(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

mummies thks...
me alright lah...just sim tia my dear boy has to go thru all these loh...

ya loh..he looks like a few mths old bb..even the nurses at MC also said that...thats y he was a star in nursery..and i hv to wait for them to acrry ian liao liao..then they pushed him in to me loh..hahaha....his eyes slightly better but mouth area still abit swollen loh...then he cough and to me like no voice and lots of phelgm...the voice coarse one loh...haiz...

how come Ian also has cough ? Is it because of the panadol?

I took Ryan to see the PD yesterday evening for his cough. PD said is dry cough and gave cough suppressant. Once reached home, gave him his FM, after finishing, my hb burped him and he vomited out his milk...the milk showed some slimy whitish phelgm but PD said no phlegm...strange. Anyway, I take it that he felt better after it.. and gave him his medicine. How he hated the medicine! Shortly an hour later, he asked for his milk again.

When I told the PD that his milk intake dropped, she said is ok since his weight is not affected. Sometimes I wonder why they are not worried abt the drop in milk intake...I am! Even though weight is ok, but still must maintain the intake to maintain the weight mah...sigh.
dsii - Dont worry, Ian will get better. The rest of the mummies too. I am allergy to a group of painkillers NSADIS and panadol is one of them. I realised BBs now are quite weak, as in abit abit they become sick liao... cough, runny nose, fever etc etc. I am very caution with my 16mths nephew, coz he is always have runny nose...

MTDT - Maybe u can try Karvol (sp?) for babies, its like vicks but its for babies.
Blessings,I know what u mean... my boy's weight didnt drop but never increase, I am also very worried. Trying to make him drink more these days, but he always end up vomitting. Sigh.
Dsii - Yup, after eating, my eyes and lips swollen n red.... When i was in the hospital, they gave me tramadol as pain killers - no effect and make me feel dizzy coz of the side effects...
Hi mummies, i had applied online for my bb passport when he was b4 1 month old..its really fast except that when collection of passport, u need to bring your baby there and its really crowded though its on weekday..I went elsewhere then come back around 1 hr plus so missed the queue no but can jus go back to any counter and they will serve u too..knowing u carrying a baby mah...
ya loh...ian oso eyes swollen the lips too...then the skin area ard the mouth like chin area...all rashes...but hor..not immediately got rashes leh...sat took panadol then tmonday morning rashes liao...then if u fever or headache take wat???
hmm...last time for isaac...i went to get the passport but very fast leh..osos a weekday..but i just waited abt 10mins..then my turn liao...but like YB said...now the new biometrics passport maybe different cos all rush to renew bah...then maybe wait longer...but still u dun hv to go down 2 times mah...1st to apply then to collect..online cheaper and more convenient
Hi PM,

Yah...babies seems to get sick very easily. Why huh? Is it bacause they are not fully BF? But I know bbs immune system after 3rd month will drop...so have to be careful and now year-end, the weather is turning cold and the flu season kicks in as well.
if do online, it's their personal own passport hor.. no more tagging along with parents liao rite? Then need thumb print bo?

How's little Ian now?
wah..long long time ago no tag with parents liao loh...all individual passport loh...no need thumbprint...

ian so far ok...eyes not swollen liao..can open big big liao...but the mouth area still red red..and rashes ard the chin and at the jawline...hmm..like the pic u saw loh...my fren told me her son allergic to antibiotics..and that time the rashes took abt 1 week to go off...aiyo...so long hor
hahaha... pai sey, si bei sua ku ah me... 1st child mah... now what century liao, I still think about last time my passport tag along with my mum.. ahhaha.. silly me

at least the eyes not swollen liao.. will get better one.. he got fever??
dsii, huh.. long time ago no tag with parents liao ar. haha. i didn't know, till i called ICA to find out ytd. then thought this thing only came recently.

blessings, Germayn on tbf but also like tt... as in.. she had runny nose a few days ago... it's better now, not so..runny... but when she breathes sometimes will still have the blocked nose sound.
i am oso allergic to some antibiotics. The first time i took it, my whole face swollen like pig head. I rested for abt one week and the swelling subsided. So dun worry. Eh u worry, Ian can sense it.

do u know when is the baby's growth sprut? Now my baby drinks 180ml every 3/4hrs in addition to 1 cereal feed everyday, even at nite.

Were u at the clinic last nite?
Think we better go update ourselves liao.. hahah... last night my hb somemore can tell me, Kayden's passport tag with you hor... cannot tag with mine... ahhahha... tonite I can go suan him already... *wink wink*
HI Yenny,

Good that you bb can drink? What is yr bb weight & height now? Growth spurts varies....3 to 4 months and 6 months I think but depends on babies.
Hi Yenny,

U lucky gal that your bb is drinking well. Mine drinks only 110ml every three hours...it used to be very two hours. PD says its normal for drinking to decrease at four months and the next growth spurt will be 6 months when bb will drink more since he/she more active.

