(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

MY new digtal Scrapbook work...: )


btw pm, u resiz the photo to wat size? dont noe y oways post pic veri small not not clear : )

Hi Yenny, Hong,
Just now I went Courts to check out the Braun blender. Cannot find MR400. Only saw the $39 one & MR400 at $63. Will go Best Denki to check it out. I also dun cook at home, so no pt buy such a good one. Saw a Philips blender too. At $35. But it's those conventional type. Not those hand blender.

Hi Zita,
I also intend to buy Similac Follow-on from the BP in the forum. But will try c if bb likes the FM before buying in bulk (14 tins). Cos my friend said her daughter used to drink Enfalac, Enfapro. But when switch to Enfakid, she allergic. So later change to other brand, then okay. So I guess better play safe to try out 1st. Anyway, 14 tins should last till bb is 1yr old.

Zhen Zhu rice is actually short grain rice. Can be found in all supermarket.

Wah! Need so long to download the digital scrapebook arh. Then I must find a day free to do it.

Hi PM,
If u boil the food till soft, all the nutrients will be lost. So best is to steam cook the food then blend till puree form.

Wah! Emerson so lucky boy. So young already driving a 'Merc' arh! Haa! Haa!

Hi OC,
Mayb the food jar got preservatives so will taste a bit sour?

Hi ZzzzL,
Welcome! I stay in Hougang, am a SAHM. Mayb we can arrange for a playgroup next time when our bb is bigger. Think got other mummies staying in Northeast also.
Hi Mummies,
Just for ur info. Saw there's a retail shop in Toa Payoh Central selling Organic stuff. Incl bb food. The shop is next to Courts. U may wish to chk it out.
welcome. I believe each child is different. It is his/her characteristic that no other can compare with. If ur bb is really hungry dun starve him.

God gives us a child not only want us to take up the responsiblities, to love n care but also to continue learning.

My boy n my ger are different. I cant use the same method on both of them.

Come in more often to share ur experience

if u wanna get a electric blender. I think Braun is a better brand cos very handy. Others are bulky.

Lucida, some of the food can use a forks to mash it, not necessary to use a blender of course a blender will be faster.

My blender are use to mash meata and bulk veg like califlower and brocoli. Veg like spinach may contain fibre which is hard to break down into fine pieces so blender will be a better choice. Fish is ok, just use a fork will do.

oh dear, fever due to jab. Did u let him have 6 in 1 or 5 in 1. Never mind after this jab the next one shld be 15 months. Alot of months to catch up with the weight.

I love the pic, the toys seem fun. U bought it or rent it? He still look chubby to me.

If u are cooking carrot or veg, try steam it instead of boiling cos the vit will lose in the water. U can steam the veg when u cook ur rice. Just place a bowl with E's veg in the mid of rice that u need to cook in the rice cooker, u can check the veg after 10-15 min.
Thank you for your positive responses so far. ;-)
My li'l one just had his 3rd round of jabs yesterday and has been running a temperature and unable to feed. I'm so glad he doesn't have another jab for 6 months.
What would be the cheapest place/arrangement for baby jabs in Spore? I understand many people are on packages but obviously I won't be taking one up as we're already halfway though. So it will be one-off jabs I'm asking about. Thanks.
YB, ya, she sat up a few times herself in PM's house. so she's been sitting up always now, even when she's aslp.

PM, hope E is better now....

Hello Zoe, welcome! =) Not sure about those one off jabs cos i'm one of those on a package. sorry..
Hi mummies!

Kloe, ye found a friend for Jodi who is born tong nian tong yue tong ri=)

dsii, not meant to b a stalker, juz dat i'm shy by nature. hee hee=P no lah! juz dat my gal is taken care by my mil on weekdays, so everyday reach home after seeing my gal at my in-laws' place, mo here mo there oso no time left to read the thread. always try to catch up if i reach office early or when lunch in. but by the time finished reading, need to start work oredi=(
will try to 'appear' more often.=)

hong, tks!
zoe welcome to july thread
my boy is taking jabs at polyclinic...not in package...free one loh...every mth i will need to bring ian for jab...this mth he will have Hep B 3rd dose..and then will hv to wait till 12mths...some PD also offer indivisual jab...
hahaha....promise ah...must appear more often hor!!!!

