(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

hi sandy
i find wearing normal bras wif underwire now very uncomfortable. i found some non maternity but without wire ones fr CK, more comfy but at some point i think nd to switch to maternity ones liao, for more support...u been looking for non maternity types issit?
i know some ppl buy nursing ones to save cost, can wear now till give birth

the Graco playpen costs $270.

June 06 already got 3 mummies attending the same timing as u leh, plus u n those in July 06, hehe mostly from SB forum. But too bad cant bump into u. mine fr 7 to 9pm cos 4.30 to 6.30pm fully booked.


so besides the normal iron supplements, Dr. YC stil give u extra iron ah? perhaps u can try to eat more meat. Yes, already set on Graco Mosaic pram liao
Though its look sturdy, hubby said we wil use the pram when he is ard driving, else i wil use carrier or sling to carry bb ard if alone.

i cant remember e weight of e stroller, seems okie for us. we choose Graco Mosaic pram over Citisport EDT as citisport seems light n unstable. oic so advise shall be using nappy cloth or infant pillow better?
btw do u use any milk bags to store BM?

mine too very barky, sometimes i cant stand her bark esp at early in e morning when delivery man send the straits time to our door.

i bought 2 no wired bras from Truimph, very comfortable, if too tight, i wil use extension.

kite, those has got no padding right? errrr...i rem checking them out...but decided against it...shy lah hehe. i hv to use the extension when it comes to afternoon time liao
I didnt manage to breastfeed long for my 1st child. So i didnt get the chance to use any of the milk storage bag.

I wun be getting it unless i really have excess milk to store. I may ask TMC to give me bottle to hold the express milk.

Both nappy or infant pillow is ok. Just rbr to turn the head often so the baby just slept on one side.

U got the babysafe latex mattress right. I think u can just used the nappy. the mattress has a very good cushion for the baby head already.
Hi Tracy,
my gynae provides 2 types of packages.
I signed a package with unlimited 4D scan for $1800.
The other package which my gynae provides is $1500 with only 1 free 4D scan, other scans are the usual 2D scans. Additional 4D scan will be $250 each.
The package can be sign from 14 weeks onwards.

Sorry if I confused you between 3D and 4D scans... the scan is actually called a 4D scan because you can see baby moving during the scan (e.g. rubbing eyes, etc)... it's like watching a live video clip of the baby. The pic I got is called 3D scan because it's a shot of baby's best pose. I will be getting the video clip later... next time can show baby how he sleeps and moves when he's inside my tummy.
Hi Kite,

Is this the same one as Taka fair? If not, where did u get it from. I'm thinking of getting a playpen. I went to First Few Years at Paragon but they dont seem to have this model.
Back from hospital, my detailed scanning took almost an hour with an interval of 15 min in between. Baby wasn't showing much of backbone so radiographer asked me to walk around and drink, that explains the 15 min interval.

So far everything's fine, could see baby playing with her fingers. Yes!!! I'm expecting a girl!!!

Yabadabadoooooooo!!!!!! Lurve the thought of her being able to share her elder sister's clothes. Hubby was sooo confident it's gonna be a boy, heh..heh.. he even thought the heart was that "fella".

I'm sure glad everythings allright. Looking forward to gettin more girly stuff. Yippeeee!!!

Btw, when's the Taka Baby fair ending?
Hi all! I'm about 24 weeks now.. Anyone here have weight problems? Amongst all the posts i see i think i gain the most weight leh! I was 54kg (i'm 1.7m) and now i'm like 69. I'm worried. help!
Hi Kite,
If you want to change your time slot to 18th March 4:30pm -6:30pm, you can try calling parentcraft now. Coz I just withdrew from that class today.
Sigh... I went for my detailed scan on Friday. The gynae suspected bb to have chromosomal abnormalities coz the NT of bb is larger than usual, humerus & femur lengths r shorter than average and bb has "echoic kidneys" (Dun understand what this means). I was recommended to do amniocentesis immediately
Since the report will only be out 2-3 weeks later, I postponed my class to 30th April (Sat) 7-9pm.
Sigh... just have to cross my fingers, blindly have faith in bb and wait...
Ashley, praying all is well for baby.

Stay positive and pray for the best. Take care of yourself in the meanwhile too okay, don't worry too much.
my no-wire truimph bra comes w very thin padding that cant be taken out but its very comfortable. i prefer those w at least thin padding else can see thr e nipple, not so nice.

u mean those glass bottles? can ask for how many bottles fr TMC? r they safe to use? heard if put inside freezer, wil crack easily? so far i hvnt seen the glass bottles personally.
ya bot the BBsafe mattress to fit into the playpen. Hmm i cant seems to find Pigeon nappy cloth at taka bb fair last wk. perhaps shld try other place.

i m not sure abt the playpen at taka. i wil be getting mine from Aprisin as they carry graco n other brands too

the taka bb fair ends on 19 mar 06.

thanks for informing regarding e classes, think wil stick to e same slot. btw dun worry too much, just pray hard n ur bb wil definitely be well n fine. Meanwhile, take good care of urself n rest more.

