(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


For Joshua, it is the reverse of BB Gerrard. He needs to sleep well in the day to sleep through at night. I read this in Babycenter too. His sleep pattern now is 4-6 hrs of daytime nap and 10hrs of nightime sleep. Total abt 15 hrs.

i also wonder how the bb can choke on milk feed. Is it like they regurgitate and then choke after the feed?

Hi Lok,

My bb certainly doesnt take 4-6 hours of nap, at most 3 hours. Sigh. SHe was able to sleep through for the whole of last week but last nite, she was up at 3am again!

Btw...i fed my bb with pumpkin puree on Sat and she seemed to develop allergic reactions to it. There were some rashes under her eye. Shucks...so mummies be mindful when introducing solids to your bb; one at a time ok?

Also, I fed my girl with apple juice from by scraping the juice from apple in the frige. And the poor girl now develop a cough. Silly mummy!
Colleague not back yet, but muz be veri heartpain..imagine happily come to work, suddenly receive a phone call from maid that bb turn blue ,rush hospital too late....! Hope that she will b strong. oso dont noe how to console her..really feel veri down today..keep imagining bad stuff : (

Lok , i tink is regurgitate then choke, cause it enter into windpipe..plus her boy got cough n lots of flame loh ...
Is impt try not to lay bb in sleeping position during drinking milk...cause once regurgitate may not have time to brg up the bb to sitting position.
drive in to Cameron. U sure? go on the dry season ok. Have u being there before, quite dangerous to drive up leh.

Helo, are u busy? Try to come in more often. Ur boy like the exesaucer? I have a FP one home, u can bring Kayden up and play. hee hee..

oh dear. I hope ur collick will be ok soon. *which i think not very likely* Haizzz. idiot maid.

i also want.. send to me hor.
Heh use the july member list lah.. i send u the latest list tmr. Me at home today.. my list in my office notebook.

Don't rule out the possibility that your colleage baby have a fall, and choke on his/her tongue. That could be one possiblity. But whatever the cause, there is no point finding it out. The important thing is rebuild their confidence and move on in life. This I feel is more important now than anything else.
hmmm....can we update agin who's going to PM's lovenest...?? this coming saturday (30th dec) at sengkang(anchorvale).

1. dsiitan
Zita, sigh..so scary.. hope your colleague will be better soon.. I can't imagine going thru all these...

Think I'm prob going to buy a playpen for Germayn b4 she really suffers from some internal head injury. She's been sitting up by herself, trying to grab things around her, and falling backwards or sideways, and hitting the cot railings... Then ytd, i was awake from 4.45am to 6+am..cos she kept sitting up.

A few days ago, I tried to feed Germayn some apple, gua1 using the spoon. But she didnt like it. pui everything out. haha. so i guess i'll try again next time.

PM, how long ago was that small tin of similac opened? Think for small tin of milk powder can only keep for 3 weeks after opening. I've one small tin of Isomil for Kai and Lycia at home. give tt to them when they're having diarrhoea, but i read that must finish within 3 weeks after opening. I haven't brought Germayn for her 5mth jab also. Booked appt for 6 Jan.

Ytd night, I finally scolded my husband. Haha. Normally i'll just show a black face and give attd. But ytd night, i wasn't feeling well ma. Then Germayn kept sitting up. Then i was trying to put her to slp for an hour. Then my boy woke up also. Then i was alone trying to put both of them to slp while my husband was snoring and slpg so soundly. Then finally i bth and screamed at him,'Can you not slp like a pig? When we're not ill i'll take care of them. When you're ill i take care of them. Then when i'm ill also i have to take care of them.' Then he told me to go away and he took care of Germayn for awhile.
Hello all mummies!

can i join in? my bb ger Jodi's DOB is 10 July 06. find this thread veri useful & pple here r oso veri helpful & friendly=)

Hi Hong! tks 4 adding me to the list. i normally will catch up with this thread if i reach office early or when i lunch in. but i'll try to appear more often=)
Hi Z-lia,
Wah, ur gal can sit up on her own already? So fast! Clever gal.

Ya, men are like tat. Gotta scream & shout at them then they willing to help out.

i have a bday party to attend on 30 Dec. I may not be able to attend leh..

OLDNAVY website is loading very slowly..
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL... (Extracted from last posting)

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
11) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12) Poppy (tentative)
13) lala (tentative)
14) Jul04 (tentative)
15) Noif (tentative)

Ryan has been fliiping especially when he is sleeping...once he turned to his side...he will flip to his tummy and then dunno how to flip back...when I flipped him to his back, he started to cry liao...aiyo...I am becoming zombie already. What shall I do huh?
Good morning mummies!

Twinstars, welcome! My gal is born on the same day as yours!

dsiitan, how is Ian?

