(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

I got anther bday function at 5:30pm. I tried to come but dun pin high hope on me.

we notice Julian started to crawl. He is struggling to reach out for the things he wants. Sometime he will "creep" up to his jie jie and pull her hair and make Janelle scream for help. hahaha..

We test him yesterday. Place something he like on the other end of the mattress and he manage to creep all the way up. Still trying to master the art of crawling.. hee hee..

AS for sitting, still cant sit very well, will topple sideway.

My baby will do "sit and reach" when on sitting position.. Sometimes I abit anxious as my baby seems to be slow in flipping and others. he's not flipping yet, only flip side and fall back
hi mummies, dsii, PM,
I dun think i can come for gathering AGAIN!!! I'm down with v bad flu,and fever. My big girl got bronchitis,,,,small one, hopefully will be well. You all enjoy yourselves coz i'll be nursing the cold at home.....
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL... (Extracted from last posting)

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
11) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12) Poppy (tentative)
13) lala (tentative)
14) Jul04 (tentative)
15) Noif (tentative)
16) Sandy (tentative)
17) lok

This time Joshua should be coming with me (unveiling him for the very 1st time)


Dun worry lah, just enjoy your bb now. He will learn it in no time and sometimes u may secretly hope he's not flipping so soon cos it's harder to manage a flipping baby!
Thks for organising the gathering, sorry I can't make it for the gathering this time. Hope all the mummies going for the gathering have a wonderful time.

I also tot of giving my baby brown rice soon. How much water or milk do u add with one scoop of brown rice (similac scoop)?
Mrs T,

Give baby some time to adapt, maybe sleeping in new environment cause him to have sleepless night. Or maybe can put those bean sprout type of pillow on the stomach to try prevent him from fliping?

Don't think can join you gals also, 3 of us now down with flu n cough. Today just bought Gerrard to see PD, given three type of medication. Chiam...hiaz...

Gerrard seems abit lazy, don't like to crawl. Have only recently learnt how to flip. But he learning how to stand instead. Me sometimes playful will try to teach him how to walk.....
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL... (Extracted from last posting)

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
10) Poppy (tentative)
11) lala (tentative)
12) Noif (tentative)
13) Sandy (tentative)
14) lok
hi everyone,
i just returned from the Isetan private sale and got a Tiger Food Jar. I should have pop into the thread earlier as I realise you gals were discussing about using slow/pressure cooker for making porridge.
I was told perviously that this Food Jar is good as it can be used for porridge making. Not sure if I will use it at all now....but hopefully will come in handy (quite heavy)as a thermal container.
sandy, I dont mind u guys bringing food, but scare cannot finish.... My baby cant sit up yet.. and he's so soft like that.

Hong, it's ok.. but I look forward u to come. Emerson is the same as Julian, he will reach and reach for the things he wants.... Wriggle and wriggle to it.

Lucida, I remembered our babies were one of the slowest to learn to flip. my boy is the same too fall from his side while struggling to flip, but it just take them one day to master it. Overnight, he can flip back and forth.

Melody - It's okay. Hope to see u more often here and also next mth's gathering.
Hi PM,

My gal going for jab tomm..cross finger if fever then i cant go liao : ( ...dont prepare my food ya

Hunnypot..me oso went private sale today n bought the tiger food jar..I thought is meant for bringing porriage out.

Aiyo..liverpool n kin takecare..

melody, i start off with 1(similac scoop) brown rice add 120ml water then 1 scoop milk powder...! now she is taking 2scoop brown rice after 1.5mth
Hi mummies, I also went to Isetan private sales today. Bought pacifier, weaning spoons and pigeon liquid cleanser. Forgot to check out the food jar leh... After that, went to Harris bookstore. The bookstore is having 20% discount on all books till 31st Dec. I bought two books on weaning (Feed your child right and The contented little baby book of weaning). Very happy with my buy
. The store is located next to the Popular bookstore at Orchard MRT station. If anyone is thinking of buying books, can consider going there.

PM, thanks for your address. I will let you know whether I can come by tomorrow. BTW, is there anyone going with hubby? If I come, most likely my hubby comes along too. Okie or not?
hb not joining...but will be sending me over loh...and for elder son..hmmm...must wait n see how? last mth at hong's place...kept telling me wanna go..but ended up went to game arcade with daddy..but becos i stayed till 5 plus 6...so hb sent elder son up to hong's place but he waited downstairs for us..hehehe
Kloe, hunnypoo,

me also at isetan private sale. Wanted to buy the food jar too but OOS liao...sigh..but bought the vacuum flask for hot water though and 2 sets of slow cookers (1 for my mum's place and 1 for me lor)... Bought a pair of levi's jeans for ryan too...hahaha. Bought alot of other things meant for gifts....carried until pengz....now body achinig already!!! Now I must think of where to buy the food jar...at sale price else very expensive.
is a gd buy. I owned a Tiger food jar can keep the food warm. I even cook Teochew porriage using that. hee hee..