hmm...so jan's gathering when and where?? hehehee....
re: blending
when i was researching for my twins when they started solids, i remember some mums will cook the porridge as per normal, then blend in the porridge in an electric blender for their babies. but i didnt try tt la. haha. in the end my MIL cooked. but she nv cook broccoli one, their fam is not into broc, though i quite like to eat tt. normally she'll just cook the porridge base using either ba kut or ikan bilis, then push mi3, then cook, then add those shredded ingredients. but she'll cook the porridge until nua nua first. initially she didnt, then my twins didnt wanna have it ( i tink they didnt know how to eat the normal porridge cos they were only 5mths plus), then she was quite upset and said that how come they're diff from her sons. Cos her sons were ok with everything at 4 months. so i told her to double cook the porridge then add the shredded ingredients. then they were ok with it. but so far, germayn doesnt like to be spoonfed. my MIL tried again on Thurs, but she pui everything out. Then these days, she doesnt wanna take rice cereal / brown rice in her milk bottle also, so my MIL threw away 2 170ml of ebm away. sigh.

re: jan gathering
wish i have my own house..then can invite you all over. but i guess tt'll be when our babies turn 2 yo. hahahahah. so long...
YB, ya. when he is in deep sleep, you can shake, drop things also got no movement. The only thing is - he definitely wake up at 4 am. Not sure is habit or really hungry. But usu he finish his full bottle.

Zoe - I took individual jab from a private PD. just finished the 5-in-one + hep B. Now can take a break till 13 mths. quite lucky, so far no fever after each jab......

Looks like lots of work to prepare the food..guess I will leave it to my mum.
Julie, $27.40 per tin, min 14 ,NTUC selling $30.40. i only need 7 to 10tin cause my hse still got 6tin...: ) but as wat YB say muz buy 1 tin test first before buying in bulk...my gal adapting it well : )

YB..14tin can last me about 4mth only : (

hope Emerson is getting better.

took kevin to see doc tis morning coz he still refues milk n couldnt sleep last night.

juz now he was being nebulised.PD said he got the virus(bronchiolitis),causing him wheezy breathing n having difficulities in breathing.
was told to montior him...still doesnt want milk,then got to admit hospital.haiz...my poor boy.
sigh. Germayn is starting to cough also. She's having runny nose now, and coughing ocassionally. For milk intake, it's the same for her. always gotta force her to drink milk one la. so it's the same now also. haha.

joykel, my elder gal always gets bronchiolitis... sigh. Pray that ur boy will get better soon...
Oh. Jabs are free in polyclinic? That sounds good. I called up one of the polyclinics and they quoted me prices. Then I called up a random GP and the rates were similar to the polyclinic's. I don't mind poly and private, only polyclinics have a long wait, but the vaccines are freshest in polyclinics (high turnover).
So am wondering if anyone has a good baby doctor to recommend in the Katong/Marine Parade area. Am a SAHM so have to be economical. ;-)

Hope Kevin gets better real soon. It's so distressing to have an unwell baby. Poor you. Take heart that babies are tough and recover very quickly.

thanks for ur concern.
Har?Germayn oso having cough.u better take care,dun fall sick coz still need to look after 3.

btw can kevin sleep in air-con rm?
i think u need to tell them u dun want package loh..
cos they got 4 in 1 and 5 in 1...now think got 6 in 1...mine hor..no package one...so hv to go every mth loh...till 6 mth,...then 9mths go checkup and assessment then 12 mth jab again...singaporean jab free,...
ya..she's also having cough. just gave her medicine at 6pm, one for nasal congestion, one for phlegm. Hope our babies will get better soon.
Not sure if kevin can slp in air con room. to me, that was nv a concern cos my in law's house has no air con. haha.
U gotta remember that our bb will b taking solid after 6mth leh. So 14 tins of FM will lasts longer. Last time, my gal took 17 tins of Infant FM cos they can't take solid yet.

Hi Joykel,
Oh dear! Hope Kevin will recover soon! Think better dun let him sleep in a/c room. Cos it's recycled air.

