(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

your hb is lucky to have u as his wife

ur bb sleep in d nursery alone oredi ah? then cold war until how long?

sometimes i know it's no good to quarrel in front of our kids but sometimes really cannot control. just d other day my ger was wailing away, d moment me n hb quarrelled n shouted at each other, she immediately stopped her wailing n went silent cos we were louder then her...hahaha
heheh...pai seh so all of u know my true colors liao. he is d only person in d world i will shout at lor..aiya like dat cannot always complain abt him here liao since some of u met him b4...haha
These few days busier cos' hubby went for reservist. So won't have much time to log on. Sometimes, I also quarrel with my hubby. Guess it is no good to do that in front of baby. Not sure what impact that will bring.

Zoe, I didn't know you are not in Singapore at the moment. Good that Heinz organic cereal is different from here.

kiki, I am giving my girl HT brown rice cereal. Today is the second day. She loves it and will lean forward to feed. Very cute.

Yenny, forgot to tell you my gal also can't wait to see world cup finals leh. Felt contractions when I woke up around 1:15am and she came out at 4am. Just in time to watch the ending... haa
Woww u praise your Hubby so much. He must be a very nice hubby.

I am really tired of rushing home to take care of BB and during off day BB again. I got to study too. Really no LIFE ar... HELP

Before we have BB i quarell with my Husband so firece until my poor doggy also scare. lol

My BB now catch flu from me, he got running nose .. haiz.
Hi Hong,
Oh, if add 1 drop or lemon or lime, the apples can last how long?

Aiyah, last night waiting for hubby to pick me & bb up from mum's plc. But he kept delaying & delaying until I buay tahan. Somemore already past bb's bedtime, so she's very cranky already. Hubby keep saying 10mins more etc..in the end, I threaten to take bus hm wif bb, then my dad volunteered to drive us hm.

Hubby always say need to entertain customers, so he's been coming hm late almost every night already. Guess yesterday was the final straw.
Nobody to help. When i complain to my husband, he will just keep quiet. He is always with his computer as if the comp is his wife. That is why i says really regret to give birth.
Hi Sandy,
Wat abt ur parents, in-laws or any sibling & friends to help u out for a few hrs? Some infantcare centre offer few hours caregiving services also.
OC n Sandy,

Aiyah, nagging doesn't work so much change tactic. When I start to nag, I see his eyes glaze over n start to stone n juz replies me "ya lah, ya lah". In one ear, out the other. Same look & reply he gives his own mum when she nags. I dun wan to turn into my MIL also!! haha. More motivation not to nag.

Of cos not perfect la, still got quarrels but usually it's me getting angry. However, I'm not the sort to shout... just keep quiet n think angry thoughts in my head. Ha. Scare him even more.

Hey, you're still studying? What r u studying? Curious.. My hubby still studying too!
I juz grad last year myself. Heh.

Speaking of Parents behaviour in front of babies.. Ask you all ah...
Do you/hubby change clothes in front of your babies? Or behave intimately in front of them? Was just thinking about it cos my MIL chases away my FIL when the maid is bathing the bb...
My mother take care in the day , then in the evening till my husband come home. My in-law haiz don't mention about them & my friend all nt married no experience.
Your HB occupation is ? How come need to entertain customer. My HB also like that saying on the way, a short while but in the a few hours. MAke me so farred up that i have to throw temper at him.
I am doing ACCA. Now in Level 2 already. Peach u grad from what??
My mother do change infront of my BB but he is still young so ok.
Hi OC,
Yep, should have taken a pic together. No worries, will have chance the next gathering
Nope, mine was not induced. My girl was born in the afternoon, so she is the "jie jie" while yours "mei mei"

Grad from business @ nus. Hehe. We all still change in front of my bb too.. Thinking of when we have to be more careful.

Hai. Sometimes I think HB give excuses to stay out, cos if at home must entertain bb n change diapers. My HB during school term, say must study in school cos can concentrate better n do project until 3 - 4 am in the morning. Then it's always me asking when he's coming home, how come project must always do in school, why dun split up the workload n do from home, how issit possible the project meeting go on for 12 hours, how come so unproductive, must be playing a fool during project meeting gossiping away. So during the hols when I'm working n he's at home. He called me at 6pm sharp to ask me how come I still in office. My office official end time is at 6pm hurhurhur. Then I dilly-dally take my time to go home. Taste of his own medicine.
Hi Pooh,welcome. My girl also born 5th July..

