(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

hi mummies, when to have my detailed scan yesterday. Still cannot see the gender of my baby. My Radiologiest say my baby very active kept moving about during the scan.
He say look like girl to him.. no definite ans again so i never buy clothe for my baby but i bought a pooh bear bag that can be open out as a matteress for us to change baby diaper. It can be bought at Taka baby fair
Gebbera, sometimes when i sneezed or coughed or "some big action", dischrg wd flow out more. With the bubbly feeling, i not sure have dischrg as i have dischrg on n off so i din notice.

Fruitee, u meant the bubbly feeling is bb's actions? Hmm.. i felt tat again juz now, altho bb din kick much since last nite. *now she is kicking/bubbling on the left lightly..
Ya, me too.. until this Tues. Bt guess wun be going anymore since i feel bb dun like go see show much as she kicks qte a lot.

missmoon, tat bubbly feeling is usually when sitting down? For me it is. Ya, wd get up n go loo when am in the office.

kite, i not sure leh.. were thking of ordering via the online like fruitee & missmoon. The pillow kinda small?? Thk wd get 2 pillow cases.

tracy, esp the "bubbling feeling", i wd rub my tummy & tell bb to be gd, mummy not feeling comfy.
So the somesaults caused the "bubbly feeling"? Like got air hor?
Since preg, i been having slightly yellowish dischrg, tol gynae, said its ok.

My face, the forehead an area & right cheek kinda "patchy, pinkish & tight" now. Applied more moisturiser, felt "biting"??
Hi Jazzyjas and missmoon,

I do get blowing bubbles sensation in my tummy too. Sometimes, it felt like its a tapping feeling, as if the baby is doimg "Knock knock, anyone there?" Hahhaha, so cute.

I usually get the bubbly feeling when seated. But when I'm on public transport, the baby will give me a bad kick. She's a real naughty girl.

Hi Kite,

Thanks for the info. I think I shall get the playpen too!! I like it.

So glad that u are such a optimistic person. Is a gd attutide to treat problems. U know before i was pregnant with my 1st child a fortuante teller saying i will lost my 1st child during my 1st pregnancy. I did pray hard when i carrying my daughter and hope i have a healthy child. She is now 2YO.

Praying is another kind of strong will-power to believe wat is gd to us will happen. Continue praying.

I think there is a great diff in services in govt hospital n private gynae. I also agree that private gynae and hospital provide better services. Sometime not necessary to pay more.

Can try Robinson but Msia still cheaper.. U have frds or relatives going in? Can topang them back. I think u need abt 4 packs if u are using nappy.
jazzyjas, ya, bubbly feeling usually when seated
must be bb doing somersaults inside. sometimes bb kick and punch quite a bit when seated also, become uncomfy. my skin sometimes got flakes...too try but lately, tummy + boobs very itchy and biting esp at nite. heard avent sells anti-itch cream...tempted to get it

jazzyjas, kite, i got 2 pillows + 2 casing...more becos 1 set for home and 1 set for my mom's place...the pillow dimension not that small, good enough for bb
hmm paiseh. nappy and nappy liners not e same right, different rite? usage? u refering to this under Anakku's brand?

for me, i wil be using nappy as blankets, wil use pampers premium diapers instead. so anakku's nappy is much cheaper than pigeon's nappy?

u mean u ordered e pillows through someone, not thr a website or company ah? i m looking for exactly bigger size. how much u paid for 1?
wat is e dimension?

u're welcome
anyway i hv reserved the playpen n going to collect it this sat. u might want to go down n take alook. maybe u can quote me so that u can get at $270.

Not nappy liner but if u using nappy to wrap ur baby instead of diaper. Rbr to get liner too. Cos if the baby poo, it will not stain the nappy.

I went to their office website and found nothing on nappy. Weird but i see someone selling in auction.

If i did not rbr wrongly, is cheaper than pigeon.
thanks for e link n info. The bulk purchase has closed. guess i wil hv to order directly from the website which costs $19 for 1 pillow. the dimension seems big, thats wat i m looking for

since i wil be using pamper diapers, will be not getting e nappy liner.
hmm i also couldnt find Anakku's nappy from the anakku's website. probably they stop selling or out of stock? seems like buying this brand, hv to order thr online or go to their main office to buy? anyway really tks for e info.
I believe they still selling but no idea why not on their website.

U look ard metro, isetan & robinson 1st. Really msia cheaper.. hahahaha.
missmoon, guess bb everyday grows up, wd anticipate more new moves?

