
I've not started reading to my baby. I only play all sorts of classical music CDs during bedtime. Will alternate the CDs every week.

Hi MTBs,
Anyone intending to go to the baby care fair at Expo this weekend??
Hi mummies,
I did my detailed scan today... Julian is fine!

Here's a pic of Julian to share. Just like the last scan, he was sleeping with his hands over his face again. But he rubbed his left eye and put his hands down after that. My hubby said it was so cute to see Julian rubbing his eyes the same way I rub my eyes.

Hi Joan,
Wah, your boy has gain weight!! Tat's good!! He has quite a prominent nose. Does he look more like mummy or daddy?
So envy that you can see ur boy thru the 3D scan. My detailed scan in next Sat.
Morning mummies!
Yest went to the BBcare Festival at Expo, not that great. In fact, taka bb fair is better. Anyway i went Expo and Taka yest n bought some stuffs.

Stuffs i bot at BBcare Festival @ Expo (total spent $89):

1) BBsafe mattress that comes w the mattress cover - $65 (UP $80+)

2) Disney Baby "Winnie the Pooh" Receiving Blanket w knotted matching cap in pink colour - $13

3) Mdm Pureen Maternity Pads - $2.90 each if remember. Bought 2 packs.

4) Pureen Changing Mat (51cm x 75cm) - $5.20.
(Very Light, PVC material, Convenient for outside usage)

Freebies: got Friso free gifts (a $120 discount voucher on rustic nirvana, a notepad, milk powder dispenser, pair of mittens, a 300+ pages of Parent's guide book, very very worth it)


Then went to taka again.

Stuffs bot at Taka BB Fair: (Spent total $153)

1) Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser - $87.00
(free Pigeon 2x 200ml milk bottles, hand & mouth wipes x 2, Mumcentre n Today's Parent magazine)

2) Pigeon Rubber Changing Mat - $9.76

3) Pigeon Nipple & Veg Liquid Cleanser (700ml) - $15.12

4) Pigeon Nipple & Veg Refill - $10

5) Pigeon Laundry detergent (1kg) - $6

6) Avent Milk Bags - $13.20

7) Baby Looney Tunes (Tweety bird) top n bottom - $5

8) Pigeon bb Long Pant - $3.30

9) Benbeni Cuttie Bearly BB short sleeve top - $3.90

Freebies - Little ones raincoat, utensils for bb (fork, spoon, cup, plate n bowl). This week freebies is better than last wk one.

Hi Kite, looks like u are on a shopping spree!

I saw your posting on the June MTB thread. Actually both of us are abt the same pre-pregnancy size, so I shall use your weight gain ceiling as a gauge for myself especially since I would like to go for natural delivery as well.

I went to the Expo BB care fair today. Only bought NUK bottles and Mozart CD for MTB. Think the NUK bottles are a good deal (around 30%-35% off). Even Robinsons doesn't offer such good discounts. Oh, I didn't get the Friso 300+ pages book either, maybe they ran out of stock.
Hi missmoon,

Did u buy the AVent steriliser from Taka Baby Fair? I bought mine there and i think it was a good deal. Suntec KidsMall is selling at 163 and Taka fair is at 129! They are also giving away avent wipes and pillow.

Too bad the playpen range at Taka fair is too limited. But i'm not sure if cots and playpens are cheaper. Anyone knows?
missmoon, i drank it every morning even weekends oso.. tried giving it a miss during the 1st tri, bt somehow juz picked it up again after tat. Cant help it oso.. drinking qte dilute tho'.
Actually suntec, the level where spring is, there r qte a few shops selling. There is one at the end i thk, the dresses qte plain, casual & not 2 ex either.
Btw, do u feel bb kicking differently nowadays? Harder at times? Does it make u feel uncomfy when its 2 hard? Coz i felt so at times.