Hi Kite,

Sorry to bug you with so many questions...where is Aprisin?? Perhaps I can go and take a look there. Taka has only one Graco playpen and the playpen at First Few Years are mostly more than 300 dollars. Thanks!!
fruitee, r u gonna buy online? A frd said its easy to make.

Wanna chk wif u gals if u feel a "swish, gas like feeling" sometimes from the pelvic down? Not a comfy feeling coz like "a flow".
Jazz, dun have the feeling u describe.

I also dun know will the glass breaks.
U got the Avent container to hold the milk right? No necessary to get pigeon nappy, u can try Ananku brand. Will u be going to JB? If yes, go there and get, so much cheaper there.

Are u going to use nappy instead of diapers? cos this time rd i am not going to let my 2nd child use nappy. too much work in washing, i dun want to tired my mum washing the nappy. So will go full diapers, nappy will be use to place on the head etc.

why did u withdraw from the class? Detailed scan give pple gd and also unexpected new. Dun worry so much, may be baby is ok. U take care ok!
Me got it online with emboidery of my son's name!
The feeling is it like blowing bubbles feeling like? Very weird feeling? Lower pelvic area
ashleywcy, try not to worry too much!! hope everything will turn out ok

jazzyjas, ordered the bean sprout pillow online...errr..dun think i know how to make one...so buy lor, and can personalise pattern & name on casing, so ok lah
fruitee, so u ordered already? Thru the link tat was posted previously?

I thk so.... like bubbles popping ard the lower pelvic, then after tat felt like have somethg flow out bt nothing. Dunno isit considered a pelvic pull?? Dun thk its contraction. Or bb kicking downwards? Many "dunnos".... since Sun i thk, a few times per day.
Kinda anxious.. next visit (for detailed scan) is next Thurs, felt like going earlier.

missmoon, so u bought the pillow?
jazzyjas, i get this bubble popping feeling around the tummy sometimes...but occasionally there's this heavy feeling at the lower pelvis...
missmoon, ok. I din prep anythg for bb yet. So thot i get the pillow first.
Ard the tummy, below the navel & abs on n off wd have. Thk its bb moving.

Bt this "new feeling" is like "down below" & wd feel sth popping/gassing out?
So sianz..
oh i think i know wat u mean...sometimes i get that feeling like something is "flowing" out and i always go and check...sometimes it's discharge
tks for the info.. must be really cool to see bb moving around in 4D.. yr package is ex but real worth it!!

i wear those tube stretchy bras with paddings.. bought it at taka.. real cheap and comfy.. abt $8.00 if i m not mistaken..
mrs T
at 1.7m tall, yr weight seems quite ok but wat have yr gynae advised u?
did u manage to weigh yr bb? is the weight ok?
sometimes its the fluid that is in us, that is heavy..
missmoon, coz i have dischrg freq so i din thk wd be tat. The bubbling, gassing feeling juz started last Sun.
Guess later when i feel it, i wd go n chk oso.

Btw, have u rec'd the pillow? The pics r sew on or those ironed on ones?

Tracy, u felt it too? Do u feel uncomfy when it happens?
jazzyjas, pillows shld be ready by end of march thereabouts. errr, good qn, i also not sure if they're ironed on or sewn ones.

i dun feel uncomfy when i get that leh, just paranoid that it's not discharge.

tracy, u get it too? do u get discharge too?
missmoon, oic.. coz i feel like the pelvic area "go bubbling" bt come & go fast.

At times, i felt "pressing" 2 go loo. Bt when i went, its not as urgent as it feel.
Yah.. I ordered already together with Missmoon!

Jazz & Missmoon
I kept getting the bubbles blowing feeling.. ahhah.. was telling hb it may be my son playing bubbles inside.. it's always happen in the afternoon though.. sometimes got quite irritated with it... cos the weird, abit hard to describe!
So weird rite? Coz sleep until halfway oso felt "urgent", those must go immed.. then went, like u describe loh.

Have u been to see movies? Coz yest we went. Bb started kicking during the show, thot mite be too noisy for her.
hi jazz, missmoon, fruitee,

I'm also having the same feeling as you gals... Havin the bubbly feeling. Worst still, this morning i felt a gush below. Went to toilet to check and found out it's quite alot of discharge...

Do all of you have that too?
haha.. sometimes I really wonder, bb got so many bubbles to play with meh? ahhah... Try gently touching yr tummy... and drink some lukewarm water, it may help but not sure how long loh..
At times when I slouch or bend down, the bubble feeling will come back again.. Haiz..

