(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

A Merry Merry Christmas to you all!

Happy birthday to You! You so cute, Blessings openly asked and you so openly revealed your age!!!
32 still very young.. especially when you are already an accomplished mother of 2.

Yeah, me going back to work on 3rd Jan. Aiyoh, can't believe that's actually next week! I keep thinking about logistics now (bringing pumps, etc) how/when to sterilise, how I can fit my exercise schedule in.. I really need to exercise to get rid of my spare tyre.

You are really blessed.. to have baby consistently sleep from 8pm to 6am is excellent. My girl generally sleeps from 10+pm to 6am.. During the day she hardly sleeps (takes catnaps) and must be carried while she sleeps! As soon as I put her down, she will wail and wake up. I think she is really training my arm muscles..

Hi Mummies,

Hereby Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Sorry that I have MIA for quite a while, been really busy with lots of stuff.

Once again, have a Great Day Ahead!
Blessed birthday!!!!!!! Hope you are feeling all better. Keagan last night dunno what he up to...woke up at 3am then cry for 2 hrs before he slept...tired manz...

I rented the jumperoo for my son...he can't stay very long in it...so heng ah...i din buy...anyway he going to outgrow it soon liao. maybe you want to try renting and see if your kid likes or not before deciding.
thks for all the best wishes...thks nite_gal...thks jul04...thks z-lia!!!!!

my buddies for almost 15yrs...celebrated with me..hehehe...just a small makan session at one of the gal's place...hmm...last time celebrated at pubs...ktv...now just quiet time at home..haiz...really getting old liao manz....hehehe...

merry xmas to all!!!!!!

I have my hard time too. But we start training him when my wife was pregnant with him. We would on the TV set as per normal, when he was born, we also did the same. Even put him besides TV, he also can sleep soundly. 1st 2 nights, I have to carry him from 3am to 6am. But we decided to change his sleeping habit by playing with him in the day and play with him until about 8pm, then let him sleep. It takes about a week before he adjust to it. When he do wake up in the middle of the night, we try by giving him some water then pat him back to sleep. At least it works for us.....
Hello Mummies, just came back from kkh A&E not long ago. Brought my elder gal to there cos she's got bronchitis...again.
Then i'm having fever now. Too yaya liao. Kept telling my husband i'm not i'll when they are all cos i've been taking my vitamins everyday. So..it's all crap. Haha. And so now, i'm wrapped up in my comforter pumping milk and typing. So sad..cos i think i don't fall ill that often. Then like.. a few hours ago, i was just doing the cold compress thing on my elder gal, and she was like..fussing and crying. Then now, im feeling so bad, but i tell u ar..if anyone were to use the cold compress on me now, i'll prob box tt person. haha. so sad..can't even take mc tmr cos one of my team members is on leave.
Hi Mummies,

Wishing All A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Can i have the 2 tins of mamil gold step 2 if still availble??


Anyway, so pics to share



Merry Christmas Mummy...

Dsii...Happy Birthday...: )

Aiyo z-lia...takecare ya : ) should take MC if not well mah

Noif...aiyo yr bb so chubby leh, can sit so stable liao..my gal still long way to go men

Whitelady..Jumperoo my gal the most stay in it for 15min then dont wan liao, maybe is the jumping effect then she scream , after awhile tired liao...: ( exesaucer can leave her in up to 45min...! bumbo..waste of $, she never wan to sit in it at all...so sad! but I feel is up to individual bb lah...

Liverpool...gerrard seem happie on hoilday yar...he can stay put in car through out the journey? I tinking to brg my gal to genting next yr but scare she cant tahan in car to long leh
thks zita!!! thks noif!!!thks lollipop~!!! thks mich!!!!silent xmas and bday..hahahaha...just like ordinary weekend...no much diff....

hope u all enjoy this 'supposed to be romantic' day..hehehe
happy bday to u.

I did but i realise it is not due to his running nose. More of his bad sleeping habit. He loves his bolaster, just like his jie jie. Use it to rub n rub his face.