Wow... seems like everyone is buying somethg already.. i have not gone 2 chk out the Taka fair yet.
So wat r the thgs tat MTBs who went wd reccommd 2 buy?
hi may
ya, i bought the avent steriliser and breast pump fr there. also got a diapering kit and compact travel bag (for toys or bottles). very tempted wif the bath tub but hb says wait n see...got 1 more weekend to go
not sure abt playpen though...will prob wait a while more n see if anywhere else got offer later.

hi jazzjyas, so long as drink in moderation, shld be ok lah (trying to convince myself too). yes, can feel that bb's movements/kicks differ from 2 weeks before. sometimes so active that it's a little uncomfortable. but better to be active than not lah hor
sometimes i wonder when bb dun move and sometimes i wish he wld settle down when he's active...cham lah

i think the steriliser and breast pump quite worthwhile to get fr the fair...cos can get the disposable cups at 40% off.
Hi Mummies,
I am having my detailed scan this wednesday. Didn't manage to see the gender or i can say the gynea don't dare to commit. The nurse & I show a penis like thing but the gynea say it might be the embical cord.. lol
so excited... i want girl girl
Hi jazzyjas,

I agree with u that the baby kicks do feel a little uncomfortable at times. It felt more like a punch and I cant help but to hold my tummy tight. I think my baby is rather naughty when it's on the public transport.

Hi missmoon,

Ww, u got the compact travel bag? I'm looking for those bags where u can put the milk bottles inside when u travel. I prefer the plain coloured ones.
missmoon, ok, wd chk tat out in the fair. I hope can go this Friday. Weekends i lazy, pref 2 stay at home laze ard or sleep.
Har noh.. i felt the same. I like 2 feel bb moving ard, pref her 2 be active.

may, ya, i oso hold my tummy when she kicks too hard.
Hi gals,
how is ur weekend?

I got two of the friso3 information booklet. I can spare one if anyone interested. I find the book quite good especially for 1st time mother. A good recap for me as well. Furthermore, is very local.

Babysafe items are really a gd buy. I got a kid pillow for my daughter which is abt 30%. Babysafe latex pillow is a gd item to get.

Other than that i think nothing much.
I went to the taka fair.. alot of good offer there.. Example baby clothe selling at 3 for $10.00. Playpen cum baby clot - selling at 190 ++ usual price is $300.00 .
may, the compact travel bag is black, very basic and sporty looking. no other cols that i could see on that day ley. u looking to put just normal bottles or for storing breast milk huh? in which case, avent has them in black too

sandy, hee, good luck wif detailed scan...like you, i wld like a girl girl and thot i having one since everyone who saw my tummy shape said it will be a girl, but it was a pleasant surprise to find out otherwise...so long as bb healthy, nvr mind lah, hor

i didn't get any clothing at the taka fair cos i din see anything that i fancied ley...but i think u got good deal for playpen/cot!
Apologies for the drive-by...so busy and so tired...haiz!!!

Table updated:

<table border=1><tr><td>NAME</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> OBGYN</TD><TD> HOSPITAL</TD><TD> GENDER</TD><TD> NAMES </TD></TR><TR><TD>japepearl</TD><TD> 03 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.L.C.Cheng</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>zita27</TD><TD> 07 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.T.Tan</TD><TD> KK/SGH</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Li May</TD><TD> 07 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.K.Lee</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTDT</TD><TD> 07 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Yvonne Soong</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleepygarfield</TD><TD> 09 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.E.S.Teoh</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>millie</TD><TD> 10 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Adrian B Woodworth</TD><TD> TMC / Mt.A</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joan</TD><TD> 10 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Douglas Ong</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> Julian </TD></TR><TR><TD>liverpool11</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.L.C.Cheng</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pepper</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.H.Chan</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mel</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr Chandra</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jurong gal</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.C.H.Koh</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kin</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.S.C.Chew</TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>NOIF</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. John Tee</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Tham</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poppy</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Lisa Chin</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lego_mom</TD><TD> 15 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lawrence Ang </TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasline</TD><TD> 15 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. K.T.Tan</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fruitee</TD><TD> 15 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Adrian B Woodworth</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sandy Kerk</TD><TD> 17 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Chen </TD><TD> Mt.A </TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lala</TD><TD> 17 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hong</TD><TD> 18 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>May</TD><TD> 18 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lisa Chin</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessie Seah</TD><TD> 18 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Y.W.Lim</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>littlebaby~Val</TD><TD> 19 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr Tham</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>YB</TD><TD> 19 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Kowa </TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>missmoon</TD><TD> 19 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Christopher Chen</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dear</TD><TD> 20 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.L.N.Sim</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lok</TD><TD> 20 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jazzyjas</TD><TD> 20 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.K. Chow</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Z-Lia</TD><TD> 23 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Selina Chua</TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Upie</TD><TD> 24 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Ho</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline Neo</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Clifton Chan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>eeyore</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.K Ho</TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laura</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Adrin Tan </TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshine</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Prof. Mary Rauf</TD><TD> NUH</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tracy</TD><TD> 26 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Adrian Tan</TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashleywcy</TD><TD> 29 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.W.K.Tan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chrys</TD><TD> 30 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Joyceline Wong</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>RT's Wife</TD><TD> 30 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joline</TD><TD> 31 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Y.Y.Tan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