Face too dry, i have tried to apply more moisturiser, hope it helps.
Try applying body moisturiser nightly b4 u sleep. Spend some time b4 sleep applying better than getting up in the middle of the nite rite? Altho i find it weary to do.. not much choice i guess.

fruitee, now i feel more of the "bubbling" than kicking. Since its bb moving, guess its ok.

kite, guess i wd buy direct from the website oso. Mite get 2 each.

Btw, the Taka fair got sell these pillows?
kite, jazzyjas,
linsaw is starting a 2nd bulk order for the pillows. Pls refer to Fruitee's link. 'm also thinking of ordering too.
jazzyjas, i do apply after shower at nite...but somehow...get woken up cos too itchy. sigh...hv to bear wif it altho sometimes i do give in and scratch.

dun think i saw those pillows at taka fair
missmoon, how abt u try applying b4 u go 2 bed? Perhaps from shower til then, already qte a few hrs.
I know how it feel.. woke up 1 nite scratching my leg. Me worried abt the "pinkish patch" on the forehead.
Next visit to gynae, got a few Qns i goto ask him.
Everyone seem to have gone for their detailed scan.

daisyduck, i have gone & see the link.
jazzyjas, actually hor, i shower just before i sleep cos by time i get home after dinner late liao, so it's straight off to bed after quick shower. i heard during pregnancy can develop dry skin and even eczema cos my sis kena eczema...went away after giving birth. ur detailed scan next week at how many weeks gestation?
missmoon, oic.. actually applying moisturiser is just to minimise the itch. At times, wd still have altho applied. Ya, have read abt this condition from the web.
Almost 23weeks. My bb 1 day after urs.
oh ya hor...forgot that our due dates very close and at the same hospital some more

neh mind lah, anticipation makes it all the more sweeter to see ur bb
hi fruitee, jazz, missmoon, ashleywcy

did you all have alot of discharge too? I had and told my gynae about this during my last visit. She gave me a pill to insert into vagina to help reduce the discharge. But seems useless to me bcos i'm still having lotsa discharge. Gynae did mention that it could be fungus and said if the pill did not help to reduce the discharge, then she might need to scrap some of my discharge and send it for lab test liao....

I ever came across a article saying that the discharge is actually cause by the blood flow to bb. More discharge means more blood pumping into baby.

Maybe some of you can help to check with your gynae too. After dat, pls share your information in this thread. Thanks.=)
hi gebbera
i ever tell my gynae and he did urine culture and the cervix (something like pap smear?) culture and both turned out -ve ley. he also neh say anything else. i read that it's normal to have discharge. i get it also, some days less, some days more. sometimes it's colourless and watery and other times it's mucus-like.
I already scratch my pig leg until red red liao.. haiz... nothing seems to help! Chiam

Jazz & Missmoon
So good to have the date of yr bb so near...u never know might just pass by each other!

think it's quite normal for discharge.. mine also sometimes more sometimes lesser but definitely more than before I got preggie!
missmoon, ya loh.. so qiao.
Yup.. qte excited to see her next week, seems like a few weeks already.

gebbera, i have dischrg on n off, actually i wd say its frequent, almost daily. Sometimes its colorless, sometimes yellowish, more or less oso. From the beginning, i alr my gynae abt this. He said unless have painful urination or itchy, goto test for infection. The last urine test i did, its ok. So i guess sd be alrite.
R u very active? Or carrying heavy thgs? Get excited easily? Sometimes when i in a rush or bowel removal, i wd get more than usual.

fruitee, my "previous scratch" on the leg now still pinkish.
Haha.... rub shoulders?? Din get enuff from "rubbing moisturiser" ah? Hee.......
so jazzyjas, u order the beansprout pillows liao? i'm sure bb will be excited too! doing all sorts of actions to show u and hb.

fruitee...neh mind...sure got plenty of opportunities to rub shoulders else where...just not in hospital...ahaha
missmoon, not yet. Juz now rec'd the pictures, have not look at it yet.
Ya.. qte miss her, so long din c her, wonder how she is now.