However it is quite bulky. Are u going to PM's place tmr? Wanna go together?

I am still planning how i can go over ur place. However i must check if Julian had recovered, if no then i better dn bring him over to spread his flu.

If i am going, i may go early and go off early cos need to rush home to bring Janelle to her friend bday party.
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) Hong
5) Lok
7) YB (tentative)
8) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
9) kloe (tentative)
10)nite_gal (tentative)
11)Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12)Poppy (tentative)
13)lala (tentative)
14)Noif (tentative)
15)Sandy (tentative)
Hi PM,

The Food Jar was originally $109. Sale price was $49. There was 2 versions - one is $39 for keeping food warm only (3 tiers) the other one which i bought can be used for making porridge/soup.

Blessings i got the hot water flask too!Basically my time at the sale was spent at the household and children's. Feels like an aunite hahaha...

So gald i have not gotten some white elephant.
i shall try out the porridge making function soon kekeke...Cant make it for the gathering as going to relatives' place for gathering tomorrow.
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) Hong
5) Lok
7) YB (tentative)
8) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
9) kloe (tentative)
10)nite_gal (tentative)
11)Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12)Poppy (tentative)
13)lala (tentative)
14)Noif (tentative)

Dont add me in first.. nt sure whether got family outing cos my mother's birthday eve. lol
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) Hong
5) Lok
7) YB (tentative)
8) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
9) kloe (tentative)
10)nite_gal (tentative)
11)Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12)Poppy (tentative)
13)lala (tentative)
14)Noif (tentative)
15)OC (reach ard 3pm)
Hi Everyone..

I want to go also.. but how to bring all 3? sigh..

I'm still busy preparing my eldest's 5th Bday... His bday on 2nd Jan... sigh.. now not even order cake.. jia lat liao
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) Hong
5) Lok
7) YB
8) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
9) kloe (tentative)
10)nite_gal (tentative)
11)Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12)Poppy (tentative)
13)lala (tentative)
14)Noif (tentative)
15)OC (reach ard 3pm)
Hi Stephanie, where hv u been? Haven't seen your post for a long time now.


Me me going. Do i need to bring any food?
Hi Steph,
Paisey, if tomorrow u r coming for the gathering, can pass my 2 first teeth to me 1st? Then I can save on postage..hee..hee...

Hi Lok,
Then Steph busy helping to organise drugstore sprees...hee..hee...

I'm thinking of introducing FM to Joshua soon. He's 5.5 mths now. Do i start him on infant FM (0-6 mths) or the follow-on FM (from 6M)? Contemplating the latter...
hmm..i oso dunno got to bring anything bo leh? i asked PM liao..but she didnt say anything leh..

PM...need us to bring anything bo? or u bao ka liao???hehehee
U can start with follow-on.

Fruitee not going? I want to see the clothes she got back from BKK.
YB, if I coming, will bring ur First Teeth.. heheh

Have been busy at work lately.. also busy with sprees.. heheh friends want to order so start loh..

Lok, my eldest also named Joshua leh.. heheh

Lok, can start with Follow On.
So many mummies going for the gathering, but I can't go.

Actually I am afraid to bring my baby out nowadays, he is always giving us problem after we bring him out. Sometimes scream and shout, and so many ppl looking at us. At times he will guai guai look ard but then at night I will hv a hard time pat him to sleep during bedtime and he will wake up every 2 to 3 hours. I believe that he could be overtired because he is not able to sleep when we bring him out.

Nowadays he wake up ard 3 plus every nite, at good times he will go back to sleep after we pat and put him in sarong. Bad times he will only sleep after an hour. Then he will wake up again ard 5 plus and after feeding him he will only sleep ard 8 plus.
Hello PM and dsiitan,

Sorry, I will not be coming to the gathering... hope you guys have a good time :)

Lucida, my gal does not know how to flip too..
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL...

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) Hong
5) Lok
7) YB
8) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
9) nite_gal (tentative)
10)Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
11)Poppy (tentative)
12)lala (tentative)
13)Noif (tentative)
14)OC (reach ard 3pm
Fruitee, you coming to my house tmr? U stay so near, must come arh! Also can bring yr loot here! hahaha.

Dsiitan, no need to bring any food, what u all wanna eat, Can get my hubby to buy, he be at home tmr.

Hong - Yah, if Julian is not well, then better let him stay at home to rest.

MTDT - PM u my address liao...