Hi mummies,
My mum taught me to blend the ikan bilis into powdery form. Then add in when cooking porridge. Very nice & fragrant. But no need to add salt cos the ikan bilis already taste a bit salty.

No salt for baby until she is 1 yrs old.
didnt give salt n sugar to my elder son till he was 18mths.

juz now kevin finally drinks 60ml of milk,but still coughing badly.
sigh..germayn is only drinking half of her milk now. used to 'force' her to drink. but now dont dare to force her cos she's coughing. dont dare to make her too ji1 dong4.

ya, i didnt allow my mil to give add seasoning to the kids' food till then were 1 yr+. told her to use ba kut or ikan bilis for taste.

i've got a bad feeling about tonight. think it'll be slightly..slpless....
Hi YB, I see.. different brand.. My baby taking ISOMIL now. PD advise to slowly switch to normal FM but need to use those with HA first. For what I know, only NAN got HA type..
Zita, can straight away start Similac follow on or must mix with stage one first? I don't mind sharing but where is the pick up point?

Any mummies giving your babies biscuit (the baby ones from 6 mth onwards)?
Like lots of our precious is sick...: ( takecare mummies, hope bb well fast fast ..., I tink if not well oso no mood to drink blah. when baby coughing while drinking milk muz stop feed k, juz happen a sad incident from my colleague when the baby is coughing n choke by milk..: (

Julie, muz mixed wif stage 1..I stay in west leh..u leh? free delivery to 1 location..

YB...ya hor..then i tink i will max at 14tin first
YB..the ikan bilis hor..u must soak 1st leh...cos very saltish one...last time i didnt blend till powder leh..i boiled the ikan bilis then use the water to make porridge...last time my ex colleague gave me some powder...(me lazy mum..so fren gave me a bit of her own)..then my mum told me isaac dun like cos the porridge got a bit powder powder...not smooth ...maybe the powder not fine enuff...
zita, ya..today while i was feeding my gal, she was coughing and pushing away the bottle, so i stopped. the my MIL told me that can just stuff the teat in, sometimes she'll drink one.. then i told her about your friend's son's incident. then she got a shock. sigh. so sad. how is your friend? has she rtned to work?
hello mummies, u all know of any PD that is opened on sunday? Germayn's been coughing till wanna vomit kind. And she's having alot of phlegm.
pasir ris baby & child clinic at Elias Mall(pasir ris) opens on sunday..but i dunno the time...u call and ask..think they open at 9 or 930am...

Pasir Ris Baby & Child Clinic

Address : Blk 625 Elias Rd #02-322 Elias Mall Singapore 510625

Telephone : 6581 0032
Z-lia, better not cause phlegm already cause breathing difficulties..if u still force and she cry veri easy to choke which is a real incident.

she return to work but the wound will take time to recover...she is 4mth preggie hope the little one can brighten her : )

U noe her son choke in the early morn, maid helpless and drag till late aftern then call her already gone..if she call immediately or ask neighbour for help..her son might me save : ( aiya dont noe wat to say. Muz get a experience maid n do not leave the baby wif maid alone at home...

Dsiitan..my hubby say the download fail leh, u close window? if not so wasted hor after a full day..
Hi joykel,

think better dun let kevin sleep in air-con room...but if u wan, muust have a humidifier. Even when he is ok already, better to have a humidifier for air con, that's what my PD advised.

I cooked porridge for ryan yesterday and today....threadfin fish (wah, got bones leh....be careful), some meat for seasoning, grated carrot and potatoes. He doesnt really seem to like porridge but he likes HT cereals and jar food.
Blessing have to continue trying, my gal reject for a week then now she love the porriage liao..I though have to slowely test out diff kind c if will cause allergies? i use pork 3days, then pork n threadfin 3days, then add in pumkin yesterday n today. havent try carrot n potato yet

Threadfin when buy muz let the uncle noe is for baby then they cut the portiong without bone.
Zita, yr frd is pregnant again? That's pretty fast. Do u mind to send me those that u've downloaded? Hehehe. Thanks... I just resize to 50% of the orginal size, but guess it still have to depend on the rginal size of the pics.

