(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi Lok,
Is the staple available in singapore. i search the web sound like is a more simple and less painful procedure as compare to those traditional method.

Lok,may n fruitee

i oso feel pain at my left leg,much better after i went for acupancture.Used to b very painful esp at night.

when i was in e hospital,e nurse oso gave me Tramadol as painkiller.wat's r e side effects?they didnt mention to me lah?
mine is like pain when going to rain... nowadays raining season.. wah.. the pain unbearable!
Joykel - Side effect is giddiness...

Mums, how's yr BB's poo? Baby E poos once a day dark green colour and is very sticky..and smelly too...but I'm still giving him breastmilk leh, why will the poo change?
hi may, i also have pain in my knees! but i dun think its feng shi leh. itas more like i can feel the friction of the joints rubbing against each other.. dunno why leh.. if sit too long can feel very hard to straighten the legs lor...
Hi PM,
My gal poos about once or twice a day. But sometimes, she'll poo 3 times a day. The 1st time I fed her brown rice, her poo is dark brown (like adult poo). But after tat, her poo becomes normal (mustard colour). My gal's poo is also very sticky. Diff to wipe off. But I feed her water before milk leh...dunno y...
Hi PM,
Did u change ur diet? Tat may cause the poo to change colour. But as long as ur boy drinks well & poo regularly, it should b fine.
Hi mummies,
My gal's flip is very funny. Cos I put her sleep on her tummy, she learnt to flip from back to front. I saw her pushing her head against the cot headboard, raise her buttok, tuck her knees under her tummy & flip over. Heng I put cot bumper around the cot, else she'll definitely get blue black on her head.
PM, tt's Germayn, not Lycia. haha. The person taking the pic was making some sound to catch her attention, so she was looking into the camera lor.

These days I've been lazy.. only pumping 2 times a day... Think cannot tahan till July next yr liao. haha.
misaryeo, interval is roughly 12 hours... will increase back to 3 times. actually intention is to pump 3 times.. but lazy... then have been overslpg.
Very busy with work so lately I just read the thread but have not write in to chat with everyone.

Hope everyone and babies had recovered from any illnesses.

Wah, Dsii, so good- Ian can flip already. Mine need assistance to do flip.

Also I have not started on solid. Since my baby is sensitive to diary product, I think I wait abit longer before I introduce other food.
Hi misaryeo, Me too, my joints making "cracking" noise when I do yoga.. Just started to do some serious yoga last week. Have to sign up a course. Initially tot I could do at home so bought quite a number of DVD from HMV. But in the end, either very distracted by baby or distracted by my bed, so end didn't do. The only way to get me on my feet and do exercise is to go out of the house!!
Dear all,

my joints esp my knees are painful at times...esp when standing for too long, once bend, can feel the ache. I was doing a post-natal session at Rustic Nirvana and they told me that it happens because of water retention in the body. It takes a while for the water to be removed from the body after delivery. Aiyo, somemore my water retention is on the high side....sigh...no wonder so fat!

I was really sleepy cos Ryan woke up at 1am for feed after his last feed at 10pm...then he woke up again at 4 plus...cant be hungry, I thought! So my hb carried him....then he woke up again at 5 plus where I BF him....wah, I am really very very tired. Not too sure if it is due to his vaccinations or due to his cough oe that he is really hungry...sigh. I hope he will return to his normal timing soon (sleep thru the night).
I would like to buy Goat's rue @ 40sgd for 60 capsules to increase my breastmilk supply, but need min 25 bottles to order. Supplier told us that stock coming in week after next, so would like to gather mummies interested ASAP. Pls PM me if interested, Thks!
Hi misaryeo,
Dun worry. Each bb develop differently & at diff pace.

Hi Blessings,
Can get water rentention pills from ur GP? My GP prescribed me 2 courses of medication. I keep going to toilet, but lost about 2kg weight.
Z-lia - Oppppss.. sorry, i thought it was Lycia coz her head is so stable. Emerson's head is like ding ding dong dong one.. hard to get him to look at the camera...

YB - I replace one of his feed with Brown Rice. His poo became brown-green colour and very sticky too. Why huh? I seldom give him water coz doc advise not to since he's not drinking enough milk.
Hi PM,
Cos brown rice is semi-solid food. Once our bb started eating solid food regularly, their poo will become more like adults. I gave my gal water cos brown rice is more heaty. I just make sure she sips some water before every feed. Purpose is to make sure she's used to drinking plain water, helps to relieve heatiness from brown rice & also to clean bb's mouth.
Why not drinking enough milk cannot give water leh? I thought must give more water to prevent dehydration. My bb poo is yellow green, pasty ever since he started on Frisocreme, poos once a day or once in 2 days.

Seems like a lot of bbs flipping. My bb is too lazy, not even trying to flip..when is he going to flip...
Take pills to reduce water retention? Wah....sounds very serious leh. I think I will go to Rustic more often and see how it goes...

Aiyo, Ryan is not very little milk. Worried leh. This morning only take 60ml...then one hour later, my mum feed him brown rice...the slept. When he woke up, he make noise so my mum thot is time for milk but when gave to him, he only take 20ml..,and refused to take in anymore but drink water readily. Worried manz...
Hello mummies,

seem like most of the bb can flip liao hor.
My ger still cannot lei, may be is we always carry her. she likes to be carried if not will make alot of noise.
btw usually when is ur bb start to flip har?
HI Jasline,

According to the PD, it's better to give bb milk than water. If give too much water, bb will then feel full and reject milk. So actualy if you want bb to drink milk, give less water i feel. I tried giving bb water an hour before her milk before and true enuff, she doesnt drink as much when it's time for milk.

