(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

verrry sad story lorrrr... but the parent very brave.
I think i better stop that negative thinking that i shld have destroy my BB cos he really gives me alot of emotional & physical torture.
* SOB*
I used to cook my elder gal's porridge using slow cooker. I woke up ard 8am to cook and by lunch the porridge was ready. Wat u can do to save time is to prepare and cut the ingredients the nite b4 (but wrap in cling wrap and store in fridge) and then throw everything in the slow cooker.

the expiry date is for unopen tin. for open milk powder, it can only last for 1 month.

I plan to feed my son porridge once he turns 6 months. Today I bot 'si shen' brown rice wif ikan billis for my son. he likes it very much.
u bo tai bo ji why sent such a sad link. I was crying on my desk. U very bad lah.. make me cry.
me oso so sad...
made me think of baby Even if u all still remember...me oso cried mah...very sad hor...to think some ppl still go for abortion or throw them in rubbish chute when bb is born...some want to kepp bb oso cannot....

y u have that thinking now ah??? aiyo...better stop ah....
Hi Yenny,

Wow..you are really hardworking to wake up earlier to prepare stuff for your bb! Is 6 mths a little too soon to feed bb porridge? I'm not sure also. BUt I do think my girl is sick of milk milk already...she drink it more like bo bian.

Tks for arranging the gathering. I will have to give it a miss again. I have a party at home on that day too .. enjoy yourself mummies!
Hi Yenny,
How much brown rice r u feeding ur boy now? I'm currently giving my gal 1 scope(using similac spoon) of brown rice a day.

When should I increase the brown rice freq?
PM, even though the expiry is 2008, once opened, can only be kept for 3 or 4 weeks. Read the tin. It should say so.

Dsii, i dun dare to open tt link. Scared i'll cry again. haha.
Lucida, my add is as above. Hehehe, dsii, i dont know leh, I thought nothing so I just post the add here loh.. Mummies here, I trust that u wont use my add to borrow from ah long. Hahaha
Dsii - Wa.. in chinese, I have a hard time reading it, but I think i will read it tmr in the broad day light... but now the pic still lingering in my mind.
Morning all mummies! Me haven't been getting good sleep lately. I put bb sleep on mattress on the floor. But at night like almost every hour, he will flip on his own and start to cry. Ironic thing is, he flip at 11:15pm, 12:15am, 1:15am, 2:15 am until like 3:30am then he stoped for a feed. Wah lao i going to faint liao. Any mummies experiencing this? Any advice? HELP!!!!!!!
i don't enjoy my pregnancy journey and being as a mother. Alot of ppl give critism etc... " Shot gun married ... even though we already ROM. Then i still got to study & work . Struggle to find time to study. My husband who is the one that ask me to keep the child never help at all. He simply left me alone in the hosiptal during my hospital stay. Then when ask for help, he simply say " i got work to do.." Haiz..
All ppl only know how to point fingers at mother.. how about father? If he cannot let me be SAHM then don't give me a BB to tie me down. I lost FREEDOM & alot of thing i wanted to do also can do already... My MIL is the most HORRIBLE women... especially during customary. Hiaz..

No wonder you put Tango baby. Your baby really Tango at night leh. When was the last nap he taken? Or in the day he sleep alot?


Try having a good talk with your hubby. Should sit down and work things out. If need to, ask him to pen it down as a form of commitment.

Hiaz...I chiam liao, got sick, pass to both my wife and gerrard. Need to bring both to see doc later also. Hiaz.......see gerrard and my wife cough, damm guilty and sad.
i remembered u ever told us abt ur situation b4...till now ur hb still the same? bb almost 6mths liao...he still bochap??? did u ever help u??? aiyo...poor gal...but dun worry...God made we, women strong...hmm..ever read from email...women are in fact stronger than men leh...especially MUMMIES!!!! so sandy sayang..hang on ah...bb will appreciate u when ur child grows up...sure knows 'ma ma de wei da'...

freedom: now i oso no freedom mah...my life evolves ard my 2 boys...me will still complain still but also 'xin gan qing yuan' loh...cos i know they are my life....cheer up hor!!