Baby E has not recovered. Highest temp taken yesterday is 39.5... Doc is reluntant to give bullet instead presribe ibufen to be taken only for high fever. Dont think it's due to the jab coz it was taken 2-3weeks before. I think it's teething. coz I can feel 2 hard "strokes" on his gum there's also another bump on the side. Big and white. I think it's causing him great discomfort. No wonder he's rejectin pacifier even. My nights seem longer than day because he's even moer cranky than in the day. Sigh. I hope he's ok now... coz there's another round of gathering today. =( He hasnt been drinking milk for 2 days liao....... water also dun want. I have to feed him thru a stringe. Even then, he drinks like 6ml?

Joykel, JP's boy also has that problem...

Mummies, I really dunno how to cook.. Anyone can share simple recipes to make porridge for BB? Ba kut/ ikan billis...how to put inside the porridge?

kevin oso having alot of phlegm n having wheezing breathing.he cant drink his milk well mayb its due to e phlegm,coughing away while drinking milk/water.he is on antibiotic now.


i have a humidifier at home n he is sleeping in air-con rm.tried putting him to sleep without air-con,he sweat alot.
ya...remember to tell the uncle tat u r buying pork/fish/ikan bilis(those without head) for baby.
joykel, PM, Z-lia,
hope all your babies get well soon...

anybody knows if teething will have diahorrea?? my ger diahorrea few days liao but no fever n vomit, her diet n sleep ok also leh. my MIL says mabybe teething. not sure if i should half d strength of her FM??
Hi Julie,
Have to slowly mix the Stage 1 & Stage 2 FM together till ur bb is used to it. If sudden switch, might cause constipation.

Hi Lucida,
Isomil is also under Abbort. The BP is for most FM under Abbort. U may wanna asks the organiser? I understand Isomil also have Stage 2, cos my nephew & niece also drank it. Now they drinking Pediasure.

Hi dsii,
Ya, mayb the ikan bilis powder not fine enough. My mum use the blender, cos really very powdery. But if add into porridge then cook, the ikan bilis powder won't be so saltish, right?
Hi PM,
Simple porridge recipe. My mum taught me.

Blend the ikan bilis into fine powdery form 1st. Add short grain rice to water & boil in high fire till water boils. Switch off the gas & let the porridge simmer for abt 30mins. (Tis will make the porridge soft) When u wanna serve, on the gas again, low fire & add in ikan bilis powder for taste. u may wanna add ur fish/veg into the porridge now also.
For those interested in babies contests, this one by Dumex must have Dumex FM receipt.


N for those gorgeous mums, think we have quite a few in our JULY mummies group
this one is for u:

To participate, send in your photos (non-refundable) with baby's name, mother's name, age, occupation, email and contact no. to:

"Pigeon Gorgeous Mum & Babe Contest"
1100 Lower Delta Road #o4-04 EPL Building. Singapore 169206

Both mother n baby must be taken together. The photograph should not be taken more than six months ago.
For more details, log on to www.motherhood.com.sg
wah so shiok play MJ, i miss it, hand itchy now..haha

so if sudden switch to stage 2 FM might cause constipation is it? wont cause diahorrea right?
Hello mummies, just came back from Elias mall. Brought Germayn to see Dr Sim. Dsii, thanks for the contact. =) Prescribed her cough and runny nose medicine, and nose drop. And it's only $38! So cheap! never spent to little money at a PD.

joykel, ya, think it's the phlegm, and prob sore throat tt makes swallowing more difficult. but she likes drinking water. and that makes her milk intake drop even more.

PM, if it's like tt think baby E is prob teething. haha. To add bakut/ikan bilis in porridge: you have to boil the bakut / ikan bilis, then use the 'soup' to cook porridge. Like what YB says, have to cook the porridge one time first, then after tt when wanna eat then add ingredients and cook again.
Hi OC,
I think depend on individual bb. Last time I sudden switch from Similac to Isomil, then back again. My gal constipated for 3 days. In the end, need to c doc for medication.
Hi OC, PD advised us to buy Nan HA stage 1 still. He told us to mix with Isomil in case baby cannot get use to the taste. Slowly than fully Nan HA.