Hi Shining,

My bb cant flip too..she's another lazy one..but according to babycenter.com, there's no need to worry as some bb can only flip at six months when their muscles are more developed. And that would be better cos when flip over, bb can use hands to support and lift heads up.
Hi blessings,
My doc gave me water rentention pills to help me lose weight also. Before tat, didn't know I still have so much water in my body. Very effective, took pills for 1 wk, lost 2kgs.

Okay if ur boy willing to take brown rice. Mayb he likes the taste. Perhaps u can try mixing a little bit of brown rice in his milk so tat he can drink more? What brand of brown rice did u buy? I bought the Moon Rabbit Brand Instant brown rice. Can prepare like FM. Just add a little bit into the milk & mix. Nice smell.
ian today better liao...but the upper lips area still got a bit rashes loh...but alot better than monday...hope he will get well soon..i kept telling him to recover soon..(as if he knows) if not not yao tao liao...somemore becos of the medication his milk intake drop alot...
Hi YB,

Really ah? Can lose weight? Which doc did u go? Too much water retention in body is no good...

Currently my boy is taking Healthy Times (HT) Brown Rice cereal...only one teaspoon mixed with FM...he just started on spoon feeding...so taking it in a slow pace. Yah, I did think of brown rice powder into the milk...not too sure if HT can or not...or shld buy the Moon Rabbit Brand or Eu Yan Sang.

Can try canesten cream...given to me by PD cos Ryan has rashes on his neck and chest too...very effective..cleared fast. You can get from pharmacist.
Hi dsiitan,
Dun worry about him yan dao or not lah..bb's metabolic rate very fast, their skin heals very fast one...Hmm...is the medication making him drowsy? If he sleeps a lot, he might not wake up for feeds lor...

Hi blessing,
Not sure if HT brown rice ceral is instant or not. Think mostly have to cook 1st.

I went to my GP in Hougang lor..He treated my hyperthyroidism last time. Now, I'm cured, but need to go back for checkup in 6mths time.

Ya, water rentention in body not good lah..whole body will feel bloated. Serious cases will even feel sore & cannot walk.
Today my gal woke up at 4am crying for milk. Then 9am cry for milk again. Think she needs more milk now, so I make 6oz for her. Wah, she finished till not a single drop left. Think I'll increase from 1/2 scoop of brown rice to 1 scoop liao. Mayb she now on a growth spurt.
Hi YB,

5 hours interval shld be hungry for your girl...yah, think she is in her growth spurt...she is going into her 5th month soon?
ya loh dropalot..used to drink 150moi..now 80 or 90...at times 50mlonly ah..pengz./..but maybe becos taking medication so no appetite bah...

supposed to make him drowsy..but he slept a whoile woke up liao leh...maybe after stop medicine...his milk intake will come back loh...
Jasline - Doc says drinking water will make him feel full too, he will drink more if he's thirsty.

YB - So envious, your bb likes to drink milk.. Dsii we are in teh same boat.. sigh...

I realise my bb drinks even lesser in the following feeds after he drinks the brown rice w milk in the afternoon... is it because he's very full? I extended the 3hr interval to 3.5hr liao leh...
My bb also lazy boy, he wont initiate the flip himself unless u position him on his sides.. then he sort of.. fall on his tummy.. Haha..is that consider flipping??
u can give water as u feed him brown rice. once start on solid food, should give more water else will get constipation.

i think my son oso ahving growth spurt. he drinks 180ml every 3/4 hrs with one meal of cereal everyday. He can finish one feed within 5mins, not leaving a single drop too. When i pull out the teat, he will cry like not enough. My hubby even commented tat the bottle(the pigeon wide neck one) cannot hold more milk liao.
hi mummies!

Keagan took his 2nd 5in1 yest. Thank God, no fever. PD say his weight and size is equiv to a 9mth old! 8.451kg. Put on 1kg in a mth.

YB, my PD said that Keagan not teething yet. the small white spots on the top of his gums are saliva glands. he say teething, when you feel it, can feel the jagged and hard edges. maybe you can feel Kaylyn's one and see if hard and jagged not?

Dsii, Ian's picture so cute!

Emerson is on the verge of flipping. Initially got to help them turn on their side then they turn onto their tummies. Then they learn to turn from their back to side then to their tummies. Once they get that, wah..then they can flip real quick liao.

Are you on TBF? Is Emerson's poo mucousy?
Yenny, there's a bigger bottle for that Pigeon one...

My niece which is pre term and only 1 mth + is drinking as much as Emerson.. So cak sim....

Jul04 - I always attempt to help him but stop by my hubby, he says he shld learn on his own..if not he grow up depnding on us.. I think he's so "military"!! I'm not on TBF, he poo is sticky yah.. i think mucousy too... Just that the colour changes from inital mustard colour to greenish brown.. and stinko too.. scares me..

u can get the bigger bottle for pigeon. My ger is using the bigger bottle now. It marks till 250ml but can hold more.

glad that Ian is better.

E drinking habit still erratic? I rbr when we started brown rice for my ger we feed brown rice with milk at nite so she can sleep longer but it doesnt works. I just tested on Julian with brown rice from EYS. He took well but I will be feeding him once a week till 6th month then once a day.

Amazing that little Kaylyn can drink so much.

Keagan is so big! Infact, i think 1kg a month is ok. He will maintain at 97 percentile.