Hi mummies,
So many things happening to so many mums..Must take care.
y do men like to say things like "on d way", "go out short while only" when in actual fact it's not d case?

i oso dun like pple to nag at me so i dun do dat to others lor

we oso change in front of my ger but i think when she is older will tell my hb to be discreet liao but think i will still change in front of her.
that mean u were having big tummy for ya graduation ceremony ? You husband doing engineering- final year ar ? Man tend to have selfish side hiaz..
oh so when was ur edd actually? wish i can hv d experience of fully natural delivery for my next one n not induced.

talking abt being intimate in front of them, there was one time me n hb intimate halfway..haha "shy"...then we suddenly felt 1 pair of eyes staring at us...haha...can imagine we both paused then remain motionless looking back at her not knowing wat to do. in d end of course cant continue lah..haha..anyway i will always be very distracted during such sessions (not frequent though :p)scared wake bb up

Yup. Think it was like 8th month already. Luckily grad gowns are huge. Like maternity gown. hehe. Gonna take my graduation photo with family soon now that I'm not so rounded. =D

Hb is not in is final year even. Still got 3 sems to go including this one.. 1.5 years more! 3 more exam-filled periods where I must die-die cannot disturb him otherwise will feel guilty if he do badly. That's the time he has full-"MC" from taking care of bb.

haha.. ur story is cute. my bb's cot has cot bumpers n she can't sit up/stand up yet. can't see la. hahaa...
i bath with my daughter. I still do now.

My hubby change infront of the kids.

We do intimate when the kid already but when they r sleeping. Of course, we cant do it now when my ger is ard cos she is old enough to ask why and i dun think i am ready to explain to her now.

OIC...... better not to have cold war for too long. For me i will try to understand my hubby work nature. Ok his and mine are the same.. so cannot bluff me. He asked for time-out with ex-collick yesterday. I agreed and I will rbr next week is my turn. hahaha...
Hi OC,
Ya, My gal sleeping alone in the nursery since last Sat. Okay for now...but last night she kept crying out in her sleep. Mayb cos she heard me quarreling wif hubby, so she had nightmare. I know it's no gd to quarrel in front of bb, but I' was already too mad!

Hi Sandy,
My hubby works in Sales line..so need to entertain lor.
My EDD is 18 July, Charisse popped 11 days earlier. Indeed, your Gillian looks very much like her daddy. So is Charisse
dsii, lala
ya dats why a lot of pple thot she is boy boy lor

can understand...after dat incident i was so guilty n i wonder wat negative effect it will have quarrelling in front of her...

how old is ur ger? think if hb just change in front of them shld be ok hor?

cos i took down one side of d bb cot railing n place d cot right beside my bed so she can see everything by just lying down there lor
This is what I read on Ivillage Parenting.
'As long as the fruit you serve your baby is ripe and easy to chew, there is no need to cook it. A ripe peach that has been put through the baby mill is far superior to a cooked one in terms of flavor and nutrition.
Fruits like very ripe melon, soft ripe papaya, avocados, peaches, kiwis, nectarines and bananas are all great baby foods without cooking. Some fruits, like apples and pears, will not be okay until teeth are well established.
Just be sure to serve them at peak ripeness when they are soft, and you have adjusted their texture as necessary -- mashing or cutting as needed into small bite-size bits.'
Shld be ok lah. My ger just turned 3.
I find ur ger got the ger ger look mah. Very sweet.

i know hard to control. I quarrel infront of Janelle twice. U know wat she did to stop us?

1st time, i was shouting at hubby while carrying her. She covered my mouth to stop me from shouting at daddy.

2nd time, she got startled and cried. That is enough to stop us cos we divert out attention to her. I apologised to her later. I told her i wun/try not to do it infront of her again.
Hi mummies, sigh. .it's 5.40am now and i haven't slept. Elder boy is down with bronchitis, and he can't really sleep cos he's coughing and coughing. Then also have to use nebuliser on him every 4 hours. Then he's finally asleep now, and i'm pumping milk, and have to go to work at 8+am later. Sian.

anyway, re quarrelling in front of babies... I don't think ive done that, cos my hubby and i belong to the cold war kind. but my MIL and FIL have quarrelled in front of the twins. but of cos i keep quiet. if not like..add oil to fire. scarli kana scolded by both of them.