Regarding the gathering this Saturday, I might not be able to make it. Will update you guys later.
welcome twinstars
do drop in more often...
hmm....seems like we have a lot of 'stalkers' leh..hahahaha...

ian ok so far...hehhe...if till now no fever....consider ok liao issit???? crossm y fingers..hehehe....next mth hep B 3rd dose....hurray!!!!!
how can say newcomer "Stalker". *mega Kok*
U dun complain no one talking later hor.

why must make appointment? Polyclinic?
Hi blessings,

My gal is quite similar, she likes to flip now but will start crying even though she manages to flip over. Even when she sleeps, she prefers to sleep on her side. haaha

My bb is still coughing and having phglem...Dr said it may be the introduction of solids, i.e. pumpkin and apple juice (cold). Or it may be an infection..Shucks!! Any mummy experience bb who had that too and what medication did u take?

Tks for your advice. I'll never let her take anything cold again.
no lah....all see us tok tok so long..but we never know their existence mah....hahahaha...so they know us inside out..but we dunno them..hahahaha
hong, going to PD so need to make appointment.

My gal still have cradle cap. It is getting better. Think becos of that her scalp is itchy. These days, she scratched her scalp and bleed leh... very xin1 tong4. Haiz... so now, we put on mittens when she is sleeping to prevent her from hurting herself.
Hi may,

Ryan has cough with phlegm and blocked nose last month. Seen the PD and was given 3 different types of medicines for him...takes about a week for him to recover. I guess in order for your bb to recover, have to faithfully take the medicine that your PD has prescribed.
abt scratching - my boy like to scratch his ear and there is always fresh little cut under the ear, especially sleeping. I have to hold his hand to stop him from doing it. No wonder it never heal properly.

scare u mah. hahaha.
Meantime may not order anymore stuffs from Oldnavy unless my sister wanna order.

my boy is taking medi for his cough, phlegm and running nose. If the infant has to take medi then no choice. it is better than making the mild sickness to something serious.
may be the link went thru Taiwan. TWN earthquake mah so the ISP link was affected. I also get into oldnavy. The link keeps dropping.
Tks Hong and blessings for your advice! Yup, will give her medicine to take again later. I'm just paranoid that her cough/phlegm is due to some brochital problems :pp
Hi mummies,

Just back from Keagan's 3rd 5 in 1 jab...He was so brave...only whimpered for like 2 secs when jabbed then back to smiley self liao...never wail at all! very proud of him! heee...

Pray that he won't have fever....

Can email me the catalogue too? Doc say Keagan can start solids le...he din gain weight at all in the whole month....

sooo heartpain for your colleague...cannot imagine how I will survive such an ordeal...

PM, Dsii,
Sorry. Can't go for gathering...Got lots of things to do for reno...weekends all taken up to do reno stuff liao...coz HB ard...then with boy boy now...everything slows down...can't go to as many places as we want.

will like to make porridge for Ryan. Which is the most effective methods of cooking?
1) a cooking pot over the fire
2) slow cooker
3) pressure cooker

How much rice and water shld we put leh?
but will slow cooker take a very very very loooong time to cook? Does that mean I have to wake up very early to cook leh??? Me lazy mama....hee hee
Hi dsiitan, Sandy
If use slow cooker to cook porridge, will it take up lotsa electricity? Can simmer in a pot over low fire? Will the porridge be as soft?
Hi all,

I also wanna buy a slow cooker..only $27 for a small one, never thought it be this price. Blessings, I intend to put everything in the morning when i wake up, by afternoon after BB's nap shld be able to eat liao bah.

Sandy - Just add yr name to the list.

Mums, my add is Blk 307B Anchorvale Road #09-56, if u are taking LRT, the station to alight is "TongKang"
the salesperson selling pressure cooker told me that 10mins will be ok for porridge to be cooked if use pressure cooker. She said if use pot, we will keep stirring and that will create air inside the porridge. Correct meh? My mum also cook like that leh...I am also ok hee hee.

Pressure cooker very expensive....$200 to $300
TIME : 1.30-2PM AS USUAL... (Extracted from last posting)

1) dsiitan
2) z-lia
3) lucida
4) YB (tentative)
5) Hong
6) yenny (not confirm but most likely)
7) kloe (tentative)
8) nite_gal (tentative)
9) kin (tentative)
10) melody
11) Zita (will reach around 4pm if yr still around : )
12) Poppy (tentative)
13) lala (tentative)
14) Jul04 (tentative)
15) Noif (tentative)
16) Sandy (tentative)
hi sandy,

really hah? I think I will go and get a slow cooker then....hahaha

My mum said she will use charcoal to cook the porridge...faster and tastier...
Hello Mummies..
will u all be bringing BB along ? I think must find one day we gather at Chalet etc...
Hmm July BB birthday gathering ... hehe
i think someone suggested b4..hehehe,....can hor??? then must start to plan next yr liao...
aiyo...all tentative???? then how ah???? when can confirm leh????
hi mummies,

When are you getting giving your bb porridge? Slow cooker? Wow..sounds interesting? any brands to recommend. I'm a FTWM, so probably can only prepare porridge on weekends for my ger :-((
Slow cooker - just rbr to add hot water instead of cold water. It will cook faster this way.

Amt of rice - 2 teaspoons 1st. If u feel too little can try half tablespoon. BB cant finish then u can eat it lor. hehe..

charcoal. aiyo... use doubleboil lah..

hehe... need to bring anything to PM's house or not ? Food ?
I plan to have my BB birthday in Chalet... then bring him go SWIMMING ... yeah