Have not been to the movies for long long time liao..............
yesterday I carried quite heavy stuffs from my counterpart office back to my office.. felt the sudden feeling, gave me a fright went to check was the discharge.. could be I walk too much.. recently having quite heavy discharge loh..
gebbera, i do get the discharge on and off...sometimes it's like a gush and at other times just feel like there's something coming out.

jazzyjas, fruitee...the bubbly feeling inside not uncomfy but when bb move a lot or doing somersaults inside keke, sometimes it gets uncomfy and i will walk ard a bit to settle him down, otherwise cannot tahan...
Nurbates, Kite, Jazzyjas, Hong, missmoon & Tracy,
Thanks for all your concern
I normally dunno how to pray one... but just went si(4) ma(2) lu(4) with my mom to pray and hope that all will be well
Personally I'm a blindly optimistic person :p I'm just worried about the people around me...
Oh, I postponed the prenatal class coz in case I receive bad news from the gynae (will know results ~2 weeks later), I don't think I'll be in the mood to continue the class (starting this Sat) already. It'll be a waste to stop class half way... $189 leh!

Jazzyjas, missmoon, fruitee & Gebbera,
I thought the "bubbling feeling" is bb's movement leh :p Will there be air inside the amniotic sac? Sometimes bb will kick quite hard until I had to "warn" him not to use my bladder or intestines as his punching bag... Hehe... so far so good
it's good that you're naturally an optimistic person and you're keeping positive

if that bubbling feeling is like middle of tummy, i think it's bb moving
these days, bb movements are stronger, can get uncomfy if too active
Yah, it's most uncomfortable especially after a meal and bb starts to move. Saw diagrams in preg books before that our internal organs get displaced as bb grows bigger. Haha, can imagine our bbs shifting our organs around just so that he/she can get a nice position to sleep in... Hmph... all at the expense of us poor moms! This reminded me of the 3D scan of Joan's bb sleeping on the placenta (shown earlier in this thread)... he looked so shiok!
Hi ashleywcy,
good to know you are optimistic. That's very important for yourself, everyone around you and especially for baby.
Amnio results should take about 10 days to be out... sometimes it'll be out 1 or 2 days earlier. Keep us posted okie?
Yah... Sometimes my baby moves and kicks so much that I wonder is he trying to make himself comfortable. Haha...

Hi Tracy,
the package is more ex than my previous pregnancy in SGH but as you said, it's worth it as my current gynae is wonderful and getting to watch baby in 4D scans somehow creates that extra bonding with him. I tried comparing cost difference but it's difficult because SGH pre-natal package only includes consultation while my current gynae's package includes normal delivery and 1st clinic visit after delivery. Also realised that in SGH/KKH delivery packages, mother's bill and baby's bill are calculated in a single bill so mother's can only make 1 claim from medisave. In Mt A/Mt E, mother's bill and baby's bill are separated so while we make the same medisave claim for mother's bill, we can also claim $300 from medisave for each day baby is in hospital.

My hubby and I really see the big difference in service quality, attentiveness of gynae and scans... it's really worth the extra $$$ spent.
no problem. The details as shown below:
Aprisin Singapore Pte Ltd
50, Tagore Lane Unit #B1-02, Markono Districentre
Singapore 787494
Phone: (65) 63368311 Fax: (65) 63399119


yes i want to get beansprout pillow but yet to get a one, stil sourcing. think 1 is enuff for bb?

yes wil be using avent milk bottle or avent milk bag to store e milk. where can i get Ananku brand for nappy locally? i wil be using diapers, more convenient.

which website u ordered e pillow from? order 1 or 2?

glad that u look positive. yes ur bb wil definitely be fine, keep on praying hard.

its normal to have heavy discharge during 2nd tri. i use pantyliners at times.
u will have to go look into those trolley carts that is placed near the cashier at the undergarments section..
me not too sure if they still have it.. they have cream, nude and black colour..
jazzyjas, missmoon,
bb sometimes at a position where she keeps pushing onto my bladder and giving me the urge to have to go toilet even though i dun have to pee..
it also tickles me a lot at that area and makes me irritated sometimes..
i try to rub my tummy and telling bb not to do that and i find that it helps..

there is also plenty atimes where bb seems to be doing a lot of sumersaults causing the bubbling feeling..

i get discharge too.. but i read in books saying this is normal and it will increase as bb grows bigger.. ohh nooo..
but the thing to watch out is that we have to make sure the discharge is whitish and not greenish or yellowish as those are symptoms of UTI

i believe there is always a difference between private and gov hospitals..
and paying so much more, the hospital shld really make it worthwhile..

i m sure all mummys here will pray for u too..
keep positive ok..