He like to turn and toss in his sleep, end up i cannot sleep cos feel extremely disrupting to me. This is a lousy xmas to me. Julian passed the cough and flu to his jie jie. Both kids were rushed to see PD. PD said Julian was ok but jie jie started to get sick.

I have to cancel all my xmas gathering. Confined ourselves and kids at home. Haizzz..

Same case for me, I got bad cough, flu n fever. In the end, pass them to Gerrard and my wife over X'mas period. Sianz.......

I went on a coach, so carry him all the way while on the way up in the coach. Have been cooperative throughout the trip.
hope all of u get well soon.
Flu is like that.. have to go away but stime it is hard not to get near our love one.

Today is another wet day.
Feel so down today, Suppose to be festival season..Juz back from work ,noe that my colleague 8mth son pass away , he was choke while the maid feed him milk..thinking of the days that we had gone thro pregnency n sharing the joy of our growing child is so heartpain n feellike crying to hear the news!
Morning mummies...

What a wet wet morning after the christmas. Did u all mummies had a very blessed and wonderful christms?..

missed out quite a lot here as just came back to work(off on last fri)hehe.. sorry for the miss out!!!

Dsii:: happy happy belated birthday and may u b a beautiful and happy mummy always.

zita27: i went to kiddypalacce and had my precious try on the jumperoo, wow he likes it so much and tot of buying for him. ya, my boy also doesnt like the bumboo chair, he kept wanting to get out but ganna stuck in it cos of his chubby legs... so farnni...

yesterday i just got bran bran a new bed...keekee..
Kiki...that the reason i bought...hahaha, went to marina kiddy palace right? she giddgle so much, still laugh for at least 10min after we left! but after i buy ...never c that reaction again...
disii, happy birthday to you! Kind of special to be born on Xmas day :)

hong, i have yet to try apple cider drink. Will try soon.

nite gal, enjoy your last week of leave.

NOIF, your boy so chubby... my gal's eyes similar to his, small small one.. hee

liverpool, your boy has nice hair. Envy, envy.

Hope those who are sick will recover soon.

Mummies, some of my girl's clothes and bibs fa1 mei2 leh. Now have a hard time removing the fungus. Guess it is due to the cool weather. Must be hard working to wash her clothes more often. My menses finally came on Sunday. It's my first one after delivery.
Zita27: nope, me went to the TPY kiddy cos is near to my mum house. yalor, perhap i shldnt buy the jumperoo on impuluse. what kind of exersaucer u bought? hold old ur gal now?

sorry to hear bad news of ur colleague's son.life so unpredictable really...sigh.

NoIF: ur boy is so chubby and adorable, look at his hands and legs... hehe..

All mummies got to take care due to the cold weather ya!!!...
Zita27: nope, me went to the TPY kiddy cos is near to my mum house. yalor, perhap i shldnt buy the jumperoo on impuluse. what kind of exersaucer u bought? hold old ur gal now?

sorry to hear bad news of ur colleague's son.life so unpredictable really...sigh.

NoIF: ur boy is so chubby and adorable, look at his hands and legs... hehe..

All mummies got to take care due to the cold weather ya!!!...
Happy belated birthday!

Had a very busy xmas, got so many gatherings to attend. At least put on another 1 kg after all the xmas dinner.

U mean the baby choked on milk? U mean choking on milk can cause death?
thks mummies for the wishes...

yenny wow..so lucky got all the gatherings and parties to attend...my bday/xmas this yr so boring...nothing leh...haiz...

aiyo...how come can choke on milk??? then the maid kena scold bo? y never pay attn to the bb when he drank milk? i always scolded my hb when he feed bb...cos he will stare at the yv screen and forgot abt my son drinking milk...

just came back from jab..and yes, the nurse jab him with another type of DPT...she siad this kind will have lesser possiblity on causing fever...me pray hard that she's correct...pls...no fever...pls...Dr gave another kind of fever medicine that is stronger (nurofen)...but ian still too young to take that one unless hit 39 degrees.(touch wood)...so i aked doc if less than 39 how? he said just give him more water and sponge him loh..wah piang...me damn sianz liao..and of cos WORRIED~!!!!!
Kikimy gal coming 6mthexesaurce I bought the cheap wan 1st safety during promotion is $80/-I tink is festinated by the surrounded toy jumperoo she jump jump then tired liao! so i feel if tinking of let her have fun then is good, but if to keep her in then u do yr stuff...then i dont recommend...