japepearl, u must've missed my earlier posting
me having a bb boy

btw, i just heard a story from my colleague...her frens were so sure that they were going to have a girl, confirmed a girl wif scans etc...and on the day of birth, it's a boy!! i wonder how accurate the scans are!!
joan, ur 3D pic is specially request or in the package???

I js took up package last sat, confirm a gal and delivered in Mt A... detailed scan at 20 wks, gynae comments bb's leg on the longer side...

Kindly pls update on the names column, I shall name my boy after Gerrard, the current Captain of the Liverpol Team now.

Would like to check if anyone of you feel that your stomach is getting too big. Now should be end of 2nd trimester, somehow alot of ppl comment that my wife stomach like too big, like having twins. I am bit worried that if too big, she might have problem during delivery.
yes i do keep pet, keeping a dog now, its a maltese. how abt you?

ur Haemoglobin count abit low meaning? cos my 2nd last appt, hubby n i also took the blood test and i guess u got this sheet of paper rite? my Haemoglobin count is 14.2g/dL which is within limit of 13.5 - 18. Did Dr. YC said anything to you? Wondering at how many wks, bb's wil turn down?
Also i hv asked Dr. YC y i feel numbness under my right breast. She said its normal as tummy grows bigger n rubs against e ribs, wil feel numb. it wil get worse during 3rd tri n she wil give me medicines if there is a need.

did u discuss w her or whether did she ask u, want natural or watever? so far we hvnt discuss on this. ur pre-pregnancy weight also same as me? me from 43kg now 50kg liao. gain 7kg. Dr. YC said 5kg more to go. total 12kg. u?

i got the friso freebies inclusive of the 300+ pages guide book, very informative. wat time n when u went to expo? issit on sun? perhaps e book out of stock liao.

Classes on 18 Mar:
Seems like alot of june and july 06 mummies attending on this date. Me too but timing is 7 to 9pm
alot of ppl attending 4.30 to 6.30 pm.

Baby movement:
nowadays i can feel bb's movement n almost countless, she seems active and love to kick n box me esp in e evening.

Sleeping on left:
during 1st tri, i hv been forcing myself to slp on the left as this position allows more oxygen n blood flows to bb. until now wil try my best to slp on left though i tend to turn to right position too. for me, i simply cant slp on my back, feel very uncomfortable.

yes Graco is selling Graco playpen. btw i m getting graco playpen n pram
yes bb wil punch me alot esp when i wake up in e morning n stil lying down on the bed on left position.

i heard boy on left, girl on right according to chinese but not sure how true. also if u hving a boy, ur left side tummy wil tend to be bigger than right side

i bot the BBsafe mattress for my playpen. i m stil deciding whether to buy pillow for my bb. is it okie to use bbsafe infant pillow for newborns? heard that head wil be out of shape if use pillows? better use those nappy cloth n fold it n place under bb's head.

wow nowadays still got gender inaccurate hmm. cos thot only happen last time as now e machines r more advanced

Hi mummies!
me getting these 2 items.