sandy: q sad to hear about ur story, neverthless pls be brave and live happy for ur bb. i believe one day ur hubby will understand what a family mean. i think he has not been able to accept and grown up yet, so u have to keep communicating wf him and make him understand he need to be responsible in u and bb.
yes, dun think too much just think of ur precious u'll be happy enough for everything. be brave ok, we mummies will support u here. cheer up!
dsii, saw ian's photo leh...

how do u find the photographer? is he good? how much is your package, $138?
hi dsiitan,
i'm from aug06 thread. just saw ur boy's photos. so adorable. could u share the package details with me? thanks.
Dear mummies,

My ger is turning 5 mths liao, I still hv not start any solid on her yet. planning to start around 5.5 mths. wat is the first solid that u all start giving har? plan to buy now..
If my husband is like u... haiz.
he now help abit but still complain. Worst is he go tell ppl that i never take care of BB at all....I just hope that he will realise one day the reason to all my frastration and hot temper.
My BB can sit already. Oh by the way, I am looking for Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Puppy . Anyone know where to buy?
Liverpool & kiki,
... he usually sleeps at 9pm leh, bed time... normally won't wake til abt 6 am for feed.... for the past 2 days i let him sleep mattress then he start flipping and landed on his tummy, then cryy... last time he use to zzz with me in bed
I fed my son 2-3 tablespoons of si shen brown rice wif ikan billis(oso using similac scoop) but one feed each day. maybe wait until he 6 months then i increase the freq to 2 feeds per day.
hahaha...u recognise ian ah???
my photographer is David lim..i paid $188...get back all pics taken in cd-rom..and 5 free 8R prints.this pic u saw is 1 of them that i got free...
mrs T
thks thks hehehee...now he weighs at 8.6kg...hmm...5 mths plus...

eeyore, erin00
hmm...photographer is david lim..he charges $188 for the whole package with 1 free makeup and 5 free 8R prints..hmm..he is a very patient guy loh...and very funny too..hahaha...

I'm so sad abt the story,, feel so glad that we hv our bb with us... now feel so pain in my heart abt the parent and the bb
ya dsii, I saw from this website as well... i used to take my maternity photo by benjamin too... now thot of taking family photo with our new family member... thot is $138, that's what I used to take... about 100 over softcopies but no free 8R loh...
i see. mine cd-rom abt nearly 400 pics leh...but some are repeated ones with diff expressions..hahhaa..flash keep flashing..
but u dun expect 400pcs with 400 pose lah..cos u may find some repeated one loh...like i said keep flashing so he kept capturing loh...then among the 400 pics..u choose the best shot to develop if u want to...
hi mummies
anyone confirm attendance this sat??? so far only myself, zlia and lucisa cfm??? cos need to let PM knows the no. of ppl so she can prepare hmm...food???? drinks??? hehehe...
hi mummies
anyone confirm attendance this sat??? so far only myself, zlia and lucida cfm??? cos need to let PM knows the no. of ppl so she can prepare hmm...food???? drinks??? hehehe...
Dsiitanm thanks alot, I was abt to ask how many mummies coming and what food u all want. Hehehe.I cannot cook hor, so u all just say wat u all want then I go and buy.

Think JP also wanna come, must sms her and confirm with her also. BTW, my hubby's friend's wife is also coming with her BB. Her BB boy DOB is 7/7/06.... earlier than E by 2 days.
Sandy, Dont be sad. Like u, a few of us here are also in the same situation as u. Sucky MIL, unhelpful hubby... but we're still happy coz we have our bb around us... We will soon reap our rewards with the effort we put in our bbs. I'm like u.. shot gunned,we werent even ROM yet.
Dsiitan, are u ordering HT? I let E try on the barley cereal yesterday.. He "pui" them out... Think he prefers frisocreme, mayb its sweeter.

The barley cereal is so light and flaky. I didnt know and shake then pour out..the wind blow then end up got to clean the whole kitchen table top. @#$@#$!
from last few rounds of gathering..dun prepare too much food..hahaha...cos ended up u will hv it as dinner..hahahaha...hmm...maybe juz some snacks loh..u want me to get anything on the way??? aiya..me eat anything one..hahahhaa...u shld know lah..or mummies from previous gathering...shld know my pattern liao

me tot og getthing brown rice and some jar food...havent email missmoon yet...aiyo...jialat..hahaha