So u signed up the Mt A parentalcraft? I am considering TMC's.

fruitee, ya.. we can "rub shoulders" if we go for the same parentalcraft or yoga.

u sign up the parentalcraft already?
Gebbera, I only have a little bit more discharge as compared to b4 pregnancy, even though my gynae did tell me to expect more. Since the discharge is of the usual colour (colourless or slight yellowish) and there's no weird odour or itch, I guess should be ok. Do you have itch down there? Or unusually colored discharge? If have, then may have infection and should tell gynae. If not, I guess should be fine coz we r suppose to expect more discharge. Hehe... actually I noticed more discharge on day after my hubby and I get intimate. Maybe my reaction a bit slow lah :p
Nearly forgot to tell u. I'm expecting a boy too! Would you kindly help me update the list when you are free? No hurry ah
Thank you very much

Actually hor, I prefer a girl... coz I dunno how to handle the extra thingy that boys have :p But anyhow, as long as bb's healthy, anything else doesn't matter
ashleywcy, me too! i thought i was expecting a girl (prob cos me & hb wanted a girl) but turns out it's a bb boy
they can be little monsters but still, so long as our babies are healthy, doesn't matter wat sex they are
missmoon, haha! Little monsters indeed! Whenever I see rowdy little boys jumping around in public transport, I'll quietly tell myself, "ok... must have a daughter". Moreover, I observed that when girls grow up and get married, they'll still be closer to their own family while the guys won't even bother to call home. Well, then again, not everyone's like that lah

Oh, do you know of any tips of changing nappy or diaper for boys? Any prevention of "being-sprayed" incidents? A bit silly lah... but I am worried! :p
Joan, Thanks for your encouragement
If it's good news, I let you all know and you will still see me around in this thread
If bad news, I think I dun want to disturb the peace here lah. All MTBs and BBs deserve to be expose to good things only

Hong, I really hope that by being positive, bad things will also become good. Oh yah, I'll try praying too
missmoon, i have browsed thru the GlenE web, they din mention any antenatal or parentalcraft classes. Only said after delivery, during the hosp stay can go for the parentalcraft.
So were thking of opting for TMC's.

fruitee, so which class & day u have signed up for? I am still deciding btw weekdays or weekends.

Am wearing a maternity dress for the 1st time today. Umm.. felt different loh, as compared to wearing pants. Like "qte spacious" all around. Hee....
ashleywcy, haha, i told myself the same thing must hv daughter after babysitting for my llittle nephew. it's true lor, daughters are closer to their own family (like us, eh?) while guys more bo chap. but neh mind, we can start training them from young. whenever i change my nephew's nappies, i always make sure i hold the front portion up and wait for any action. my mom says if the little thingy is soft, no urine. hahaa

jazzyjas, i think gleneagles hv antenatal classes ley. tmc's antenatal classes very popular, prob wise to opt for theirs

i find wearing dresses or skirts more comfy than pants now...esp dresses, haha, so feel dun feel like bb is wearing a hairband at the lower belly area.
missmoon, GlenE has? The website din offer much info leh. Ya, thk wd sign up after next week's gynae visit.

Not used to wearing dresses to work. Agree wif u, more comfy. Bt felt like "empty", nothing to hold the tummy. Guess i goto get use. Hee..
hi gals,
me attended the TMC parentcraft yesterday..
was the first lesson.. really fun and interesting.. dadies were asked to join in the exercises..
my class was conducted by Mrs Wong..she's really jovial..
had lots of fun..
hi gals,
me attended the TMC parentcraft yesterday..
was the first lesson.. really fun and interesting.. dadies were asked to join in the exercises..
my class was conducted by Mrs Wong..she's really jovial..
had lots of fun..
Hi ladies,

Do you notice your weight has gone up very fast now? I weighed myself weekly and i think I put on half kg every fortnight! I read that we are likely to put on 250 g every week. Whew...........

Anyone making a last ditch effort to shop at Taka baby fair this weekend? Kite, I think i may just get the playpen from there. Its more convenient than Tagore lane. But thanks for the info anyway. Appreciate it!
Hi mtbs,

I also have discharge and it started after i preggie. Is urs itchy? Mine yes and kind of white milky discharge.

I asked my gynae and he said was normal for preggie to have discharge and never did any test for me. Just give me the pill to insert if i really cannot take the itchiness. He asked me to just cleaned the area with water, no soap or any cleanser.

I think u shld take note that, if it is really fungus and u keep having it. U may wanna check ur hubby. If u have sex while u have white discharge and it may pass to ur hubby. For guys, the fungus may still be there but it will not have symptons like that.

So even if u are cure, u can still getting it from ur hubby after intercourse.
Ashley, maybe can try wearing goggles when changing your bb boy or better still wear swimsuit as well then, if kena spray can go straight to take a shower later...heeee....heeee....
hi mummies,

since a long time I last post...

can I check anyone has done the 5mth detail scan? Wat will be check during this detail scan


littlebaby, i did my detailed scan at 5 months (20 wks) in gleneagles' radiology dept. they'll check for the internal organs size (4c heart, kidneys, spine, eyes, lips, nose etc), bb's growth/wt to see if consistent wif EDD, sex of bb if it hasn't been done already. i also remember they measured heart rate and all that...then radiologist will give report.