Graco Pack 'n Play Playpen


Removable full-size bassinet with quilted bumper pad provides cozy nap-time space
Washable quilted sheet for babys comfort
Enhanced electronics unit entertains and soothes with:
o 2-speed mattress mounted vibration
o 5 Classical songs and 5 soothing nature sounds
o Night light to illuminate controls
o Check light shines on baby's sleep area
o Timer settings of 5, 10, 15 or 25 minutes
Deluxe diaper organizer provides diaper stacker, refillable wipes container, and storage compartments for all diaper changing necessities
Indoor canopy with detachable soft toys provides shade and amusement
Folding changing table for quick diaper duty
Push-button fold makes folding easy
Wheels with locks for better mobility in the home
Unique swept frame makes functionality stylish
Mesh on four sides improves air circulation
Easy to store and transport in handy carry bag

Graco Mosaic Stroller


* 3-Dimensional, compact fold for maximum portability
* Multiple-position, reclining seat for childs comfort
* Large, easy access storage basket
* Detachable head pillow
* Combination 3 or 5 point harness
* Removable, padded armbar
* Canopy with peek-a-boo window
* Padded ergonomic grip
* Robust, stylized frame for maximum durability
* Automatic storage latch
* Front swivel wheels with locks &amp; suspension
* Accepts Graco Auto Plus Infant Car Seat


Think should be in the 23 weeks now. Nope, gynae did not mention or tell me how big is the baby.


How much is the play pen selling? Look quite good to me. Yap, I am also attending this sat classes at TMC at 4.30pm slot.


All the best, I am sure the baby will be fine.
My haemoglobin count is only around 10, which means I'm anaemic (or lack of iron, also called "pin xue") That's why Dr YC gave me extra iron supplements, need to monitor and re-take blood test next mth. Sorry, I don't know at which week the bb will turn down.

No, she hasn't asked whether we want natural or whatever? Maybe still early and perhaps she has to assess size of bb?? She didn't set any weight target for me: gained abt 4 kg at 20weeks. She only mentioned I looked rather small but not to worry, the bb is medium sized and so far no issue.

As for bb safe pillow, I saw my cousin's. It is not like normal adult pillow. There's a hole in the middle which I presume is to prevent bb's head from flattening.

I guess u are quite set on buying Graco stroller? As for me, my personal choice would be Combi. At least that's what most new mummies, MTBs and veteran mum that I spoke to recommended. Main reason is because it's lightweight which will be impt for petite mums. The lightest model has this eggshock protection for comfortable ride. And we will only buy it after bb is born.
Hi kite,

I love the playpen that you are getting. Can I know how much?? I know the one at Taka is selling at 288. It has vibration and music too but I don't recall seeing the canopy.

I wonder if Baby Kingdom has Graco playpen and if it will be cheaper.
I love ur playpen. We are still toying the idea whether to get a playpen for my boy.

How much did u pay for it?

Pram is also very stylo. How heavy is it?

Babysafe infant pillow, got a hole inbetween. Suitable for infant. Infact, the other range, the big rectangle pillow is also ok. It is very soft and not sinking so can keep the head in shape. I got one of that, so will pass it down from my daughter to my son.

Even if u using nappy, u still need to turn the baby head facing left and right often else one side will be flatten.

big tummy doesnt mean big baby. It may mean ur wife got a big water bag to contain the baby, which is gd, baby got space to "exercise".

Baby will keep turning till the last few weeks of delivery. Even last week they still can turn down.
yah...Doc said baby is getting fatter now...hehe. Last scan was 300gm and now 500gm. My father says baby looks more like daddy but the rest of the family thought he has a mixture of daddy's and mummy's features. At least my hubby and I agreed that his nose seems more like mine...haha.
Enjoy your detailed scan on sat! It's very interesting looking at the different parts of your baby. It somehow creates that extra bonding between parents and baby.

my 3D scan is in the package. We took up the package with unlimited 3D scans so doc will perform 2D and 3D scans on every visit. My doc's clinic is in Mt E but he delivers in Mt E and Mt A. Wah... think your baby is going to be a tall pretty girl.
As long as ur doc says everything is fine, we should enjoy our pregnancy. Babies feel what mothers feel so let's stay cheerful!
i have a miniature schnauzer at home..
she is really barky..just hope bb gets used to it!! ha ha..

dun worry too much about the tummy size..
as mentioned by hong, it could be the fluid in yr wife's tummy that is making your wife's tummy look big..

how much did u pay for yr 3D package?

Mummies, do u have problem searching for bras...
I have.. cannot find my size, do u think i shld wear maternity bra just for the last few month?