and changing in front of baby. i still change in front of my twins, and pump milk in front of them. think it's not really...tt good ba..for me la. cos my boy will sometimes just hit my breast when im carrying him and say neh neh (meaning milk). then it's abit weird.
Morning.. sigh. only managed to slp for 1.5hours, and jian4 zheng4 Germayn 'standing' up by herself. I surrounded the railings of her cot with pillows so that she wouldn't hit her head when she sits up, turn and lie down. I thought it wasn't possible to have her pacifier drop on the floor since the railings were 'covered'. Then i was slpg and suddenly heard her pacifier drop on the floor. Then got a shock and woke up. Then saw her standing with her hands holding on to the railings, and can only see her head cos she's not very tall. Got a shock. Then put her on the bed with me and tried to go back to slp cos im so tired. But well, i can't...cos she keeps pulling my hair... sigh.. so here i am, preparing to go to work.
Good morning mummies,

Will like to know what are the fruits available that are suitable for babies now? So far, i tried apples and papayas and abit of banana.
Morning mummies,
I had a very bad night. My boy cry suddenly in the middle of the night. I asked my HB is it too hot cos never on air con, hungry , tummy pain or difficult to sleep because of running nose ? He reject everything and simply let him cry. In the end, he go make milk for him but my boy don't want.
It is 3 am and i need to get up and work at 0730. I get up and try to confort my boy but failed so i push it back to my HB. I think my boy is cry until too tired then slient down.
My HB scold me for asking him make milk, i got so angry that i throw the milk bottle on the floor. I shout back at him that my boy is cry until don't feel like drinking milk.. before i could finish his dammed bloodly hand already on me.
Everything my fault, my mother say my tone is too harsh but talk to him nicely he don't bother to listen .Ever since got this child i am suffering from mental & physical toture.. I am really not happy. *HELP*
*sayang sayang*
u mean he hit u??? wahlau...i really look down on man who lay hands on woman...dun mind me asking...u guys married cos of bb? do u guys intend to get married in the 1st place? is he a violent type? my fren oso kena hit by hb 1st yr of their marriage..the hb looks very si boon one..but turned out to be violent loh...my fren tahan for 7 yrs liao..now process of divorcing...very sad...
We ROM already then have BB before customary. He is nt the violent type before my BB is born, I ever heard my neighbour complain to me that he hit my doggy in the shop for nt obeying him. He is nt like that last time.
Everybody thought he ANGEL..nice man who help look after BB.. all are wrong. If he is willingly then he would go round telling ppl , wow he do this do that. *SOB*
If you add 2007 in, by June 24 we will be celebrating 2nd year anniversary. Why am I so stupid nt listening to my heart desire.. abort the BB and carry on with life. I really regret.

Aiyoh. He hit u? Argh. I agree with dsiitan.. man shldn't hit woman. no matter what reason.

do try to reason with him, that taking care of bb is a team effort. u're both on the same side n both of u have the same agenda, ie bb going back to sleep n both of u going back to sleep.

probably it's the impatience n frustrations n tiredness that got to the both of u so duneed to argue with each other k.

haiz..at times we cant tell ppl if he is violent or not by just their looks...i didnt expect my fren's hb to be so violent n bsd tempered too..somemore he highly educated leh...i think my hb looks more violent then him..cos my hb got a chou beng look..hahaha..but lucky me..he's not violent...u ever wonder y he become like that? issit becos of stress? becos of sudden change in life? like having a bb..not able to enjoy freedom? is this the 1st time he hit u?
aiyah, before Charisse was born, everybody will say surely your daughter will have your big eyes. Then it turns out to be that her daddy's genes is very strong, she only inherits my mouth ... hahahaha I believe you also have people asking you the same thing, right?? Many people also mistaken Charisse as a boy.
he really hit u. Pls dun let him do it on u again cos if u let him did it once on u more will come.

Are u feeling that the bb becoming a burden to u now? He will give u joy and laughter later, dun have too many negative thots. It is not gd for u.

It is never easy to handle kids + studies at the sametime but it is not impossible. I have frd who had 2 kids and she is still doing her ACCA. A brighter day will soon come, just have to pull thru it. Jia you!!!

Did u over-stimulate him during the daytime? May be he is having Han-ming or pple call nite terror. U see if he is like that again tonite.
im sorry to say this...u r in the wrong if u keep thinking abortion...u will somehow develop hatred towards ur bb leh..cos u thuink he is the main cause...in the 1st place u guys shld be more careful if not wanting a bb so soon...but since ur bb is here..maybe he is ur ray of light leh...think positive...ok?


Hehe.. My hubby's genes also very strong. And his mum's genes very strong in him (he looks the most like his mum out of the 3 siblings). Jialat. Sometimes I look at my daughter and I see my MIL's face. *fainT*