Btw, are mummies here still bringing your bb to the PD at the hospital where u deliver?? I do but beginning to find it a bit ley-chey cos mine is at Glen-E ..very far!
few yrs back i think...isaac's passport was made 3 yrs plus ago..be4 that my nephew already received letter to change to individual passport liao..so abt 4-5yrs ago the rule chnaged liao...ur hb also blur blur ah...hehehe..u too leh...the 2 of u perfect match..hehehe...u not silly lah...cute mah like that..blur blur.

u also allergic ah??? swollen like pig head?? cham ah...then must be very very xin ku...itch bo??? me see ian like very cham...haiz...now his cough too...cough till like sound very sha ya...milk intake aiyo...damn miserable...60ml...gd times 100ml the max...then can last for 6-7 hrs dun drink milk....like that hor..sure slim down manz

I only brought my PD to MT E where I delivered once, then I bring him to the nearby clinic near my mum place....very ley chey to go all the way to Mt E. Anyway, all PDs are the same, whether you find them good or not.
wah piang... somemore 4-5 yrs liao... cham ah.. I think I really have to open myself to the world.. coming out from the cave hole liao.. ahahahhahah....
My hb also blur.. ahahhaha
hi hi...

me down with flu n fever. on 2 days MC! :p

passport - me n hubby also tot can tag with mum's passport!!! hahaha... all sooo sua ku! :p
Lok, yes i went to see doc. Doc also suggest i go for check up at specialist and do a so call rubber band when it is quiet. But I heard it will be painful for at least a week after the procedure and super painful when pass motion, is it true. I'm so scare !
haha. my hubby also thought can tag. ytd i was telling him i'll submit application online. then he said can meh... must bring your passport down ma. haha.

anyway, here's Germayn's passport photo. hahaha.
zlia - sooooo cute!!

i also wan to go make passport. must start snapping pics of bb with white background liao!
sooo cute! managed to capture a mimi smile hehee...her eyes look so nice...blue-green from this pic

ok...time to get serious about the passport application.
yah i was in clinic last nite. The Spring Clinic at my area. Are u ard my area? Kenna the flu bug from collick yesterday.

germayn so cute.

i dunno abt the rubber band thingy but heard abt the staple method. Think the surgeon will give LA. Sometimes, it's a matter of chang tong or duan tong...


i still bring Joshua back to the PD at TMC. Cos TMC near my place and at least for the 1st 6 mths, I feel it's good to stick with 1 doc.
the clinic next to seven eleven rite? yeah, saw u inside the clinic when i was on my way to my mum house from the bus stop.

wah, now like a lot of babies and mummies sick leh. I oso got fever last nite but was ok this morning after taking panadol. hubby asked me to take mc but too many things to do at work, so cannot afford to take mc.
Hi Lok and Blessings,

Oh i see there are differing views on this. Now I cant wait for the third final 5-in-1 jab to be over...

Btw, any mummies here experiencing sore limbs? My wrists and knees joints feel like tearing apart!! My mum says it's probably 'Feng - Shi', rheumatism.
Hi missmoon,

Did you apply any ailment? My Dr says its useless to apply anything....shucks..am i supposed to live with this pain for the rest of my life???

ref: wrist
it may be tendonitis, inflammation of the tendon due to rubbing with the bones. After going through the pain for 4 mths, i realized it is getting very common for new mummies though my gynae says it only affects 5% of her patients. Go see a doctor and if it's really tendonitis, they may refer u to an orthopaedic. I took steriod jabs, now completely pain-free.
Hi Lok and blessings,

Tks for info. I'll go and do a more detailed check this Fri. Dunno wat kind of deal is this, being a mother and having to cope with post-natal blues, hairloss, "disfigurement" of figure, feng shi, etc etc..the list goes on.....though the growth of our healthy baby bring the smiles back to our face :))
Hi May,
After the PD checkup in hospital where my gal was borned, I've never brought her to see any PD.

I brought my gal to GP for 6-in-1 & for her other illness etc. More convenient cos it's near my hse (can just walk over) & much cheaper also. I think I'm also a bit bo chap lah, cos I dun bring my gal to c GP even when she has colic, feeding problems, cough etc...Only asked doc when I bring her for the scheduled 6-in-1 jab.
dsiitan, PM
I also allergic to Panadol leh...same as PM, take already lips and eyes will be swollen and red. I can only take 1 type of medicine for fever, and I am getting immune to it liow. As for headache I will "ren" until bo pian then take that fever medicine but take 3hrs to be effective.

Hi mummies,
Tried doing situps last night. Wah! I can't hardly sit up! Feel like got something at the pelvic area blocking. My hubby says mayb my waist dun have strenght anymore or maybe it's because we exerted too much pressure on our pelvic during preg & it's not recovered yet. Cham lah...like tat how to tone tummy muscles??