Yennyya choke by milk. We have to be more careful when feeding our baby, tink is not the first case this year liaojuz that never though it will happen to someone I noe.


I feel the maid deserve more then scolding, a life is gone due to her carelessness! She was under investigation by police! Dont understand y she told my colleague that baby fall down, when after autopsy is being choke.
hello mummies
hope everyone had a good x'mas break!! next weekend also long weekend, yeeaahh!

mummies who are still interested in the HT stuff, pls PM me, can? may not be ordering from Damon & Diome cos promotion period over liao.

dun worry ah, ian shld be fine, so far so good, right??
hi mummies,

Happy holidays to all!
I was overwhelmed by work and fell sick hence been inactive.

Regarding the exersaucer, i brought baby to toys r us for a try and he loved it! Especially the more expensive Leap Frog one. We decided not to buy in the end as we thought its not practical as baby will most probably not like to be confined in it for a long time and its not cheap...

Hong, its me from 8th floor!
so far still ok..but must wait and see this evening...pray hard manz...
can i view the products catalogue ah??? but hor...can keep one bo? cos just now told the nurse that i tried to give cereal to ian, she said no need ah..can wait till he 6 or 7mths..to reduce allergy..so i i order the HT products now...can keep for 1-2 mths bo>????
eh like that ah, i think dun order first lo. so far the food jars and cereal expiry dates in late 2007 and 2008 respectively. can keep but must keep in cool place.

my PD say can start porridge now leh...but i think i wait until 8 months to intro meats. now stick to cereal and purees.
Zita, So sad to hear that yr colleague's bb case. My boy always choke and cough while he's drinking milk, especially when he latches on. Maybe the let down is too strong. How's yr colleague coping?

I felt damn guilty yesterday. I went out with hb and left Emerson to my granny and aunt to take care. When I came back he got one ba lu ku and also I dunno what's he drinking. I saw his milk very unusual colour. My gran took it from the small tin of Similac that I left there. Expiry 2008... but its abit too late coz he has taken 1 feed and almost finishing the bottle when I discover it. *Pray hard* that it be ok.

Suppose to bring E to the doc for his 5th mth jab, but rainy season, hard to bring him out. He almost turning 6th mths liao.. Hahaha.
dunno leh...i think they wanna play safe too loh...

dun order now ah??? then u will organise again bo???
most likely i will order from nature's glory cos the promo from Damon&Diome ended liao. for collection, either from Simei or if in town, it's United Square area. i can ask fruitee to pass to u at sengkang?

eh...if u wan, can get 2 boxes or so to store first, then once ian starts eating regularly, then u stock up. but must make sure it is kept in cool dry place lah, heh.
Hi mummies,
Have been very very busy these few days cos gotta attend some gatherings & hold 2 x'mas parties at my plc.

Run here & there until I fell sick. Been feeling nausea & giddy since yesterday. Even broke out in cold sweat. Luckily hubby around to help out.

Surprisingly, bb very cooperative. She enjoyed all the parties & didn't fuss at all. She even allowed strangers to carry her while they passed her around. haa..haa...

Hi missmoon,
Can I also have the catalogue? Thx in advance!!

Hi Dsii,
Happy Belated Birthday!!

Oh dear..we really have to been very careful when feeding our bb. How's ur friend doing now? Hope she's ok.

Holiday trip:
Thinking of driving up to Cameron Highlands wif my gal next yr. Hopefully can 'jo' my friend to go wif us, then can alternate the driving. Else, will b tiring.
